Am I going to jail?
Am I going to jail?
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck
1] Why is he naked?
2] Where did her get so much salty milk from?
3] Fuck you, too!
is "salty milk" pedocode for jizz?
You nasty motherfucker.
we didnt make that up - blame vicky…
Speaking of, what's the fucking name of the damn song you hear during the famous video where the happy girl is fed healthy protein?
I've had it stuck in my head since the LimeWire days…
Is that 'Sticky Vicky'?
Can I cut your head off just like the good ol' days?
Thank you!
(no way in hell I'm clicking that)
If it's on YouTube it's legal.
Not for long…
Anything can be technically dost nowadays, because as dysnomia said:
"I think it's (Holla Forums) quite balanced right now. Anons do what they want whatever they feel like it, and mods do as well" (03/11/18).
So, if mod feels like something is dost, it's dost.
I love how the other pedofags that pretend not to know what he's talking about land themselves in it by saying it is illegal, fucking idiot pedoscum.
Should be all aborted.
Straight up hardcore child porn is uploaded to YouTube everyday. PhotoDNA takes care of most of known CP, but a few slip through the cracks. If you monitor certain key words in the recently uploaded videos, you'll find it. It's usually deleted in a few hows though.
There are hundreds of self-produced CP videos sourced from youtube every year.
This heh.
I won't request those keywords, but if you were to share I wouldn't be mad.
I hate Canada and Canadians. I wish there was some kind of program that helps men find waifus. Like a love hotline instead of a suicide hotline.
when are you going to an hero seriously?
I am monitoring this thread, and fapping to it
Here's a poem about the videos and the arrestada:
Little Freeman is free, but not a man.
Big Freeman is a man, but not free.
t. not dysnigger…
I don't want to know, but I guess that I already know enough.
The entire comment section for that video is filled with pedophiles using straight up pedo terms, hundreds of them. Jesus Christ.
Yeah we really need to do away with this whole internet freedom thing so that everything a person says is connected with their identity so they're afraid to say anything controversial because this is just getting too out of hand and I just can't even right now.
wat youtube key words
Well, most of them seem to be using their actual names and have tons of personal data in their accounts already.
The best part is that internet freedom really will be stripped away and it will be under the guise of stopping pedos from saying yucky things and nobody will object to it.
I'll just leave this here.
Goes to show (((their))) true agenda. They crackdown on free speech, while at the same time they allow pedos in (((their))) platform.
the zog designates emotionally provocative "consensus villains" like "pedos" and "fascists" against which they can develop tools of repression without fear of public objection - though inevitably the zog will use those tools against the same consenting public.
There's one thing that's for sure:
You're a fucking creepy individual
All pedos will die in DOTR!
Omg! Just report this shit!
Makes me sick!
Hope YouTube reports there IP
What the hell is going on in this thread?
kek my own viewing history is full of the most fucked up stuff. For years I regularly search every term that is heavily monitored and intentionally click on all the vids that would cause thomas the tank engine type reactions. I like to search "how to make bombs" and "preteen hardcore" and "russia girls" and "how to shoot up school" and "nsa prism" and "how to hide bodies" and a ton of other shit like that for the lulz. When my accounts are discovered the admins just think it was hijacked / automated and shut it down. I do the most outrageous stuff.
I watched OP's vid btw, it's literally nothing. When I read all your responses I think you guys are larping and pretending. Sorry if I'm ruining the LARP but OP's vid is nothing controversial.
Epic bro, epic FTW xD. Capped for reddit r/8chinz
You're gonna get hansen'd, friend
He's a cute little naked boy drinking his salty milk tbh
Cute boi you say?
not clicking that shit
why did i click on that link.jpeg
Why is this even allowed on YT????
Yes, but look at the bright side: at least you had fun.
Disgusting pic of a little boy playing with a pussy!
Well, when you phrase it like that everything sounds awful.
Does it have a benis
why am I not surprised?
Oh, do they user… Oh, do they.
Can someone just hooktube this shit?
It's literally nothing you queers
i hckec it out. There is like 100s of these comments
the fuck?
Holy fuck, I didn't know my comment was upvoted so often. That was actually me. To clarify, back in the days of limewire everyone had the video, it was hard to not download it accidentally. I won't say I haven't watched the video, but of course I deleted it instantly. I recognized the song though, and as it popped up in my head years later, and since it was connected to this video, I made a new channel to comment this on it. I'm not a pedophile (or I wouldn't make this post and show myself in the first place), I just tried to make a homage to the old limewire days.
Fucking genius.
Because he's European.
There was once a video of a girl getting a salty milk application posted on YouTube. It was magical.
Yes, there are a quite many of us.
"Salty Milk and Old Pennies" are classic codewords… or so dys has told me
That's not how you spell salty milk challenge
The fuck's going on here? I've been dealing with pedos on imageboards for years, learning the way they talk and "secret" codes mostly out of curiosity and never in my life have I encountered these kinds of codes.
I even find CP every once in a while digging for interesting shit in the deep web abandoned archives or here on the clearnet while lurking what people upload on the web without knowing that those files can be pretty much lurked into with special web browsers into MEGA and similar.
I mean, you don't need to be a genius to understand "salty milk" I just didn't know that it was related to pedos. And I'm at a loss regarding Icky Vicky and the Smash Mouth song.
Goddamit, fine I understand is a punny name but still can't understand how it turned into pedoshit.
Hard candy is slang for cheese. Did you know that one?
Yeah, it appears on any "Iceberg tier" image macros.
Be honest? Is this bait?
Not really, I've been out of Holla Forums for more than a year and even before leaving Holla Forums I had never hear it before in that context.
It is weird, I leaved Holla Forums because nothing interesting was happening, today I decide to come back to find codewords to an active pedoring an some fag an heroing himself on a stream… busy morning I presume?
Yeah, this is weird. When I stay off 8cuck for awhile, happenings happen, but when I come on, it tends to be slow.
Unless I haven't masturbated, for whatever reason, but since I do that so often….
Never been to /b before until very recently. You both are just very young, obviously.
Yeah, I'm kind of a newfag, only been here for five years, just during the Sandy Hook sperg threads but still, I haven't heard those in that time. Not even in the pedo threads.
Why do you say that? I'm referring to the fact that a happening happened for the user I was replying to. Pedoshit and suicides is nothing new, but sometimes weeks go by where nothing at all happens, just more shitposting, pedoposting, and gore spam.
So you were here since 8cuck's founding?
No, but I was during the first exodus.
The thing being referenced is ancient history, bros.
why would they upload this
What was being referenced? pic unrelated
Funnily enough, remember that shitstorm ~2016 about "jewtube pedos", and the fact that virtually no one on Holla Forums's Holla Forums seemed to remember the fact that we had found them way before? It was surreal, suddenly realizing that no one (posting, at least) there had been around for very long, and were as foreign as any newfag.
*by "we" I mean Holla Forums, not Holla Forums
I wasn't talking about that at all. Again, I agreed with here in regards to happenings.
What year was this?
bait or retard.
clearly it was before your time.
Limewire was great for suprises.
Good times. Good times.
god dam limewire was fun
I just don't believe that. Why the hell would someone upload it to Youtube of all places?
Now, I ain't no expert here but judging by the prior contents of this thread, I can easily guess that what you are posting is screenshot from an illegal video. Therefore consider yourself reported.
Ever heard of hiding in plain sight?
Is just odds by the sheer volume of videos that gets uploaded by accident, why anyone would SEARCH for them ON YOUTUBE is the real question here.
Keep crying, you pathetic lowlife.
or just being plain retarded. there is a lot of cp in clearweb porn sites. waay more than i had in mind.
xvideos was stuffed until recently, I'm into incest so some where bound to come about, Xvideos mods just shoa'd the whole tag then.
Nigga, you're posting on an imageboard that regularly features gore, shitposting, and porn of every single stripe. You ain't no angel. You don't like it, leave. You're a guest.
Who said I ain't?
Pot, meet kettle.
Remember to report every brony.
so what they chat hey type this in recently upload videos for hawt action
>normalfags on kiketube confusing Masha Babko with I think Allen
I guess you haven't heard of hiding in plain sight, no what you're talking about would be is yelling in plain sight "I'M THE ONE YOU WANT RIGHT HERE"