Is the female equivalent of a beta a slut?

Is the female equivalent of a beta a slut?
An alpha woman isn't a slut.
Not all willy-nilly anyway an alpha would only put out if it was to her advantage in the long run

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alpha womyn are stacies and stacies are sluts
the female equivalent of betas is socially awkward girls. The ones that get bullied and excluded in school. The ones that end up with depression and eating disorders. One would think they would be after similar guys like themselves betas but surprise surprise, they are not. Nobody wants to get impregnated with genetical waste.

It's a Thad.
Thot + Chad

She uses her beauty to ensnare helpless man and steal thier wallets.

I think stacies are the betas where as the autist chicks are deltas (or less)
An alpha woman will use the allure of pussy to tame and influence without having to put out.

An alpha woman has more power than an alpha man as she can cause to alphas to fight for her and then has her pick of the genepool.

Deltas sound nicest of them all. You shouldn't want to manipulate people for money. Have standards.

That just sounds retarded. No woman is worth fighting over. No matter how pretty. You can always find another one

That's pussy talk.

There is no such thing as an alpha female. Nietzche said a woman’s best achievement in life would be to birth an Ubermensch. Women themselves cannot become ubermenschen.

No such thing as Alpha female, women are inherently submissive. nd being manipulative doesn't make you "alpha"