It's out
saw it on youtube. it's shit
What did he mean by this?
is it worse than 1080p EVO AC3? how is the audio?
Just looked it up and AC3 audio is worse than AAC so its probably better, the audio sounded weak in the EVO one
Aliens was the only good movie in the series. I'm happy that Ridley Scott retroactively undermined the first one.
You mean Aliens is the only bad one of the trilogy and prequels
Aliens was shit, even Resurrection was better.
After consuming all the hype I feel I've already seen the movie and have no need to really watch it.
Its straight
Movie was great. Saw it three times. Don't need a rip. I'm getting the blu-ray.
Ridley Scott is a senile piece of shit who needs to stop fucking up his lore
we got kino
Isnt this the movies that was going to be prometheus 2 but since that shit was so bad they half assed and changed it something else?
why even bother with this shit, of course its shit
Alien Covenant was better than Promteheus, and Prometheus was already a good film imo. Prometheus being bad was a meme. The movie made a bucket load of cash for Fox.
I watched it. Korean subs and everything. Man, what a shitty movie.
In what way?
pleb get out
Superior oink
shill detected
I like the aesthetic and of everything in the movie but the writing/plot/acting/pacing whatever gave me cancer.
that line was fucking cringe
my toughs:
shit lore
I liked how they do the maximum possible amount of damage to the cargo bay to blow one alien out of a giant airlock, it was also satisfying to see the alien impaled on the forklift so we know it dies before being blasted into outer space.
Ridley Scott should just kill himself while he's still got a shred of credibility left.
Alien was great but every other movie was fucking trash, especially aliens.