Russia orders recall of students studying abroad
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WW3 before the Trump defuses the situation?
Plz Kek, no.
Trips of doom?
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Pls no war with Russia. Think of all the Slavic QTs that will be put in harms way.
Russia has it coming for what they did to the far cuter Germanic QTs.
What does this mean?
Is Kek telling us that World War 3 will be (((their))) answer to Trump or is it that Trump will foil (((their))) plans?
I think that's his way of saying "yes"
Why not both?
They can start it, he can lead the second american revolution and finish it.
What if Putin is rigging the election to make Trump win? Just to destroy what the kikes have done to America and to finally get ride of Israel source of power. He know if Trump wins he'll purge all of this corruption. Obama is really aiming nuclear capable missiles at Russia to scare them away, but I feel Putin not stopping and willing to take the risk, and call his bluff out but not until he assure that his people are safe.
I.m a burger here, my country doesn't even go to the length to have bomb shelters made for us.
We need the Slavs to help uncuck Europe. The white race cannot survive another world war.
pls post pics
Trump should basically point out now that he is the only one that can defuse the situation since Hillary has thrown blame and made comments about bombing Putin to hell and back. He should point to the fact that he has made businesses change their minds about leaving the US, has convinced Mexico to support the wall and support building one of their own as well as poof of his negotiation skills. Him getting along with Nigel as well, Trump really should make use of this happening to his advantage. Shit is broken and he is the only one that can fix it. It's the ice rink story all over again.
how about the point is to destroy America so he can take Europe. We do a civil war, he takes europe. we get our shit together and then we retake europe.
Wew. This thread. These dub dubs.
also, I'm saying this because it was predicted by an afrikaans seer in south africa
Siener van Rensburg
I don't think enough people realize how serious that is, taking the number of posts here.
or its being slid on purpose. this is very serious
It can't be said more loudly
Kek confirms
Oh look, it's fucking nothing.
I should basically point out those quads.
The title is clickbait.
No it's not, when countries call for their citizens to return from abroad there is usually a credible threat of imminent war.
Haha no
How is it clickbait?
shlomo is that you?
Let me guess, if Russian decided to close its embassies, it would be nothing as well?
Calm down you twat. This was planned a long time ago. Putin said over and over again, that Russians studying abroad get indoctrinated by globalist propaganda and eventually return and cause trouble by either joining (((NGOs))) or become (((human rights activists))), or even abandon Russia altogether.
It's a smart move. The first thing you hear in European universities when enrolling is "go, study abroad for some (((cultural understanding))). Putin is trying to put a stop to this.
Every wimmin which goes abroad eventually becomes a self-centered whore wearing tons of make-up and tweeting about their purpose of life being bringing peace and fucking niggers.
Putin, if you're listening, could you please wait to nuke the United States till after first quarter next year? There's a few games I'm looking forward to coming out and if we have WWIII before that happens then my PS4 will be truly useless.
P.S. Please spare Japan.
0.0000075 uBitshekels have been deposited into each of your accounts
But seriously, Russia purportedly starts lining shit up on their borders, then pulls their people back home, all while the only country that can really begin to threaten them is officially accusing them of interfering in a presidential election. The only reason that we aren't hearing about this is the lugenpresse, and because the nukes aren't in Cuba this time.
Kill yourself
Now I accept that part of it is to prevent western indoctrination, but doing it at the same time as everything else going on is screaming pure coincidence.
Bountiful Kek of Chaos and Gets, Let they fury be unabated, In Heqet's form let there be mercy for the faithful and in the form of the great toad let there be only destruction for our enemies
we're fucked
No, you faggots longing for dem Happenings read the signs all wrong. Nothing happens right now which hasn't already since the cold war. The constant pulling and pushing of nukes to enhance the UN bantz or other public rattling.
Russians are going to start shit when they're quite. Always. Look at when they simply took over Crim or glassed Georgia for the nth time. Every time it was silent around Russian intl. bantz.
Same goes for Chinks. When they stop the bantz about these Islands, then you know they gonna shoa Japan.
Fug checked
Except this time i'm not worried that the Russians will be the first to strike.
they want to recall their younger talent?
probably for war; economic or hot
I wonder what their timeline looks like
I would, but things are becoming so very interesting in the world this past year that I'd like to see where this shit ends up.
Wouldn't it make sense to start talking shit and then do something if you're known for doing things when quiet?
Don't you remember how there was some buzz when Putin disappeared for about a month? People were expecting WW3 to happen then too.
spoken like a true americuck. putin please nuke us and remove all these FUCKING faggots
He's obviously waiting it out until the election is over.
I'm pretty sure he already said he'd back a civil war against Hillary.
t. Israeli
haaahaaaa you guys get nuuuuked hahaaaaaaaaaa
but before you die:
Nothing to do with them becoming hostages, as the Western regimes are not beneath that, as long as it stays out of the media?
Well fug
what is it that we de sire.
Personally I don't. At least not the way the article is written. They make it sound like it is a patriotic thing.
What I want to know is what does this translate to in a tactical manner. For instance let's say America pulled it's kids abroad. That could be because let's say a country is simply to dangerous. Not that shit is about to fly.
If that picture was in a critical thinking class as a set of unsupported assertions for the students to cut their teeth on I'd be ok with it. As it stands though:
gas the profs, kulturkampf now!
These people are completely backwards
I should note that I posted the wrong pic there. I'm super fucking rustled. Pic related.
I want someone to post that rustled pick where it says something like
"My jimmies have been rustled for the last time" or something and he busts through a door. Very old and dank.
you are posting from a template, seen this exact shit in other threads
if by "template" you mean "i typed the same thing in response to predictable posts" then yes. Good eye. Keep watch for shekelhods.
Beautiful digits for the peace bringer Don
We need to get Don to do this, and fast, either by tweet or by contact.
If they do, we make the shit skins do it. No white male should be fighting King Nigger and Shillary's War.
Requesting source on the pic
It's obvious he means Putin is going to try to hold off until the God-Emperor is elected user
Quads is right. He needs to start using Russia as an advantage.
I don't beleive its crazy to want peace with Russia, it's true I dont. We have had constant war for 15 years. 15 years! Can you believe it folks? I will be so great with Russia it'll be unbelievable
Does this mean Civil War with Trump winning?
It's civil war either way user. It's a win-win
Trump has the entire US military, the nations police, the NRA, and registered gun owners on his side. Hillary has kebab and part of BLM on her side. The war will be over in a week.
Kek has spoken
There will be a limited nuclear engagement in the middle east in early November. Trump will be elected and use the war as leverage to purge the government and go full 1488. America will die and be reborn as the American Empire, Canada will be annexed and Mexico will be partitioned up to the Tropic of Cancer. Non-whites will be rounded up and sent out of the country, the jews and government will hang, and Kek will become the new god of the white man.
Praise Kek
I don't think Trump will let full 1488 happen, but he'll let whites effectively segregate.. Maybe. That's all that's needed, anyway. The world can feast on our scraps.
If WW3 happens a lot of White America is standing with Russia.
Trump may not but Barron will.
Barron is the true savior of the white race, the messiah of the 21st century. Trump will level the ground and Barron will build upon it.
Hail Barron, the true Emperor of Mankind.
he'll come out as gay in 4 years
Thank you for Correcting The Record
just following my dreams
We deserve everything we have coming.
Thank you for Gooning The Record
I think Kek is sending a more broad signal here. Maybe Trump's plan is to wait as late as possible, after doing as much as possible to unite the nation, expose corruption, and pacify pushes for war with potential allies like Russia. While Clinton digs her grave, Trump can wait for when things are most dire before he comes out swinging like this. Maybe the final debates?
I don't think that Putin will go nuclear until after the election. It's the globalist traitors and Jewish scum that are provoking war with Russia. Putin actually likes Trump and unlike Hillary he does not believe that Trump is a globalist puppet. This is evidenced by the fact that Putin warned Trump that Trump may be assassinated for going against the globalist agenda.
I think that Putin will hold off to see if Trump wins. If Trump does not win then WW3 will start, and no fucks will be given on my part. If Hillary gets in then I hope the nukes fly, because I will not give a shit anymore.
I'll worry when Russia pulls it's NHL stars out. Those guys are national treasures and Russia won't nuke until they are bunkered. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
If Hillary wins ww3 will not happen due to the second American civil war, and subsequent electing of President Trump.
Satan confirms the dinko will eliminate pinkos.
Basically they don't want their lower level politicians to be called hypocrites, when they talk about partiotism and how evil uncle sam is going to get us, meanwhile their own kids live and study abroad in the enemy camp. This is basically damage control by the russian gov, since the american backed opposition often uses this talk point to discredit the ruling party.
I wouldn't want to trade American corruption for Russian corruption.
Where were you when 7777777 was coming? Asleep?
What was the get, by the way? I missed it.
If Yandex gets blocked then we'll know it's on.
Literally just h as said, though some anons were pointing out that there was an unusual amount of discussion regarding Planck's constant (which is represented by h) before the get, so it could also be hinting at quantum mechanics or something relating to zero (or near-zero) energy.
There's also the Hillary or Hitler arguments, but those phrases get thrown around so much on their own that I would imagine they'd at least of been spelled out.
That's what this sounds like even if I want Putin to start the happening. This is news, but not war news.
Likely vice versa in my view.
Their "sources" are fucking no one. You're freaking out over what is at best western propaganda.
t. some other Israeli
You're not going to escape judgment no matter where you run off to, kike.
Did you read my post and the post that I replied to or are you pretending to be retarded.
Thanks for the keks
I've witnessed a Russian student being rejected recently from doing his PhD over here for political reasons.
Posted this in the nuclear thread, but it's probably more relevant to this one:
kek is a false god.
Why has Britain picked the lion as its symbol when it never had lions?
user, this is literally "Obama gun pay all muh bills" tier. Trump can only do so much, it's going to take a coordinated effort from a lot of people to fix this mess we're in.
it sure as hell had lions when it was an empire
Maybe it was just due to his inferior ruski IQ
Even without these gets it's a very solid strategy
Can somebody explain to me why Hillary's (((donors))) want war with Russia so badly?
USA and Russia are still largely white nations (certainly combat units are majority white). It's just an easy way to kill more whites while solidifying neoliberal values (which Russia is largely against). Also why they're pushing it AFTER all the shitskins have left to Europe
that's my take at least. The other part is that Putin and the democrats just don't get along, it might be personal.
It is too late Sergi
checked, lad.
well, I know where I'm going.
By the way:
Russia tested 3 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile yesterday.
2 of these landed pretty close to European boarders (green + red).
1 was shot in eastern direction (blue).
This could as well explain the fuss going around here during over the last couple of days.
This thread is an oddity. It's probably nothing, yet Kek is all over it
I don't think this is much. The Russian government has been taking heat internally since they've been stoking nationalistic fervor while simultaneously sending family overseas for better education opportunities. Call me back when they close embassies.
dubs for nukes
whatever city experiences a mass exodus of juden will be the nuclear target
Are you guys concerned that in 50 years kids will be learning that Russia rigged the 2016 election and committed some other Holocaust-tier atrocity?
I want to prevent that lie before it spreads.
Thank god.
Proof that kek doesn't really care about us and was just using us as a means to an end.
The good news is it will be California. San Francisco is our communications hub and also has a lot of visibility into the communications of other nations that would be valuable to shut down in a war, San Diego has a lot of the pacific fleet and the marines, and Vandenberg (missile base) is situated between the two. It will be hit before you're even aware the war started.
Kek is in this thread
I hope they nuke my dirty little fag island known as England.
All Germans are autistic
russia == russia