What if she was your sister Holla Forums? What would you do in such an occasion?
What if she was your sister Holla Forums? What would you do in such an occasion?
Who is she?
Those dirtbag niggers in power targeted her just because she was dylan roofs sister. She made no threats. She just complained on snapchat about how all the black kids doing their stupid faggy anti gun march was stupid and how she hoped they got shot.
Not a threat. Freedom of speech. Dirtbag fahgot kike queer nigger satan worshippers took her to the rape dungeon in the back halls to teach her a lesson. They searched her bag and found a knife and pepperspray…both reasonable means of self defense.
The jewdling KIKES let out a screeching roar "SELF SUFFICIENTCY!?!? SELF SUFFICIENTCY!?!" they all whispered in fearful tones. They called the warden, as only he was capable of handling such a dangerous goy.
She is now in jail. This needs to end. It's time for civil war. Soon it'll be your sister, or your kids, or your friends, or even you. Power must be taken away from vicious kike operatives. Period.
Go out and do it then, user. Be the catalyst. Do it. Stop waiting for others to throw the first stone.
If she was my sister there wouldn't be that problem in the first place. My country doesn't jail people for merely wishing other people to be dead. We don't have niggers either (maybe a thousand or two blacks from Africa tops and they aren't on welfare).
let me ask you this - what if there were ALREADY a civil war going on in this country? do you think the juden is just going to allow us to know about that shit?
the fact of the matter is that there has been a simmering guerrilla insurgency in murica since the 70's…
and what paradise country might that be?
Not a paradise by any metric. Just Poland.
And one of oldest swear phrases here is, loosely translated:
"May cholera strike you dead!"
It's just stupid to care about that.
All we need to go this RaHoWa on the round is someone who is willing to distribute the weapons. There's lot of us that got nothing to live for and are ready to die we just need guns.
If she was my sister, she'd be too busy carrying all of my children, to worry about making idle threats… inbreeding is big down here, you know?
We should all send her fan mail while she's inside. Tell her how great she is. Also I say send flowers and chocolates and cute stuff. Platonically of course. Idk how old she is.
It's a bit too late to fuck her, so there's not much else one can do.
I want to love my sister. Date her, kiss her, cuddle with her, holding hands, have sex with her. Why don't I have a sister. Lord, why?
Ha-ha! Pooland!
Just search roof arrest on twitter, it's trending.
Just saw threads on Holla Forums and elsewhere. Arrested for defending herself against niggers while calling them out on their bullshit. I fucking hate this world.
polands lookng better and better every day - with the rejection of eu's rapefugess and the rise if the nationalist right, and virtually nigger free? sonds good to me - i'll start learning polish now…
Psze psze kurwa ebac usiech
Poland, Hungary, and Russia seem to be the undisputed future of Europe. Every day I regret being a Burger too stupid to learn their language or have anything to offer to be taken in by them. Ethnically Germanic and Anglo, it's a bad feel. I hope for nothing but the best for those people.
I'd switch with you tbh. I know some Russian and some Polish. I'd learn Polish in a few month if I'd have a wish to do that because Ukrainian and Polish are pretty close languages.
My heart to you as well, Ukraine. Your leaders have fucked you good and hard for their EU masters.
Thanks, bud. Now I'm smiling like an idiot. Really warm feel I feel inside of my heart.
desu desu, baka
Great! Now she is famous and her words are throughout the world, and her case can show the people that the first and 2nd amendements rights are under attack. So maybe my little sis can one day be recognized as a martyr…
Maybe one day I can, then find any relatives that maybe are still there and see if they need help financially with anything. I was raised to believe family must help family, blood is blood.
In other words, you were raised on Northern-European values. The only values worth fighting for. You're family did a good job. Kudos,
It's an okay state of course. Just kidding.
no pedo would dare to fuxk around with any of those lolis.
I would give her a hug and tell her that everything will be fine. Then she would call me a nigger.
Are you a nigger?
Just don't tell her you're le 56 percent and say you're italian
Fucking Jamaican…
datamining thread
That's bad-ass.
Lolis with guns arouses me.
According to jims version of the law the fact that it arouses you makes these illegal :^)
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Anyone know her phone number? I want her.
She didn't get racemixed by non-white students? Too bad, white trash genes need to be bred out, and we can't be sullying the genes of better whites with such garbage.
fuck off leftypol.