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Please, please join the resistance so that you may be purged freely
ah hahahaha
Great, I can't wait.
Someone should tweet back "If Trump loses, I'm joining (((the Resistance)))"
Good. Cucks make for good target practice
How do we antagonize more of these faggots to virtue signal without them getting the idea of actually getting a weapon? Most I assume are dead broke and live in cities that prohibit funs. The ones that live in freedomland might have a 5% chance of getting a pistol or something stupid for a "resistance" thinking they'll John Wick operate in a weeks time.
Does anyone remember when all of those leftist cucks were hiding in a coffee shop during the Ferguson livestreams? I imagine that's what their resistance will be like.
those digits
sounds like to me they're just going to go around and stab or maybe just yell at random people. they won't do anything that requires legitimate planning.
Paul Graham is a millionaire (billionaire?).
I doubt they know how to tie a knot.
what the fuck happened in that video? Shop or actual blast?
time to enjoy their last cake.
Are they going to use guns? I thought they wanted them banned because they were dangerous so that would seem qiuet hypocratic of them.
Sauce pls?
Oh no, not the skinny-fat noguns faggots!!! What ever will we do!!!
they have absolutely 0 tactical perception or the mentality to handle firefights. Hell, even an average nig nog can handle guns better than any of these libcucks. I swear to got, all of them will end up in nigger-run camps as sex slaves because they can't defend themselves against these 'alt-right trigger squads'
I remember a time where the left made fun of us for being tempted for such things. I bet they dont even realize the irony in such statements.
I mean honestly, its "just an election" and its "just the presidency"
They're too stupid to realize that Trump winning is the only thing that will save them for a while. Too many people have had enough of their bullshit already and are not about to put up with it for another four years, especially when we know she's going to try to be a gun grabber and start using the military to execute people Waco/Ruby Ridge style. They simply do not understand the anger, and the violence visited upon them as a result will be incomprehensible.
Resistance against what? A democratically-elected leader who will comport himself as he has shown he can, and work towards the goals he has set, rather than following a globalist agenda's diktats?
Oh fuck yes, the idiot finally gave us the rope to hang him with.
Meme it!
(sweet trips bro)
Let them have guns, tbqh fam.
wew either way we get a civil war.
Top kek
Ok, look, I can see how the French Resistance during WW2 was pretty badass, but today's American Left? I seriously want them to do something just so I can watch it happen. Comedy of the Year!
they mean "resistance" as in "taking mean selfies of white guys at the gym and talking shit about them on snapchat". Maybe they'll spit on your burger or something if you go to their fast food shithole.
no guns trips
cool. let's start a dossier
i doubt you know how to comprehend basic English
and what are they going to use to fight back
fucking stick, everyone knows they won't be armed the fucking faggpts hahahahaahhaha
Reddit downvotes.
And the meek shall inherit the earth
Holy shit my dick is diamonds. I will seriously turn into the edgiest of edgemasters if this goes down.
this is why isis is effective. theyll just suicide bomb their enemies whenever they meet in public.
Doesn't going to save you from my RWDS.
t. Slav
Haha, no he won't.
and all of them only succeeded because they were backed by massive bankers and the opposition was sabotaged.
Reminder what leftists lack in brains and weapons Soros will attempt to make up in dosh.
No one is more beta then jews
I think we should take this threat seriously.
PG and the likes have serious money and the bigger problem is that they have their head so far up their own ass that they will never understand even 1 reason why someone like Trump was elected in the first place.
This kind of thinking only leads to serious problems. If not kill, they will try everything in their power to sabotage any positive steps Trump is trying to take. Corporate lobbying is already a shit show, and I don't see republicucks getting onto the Trump train any soon, even after he is elected.
lel. It's more fun to think they will try something.
Honestly guys I'm not trying to sound like a hill shill here but I'm legitimately worried Trump is going to lose. All the polls now show him getting btfo and I feel like ZOG learned it's lesson from brexit. If all the polls show Trump getting destroyed, nobody will think twice when (((they))) rig the election by a slim margin and Hillary comes out on top because 'muh polls goy, he was never gonna win anyway'. Am I the only one thinking this?
Stay pleb
sauce is 2015 suruc bombing
that's a good thing though.
pure larping and social media signalling
No he isn't. PG is not some random beta. He is serious. Resistance was a thing even before Star Wars.
You know what this means, right?
They are refusing to accept Democracy.
Maybe we should start the movement for them. It'll be like a honeypot for day of the rope.
Wait. Is this why Rogue One is getting rushed so much? They want all the impressionable young teens to be in an especially rebellious mood in case Trump wins, so they'll think they're actually fighting the "evil empire"?
go back to 4chan
no shit, sherlock. they dont give a fuck about democracy, thats one of many reasons why we hate them.
Dear Kek, hallowed be thy digits. Please make this fucking happen. Please let me gun down leftists in the streets for the glory of America.
a lot of scenes had to be reshot and they still want it out by this year is probably the real reason.
i wouldnt underestimate these cucks. a lot of them are extremely radical as evidenced by their hatred of themselves and fucking white males. their entire philosophy ends in their desire to self-immolate. theyll get eradicated but they can create enough chaos to make it not fun for the right wing death squads.
gotta love how the 4cuck invasion has made this place into LARPtopia.
This is beautiful. Intel agencies waste millions failing to track us anons down but libcucks voluntarily give their dissident status up. Hopefully Holla Forums catches the fever as well.
Just add 'em to the list. Send the ones we have before the election to the FBI and SS.
I'm thinking something like 'la trump resistance'
Grad fire worked well enough on the Maidan-leftists.
its some fucking normalfaggot making a fucking star wars reference you fucking melodramatic stooge
he watches adam sander movies
also see this.
PG is not a small guy. He will do what he says. Whether he succeeds is up to time. We cannot let these bastards succeed. Can someone please infiltrate the 'resistance'?
I want this blaring as leftists are lined up against walls and shot
CD tell, you're fighting the illusion of Hillary's lead and losing
maybe but we're also talking about the inevitable leftwing/spic/nigger shitstorm once the god emperor starts going full fash.
I have yet to see a leftist who can stand up to a 7.62x39
(why? proud avtomat kalashnikova can fire even when filled with sand. not like decadent american pig-dog guns)
Tee hee
Do we really have to take this seriously?
Let the hipsters bark. It's actually kind of cute. How many of them actually have military training; guns; or the stomach to go two nights without Netflix let alone fight in a battle?
they would shoot each other more than they do whitey
donald trump is not a secret homosexual TRS user tbh, he will get a rise out of the coloreds, particularly the spics but this shit is mostly bluster just like and etc. is a load of hot gas
Stay mad Holla Forums. Nobody spells out normalfag fully which means you're obviously this cuckchan cancer you speak of or a gommie faggot. Go watch Kike Wars with antifa, i'll still report you faggots to intel agencies for the lulz.
Thank you for correcting the record.
not shilling for the cuck crowder but he showed how easy it is to infiltrate their groups. all you have to do is act like a faggot. dont even need any philosophy. he could have easily kidnapped and tortured these leftwing leaders on camera for propaganda purposes.
I don't know but Im not going to live action role play about how much of a high speed tactical beast I am compared to people I have never met, as I am not a giant faggot who helped to kill this board over the course of the american election
doesnt matter what trump is. we will take advantage of whatever chaos arises.
You're fucking retarded.
He's say that if Trump wins, who is literally hitler you guys OMG, then he's going to fight the evil nazis by joining the french resistance
the cancer is fucking real
Nah, one way or another there's a war coming very soon. This election will only decide which side the US is on: Russia and the Neo-Axis or the EU/UN and the Jews.
Yes, you really are.
Funny how these cucks who are against the 2nd amendment are the ones threatening a civil war. It's like those people who just randomly protest in the middle of busy streets illegally and then act horrified when they get run down.
I don't think we'll have to be tactical beasts. Do you think this guy is comfortable with shitting in a bucket? Two days without the amenities of home and he'll be back in his mom's basement doing chores for tendies. I mean, I wasn't in the military myself, but if push really came to shove I'd join whatever militia faction ends up pro-America and I'd stick with it.
0.0000075 uBitshekels have been deposited into your wallet.
holy shit look at that kike i don't care what net worth it has that thing is worthless
literally nobody cares about anecdotal what-ifs
dood im going to rekt so many leftists during the race war
Glad to see Holla Forums is making a reappearance.
Sage negated, keep spamming.
Faggots? On my Holla Forums?
Looks like it's time for smug anime girls of anti-shilling.
Read and the rest of that thread archived here: my.mixtape.moe
Don't be fooled by the cuck nerd look. These are powerful people. They are worth hundreds of millions. They have their tendrils in all of the influential social media companies, and close ties to investors worth billions. All of the Silicon Valley wannabees idolize them and eat up their propaganda. They are pushing leading edge "social programs" like bankrolling "basic income" research in Oakland. They are politically active. They are Bilderbergers. They are elites. They are serious.
If this isn't the sign of an outright rebellion or secession (neither of which they are capable of), it could very well signal the beginning of an exit of the ultra-wealthy tech businesses and financiers from the US to more globalist friendly regimes, persistent sabotage against the Trump presidency and pro-nationalist governments, and the further mobilization of the hordes of college loan slaves.
CTR eat some tendies, you aren't you when you're hungry
you were the only one to trust the mainstream polls here. if he loses, it will be because of massive voter fraud
The dollar price bubble crashing - would it be overall good for the country?
*I meant the USD exchange rate.
It'll be good for me to pick up some cheap surplus gear. All of my local surplus places in my country are full of garbage and way overpriced
Good luck hitting anything past 300 yards fag
How many libshits died from that?
now this was a proper response, thanks for the info. still I would caution against assuming these people are in control of what is mostly a deep-state military industrial complex creation. the new techie companies are just fronts for the deepstate orgs
good luck winning a trial (military or civ gov) where you engaged beyond 50 yds
pepper spray
33, and over 100 were injured.
They were Turkish socialist university students. Literally nothing of value was lost.
So im stuck with a 308 m1a1 and a 10/22 with a silencer made from an oil can.
With that and ar650 armor am I ok? I am a good shot and have 1000 rounds for each in storage at any given time.
If there were an actual resistence i'd gladly fight against them for the god emperor
Why is the mossad bombing socialists?
Wow dude don't post Crowder like were all in favor of killing kikes but making kites out of their skin and making their children play with them before we bomb them thats kinda extreme for me dude.
Aren't we doing the same if Hillary forges the election?
They bomb all kinds of shit. They are bound to hit something that actually needs to be bombed eventually.
The list writes itself!
sauce? where was this and why?
who did the explosion? i saw a link in turkish it say the guy above the letter S
Bwahaha laugh all you want, evil Nazis, but we are coming and we will defeat you!!!!
Paul will interpret that as lisp code he needs to run.
Things are looking better and better.
I'll gladly fill this guys face in, with extreme prejudice!
Much appreciated.
i hate threads like this. it's one fucking tweet from some faggot i've never heard of with a few hundred losers who clicked the heart button on it. it's not an uprising. it's not a revolution. this guy's never been in a fistfight in his life and he won't do anything but continue to whine on twitter like the grown up fat kid he is.
back to real issues please
Those exist? That's a new one.
It's shit, senpai.
Here, have a suggestion for your cuck-slaying uniform.
I cannot wait
Liberals claim to hate violence, but when something doesn't go the way they want they say "this is just like Hitler and those evil nazis! we gotta stop it!", then they try to stop that by inciting violence and then cry when the people they attack defend themselves. Makes perfect sense.
Can't wait to hack them to pieces and make thropies out of their skulls . I'm going to be fucking relentless, their cucked pleas for mercy drowned by my frenzied battlecries.
Donth forgeth thath some of hus arh loyal thlaneethi culthith!
No wonder Jews always manage to fuck it up and get themselves caught whenever they get their schemes rolling. They lack any sense of self-awareness and probably possess very little capacity for introspection.
they are wrong. and they are mortal.
kill yourself
you don't belong here
breddy gud choice, but i'd rather be blaring this on the dotr
Go ahead leftists. Start getting violent.
We've been waiting for this
shit fuck direct link sorry
soundcloud com/user-393647831/im-the-resister
soundcloud com/user-393647831/
Hwe only hopeth to kapthur hue for KAY-OTH!!!
Every time I see that I think of this song for some reason (TRIGGER WARNING: pony faggotry)
and make sure they know they're on it
Do you happen to have the link to the download for Moriakku's album? I always fucking see it when I'm not at my PC and I can never remember the name.
He's going to browse Holla Forums?
Dubs confirm.
Cuck soup!
Cuck what?
don't have the link. sorry user
They'll literally throw themselves in waves at the enemy hoping to drown them in corpses aren't they?
muh palestines
Fuck that meme for making me hate DoW cultists even more. Chaos Rising cultists 4life.
I never trusted the polls in the first place I'm just saying that dumb goyim do. I just think that they will be able to pull off rigging it with massive voter fraud if most retards think he was going to lose anyway.
But aren't they funded by Israel?
I'm not as worried about that as you'd think. I mean, Hillary wins, it's a guaranteed civil war within 2 years. It's not what I want but in the end we'll have to play with the hand we get dealt.
I can believe it
Hello /int*/
stopped watching their
Hitler was no "muh THC" troglodyte.
What I think would be amazing is if a million-Trump-rally could be organised, ala Nuremberg Rally, before the elections. Show them our power and organization.
Vid related is what happens when edgy leftists try to fight right-wingers.
You all should be worried about this. Individually they are scum of the earth. Just like all beta uprisings starting with the christian ones to destroy Europe they have always been pretty violent. They are fanatical dogmatic zombies and that makes them dangerous albeit incompetent
It's hilarious when niggers and leftists threaten revolution. They can't be taken seriously. They are inferior in every facet of reality and would be crushed instantaneously. Good thing is the beta half breed cucks won't be reproducing, they will slowly die in out the coming years. The real problem is the uprising of arrogant niggers and spics who feel entitled to reparations because the white race conquered and enslaved them on the way to creating civilized western society. They breed like roaches. They feel they can be openly disrespectful and racist towards whites.
Fucking lol.
The only time leftists are dangerous is if there's like 50 of them surrounding one of you.
And even then they can only muster the courage to hit you in the back and run away while wearing a fucking mask.
Nothing wrong with breeding out their women. Every mulatto in a nigger womb is a nigger baby that won't be born. Three generations of this and they will be gone.
Yeah but that'd only be worth it if you were also impregnating a white woman
Jesus. Hello fellow oldfag
Is anyone else seriously not upset about this except for the couple of anons?
What is the plan if they attack economically? These people are seriously loaded? We don't have anyone other big league player than Trump on our side.
Mmmhhh sounds tasty, why don't cultists like you ever visit Commorragh? Let me show you into my headquarters…
You too, loyalist. My Haemonculus buddy right here wants to have a word…
You mean the Rebellion? There was no "Resistance" you limp-cocked faggot.
Teh prolhehm ith Darkth Eldhur talkth all thweet in eh beginninth but theh haf no followthrughghgh
look up any rifle comparison videos, AR will withstand quite a bit of sand, AK is not god tier. Jewish Soviet Propaganda must have gotten to you
Nah man Soviet guns are best guns. I've got a CZ pistol, and the slide it outside the receiver instead of inside it; a basic design feature that makes a world of difference in maintenance and reliability. An RPG-* is made to be fired many, many times, while an American TOW is overdesigned and then shoots once and you have to throw it away. I don't even need to mention the F-35.
Come now! We treat our women oh so nicely. We always follow through with our promises, don't you trust us? Would I lie?
Here in ausfalia my local fun store sells only CZ shadow 1 and 2 variants.
I've been using 75B at my ranged and I need to know if they're meme guns or not.
Crowder legitimately scares me. I met him once while driving through Nebraska. I told him that he should tone it down a bit or the FBI would arrest us. He looked at me in the eye, and told me to stop being a faggot. Then he took me to his car and showed me three large sandbags. I asked what was in them and he said "I put some faggot kikes feet first into a woodchipper, because I ran out of lawn fertilizer". True story, this guy is NOT someone to mess with.
Hue juth huwanth hu komthume my thoul. Mei frient SLAAAAANETH-CHAN hath told mue all habouth boith like hue.
Shit nigga that's exactly the gub I've got, a 75-B compact, because unlike Trump I have small ass hands. I've had it about a year and I fucking love it. I figured that Czechs are like honorary Germans in engineering and I haven't been disappointed.
Reminder to order your FG-42s for the coming race/civil war.
Yes, that is definitely a prerequisite. Never get in any form of committed relationship with a negress, and keep in mind that you will probably get aids, so always get checked before committing to a white woman.
Was with the chans since shortly after their beginning. Started luring in late 03, posting in 04. Crazy ride. Damn near became a goon before 4chan cam along. Thank God it did. Otherwise, I might have wound up hanging with Hillary, in both sense of the term.
the kind of peak that never comes again. Holla Forums in the middle oughts was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run . . . but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant. . .
Strange and potentially heretical though it may be to say this, I think in a lot of ways Holla Forums is "old Holla Forums" (it was always shit)'s inheritor. It's been fascinating watching Holla Forums culture mutate and spread everywhere the last two years. Never thought when I got in that we'd wind up here.
we're not done yet
I fucking love the heavy feel CZs got. The fuds over at the range swear by their Glocks but I always feel like they'll just fly out of my hands.
We were a lot less mature and a lot less political in those days. But it really is easy to that certain strands of the culture came under intense pressure and mutated themselves because of it. I was just a university kid in those days, no responsibilities, and with the belief that everything was going to turn out okay for me economically. The LOLRANDOM humor of Holla Forums always had a slightly political undercurrent in those days; it's no coincidence the Habbo Hotel raid saw all Holla Forumstards suited up as a well-dressed nigger. We all had an unconscious knowing of what the taboos were and why taboos are the most important thing to challenge.
With a little /i/ thrown in. The doxes popping up in various threads are great even though the response isn't to the point of full scale invasions yet.
I wish Panzer Cops were real.
I hate the recoil compensation of Glocks. Pulling up and sideways seems retarded to me - that's two directions to correct for, instead of just one.
I thought that was common knowlege.
Holla Forums was basically done by 2007. for a few years Holla Forums ran the show, and now Holla Forums has taken center stage.
pick one.
But muh technique improvement!
What do you mean you don't want to spend hours mastering a pistol that goes everywhere with every shot?
Ha! Is that the rationale?
I mean, my dad loves Glocks, so I'm not gonna play more gun-purity-than-thou - but I'm going to stick to what I like.
Pretty sure that's how AIDs started.
Crowder is swoll af I asked him about it once on twitter then he DMed me and told me its from reenacting the curb stomp theme from American History X except he uses his biceps instead of his foot and its a much slower process
This is hilarious because Hillary can hardly be called a "leftist revolutionary." She's just the establishment personified.
These people eat the shit of the elite and ask for seconds. They wouldn't even know what a resistance would be, and no tweeting your discontent doesn't count. I don't care how rich Trump is. He's not a political elite.
Holy shit you are stupid. First off the CZ75 is basically a 1911/Hipower with a few changes here and there. The RPG is a LAW which is an entirely different class of weapon than the TOW which is a heavy ATGM that is a stationary crew serviced weapon. The TOW is also re-loadable.and is so simple to use that 9/10 times when you see an ISIS video of them screaming alohasnackbar as a Russian tank burns in the background they were using a TOW. The Russian equivalent of the TOW would be the Kornet which is also a crew serviced wire guided launcher. As for the American LAW there is actually three options, two are throw away launchers designed to be as lightweight as possible and are issued to all members of the squad (the M79 if you are poor and the AT4 if you don't get your gear from the 20th century) and for the marines there is the re-loadable Selectable Munition Assault Weapon or SMAW which is given to a specialized operator like an RPG.
Thinking back on those kids right now, they probably are. Holy shit this makes me feel so much better I'm not one of them now.
Fucking hell I meant M72 not M79
Kek confirms you probably know more than me. OTOH, I don't think I've ever heard of a helicopter being shot down with a TOW, while the Iraqis perfected the art of knocking down American whirlybirds with RPGs.
nigger, are you even trying to fit in?
guys is trump really gonna win this shit? ive been holding out hope, but it's all really coming together. amazing
Never lose faith, you low energy pussy.
Please report these people to the secret service.
I'm very happy for Karl, the amount of weight he's lost is very noticeable.
I'm a big fan of both Ian and Karl, but they're pretty cuckish.
get out with your meme rounds
That's where you are dead wrong kiddo. An RPG is strictly an AT weapon. It simply does not have the range to target a helicopter that is not already on the ground and firing one upwards would give you serious third degree burns from the back blast. The TOW is actually designed to be used on helicopters with its laser guided mode and in very recent memory was used by the snackbars to shoot down that Russian rescue chopper that came in to rescue the pilots shot down by the turkroaches.
RPG could be used against choppers in urban environments. Plenty of rooftops. Though still it would be very limited depending on what the chopper is attacking at the time.
Iraqis got real good at timing the fuses on RPGs to knock out helicopter gyros, from videos I've seen over the years. I'm no expert on TOWs, though, I just have an instinctive hatred of anything classified as fire and forget.
Leftists are secretly very happy about being oppressed. This is what they live for, to being victimized, its a very feminine mindset. They were never very content being in charge.
lets them sit back and bitch and moan without having to make decisions and actually be accountable. they can just use their voting power to get gibs and complain from the back seat. but not for long
No it couldn't. You practically have 0 chance to hit the thing unless it hovers right over your head, and trust me, it won't. The only kind of helicopter the RPG-7 could be used against is a transport one that landed to unload troops or supplies for a brief moment.
There is no way in hell that you are going to hit something like vid related with a fucking RPG-7.
oh boy, I can't wait to be able to legally shot these fuckers
a MANPADs is much better because it was actually designed for the job. The only reason it worked in blackhawk down was because they underestimated just how many of the damn things they would fire and kept very low to the ground the entire operation and even then I think three helicopters took direct hits and did not go down in that operation.
Learn to read
The TOW is wire guided SACLOS not fire and forget.
its going to be a great time
What were Iraqis using to down American helicopters with then? I've seen enough videos to know it was something, but I didn't think they had much by way of MANPADs, I always had the impression is was well timed, well aimed RPG-27s.
Yeah, I can just see how that's going to pan out.
They were probably just using old soviet MANPADs as you have to remember that they were still buying the majority of their hardware from Russia at the time. Other than that it could have (although this is INCREDIBLY improbable due to how unbelievably shit they were) been a British blowpipe left for the mujaheddin in the 80s but that would not have been part of their uniform army and honestly if even trained soldiers couldn't use that incredible POS to any effect I highly doubt Mohammad could ether.
Just remember that MANPADs are fucking everywhere in the middle east. The hard part is finding a working battery and cooling unit for them.
Can't believe I used to read this cuck's programming books.
Oh, yes, scary, so frightening, angry nu-males… Whatever will we do.
So stuff left over from Afghanistan, or did the Iraqi Army by it themselves? Just curious about timelines here. I would assume that when the USA was enforcing the no-fly crap in the 90s they were flying too high for that equipment to be of any use.
I don't think PG is a hipster. A very rich, smart and influential man. Also very insightful; see his essay "What you can't say". His anti-Trump rage seems out of character.
No, not a hipster, just a progressive liberal cuckold.
At least he's not a Ziocuck, but still.
> nymag.com
Everyone is a little bit heretical, user
The Iraqis would have had the stuff they got for free from Russia in the 80s for the Iran-Iraq war and would continue to buy fresh battery's and cooling units from post soviet Russia to ensure that they wouldn't turn into useless gutter pipes. Keep in mind that MANPADs are rather short ranged systems to be used against CAS and helicopters. Not high altitude bombing raids.
oh no a cuck uprising
We need to figure out which PG properties allow user generated content and start trolling them. Hard to troll Hacker News due to moderation. VotePlz is begging to be trolled, but no UGC that I can see. You could submit fun names/addresses in the register form fwiw.
We should go through every YC-funded company and see which ones are open to trolling.
Huehin everh hue die, hour frienth Slaaneth-chan juth rethurekth hus anywey,
kek, if you made a fake rebellion styled with star wars shit you would get millions of names
Holy fuck
If you've Milo's dangerous faggot tour (specifically the one with Crowder and Trigglypuff) you remember Trigglypuff making noise early on in the video. During the event the camera switches back and fourth to the stage and the crowd. At about 17 minutes in, Trigglypuff disappears from the crowd. The staff didn't kick her out, Crowder just got tired of yelling and in the 2 minutes they focus very specifically on Hoff Sommers speaking, Crowder ran to the crowd, pulled her by her bun, dragged out out of the auditorium, roped that used to be living sack of lard. After that he sat back down and had a good rant. Some students of that campus have rumored that he then fed her to the piggies. This man is not someone to take lightly to.
oh dear
Holla Forums and /k/ would form an alliance and our RWDS would wipe out the leftcucks in one day. It would be very embarassing.
What are those nugunz faggots going to do their resisting with?
mix breeds tend to have better chances with white women than full niggers.
you do realize that half of /k/ hates Holla Forums? and most of Holla Forums is noguns?
You what m8?
what the fuck does that even mean in the context of my post?
I got a lot of money to blow to prepare for the race war. What kind of gun should I get?
Thanks for correcting the record.
.5 shekels have been deposited into your account.
It means I applaud you for the sheer audacity of your stupidity.
You took my words, user. It just tags them for the purge later on.
Are these people mentally retarded?
if you ever go in to a guns of pol thread there is only a handful of people and the vast majority of guns they post are poorfag trash. and regarding pol/k relations, pic related
Mein sides
not bad ctr, but still shithouse
Time to get some sunlight. Vit D deficiency affects brain function.
Spread shitty videos of shitty Black Bloc actions to make them threatening yet easily crushed?
Like this one: m.youtube.com
Holla Forums actually has a sizable community of military veterans, while /k/ is just bronies and airsoft tacticool try-hards. Terrible moderation on halfchan is the only reason so much of Holla Forums was only /k/ talking about our military stories and politics regarding ownership, etc, but go ahead and run off those fumes like their yours.
Btw, half of /k/ IS Holla Forums. The rest of your are what's the problem ;^)
I'm not as ancient as some of the true faggots, I arrived just in time to watch the decline of Holla Forums
I ended up on Holla Forums looking for answers and stayed for the politics.
I've been around since 09 and truly joined up in 2012. It's been a hell of a ride, and I'm very glad that, while I missed the high water mark the first time around, I won't do so again.
Holla Forums is still on it's way up, shills be damned, and it looks like we're going to change the world… again.
*on /k/
It's a joke.
Hi POG. I'm sure being a 92G will be a asset come rope day. You can be in charge of the chicken tendies.
Half of /k/ is also noguns as you said with your airshit comment
CTR must be running out of shekels.
What they don't understand is that we have the angry betas this time. The left has degenerated into omegas.
Then we know what to watch out for.
Aren't we the omegas, with our semen bottles and 2D and wizardry? The left has the beta nerds who meekly try to fit in by getting black rimmed glasses and caring about feminism.
Nah m8 we are the gamma males, we're the wizards and true artists and proto-/sci/fags, and massive autists. The path we're on transcends Omega, even Alpha.
The successful gamma male becomes a massively powerful wizard and the unsuccessful one sits in a coffee shop talking about how great racemixing is
Thank you I was not educated.
We may have piss bottles and waifus, but we never chose to be orbiters or cucks. That makes us more respectable than them.
TOW is wire guided. I think you are confusing it with the Javelin which is laser guided
TOW has a laser guidance mode although it is usually used when fired from helicopters.
Paul Graham's bitch boy Sam Altman went to Bilderberg this year and censored hacker news of any news about.
Why are you rich ((( Sam Altman ))) ?
Meme magic is about to reach critical mass
That's out of date. Most men here are most likely Sigma males. Sigmas are the sort of "pack-less" alpha types that have been popping up as of late due to social rejection. Gamma males are the ones now recognized as just "invisible" dudes who don't accomplish anything while having nothing spectacular about them either. Sigmas are the ones that have all the interesting shit, they refine random skills and learn basically as much as they can that they find practical to their approach and needs for life. They also naturally stress the shit out of any existing alpha male if they enter a group. They are either forced out or force the old alpha out later.
Without niggers they'd be crushed like twigs.
True cucks till the very end
You can't write this shit.
They can crash the economy, that would create a lot more chaos than few guys with guns.
Yeah, /k/ are kinda fags tbh fam.
Going to be awfully difficult to orchestrate a rebellion without any of those evil assault rifles isn't it?
Jesus Christ I remember that day. I think about it sometimes.
That was what? 2006? 2007?
All old school Holla Forumstards became Holla Forumsacks.
Literally every /k/ommando I know on a personal level is redpilled.
B-but, Bernie already started the revolution!
O-oh. Oh no …
That was in Turkey. The banner says: We defended it together, we're building it together. They're from the Socialist Youth Associations Federation.
Paul Graham is the equivalent of a "suicidal" woman standing on a bridge, bawling her eyes out waiting to be rescued with no intention of ever jumping to her death. It's the same bullshit as 'fuck this, i'm moving to Canada' statement. Either way, Paul Graham and all those who liked and retweeted the message got added to a list.
Never tell your enemies what you will do; just do it!
Never state things or google things as this may prove intent, only do so if u can guarantee not a single trace of it can come back to you personally or to those around you.
Sounds fun.
Does anyone have the webm of that Swedish faggot firing an ar-15 for the first time and then proceeding to break down into a crying mess? That's what this "resistance" would look like. My shit's disorganized as fuck, otherwise I'd post it.
I think he meant the Antifa tards.
Indeed. They're pussies when they're alone but once they're in large enough groups, they start ganging up on people like a pack of ravenous niggers.
Don't daemonettes have a benis?
sorry newfag here how do i downloading this so i can force my friends to listen to this?
Go to control panel
Go to task manager
Delete System32
ok what next????!?
I used to find the nonstop
in these types of videos funny, but now it's just fucking annoying. Muslim shitskins really do have a limited vocabulary.
Underrated post
never mind i figured out how to tie the noose, danka mein bruders :3
Is this from the group of people that think that gun shoots "[…] are very, very loud. It sounded like a cannon and felt like a bazooka. The blast gave me a temporary for of PTSD."
Are you stupid? There was no French resistance. It's a kike hollywood myth.
It's not out of date, just contradictory with the list you're using because it's all a bunch of arbitrary bullshit made by bloggers so they just use whatever greek letters they feel like. The one you're referring to is mainly pushed by a christlarp prairie nigger named vox day, so I wouldn't keep geing by it if I were you.
There is nothing wrong with Basic Income. If there was basic income we could participate in things voluntarily economically instead of being forced to pay for Mr. Shekelberg's vacation home and yacht in order to eat and pay rent.
you dont get to use anything nigger i bet you cant run for 5 minutes never mind humping retardo overgarment riot gear bitch
Where were you when we memed the cuckrising into existence?
How would they do this?
Incorrect. We will no longer have to work for the Jews to eat and pay rent. We can do what we like economically and otherwise. Welfare currently pays native and imported non whites to reproduce. If people choose to make more than the Basic Income they are free to but we can no longer be forced into shit jobs just to eat and pay rent. But hey if you like paying for Mr. Shekelberg's daughters car and wardrobe keep it the way it is.
you tube.com/watch?v=lsRXRcAOfcU
feels good man
I thought it was turkroaches govt officials masquerading it as an ISIS bombing, nonetheless glad those fags went down
Holy fuck, the people in this video.
This is /cow/ level shit.
There is no hope left for man.
It won't manifest further than the wasted blanks in their socks.
Speaking from experience, all you need to do is dress like them, use their lingo and act "quirky" or "shy" read faggy and beta.
They - from what I experienced - tend to be very weak-willed, and depending on consensus. So if you weaken consensus even the least manipulative person can fuck their shit up.
Though in my case they were all 15-20 year old homos.
Everybody hates kikes.
The bomber had bad comedic timing, I was expecting it to go off around the 0:07 or 0:14 mark, right at that brief pause in chanting.
yes, and that is why so many love them.
Yea he's going to post some more shit on twitter and call it resistance. Honestly this generation is the worst.
EMP when ?
Also its amazing that it was one squad against a whole demonstration.
Thanks for reminding why I hate Paul Graham
I dressed nicer than that to my Thanksgiving dinner two days ago
I'm sure it will be just as good as the post-Brexit tantrums.
These faggots probably don't even know how to chamber a round, let alone try to fire a gun. They'll most likely get the niggers to riot for them instead.
i dont think Holla Forums is so much no-guns anymoar.
black hawk down…. ring any bells.
i will cede that attack helos are too fast an have moar armor than transports. but its the soft bodies in the transports that matter and rgp's will and do bring down those typr of helos
Reminder that a lefty "revolution" is just chanting crap while blocking the streets. Maybe even getting run over.
Does anyone have the WEBM/mp4 of that demonstration where they were all chanting "take down that flag" and noone did?
Nice try bud.
eh, I wouldn't say as much as half, but you have a point - lots of lolbergs, as well as some butthurt non-whites
highly doubt this - disarming man turns him into a faggoty numale, like you see today in western europe and places like NY & CA
This. Their "revolution" is just gathering in a public are and whining about shit.
If liberals seriously think they are capable of forming an armed resistance for any reason, they are even more retarded then I thought them to be.
That's actually a radical liberal thing.
I'm a moderate liberal and I believe both of those are wrong.
get the fuck out fgt
If you're not a classical liberal, terminate yourself.
If you are,…
more leftist cucks
dat projection
what are they gonna do boycott starbucks or get naked in the street or some other harmless pointless bullshit
Can't wait to pop a cuck.
heres one from Brit/pol/
I've been meaning to ask: do we have any people tasked with rope-weaving, or do we just reuse the rope after they're dead?
use steel cable and reuse
That was immensely satisfying.
Not enough rope in the universe, guys.
hammers are better
The smug reaction on the cuck at the left and the lolling nigger and phoneboy says it all.
fuck now i really want trump to win. a war against leftists is my greatest dream.
The fuck are they going to do? Stop buying iphones for a few weeks?
i feel like he would say something important, but the interrupts make this funny as hell anyway
it died from head injuries if i recall
never caught the driver ;^)
too commie
prefer large cages on cranes you can lower into water for about 20 minutes then raise and dispose
tz kkkool 2 b a fashy nattsie
halt traffic with a rally for a week then boycott Trump hotels or something equally stupid
Is water wet?
That image triggered my graphic autism, so I fixed it.
I have to admit that collar irritates me too
Depends on its temperature
glad one got what he deserves at least.
its not enough tbh
I want them all dead, heads cracked open and fed upon by rabid welfare hungry former SNP members
Source on these lists? I'd like to know more.
That Sigma description kind of sounds like me, but if it's just some bullshit of course I want to be sure.
I can't wait to grab them by their pussy and put them up against the wall
The good thing is that they've only seen hollywood faggot watered down depictions of a purge like "oy vey hitlah is comin hide in da attik," so they have false confidence thinking they'll be able to survive.
U can't wait
this is good autism
Warrants inquisition/10.
true total war is beyond the imagination of the kikes in jewwywood
Welp…there goes No Fap.
it is a tad erotic
I think they mean they will withdraw their productivity from Trump's America. Blogger and Tumblr will go out of business.
My jimmies have been unrustled quite a bit.
Especially the BLM one, the music makes is.
Thank you both!
Frankly, I think about this a lot.
Jeeze, I unconsiously shouted "Yes, fucking Die!" as it happened… I'm too hungry for the pogroms to start.
thanks lad
I'm so happy it died, one less paki terrorising our native folk and bottie seated in the lake of fire
I wish the impact was harder so I could see the sand rat's limbs fly off.
I wish they'd got a close up of the dunecoon choking on his own blood with his neck broken tbh
checked. everyone will tell you something different. get a rifle, pistol and shotgun, preferably in common military calibers. honestly, an AR-15 and Glock 19 are going to be the most basic, solid choice.
AR-15's jam pretty easy in shitty conditions though dont they?
crazy americans
no, it's an old vietnam meme when they told the soldiers that the gun was self cleaning. it's not. the tighter tolerances of an ar actually make it very reliable because there is little room for outside shit to get into its inner workings. it's arguably more reliable than an AK because of these tighter tolerances, but don't let slavaboos hear you say that
I'm sure there are a lot of us who don't have guns, but I'm pretty sure 100% of them aren't American.
ahh fair
I heard it jams like a cunt if you got dirt in the barrel so I was put off it
any gun's going to have issues if there's dirt in the barrel
Yeah, it's time to join the #Resistance!
I've seen an AK fire though with a handful of wet mud sloshing around in the barrel
its a simple resilient gun
never liked most american carbines and assault rifles anyway though tbh
the fact the AR-15 can be fired generally accurately one handed feels a bit too much like compromise to me
Learn to read
They only managed to hit because they fired literally THOUSANDS of them in every direction for an entire day and only took down two of the 5 they hit. Not to mention that the ones they did hit were flying in a predictable low altitude circle pattern over the hotel because the flight planners didn't expect them to fire so many.
Even the blowpipe which had a successful use rate of around 2% in the Falklands war was more efficient than an RPG in the surface to air game.
according to the (((New Yorker))) piece
Altman has a survivalist hideout somewhere and is has guns
Oh ok myth busted then I guess
wont believe anymore shit about the AR-15 being useless when muddy
AK is a fine rifle too, get what you like. but if what's stopping you is concerns about reliability, then a lot of people would be happy to speak up for their AR's
wasn't the RPG developed as an anti-tank weapon?
like a more robust copy of the panzershreck?
Yes. The RPG was NEVER supposed to be used in the surface to air role as firing one upwards will result in serious third degree burns. It more closely resembles a reloadable panzerfaust than a panzershreck which is just a copy of the good ole bazooka.
Only niggers sand or otherwise would be so desperate to use such an inappropriate weapon against aircraft.
Is it wrong for me to look forward to an utterly chaotic and clusterfuck of a Civil War?
I think I can feel the tensions and emotions of the nation. Emotions are running high, yet they are suppressed and bottled up. A massive civil war would be like a national catharsis; Everyone throwing their emotions; sadness, anger, hate, fear, all of it; at each other in a firestorm unseen yet by this world. It'd drag on for a number of years, until finally it would end, and a nation would emerge exhausted, but absolved of its pent up fury.
God and Kek only know what the cost of such a conflict would be, but damn it wouldnt it be exciting?
thats what I thought
the purpose is in the name really
I just though the AR-15 was more unreliable
cleared that up I guess
tbh I'm British so I'd rather stick with my Enfields and Bullpups as a matter of national pride really
This meme needs to end, please reassure me the majority of Holla Forums aren't 400lb eldritch wizards and you guys are serious about getting /fit/ and succeeding in life.
how the fuck did i miss this until now
I attacked a fascist. I thought being part of a mob would keep me safe.
That's what makes it so perfect. Imagine thousands of fat fucks, gun autists, robots, animefags with loli shirts, pseudo normalfags who suddenly unleash their powerlevel and all kinds of weird creatures roaming the streets bringing the day of the rope like a giant chaotic clusterfuck, bringin hell to those who deserve it and kikes in such creative ways that shouldn't even be possible, together with the rest of the RWDS.
Yeah if my country is anything to go by lefties sit down and shut the fuck up if the threat of violence becomes real and they don't out number you 5+ to 1.
It's definitely a funny image to imagine but sometimes I worry that I'm the only one that fell for the self improvement meme. My experiences with local meetups aren't very encouraging. You're a great bunch of guys but holy fuck you need to lift.
In all truth though, i think there are more fit, succesfull and normalfag appearing people here than one might imagine, while often making fun of themselves. Also, humans are above all creatures because of their intelligence and not their phyiscal strength, so even fat shits should be able to maximize damage just by owning a gun and being smarter than lefties, niggers and beaners, if it ever comes to it.
Also never meet a Holla Forums in real life, ever. They are most likely honeypots or are otherwise useless. Holla Forums being anonymous and a bunch of lone wolves with similar goals actually is its strength. If you really want to meet people you could team up with in the case of a happening, redpill your family and join some fighting gym/gun club or something else with a lot of conservative people in it.
thanks for sharing /liberty/. I needed that board tbh. Now I have an almost endless supply of ancap and snek memes
Of who?
A bunch of pussies that have to ask their manwomen before they open their noise holes freely or risk being labeled a rapist?
Yeah, I'm trembling.
How do I pledge my unwavering loyalty to Trump? I don't want to be seen on the side of the limp-wristed, spineless liberals
Ugh, those disgusting women @11:30 trying to bait the police into pushing them back(while holding their camera phones in the officers face) How can a male be so weak and degenerative as to be willing to put their dick in that?
Of course we're going to do this eco-friendly, caring about your nation means caring about your environment as well.
Ah'm only 'bout tree-fiddy, monstuh.
Everyone remember: when this beta's nightmare comes to pass, we have to start sending him tweets asking him where the Resistance will be meeting and if we need to bring anything.
We Highlander soon.
I don't get it, i got confidence and fit and suddenly women treat me like an alpha.
I thought it was genetics? What if women are just fucking dull and stupid?
It just gets lonely when you have to filter everything you say and keep your head down for so long. I'm at the point where I avoid talking to white people altogether because they are almost guaranteed to be a leftie or bluepilled cuck. My city has a lot of guys from Holla Forums and an active TRS group who I was planning on joining before they attacked us but you are right, it's better to stay lone wolf. I met with Holla Forumsacks once and it was great being able to actually communicate with people on the same level of intelligence and with shared culture. We got along so well it was like we knew each other for years. We had much more chemistry than my actual irl friends. Giving myself feels typing this blogpost but I agree it's wiser to stay under the radar.
Did you miss the 2nd debate threads and subsequent highlights? See this thread:
Aww. He was going too fast to catch the license plate. That's one less beer bought for him.
It really is hard being alone in your beliefs. Someone should start meetup threads here inb4 "go away FBI.
Modern liberalism.
There's a whole board dedicated to it
Seconded. I really, really want to see that.
Why would you throw away a good rope?
Found the vid.
Our opponents are chaos you dipshit
Wrong God. That's a loyalist
Jesus Christ learn to 40k and keep that shit on /tg/ where it belongs
Sage for off topic
Something I've noticed about these people. Between them making statements like that as if indicating that you don't like something is an actual argument, going on massive Twitter rants, and "protesting" by essentially throwing a public temper tantrum and blocking traffic, it seems like leftists labor under the delusion that their opinion is very important, and that them indicating that they dislike something is reason enough to change laws and policies.
Example: when protesting they march out across the street to block traffic fully expecting that people will stop. The fact that some people might not give a shit about their little tantrum and might actually have jobs to get to doesn't seem to occur to them – they want to throw their little hissy fit and they fully expect you to stop and take time out of your day to watch.
They seem deeply narcissistic.
That's a given user.
Truly dangerous men have no need for chest beating and grandiose claims, for they are men of action.
The Roman Legions would march into battle completely silent, this terrified their barbarian adversaries more than any battle cry.
Silence demonstrates intent, discipline, and order, all these things are abhorrent to the left.
Bombs are a great way to sow fear and confusion.
Source on the Artist?
I reccomend sparkler bombs. Cheap (30 sparklers and electrical tape) powerful, and if screws are added, deadly. Think hand grenade power.
what's with all the fucks advocating violence lately on this board
Alphabet soup
Crowder called me a faggot for not wanting to sieg heil in public once.
What's with all these jews posting sexual images lately on this board?
Hahaha we lynch that darkie last.
The sad part is that Trump will lose and when he loses there will be no rwds and no white "resistance"
lol, keep dreaming kike
The funny thing is, at this point they should be praying to their foreskin-thirsty god for every minute of every day that Trump wins. Trump is the only thing that stands between them and REAL Hitler.
Trump is the olive branch, if they (((you))) refuse him then it will finally be laid bare that there will be no peaceful change in the power structure.
You grossly underestimate just how pissed off people are.
This guy gets it.
I wish I was wrong but you know it's true. Trump is floundering and we have to prepare for that.
Fuck off CTR kike. Everybody knows their polling methodology is more crooked than Bill's syphilitic cock.
Go away CTR.
I don't think they realize the ultimate punchline to this ironic joke is when we drag them up against a wall and shoot. I can't get over how unnecessary this all is. But I suppose that's what everybody was saying just as the orgy of pointless destruction that WAS the first Great War broke out.
Okay I can go with you on this one. Polls are done not to discover public opinion but to control it, i agree. So what about when Hillary cheats? Rwds then? No no it won't happen there is no white resistance unless you are in the northwest. At what point do we act? We can't keep waiting for someone to go first and Trump is not the man on a white horse many of us think he will be
Well, to be honest, I assume that we aren't coming for Hillary. Hillary will be coming for us. Then it'll come down to the Solzhenitsyn Solution - we fight to the death on our own doorsteps with whatever we have at have on hand. The bubble is going to blow no matter whom is elected. Trump will have our sympathies in mind, while Hillary is guaranteed to blame it all on white, straight males, and she'll use every power at her disposal to try to get revenge on us for destroying her perfect criminal utopia.
So they basically become us next year?
For rope you just need a lot of dry and fibrous material like bark from wispy tree branches or tall weeds or even tough grass. Tenderize the bark/weeds by grinding and twisting them until the fibers start to separate from one another. You now have fiber to start your rope.
To make a regular old two-strand rope, separate a small section of fibers, about half as thick as you want your rope to be. Grab one section between your thumb and index finger and twist the fibers around one another (assuming you're right-handed, you'll probably twist them counter-clockwise).
To start to form the actual rope from this rope section, find the center-point of the rope section and start to twist the ends together from center to end in the OPPOSITE direction of what you twisted the section in the first part (assuming you're right-handed, this will probably be clockwise). If you twisted the fibers together tightly, the rope will probably start to twist in this direction anyway. Keep adding fiber to your ends when you see a fiber strand running out. Do this by twisting the strands together a few inches from the end of a strand. Try not to let more than one strand end in one place on your rope, as this will create a weak spot.
Keep twisting the section around itself, adding fibers, and twisting the ends around one another until your rope is the desired length.
And now you know the basics of rope making. Everyone here should know this.
The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, by Lyle Rossiter, from 2011.
Greetings from 55, You guys got anytips for hues?
I'm gonna need a source.
Most of us are omegas, individualist and able tomuster hate, we where never part of the normie herd and we will never will. We are the true humans, the others are subhumans.
Some of us may be gamma or zeta too.
Betas are cucks, afraid from straying of the herd, who endurance in silence in hope that they will be accepted as anything more than a slave - if they not already contents with being slaves.
Sure mate, we are all fit and fuck chubbies :^)
the ones who do are normalfags who will be hang when the time comes
Don't you dare make fun of the mperial Guard, faggot!
We can't afford to wait, user.
There's a difference?
you took the joke too far
this desperately needs the tank running over the turkroach clip from the coup added
also I think they were some injun protest who that got run over a few days ago
they think it's fucking tianmen square. has anyone ever seen any article about any of the people doing it getting caught?
The moment Bilderbergs plan is thus interpreted openly as trump being bad for (((THEIR))) plan.
He doesn't look "hwhite" either, He got brown eyes which would mean that he's likey a spic cuck.
Neither is "fire and forget". F&F means self guided weapon.
Feels good.
Late 2008 lurker here. Started posting confidently around spring 2010.
For some reason imageboards felt like a natural environment for me and I had a natural affinity for maymays to the point of getting deja vus, as if they always existed and was familiar with them.
So thats where this vid gets it's footage from
for my rhodesiaphile brothers…
love, user
Who's that glorious grampa?
This shouldn't turn me on this much but it does
more like "and the meek shall raze everything that was good because they were so fucking retarded that they allowed one small group of rich people to convince them into believing they were taking power away from small groups of rich people"
more like "and the meek were so stupid that they let a small group of rich people con them into thinking they were getting back at small groups of rich people"
the fuck are you on? many of the people in this board don't even think democracy is a good form of government
I'm American, but honestly, after I've seen the raw damage that mass media does, I find it very difficult to defend democracy. controlling information at this point is virtually impossible, our impact on this election is proof of that.
sorry, my shitty browser crashed while i made the first post.