Another internet dumb fuck

Another internet dumb fuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:!KgQy0ZSQ!Pzc34c6kNrrV1IRaADQNMiJrSnmiI4WitP0aVM4yBE0!Lx4n2Zyb!PkEfYdopu_h3-mnNMbe9QQcg4ksSrGojQUE4NiRvOLA

his sister sounded like a qt, for that reason i have no sympathy for him

Attached: c2.jpg (426x606, 44.79K)


Really? Was his life really that terrible? He barely made a start. This is depressing

There's a sticky thread directly above this one, you internet dumb fucks.

it reached its reply count dumb nigger

This you stupid fucker

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please tell me they at least took up the lifetime warranty on that bandana

Attached: RAINBOW-CAT3.jpg (548x548, 27.97K)

RIP, may he sing with the Angles forever more.

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Kind of looks like something Antifa would wear. Also a bit weird that you would cover your face before blowing your brians out.

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Too bad it isn't 12ga resistant.

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Attached: RAINBOW-CAT.png (800x800 92.63 KB, 76.59K)

'protection against moisture wicking'.. would you not want it to wick moisture away?

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rainbow and a cat is the sort of choice an LGBQT furry would go for. Wonder if he caught GRIDS etc, I see it's rampant in the gay and tranny community. Something like 66% of all trannies get HIV and most if their partners therefore also get it. Would be a good enough reason to redecorate the ceiling.


Now the La creatura has 56% less of a head.

I hate people who use the internet

This shit blew my mind.

probably with a shotgun next to the body you silly cunt

Attached: B1XHJ1Fv-.gif (499x281, 1.42M)


Has anyone found out why/how this kid has a KSG? Even in burgerland its pretty weird for some young robot to just have an expensive tacticool weapon like that.

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La creatura detected

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Birth of the 100% La creatura is not human.

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Just a threadly reminder, if your gonna an hero on cam, try not to be this much of a turbofaggot in your final moments.

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buying a KSG was one of the only things he did right.

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reminder that this is you

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i was referring to the off by one part.

you seem a bit butthurt friend.

extremely grateful to that one dude for the only good oc


halfchan has been cucked beyond saving tbh. Although Holla Forums's Holla Forums is currently going through a rough time, its merely because pedos have left, an were hals the userbase. But that's nothing to worry about. After all, you have the separate the wheat from the chaff.


With the recent invasions we've been having of cuckchan users Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums have all been more or less killed off.

I wish I could buy a shotgun in my shitty country.
When my time comes I'll have to resort to some shitty experimental suicide method.

i, myself came from halfchan 4 years ago. Can't really blame them

I actually kind of feel bad for him and his family
I mean, you can grow out of suicidal thoughts, that fucking sucks

Who are the people talking over it?

we have her direction we can send pizza

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I wish more people were considerate like this dude and streamed their an heroing.
This shit is awesome.

Attached: R9Kweebmeetswaifu.webm (1920x1080 917.29 KB, 1.4M)

Suicide and depression are major symptoms of being a mutt. I speak from experience. Remember children, never race mix under any circumstance

Anime is a mental disorder.

Growing out of depression isn't that hard.
Now growing out of being homeless and unemployable? not so simple.

Attached: 59a.jpg (341x512, 114.17K)

Allahu Ackbar!

Mask on
Fuck it, mask off
Mask on
Fuck it, mask off
Molly, Percocets

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It was nice of him to put up a tarp.

That 9-1-1 operator was a fucking dumb whore!

fucking saved

There isn't enough applause in the world.

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Shotgun, robots (robots)
Blowin my brains at my mom's spot.

Attached: laugh99.gif (220x142, 293.41K)

for what purpose
his brains are everywhere

Yes, but someone somewhere will have pics of the tarp and its contents. The police will take pics and someone will link them and we'll have fresh gore!

Are people still saying this is fake?


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It's a win win win for me.
Nothing of value was lost.

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I called them kind of

seems real

>chooses to go out in front of the only people he felt loved him back while dressing like a fag

It's amazing to see the state of cuckchan. Literal monkey-tier gymnastics over there trying to say the video's fake. I find it amusing that the very people who tell an user to an hero are the same ones who are surprised when the user does it and then call it fake.

While there has been much OC and general goodness to come out of this, I don't think anything can top Toaster Steve

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He's not dead you know.
It was funny watching him set his room on fire bit he doesn't count as an hero

he 100% killed himself. who the fuck says this is fake?

Attached: ded.PNG (565x542, 638.36K)

Same people who believe the earth is flat

Read the thread, it's full of babies not able to cope with real an heroing.

if you watch the dude fucking jerks his thumb (and moves his skinny spaghetti arms lol) in the trigger. the effect on target is real. that is exactly what happens with a contact shot muzzle against the head 12 gauge shotgun blast.

That's the phone number of his mom.

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Retards in general. Can you really say you'd be surprised?

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I'd really love to know what that bitch did to cause this poor autistic fuccboi to kill himself.

dude i just got here. didnt know wacky shit like this could happen. he should have used a .22 or pistol caliber. no fucking open casket for him. dumbass.

god love the parents tbqh

Attached: Thinking Intensifies.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

there are things he never said or did that explains. never will know since he's dead. men commit suicide for more novel reasons than women.

Attached: this is fake.PNG (443x439, 361.54K)

People kill themselves everyday for the smallest of reasons. Whether it be a chemical imbalance or just not wanting to live in the world anymore.
I'm going to take this at face value and say yes he was just a depressed faggot from /r9k/ that couldn't do it anymore. Not everything people do is rationally thought out, even if it's dealing with killing yourself (which is irrational in and of itself).

A lot of people, actually.
There's a whole theory about a second fake head he was wearing on top of his actual head.

According to some anons earlier his mom was about to kick him out of home.

wow never thought about that, this changes everything

He's not white so who gives a fuck if he killed himself?

Attached: Saitama saves someone from killing themselves.webm (718x404, 3.06M)

paki's are white in america

im sure he will be SO upset about this

are you
are you fucking retarded? you know how much more likely it is he doesnt actually connect a fatal shot that way, right? leaving him more prone to serious injury that could leave him incapacitated/mentally defunct…and still alive

what i meant was about the buildup to this. the suicide was the finale. somewhere in his story there is an explanation. i want to know that. his mom was fucking spooked lol.

this could be it. there was an user on here talking about suicide because his mommy was about to kick his stealing and druggie ass out lmao.


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you do know that they laugh at your suicide? /r/ing the ar15 suicide woman.

you're brain dead, dummy. you achieved the same thing. no retarded person in history (well it's a lot less) has ever killed themselves. probably would be an upgrade to be 20iq la creatura

Care to provide any proof?
retards don't kill themselves as often as regular people. you sound that autistic faggot from that one thread asking about transgender matrix shit. kill yourself bitch boy.

What weapon is it?

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This was the sentence that caused me confusion. I didn't undestand it the first time.

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you sound smart

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KSG. Why even have images like that saved if you're firearm benighted

Here you go user. For future use

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I think I saw this weapon in Max Payne

not really. the point is if you reach a certain point of being retarded, then the problems of life seem to never exist, only for the time it actually effects you. sure you might self hurt, but for attention. but not to kill yourself.

retards love life. lmao.

that is called sarcasm.

You know who doesn't give a shit? The dead person who killed themselves. You're on Holla Forums. Your life couldn't be more in the shitter. I would recommend suicide, but someone you don't know might laugh at your corpse.

Nope. Anns were really arguing why this was fake

you forget how many brainlets browse cuckchan and get regularly fooled by ARGs and "future posting".

Attached: c72863b86eed75c199ff9c0d64a2206ed8a10a762a67fe37e94fef8fa12833da.jpg (405x412, 166.81K)

maybe you should consider suicide animefag lmao.

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max payne 1? that was the jackhammer

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the people that are calling it fake are most likely la creatura.


Attached: Here is a better one friend _40de6e02e1cbb31681104441ffa005ac.jpg (551x600, 397.91K)

you mean BO2

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don't eurocucks have spain? the 56% meme was created by a britcuck mudslime and a german turkroach insecure about their skin color.

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Or it's fucking bants that amerimutts lose their shit over because they can't take it.

how about you tell the truth, redditfag. you gonna reddit space soon eh cuckboy?

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this was apparent a year ago. turkroaches and mudslimes thinking they're european + jewish ancestry .

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im a american and i laugh it because i'm white and the meme makes shitshin posters go bat shit crazy.

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have you ever been on a board besides this one and there? kek

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La creatura was spread around cuckchans /int/ by brits and aussies first. That image is WAAAAY after the meme exploded

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Muh sekret dying club code words halfchan guys.

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it's literally a cuckchan unicode anyone who has been around here for more than a month can detect that.

brainlets everybody

Attached: HAHAHAHAHAHA.PNG (1470x666, 105.96K)

its fake

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You don't know what becoming a potato means you fucking retard, there's no such thing as you brain being dead while you still continue to live, once your brain is dead you are dead too.
Being a potato means that you still have a fucking conscience and are still alive but you lose the capacity of doing pretty much everything, you got trapped in your body.

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go back to your FBI datamine threads nerd.

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you reveal yourself to be a newfag by not knowing this

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Still whiter then an American
Even as Britan's whites die off due to Sharia, they'll still be whiter then americans as they lower to 30%. Mutts really need to shut their mouth, they're the last people who should comment on what's white.

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you do know im rusing anons to make themselves potatoes for the miracles of science
the article i fucking gold.


just like the jew. call you what you are, you freak out. go back to cuckchan nobody gives a fuck about your gay rehash memes with zero effort. this is the place of OC.

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gee what a smooth roller coaster of logic there.

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if it wasnt sure to this point, now i know you are joking

literally the worst get ive ever seen, kys my good man

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You seem to have quite a few ideas about who you're talking to with no information. That projection is palpable. Show even an inkling of progression. You should also check where you got your image.

Looks like a P90

Leaving him alive is torture at this point.
How fucking horrifying.

That one from the drawing that user posted from:

That an Fabrique Nationale d'Herstal FN P90
But the shotgun that the faggot from R9K used to blast his fucking head off was a Kel tec KSG.

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Odd I was this fags friend I have screenshots of our dms on dicsord

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hi maki

Attached: jojoshotguns.mp4 (1920x1080, 6.87M)

Obviously it was super quick, fleeting, and in the end meaningless; but I wonder what that instant feels like. That instant and immediate sensation of your entire head caving in and exploding. It must be impressive in that moment.

i doubt your brain can calculate any sensation fast enough to recognize it being blown apart

False everything we observe is from a few microseconds in the past so we would feel a moment of your head blown apart before fading to black.

Wow, now you know someone that blew their own head off.

You're so cool user.

exactly, do you realize how fast his head blew apart? literally didn't have the time to reflect and feel it
he didn't even fade to black because his brain blew apart

I know dude

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he's a major autist himself so this is a big deal for him

The faggot deserved to die for putting others through that stress.

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"Make sure you get your whole head in front of the shotgun."

- Dennis Leary on suicide.


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Fucking gay. I'm backing up the 720p mp4 from the vod-share link. I'll see if I can convert it down to sub-16.5mb in size for reposting here while maintaining as high quality as possible.

if by "this place" you mean "8/b/" then no, we're not a place of OC. we are the containment board for the pedos who decided to stay and shit up the whole site. this place is still better than halfchan Holla Forums though, i'll give it that.

Shit, it's like 49 minutes long. There's gonna be some cutting.

Isn't cuck/b/ mostly porn at this point? Not even weird shit, but just porn.

Porn and underagefags.

keep it in two files. one pre suicide and one post suicide. the mom's reactions is kinda worth it too.

I was thinking about watching the entirety of the 49 minutes and cutting out segments, but I'm giving consideration to your method now. I'll see what's what when it finishes downloading.

By the way, 720p vod-share source is here:
…you should be able to download it just from that link. learning how to download porn without javascript from tube sites finally paid off for once.

Dys you can use this if you want

Attached: 1521172609165.jpg (300x100, 27.24K)

If you watch the full video backward, you see a mother freak out about a messy room and make her faggot son clean it up.

I'll try to use blender to edit that in later, sped up and with benny hill music in the background. Still giving it a first watch before I decide to split it into two parts (pre adn post suicide) or multiple parts or highlight segments.

Also the 720p detail in that earlier post was incorrect. Javascript text had it labeled as 720p but it's 360p with 644 width. I'll just stretch it down to 640 because non-standard resolutions piss me off.

Man the glitch ambiance in this vid is great. Reminds me of a darker toned intervals in Mars Volta songs

It's converting now, eta 30 minutes. I'll have to cut it down further into smaller segments, e.g. part 1, 2, 3, etc.

Do you guys suppose he used a 3" magnum shell, or would a 2 3/4" do that much damage just fine?

Doesn't really matter as long as you put it in your mouth, aim for the brainstem.

Yeah, that's the right way to do it. But, he put it to his forehead, seemed to remove everything except for his jaw. Not sure if he got the brainstem.

52.10% encoded, eta 15m 45s.

They're a symptom of being a lazy privileged cunt.

>>Holla Forums

What 18 year old has a tacticool shotgun and all of that faggot gear? His mommy probably bought him the gun.

here's the dudes reddit acct:

and his youtube:

also image from fam posting - definitely muslim

Kel-Tec KSG tactical shotgun

pic i mentioned

Attached: lol.png (513x367, 143.83K)

Can somebody make another full version Link? Vod-share is botnet and liveleak deleted it I think

Now it all makes sense. I have a little more respect for the fag. His family would have no doubt used this gun and perhaps even tried to persuade their son to go on a shooting rampage for Mohammad (pbuh).

mother looked pajeet but im not surprised, america is really becoming a cesspit

Feel free to comment on his myanimelist profile:

He has shit taste in anime.

Attached: af7.jpg (573x619, 29.82K)

decent taste

He really did. All the posters in his room looked like they were from SAO

>He has had shit taste in anime.

Not to mention he still hadn't watched shows like k-on or lucky star.

Attached: 14001112550238.gif (342x360, 164.84K)

he didn't even watch Hellsing thats how much of a normalfag with shit taste he was

>not mind Holla Forumslown
step the fuck up nigga

Shit user.

Attached: 4A9OKVO.gif (340x340, 133.55K)

I'm sorry.
I've let myself down,
I've let my country down and most of all,
I've let you down,
I'll do better no,
I'll be better.

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What in the fuckity fuckmmuffins

Actually this is all starting to come together. This kid obviously played tons of shitty video games, and the KSG was a featured and overpowered weapon in Black Ops 2. When his Muslim parents asked him how he wanted to commit Jihad he probably asked for that weapon specifically. Then because he's super americanized he used it to suicide because Jihad is fucking gay.


Holla Forums is goig through a hard time because all of its posters have been active on 4chan before discovering this and 4chan has become a normie hole.
Sure, at the moment Holla Forums consists of either 4chan oldfags or simply those getting bored of its repetative threads, but sooner or later Holla Forums will become popular enough to become normie house 2.
Our only rescue is the infinite amount of boards that can be made.

Long live infinitechan

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no our saving grace is not ever being fast enough to satiate normalfag attention spans

Shuaib "The Brain Vibe" Aslam takes one for the team!

Alright, sorry it took so long. I've got it close to the original quality from the source materail, split up into four parts. Majority of the good shit happens in the first one–foreplay, suicide, mother screaming, 9-11 call. The less exciting part of that bit continues on into the second part, and parts two and four are all first responders and stuff.

Bon appetite!

Attached: 1440459447361.jpg (640x360 63.72 KB, 15.36M)

crisis actor detected

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Attached: 20170314-the-reality-defying-self-removing-kebab-03.webm (640x360, 12.72M)


Attached: 20170314-the-reality-defying-self-removing-kebab-04.webm (640x360, 15.5M)

Should be parts three and four. Oh well.

When you're a Holla Forumstard you're a traitor if you don't record your an hero.

Attached: hoggboy.jpg (1358x1176, 149.92K)

he wins the attention hungry games, if only for a day

Attached: 2018-attentionwhore.jpg (1358x1551, 205.43K)

Kind of glad I never killed myself. This is awful, tbh.

i hope i die some day

And nothing of value was lost

It will never happen

Same here, tbh. I was close to that at 17, gun in mouth but decided I didn't need to "end it all" just to end my pain. Years later, I think about all the good times I've had since that time. As long as you're alive, there's still a chance.

Also it's a tremendously selfish act when you consider the amount of emotional damage inflicted on those you left behind.

he's in a better place.


Why is 4/b/ frozen at the moment?

H e y.mp4

Attached: Hey_HD_.mp4 (1920x1080, 15.38M)

waiting for 9chan

I heard someone posted his dox. The entire server is disconnected, along with Holla Forums, /a/, and /vg/.

gookmoot is letting the fbi get to work investigating this incident.

we tried to warn you
you didn't listen
don't call it a grave
it's the future you chose
we're in the belly of this horrible machine and the machine bleeding to death
it's too late
why didn't you listen?

did you just scale the 644x360 one up to 1080, or is there a complete, hd version floating around out there?

Attached: 1521145639120.jpg (709x765, 98.13K)

I own a few guns and I've never once thought about using it on myself.

I guess it's reassuring to know that I have the ability to end my own life without having to melt my stomach with pills or turn into a pancake though.

poor kid.

He was a muslim. There's literally no reason to feel remorse.

I thought he was mexican.

Muslim my dude. Look at the last name. Plus his mom sounded like she had a thick Pakistani accent.

even more of a reason to pity him, is there any lower form of existence?

mods are cooperating with feds again

Not a very good one. You only get your 72 virgins if you take some infidels with you.

More muslims should follow his example and burn in their eternal fire.

I was gonna say cockroaches or amoebas, but they're at least fascinating from a biological standpoint. Nah, I got nothing.

he's wearing a stupid hat and waving like a cam girl.. he's not even the same species as 3rd world muslim.

One less I guess.

I feel empathy for them, not sympathy. This is what missionaries tried to fix.

There's only one fix for them and it ain't missionary work.

Attached: deus vult.jpg (2204x3920, 1.06M)

Dysnomia is desperate for traffic and relevancy at this point tbh

lure them with the tastes of the west, get them to kill each other, find the least likely dog that'll bite and have that dog rule the rest. then slowly inject McDonald's and Walmarts in slowly and get dogs to run it.

There's a reason why America is #1 and it's not because they minded their business and stayed home. Foreign policy (when done right and not by pandering niggers) will easily have the middle East pouring money into corporate America.

Where did he originally post the stream?

I thought only niggers live streamed their demise

Supposedly YouTube, but don't quote me on that.

I meant which cuckchan board, someone posted thread caps but cuckchan and some archives are frozen

likely r9k i guess

Obviously /r9k/ since that's what his timestamp said but i'm sure he spammed links everywhere including dicsord

continuing to live a meaningless, joyless life for years and decades on end is irrational

Attached: 1521108338141.jpg (717x717, 122.67K)

Attached: 1521109974751.jpg (836x495, 44.22K)


Why do you guys even care?

Because it's funny.

Why do you care if we care?

Because nothing ever happens here.

Shit, brah, is our post time the exact same?

Why'd he put the tarp up
In case he survived and had a soft landing?

what the fuck? isn’t that whole point of liveleak?

Well shit, thanks for the sticky and thanks to the dude who edited the part 1-4 and posted it, back to lurking

the video that killed 4chan

this was what killled him

To make it less of a mess to clean up. It looks like it was stretched across his bed and up to the window, with a gap between the bed and the window. When I shot himself and fell backwards, it pulled the tape or whatever was securing it off of the wall, and covered him neatly. Honestly, he gets style points for forcing his mom to play headless peekaboo with his corpse.

Not much point to liveleak anymore. A short while ago, there were details about how the ADL managed to sink their fangs into them, to get rid of holohoax material. Since they've succumbed to that, they're practically dead now.

what does this mean

Attached: what.png (183x195, 24.7K)

"Do the right thing"
Wow what a friend that guy is egging him on to kill himself.

Shit I just noticed, does anyone hear a pepe reeeee right at timestamp 20:00?

Attached: Normies in my Disco.webm (960x720, 4.53M)

Jesus the girl watching the stream is annoying af

He birthed the perfect waifu from the debris of his head, and was then unable to enjoy her company. She could only look on in horror at the scene below her. Tragic.

it's the most complete one i've seen

Commies steal everything from us, including the pleasure that comes from violently purging them.

he must of seen the meme. Maymay magic is real.

Attached: Screen Shot 2015-05-27 at 5.41.37 PM.png (526x642, 122.18K)

This si why they should ban guns!

Attached: _98137800_gun_people_killed_v2_640-nc.png (492x720 104.2 KB, 124.19K)

man imagine if all those people had the sense and wherewithal to livestream their suicides

there are entirely not enough suicide videos on the internet.

How do they kill themselves then? They took away basically the most painless suicide option from people who want to die.

Shotgun to the head and the time it takes to die is 1.7 minutes? I call bullshit on that, that dude was dead the instant his brain turned to liquid and splattered all over the room. Looks like it took him no longer than 0.1 of a second to die.

I wonder if his brain still lived though for a few seconds

Btw that third pic gives good reason not to ban guns since and I quote "mass shootings only account for a tiny proportion of all gun related deaths"
Which means its mostly the persons choice to die and that should not be banned imo. If someone wants to die let them fucking die you did not bring them into this world and they did not choose to be born in the first place so fuck you and your anti gun beliefs you fucking dumbass.

im not sure how the collected the data for this, but i imagine it take other factors into account. like people who just wing themselves and slowly die. or how long it take for the body to officially be dead.

how do i do this? pls no bully

Attached: c7c5f803b6a8a2c899b924a1eccb05edb980528b47c2352a362377057e9485a1.png (612x491, 74.1K)

the site where i originally found the chart.
That picture though.

Shut the fuck up faggot. Too bad you didn't kill yourself. Suicide is the very opposite of selfish. Parasitism and begging people to keep you alive is selfish.

I'm most concerned about the fate of the shot gun and the shotgun being blamed for all this. poor KSG

MASH prepped a generation for an heroics:

Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

I try to find a way to make
All our little joys relate
Without that ever-present hate
But now I know that it's too late, and

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
So this is all I have to say

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

The only way to win is cheat
And lay it down before I'm beat
And to another give my seat
For that's the only painless feat

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

The sword of time will pierce our skins
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works its way on in
The pain grows stronger watch it grin, but

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

A brave man once requested me
To answer questions that are key
Is it to be or not to be
And I replied 'Oh, why ask me? '

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

'Cause suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

And you can do the same thing if you please

What is the new liveleak?

Also time for me to report and take down some videos on there, heh, nothin personnell…

shit is so fucking FAKE

I'm not sure that there is one yet.

Ban niggers not guns.

Also you left out how many lives were saved, how many homes defended, because someone had a gun.

Are you stupid? The US is a massive land mass. If you took a slice of the US the size of Britanistan, the US would be overwhelming whiter.

Are you on linux? Then use youtube-dl and similar programs.

Alternatively, and this will work regardless of what OS you are on, use extensions in the browser for chrome or firefox to download files.

Um… the best you can find is the stream OP posted

Check'd but you're wrong, faggot.

You live for others, not for yourself. Think of your best friend: If he killed himself you would be very fucking sad and his relatives probably even more since they won't ever again be able to interact with him and enjoy his personality. Your friend on the other side feels pretty much the same as that time he wasn't born yet: he's dead, your problems aren't his problems.

Killing yourself takes your feelings (with that negative ones) but injects depression into loved ones, thus it's selfish.

You're right with your let-them-die-if-they-want-philosophy but you can head dive from a roof to get the same result. You don't need a gun for that.
I personally love all kinds of weapons, guns included. But the current US gun laws are a joke. Rhetorically anyone can own a gun and that's ridiculous.
The USA has the most deaths caused by guns and rifles and roughly every week another school shooting takes place; and I doubt that the country has a that high number of psychopaths per capita compared to the rest of the world.
Take that Florida faggot: he rampaged and shot more than a dozen guys. There was this Emma Gonzales; she's a hipster cunt but I liked what she said: "He wouldn't have killed that many with a knife".
Think about that.

can anyone post the full video? and not to a site with data mining scripts?


I don't have a best friend or any friends at all for that matter you assuming normie. This place is the only thing I have.

I don't have loved ones. Also nobody wants to see you turn into a thieving piece of shit because you're too cowardly to kill yourself. If you don't die young, you live to be hated.

I have it multiple versions of it archived. Want the links?


put it on mega.

Liveleak version:!KgQy0ZSQ!Pzc34c6kNrrV1IRaADQNMiJrSnmiI4WitP0aVM4yBE0

Original version:!Lx4n2Zyb!PkEfYdopu_h3-mnNMbe9QQcg4ksSrGojQUE4NiRvOLA

Your mom is a flat Earth.

just to clarify, do any of the versions not have the crying girl an confused guys? i cant here the dead guy at all in any of the videos i've seen, and they all cut off as soon as the mom starts yelling. whats the difference between the 2 videos you posted.

Liveleak one has the logo and somewhat lower resolution.

Both are full versions of the entire thing.

If you want clips I have those as well.

i'm good with the full one, thanks. why save the liveleak version if the original is just a better version?


Man. Rest in peace.

thanks lad this is helpful

Explains your crippled view on life.


Holla Forums Fuck Off…. Nigger

Attached: 26he2b.jpg (381x378, 53.32K)

The absolute state of socialists.

Attached: 1436489232081.jpg (225x235, 21.67K)

Also, the mutt meme was started on 4chan by /int/fags and brits who supported immigration because they didn't want americans telling them that muslims should be told to fuck off, you absolute retard.

So on top of being some suicidal, uncaring, commiefornian subhuman breed who didn't give a shit about anyone but himself, he was also a muslim? Why the fuck do people even feel sorry for him then?

[citation needed]
Being Paki isn't enough. Race != Religion. Besides, since when have Muslims been solo-suicides? They take out others with 'em.

And it's killing itself. How does that make you feel?

damn, wasnt expecting all these (You)s
no probs user. no guilt for meme'n the fuck outta this weeb faggot.
kill yourself on livestream ur gonna get meme'd

He wasn't really a Muslim. His family was. I doubt he was religious. He probably just liked imageboards and anime. And some other hobbies we don't know about. /internet stuff

Being an unbeliever might have been a bit stressful but in California as soon as he started working or going to school most of the ppl he met wouldnt be religious. He was only 18. Im glad I got a part time job in highschool.

Well. Anyway guys.

Here's his last favorited YouTube video. So.

Thread Theme

Neon Genesis Evangelion – Thanatos

His third last favorited video was life is Neet. Some kind of rap song about being Neet. Why anyone would consider themself Neet at 18 years old I have no idea.

Attached: god, i wish that were me.jpg (500x300, 10.12K) is similar to old liveleak. Has a couple videos of the an hero

was he related to Holla Forums in anyway?

Related in that he used 4chan. So yes and no.

Everything is fake until proven otherwise you stupid normie. If the video is blurry or can't see anything for some reason it is fake.

Also, why is this viral marketing thread stickied?

It is Imkikey's favorite meme

Geez, it probably doesn't have anything to do, with camera quality, right?

It's fake

Another genius.
Enlight us, o wise one!

Since the creator did not use multiple HD cameras and different angles one can only conclude that he wanted people to believe that it is fake. He did a good job, since It looks fake as fuck.

Worst cgi effects I've ever seen.

Attached: 5gum.webm (640x300, 360.97K)

Attached: kek.png (327x316, 207.7K)

I've seen some sorry-looking pixels in my life, but these are some of the most sorry-looking pixels ever.

Attached: 519466eb8496d6bc4b8d399ae2283fe3a0a99d6fd57ae337dc1d19b965bb342a.jpg (864x913, 49.43K)

Ebin meme

Yeah. He could have at least made more of an effort to make it look real.

Pls no

Why do parents let their kids on the internet? Fucking christ this is sad

Attached: suru_apu apu.jpg (657x527, 32.96K)

Attached: e1c.jpg (600x600, 31.95K)

basically this

If he had stop half-way through, it would have made it more believable.

Exactly. He should have put more thought into it.

No. Fucking Christ this is funny as Hell.

Attached: 1481670392095.jpg (500x500, 33.88K)

Good luck getting his brain matter back together for a second run through.

He should have done it right the first time. Now its too late. We all know it's fake now.

this tbh familamily. if u ever do this anons remember. u ''WILL lose ALL" good boy points. No matter how good boy. Just keep that in mind.

Oh well. It was a good effort. At least he tried.

Oh, I think he put all of his thought into it.

Attached: Carlos.jpg (600x600, 33.65K)


Attached: 043a8ffc133b6aed41596bf23533e8d7f049e4e6ed98269815538906f9f19a48.gif (350x261, 965.99K)

Attached: Carlos stfu.png (404x288, 103.41K)


No, retard, even if he wasn't a practicing muslim, he was still the wrong race. This was a win-win all 'round, no matter which way you cut it.

The firearm is obviously a Famas.

Attached: enfield l85a1 lewd.jpg (960x720, 233.33K)

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Agreed. If you want to kill yourself atleast have the decency to provide entertainment for your fellow anons.

I encoded the four-part one earlier when I only knew of the existence of the liveleak watermarked version. Here's the unwatermarked one, encoded from the mega link provided by some user I don't remember which link, go find it. It's split into five parts rather than four. I tried going for a bit higher quality.

Attached: 20180314-shuaib-aslam-ksg-shotgun-suicide-r9k-01-[no-watermark].webm (640x360, 15.92M)

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Why isn't this thread sticky anymore?
Make normies either turn into retards like us or gtfo.

Report the OP with a sticky request. Don't global report. Probably won't get stickied, though, it was already stickied for a whole day already.

e-Fame is fleeting, isn't it?

What's left to discuss?