Not the sort of thing you expect from Vox, as puerile an analysis as it may be.
Not the sort of thing you expect from Vox, as puerile an analysis as it may be
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fuck gonormies
I know, motherfuckers ruined what could have been the best game ever but decided to be lazy and make it nothing like pokemon.
Okay, that's actually pretty funny.
Was a Rockefeller Republican but after trying to radicalize him, he is a leftist that hasn't read any theory. He was in the military though so his forgien views are trash/10
Teacher, so she is a left social Democrat who is trying to get her fellow teachers to go on strike even though it is illegal in my state
Apolitical shithead
Champagne Socialist who is voting for Hillary
Spooked alcoholic porky
You need to go out and catch some better pokemon.
I actually like pokemon go.
It has microtransactions sure, but I dont see how its different from other mobile games, its micro transactions are actually pretty balanced and some of them affect everyone near you, which creates a community of people all joining to play together.
Holy fug it's not shooped
Jesus christ I'm dieing
hahaha guys check this loser he posted in the wrong thread
This is what escapism does. There's no ethical consumption.
I haven't played this but why is it bad? Children are actually getting outside instead of watching pewdiepie videos all day long.
It isn't really bad in itself aside from microtransactions
I think it's just the massive obsession with consuming the media to the point of just walking around aimlessly for a game. that being said I'm having fun with it and am actually going outside so it's already doing something for me.
A kid found a dead body the other day while playing it.
Pedos are also using it to catch kids.
I dont get why having fun is bad. Do I need to sit in my basement and grumble and moan about how capitalism is evil and how i dont have a gf?
Yea lets keep kids inside from the evil real world
They could just go to the park with friends and play basketball or soccer or some shit.
while that's terrible
can you imagine some pedo's reaction when he keeps finding adults and late teens instead of kids for like hours upon hours?
Instead they go around to the park with their friends to catch pokemon.
Is it only bad because "back in my days we had to play with rocks and mammoth teeth"?
Has anyone read the game's Terms of Service? Shit is draconian as fuck. No wonder Google paid millions to produce the game.
I dont get to read the terms and conditions when i download the unofficial android APK
also, all terms and services of litterally anything made by some larger company is like this.
Nothing wrong with fun. Like I said, there's no ethical consumption. It's just the material world will only continue to deteriorate. TBH I could use a bit of escapism myself.
Photo by Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images for Nintendo
Last week, two things happened that will have long-lasting impact on American society and the global economy. First, the yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to a record low of 1.366 percent. Second, Nintendo released Pokémon Go, a mobile game that in a matter of days has become a viral sensation. (See Vox’s explainer here.)
These two developments are more closely connected than it might seem at first glance. Obviously, it would be ridiculous to claim that Pokémon Go is singlehandedly responsible for recent macroeconomic trends. But technology-based products like Pokémon Go explain a lot about the current state of the global economy.
Pokémon Go is different from 20th-century entertainment options
Popularity Of Nintendo's New Augmented Reality Game Pokemon Go Drives Company Stock Up
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images
New York residents like these benefit from the Pokémon Go economy, but a lot of Americans don’t.
If you were looking to have fun with some friends 50 years ago, you might have gone to a bowling alley. Maybe you would have hung out at a diner or gone to the movies.
These were all activities that involved spending a certain amount of money in the local economy. That created opportunities for adults in your town to start and run small businesses. It also meant that a teenager who wanted to find a summer job could find one waiting tables or taking tickets at the movie theater.
You can spend money on Pokémon Go too. But the economics of the game are very different. When you spend money on items in the Pokémon Go world, it doesn’t go into the pocket of a local Pokémon entrepreneur — it goes into the pockets of the huge California- and Japan-based global companies that created Pokémon Go.
There are, of course, some good things about this. Pokémon Go can be a much more affordable hobby than going to a bowling alley or the movies. In fact, you don’t have to spend any money on it. And the explosion of options made possible by online platforms creates real value — the average teenager has vastly more options for games to play, movies to watch, and so forth than at any time in American history.
The Pokémon Go economy means growing regional inequality
Popularity Of Nintendo's New Augmented Reality Game Pokemon Go Drives Company Stock Up
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images
But the Pokémon Go economy also has some real downsides. One has to do with regional inequality. Nintendo and its partners are rumored to be earning more than $1 million per day from Pokémon Go. That money is flowing away from small and medium cities and toward big technology companies concentrated in big cities.
Stoped reading this reformist shit right there.
Anyway, this sort of entertainment could work.
State controlled Augmented Reality parks.
But, we have capitalism and we will end up like the AR games in Watchdogs. Anoying people and fucking up society to play "vidya".
On the other hand, I for one welcome Pokemon Go.
If more idiots die because they don't watch were they are going, this is a good thing.
Pokemon Go is actually a conspiracy to fight off the coming idiocracy. .. Or to bring it sooner…