Be honest this was funny.
Everyone knows if Trump was really ever quartered and decapitated he would be tarred and feathered beforehand.
Be honest this was funny
Other urls found in this thread:
Its not funny
It would be funny if she at least did a fake shock vid, instead we got "le im edgy yet?" pic
Why do people even hate trump so much?
Maybe because hes a fat man who still tweets like a little kid
because he's a piece of shit and one of the worst presidents in terms of understanding economics
Preventing the first woman from being president, no matter how corrupt she may be.
On image alone, it lacks anything that would be considered funny unless you have a hate trump boner and need news to fulfill that desire.
It reminds me too much of actual reporters being decapitated by terrorist and posing with their heads to find any humor in it and I think a lot of people felt that way. The comedy element was missing and needed a better format to convey it if that was the actual intention.
the media told them to
How would you know?
feels good not to be american
Lmao this cant be real
Why can't goons, shills and leftists at least not rehash their failed edited meme?
It is lol
a tree is judged by the fruit it bears
Your mom is shit then tbh fam smh
That's why he's the best president ever!
Could you imagine being an anti-Trump verified twittard, wasting all your days and nights tweeting at him a dozen of messages in a row because you feel that your keyboard activist life depends on it?
I wonder if 20 years from now they'll even look back at their mass hysteria and acknowledge that they lost their minds because their candidate lost the election.
that's a finnish proverb. cultural appropriation!
Amazing. Spectacular. Enrapturing.
I'm envious of you, my national leader wants an ethnic genocide of the native citizens. Trump is a high powered shitposter.👌
This. Mine is too busy dating an old woman.
You can say "fucking", you know. "Dating" isn't a real thing and is an euphemism invented by women to tee-hee around their fornication.
I still think he's a faggot, even if he married a dried-up cunt.
t. virgin
It's still true.
To be fair, if he weren't a neoliberal, autogenocidal cuck, that'd make him an epic shitposter.
there's that word again
I didn't say "fucking" because I didn't want to make you throw up by the thought of it.
It's not though, you're a virgin who doesn't even know actual women
He's the textbook definition of a neoliberal:
* socially liberal
* pro-"free market"
* supports the welfare state
So they're not fucking? Do they just go the movies and then home, concluding the evening with a peck on the cheek? You're retarded.
They arent
Because Macaron is gay
This is the best timeline of all
WTF I love Trump now!
Then why did she cry and whine?
As already said in replies to you, it killed le first wymym president meme and enough people are stupid enough to eat whatever the media feeds them. There are genuine reasons to be upset with Trump, sure, but the majority of what people will say is "HE'S A MEANY JERK FACE ]:^(((((("
The majority of people are stuck in a fantasyland that's been constructed for them since birth, a mythology of long-ranging stretch going back generations, even centuries. People have all the luxuries they want with zero need for any contemplation. You've heard of virtue signaling, yes? It all comes down to people desperately affirming themselves in a social setting which makes sure the comforting mythology stays in place. That's why they sperg out so quick and so harshly, because the gentlest of prodding gets them into an almost immediate psychotic break. They can't handle reality, much less civil discussion, much less any indication that they could possibly be wrong. They can't even fathom that dem ebil nazis they're so worried about were once them, that there are reasons that people moved out from the fantasy and are trying to in fact help them leave as well.
This one is funnier
not cool, bro
Not really.
her head is as thin as her neck
Why can't women be funny?
Drumpfcucks on suicide watch
And he's fucking great.
He's putting the MSM in it's place and having fun doing it.
Boy do I feel bad for the libshit cucks who can't enjoy this.
He's a jerk.
because he's a con man how can you trump cucks still support this man
please explain why this is funny. I'm not even a Trump supporter but I don't see how this is funny. I don't even think it was meant to be funny, it's just a political statement.
What's the backstory on that one? It's like they're trying their best to be the most evil fucks in existence.
not even an Americuck, just seemed like bait to get a response so she could become a professional victim.