Protecting free speech is not something we do because we agree with all of the speech that gets protected. We do it because we believe that no one—not the government and not private commercial enterprises—should decide who gets to speak and who doesn’t.
But now if you publicly criticize cuckflare's decision, people will call you a nazi even if you aren't one. What a wonderful time to live.
Aiden King
Up is down and left is right to these people anyways. Ignore it.
Jeremiah Carter
I'm going to hunt you fucking summerfags down and go piñata on your thick fucking skulls
Bentley Rogers
Privacy and censorship are completely different. They're protecting liberty in both cases.
Owen Morgan
EFF was silent on Kimberlin and Gamergate and its leader gloated on twitter about getting people fired. The people responsible have not been removed. Until they are, this is not a return to EFF's original values but a honeypot.
We need a new online freedom organization.
Lincoln Walker
You'll find that you worry less about this shit when you know how to get your message across through indirect means. There are three ways to resolve a dispute. Rational and logical discussion. Ignore the issue until it goes away. Murder.
Anything else is a waste of time and effort.
Easton Robinson
belive it or not, gamergate isn't important outside of Holla Forums, tumblr, and reddit
Ryan Peterson
So, they paid Google and Google just took their money and locked them out of their domain, and it's okay with the lefty statists?
Because gamergate is an irrelevant shitshow. Nothing but gratuitous e-drama and circlejerking. Everyone involved in that retarded novela should commit suicide.
It's easy to get an audience in the UN.
Caleb Fisher
ive been on 8ch for years and im still not sure what gamergate means. i think gamergater is a person who is anti-SJW (or the other way around), dunno anything else. i tried looking that shit up twice but it's filled with all kinds of e-dramz lingo that i cant decode before my hand reaches the close page button
an hero
Anthony Edwards
It's relevant to Holla Forums because people came here because 4chan was being censored. A bunch of people came who didn't really care too much about gamergate itself but thought it was fishy as fuck what was going on. As hard as it is to believe now there used to be a big free speech element to this site.
Brandon Torres
Any resistance to the genocide is going to be met with a ridiculous pile-on like gamergate and Charlottesville as they're trying to prevent a resistance forming. A little kernel of resistance can grow in to something big and great. We need to not fall for the "PR" thing or them trying to get us to fight each other and go after the Jews spreading the poison.
John Evans
checked. and do you have a newsletter?
Jordan Edwards
Gamergate is more a case study now than anything but a tms;drc(too much shit don't really care) Note a lot of this happened simultaneously and is what I found out reading through the situation. I didn't really invest in it and just started unsubbing from things that were talking about it back when this went on because I had a life. The media wasn't going to be clear on it back when it was going on as they couldn't afford to be.
More People get fucked by SJW's but this is as far as I care to document tl;dr This is where the alt-media and anti-legacy media stuff starts to kick off and where the community shisms mainly come from
Hudson Wilson
I can go on but this is the gist, its important as far as net stuff goes because it was the boiling over point for a lot of things online. Its being used as justification for censorship and deanonomization legislation, companies use it as part of the reason they require things to identify you. More importantly for anons its a litmus test for whether or not someones content is worth supporting, I won't buy raspberry pis if RPI wants to virtue signal for Anita. They are opposed to what I do and hostile to me for my beliefs should their be an encounter. But now gamergaters are just fags on 8/v/ who vehemently and passionately hate the media especially the gaming media for misrepresentation and for strongarming devs into what they want despite what the players desire. This had been going in other dynamics but gamergate was the one that turned something non-partisan to the grossest opposite. The same patterns of behavior that gaming companies followed in gg, is being observed with Free Software Movements from Mozilla, Tor, and rumours of attempts at the Linux Kernel itself. The difference is the size of the groups and where they're located, the Open Source groups are centered in very authoritarian leftist collectivist cities and its starting to schism users from projects, like with Coraline Ada. The problem with gamergate now is the fags who won't shut the fuck up about it and want to tie everything back to it and say its directly because of gamergate. Not everything going on with sjws is because of gamergate, but its drawn the lines and is now cooled to the point its can just be referenced the same way normies reference Hitler and the Nazis. Things like linux and hard computer coding at least have a proper barrier to entry concerning the difficulty most people have with the concept of abstraction(7 layers).
Alexander Robinson
Good shit.
Christian Cook
some vague e-dramz with no effect on anything is literally not an excuse to make deanonymization legislation. sounds like you need a new country. at least in mine they use terrorism as an excuse which actually has some bearing
Alexander Perry
You have to go back
Kevin King
So we should just be cucks and let sjws corrupt gaming culture while hiding behind anonymity??
Adrian Jackson
Pedrito's funny. let him stay.
Joshua Allen
Michael Nguyen
Again, GamerGate is nothing but worthless e-drama that got out of control thanks to minor Internet celebrities and literally whos that got somewhat popular thanks to the circlejerking GG ensued. Let's step back for a minute and realize that even if she fucked those guys (since there wasn't any proof besides a blog post from her ex-boyfriend), the response from the community and the websites was ridiculous. The worst part about GG is not the drama itself, but the fact that it spawned an entire generation of mindless imbeciles that only know about politics through the lens of Holla Forums and Holla Forums. It is impossible to have a civilized conversation about politics online without encountering one of these retards. Not only that, but imageboards and forums got infected with a "Internet is serious business" attitude. It's pure shit. GG was an intellectual nuke.
Mason Thomas
You're right; if the hotpockets hadn't circled the wagons, nothing would have come of it.
Gabriel Turner
the gayming community was always homo as fuck anyway. i've been getting kicked from game servers for saying "nigger" since the mid 2000's. i doubt this has anything to do with >>>gaymergayte
Aiden Wright
meant to quote:
Liam Powell
You being a commie aside (so of course you hate Holla Forums), how is that worse than they being apolitical? At least they know the media and SJWs can't be trusted.
Jordan Powell
That, and her openly bragging about it on Twatter, picking catfights with the wives of the indy hipsters she cuckqueaned.
Brody Reyes
thanks for this
Juan Russell
Good job side stepping the collusion brought to light. After all it was just about some whore fucking some guy for a good review.
Jason Sanchez
No it doesn't. He simply named names and people connected the dots. And the idea that there were "good reviews" is also a form of straw man propaganda used to discredit the movement. She got positive press; there were no reviews and nobody was confused on this detail in the original months of the controversy.
Bentley Rogers
>if you hate this shitty echo chamber you're a communist leftie tranny SJW cuck (((XDDDDDDD))) Holla Forums is Tumblr-tier, complete with shitty nonscientific theories and retards spreading shit outside of it 24/7.
What was it all about, then? "Muh journalism integrity" in an industry that gives around 9s and 8s to every fucking release? An industry known to always shill against the platform(s) with least users? An industry that nobody but 15 year olds take seriously? And industry that is nothing but a giant cash grab for both indie developers and corporations? Fuck off with worthless e-drama.