Trump doesn't need Republican support he can win this election on dank memes alone.
Post supporters jumping ship
Other urls found in this thread:
His tweets have been insane today.
He's a man fueled by white hot fury and wikileaks, the O'Reilly episode tonight is going to be crazy
wait, does he have evidence of the questions being given in advance?
"The speaker is going to spend the next month focused entirely on protecting our congressional majorities," she said.
wikileaks you dummy
The shackles have been broken
>I will teach them
O-oy vey this is remindin me of the shoah
Got to give it to Pence for standing his ground
NH politician dumps Trump.
Article from 09/19/16
This piece of shit traitor abandoned his men in Vietnam, there's no way we should have expected him to stick with Trump after he talked about picked up girls on an audio tape.
He doesn't need cuck support, period.
For the war that is coming after November 8th, no.
Don't make me get the pasta.
Todays a jew holiday? Gonna go get some pork for dinner then.
lurk more
that shouldn't be surprising really. the bushes are so hated that this might actually help trump
If the bushes are so hated, how did jeb do so well?
Oh wait.
Older article
He's really planning to crash this country with no survivors isn't he? Win or lose, he will win. Win, he obviously becomes President and starts the long road to MAGA. Lose, he crumbles one party of traitors and bureaucrats and sets up easy targets with the other, not to mention the corruption prevalent in US politics and the MSM in bed with them.
Stupid fucker thought Trump would forgive him twice.
Remember his talks about starting a news channel? I think that might be his actual backup plan though I'm hoping its a military junta instead.
Is it just my wishful thinking or is that a prayer for Jews to convert to Christianity?
That's really what it reads like, with the bit about atonement and forgiveness.
We're going to need more rope.
Wishful thinking.
I could see that. Trump is very unhappy with the media and their treatment of him. With all his money he could definitely make an impact.
Glenn Beck basically endorsed hillary, said it was his moral obligation
Mixing milk and dairy like a motherfucker over here with this lasagna, fam
So much conflict of interest going on I just
You know, there should be a law that bans non whites from Christianity. Maybe we can bring that Change. Yes we can.
This doesn't make any logical sense.
Pick one
They want Trump to step down so they can either let Pence run against her or insert someone like Ryan at the last minute.
Do you have more info on this user? All I know is he was a shot down pilot who got cucked by the Kong for years.
why the fuck are those bread niggers giving Hillary money
I like Fahrenheit's usefulness for conveying the feel of temperatures to others. 0 Fahrenheit is really fucking cold, 0 Celsius is pretty cold. 100 Fahrenheit is really fucking hot, 100 Celsius is you're dead
Don't forget that in an instant get Bannon and Ailes to make a new channel pretty quick
1.He fucked up and spooled up his engines while still parked on the carrier and fucked a bunch of people up. Daddy had him stationed on another ship and had it swept under the rug
2.The reason he was shot down was because he was flying too low and dicking around, when he was specifically told not to
3.He squealed like a motherfucker to the VC in an attempt to get better treatment, which is in violation of all sorts of US military laws, especially since he was an officer.
I'm worried for the undecided mouthbreathers, but I can't get any info from the doctored polls. There disinfo is like an iron curtain.
Someone else posted the video and I can't find my webm because I never organize shit.
Thanks goys.
Keep your nose out of our metric system, Schlomo.
Or.. or you could just convert to a white religion
I dont even go to my fucking sauna if its only 100 celsius there. Its too cold for my feet.
McCain is a traitor.
Someone edit that and put Slick Willy with the caption RAPE and the dates fixed
He was given preferential treatment by the Viet Cong because of who he was. He basically lived in a gilded cage and in exchanged he tried to get other POWs to talk.
wew lad, I got to give you that one lol
10/10 quality post
Checked for truth.
It's not supporters jumping ship, it's worthless politician cucks trying and failing to stage a coup.
Trumps campaign really needs to try harder for Women then. Grabbing them by the pussy wont work either.
that's literally hot enough to scald your skin off, retard.
You're a hot guy.
Yes, we don’t care.
If there's one man who can hammer his way to the presidency in the face of opposition from both sides of the uniparty, it's Trump. The man took the GOP nomination (took, wasn't awarded) against the will of the party grandees. The man has defied political gravity for over a year now, some decrepit old granny with a bunch of seamy Jew backers won't stop him.
And there will be a reckoning.
Lot of loyalty for a hired shill
Posting in multiple threads, but Hannity and Gingrich just called our these fuckers on TV, especially Paul Ryan
Makes it easier for Clinton's victory when you stop caring.
Dude, I'm Canadian. Looking at that thing could kill me.
Ahh too bad for you average American, including undecided voters, see these polls and Trumps pussy-gate video and not this shitty website.
I'd laugh, but I seriously think you are overpaid.
[x ] Corrected
[ ] Not Corrected
I missed the O'Reilly show, does anyone have a link?
Better start saving up those hotpockets. You'll need them when we deport you
(((((NATE SILVER))))) is wrong about
so if he says Hillary will lose, then Donald will win
If he says Hillary will win, then Donald will win*
Trump returning to his safe space.
Are you one of those fat virgins that Brock has in the back office? Have a drink. Get laid. Better yet, get a job that doesn't pay $1.15 an hour.
We know your address btw.
He was a mouthpiece for Communist propaganda. Vietnam's Tokyo Rose.
Debate 1: Trump the defender
Debate 2: Trump the destroyer
Debate 3: Trump the punisher
I am the 400lb hacker Trump revealed to break into the DNC. I still cant believe he found me.
He just followed the trail of garlic butter.
Send hot pockets for when Im deported.
Kikes can eat my fucking shit.
Trump chose Pence precisely because he's the kind of neocon who would send out that type of tweet. Notice that Trump has been exclusively shitting on EVERYONE today.
left definitely looks like a jew, middle could be, right less likely to be.
Something broke in Trump during the second debate, he has no fucks left to give. He has completely given himself to the spirit of shitposting, Kek has consumed him.
Praise Kek
has a beaner name, looks like a poo in the loo.
Missed the leak that proved that The O'Reilly Factor is controlled opposition?
I thought O'Reilly was jewish.
Has Nate finally decided on what Trump's ceiling is?
"Trump will never make it goy"
-Increasingly nervous Nate Jewdenhiemer
Irish, I'd assume
We have memed a nazi frog into the White House.
This was the first GOP betrayal, when/if the next leak hits RNC will declare they aren't supporting using the justification of the tapes. If Trump still stays afloat then it's straight to Electoral College stealing election.
Yes, reported.
Source on the image, or is it your own creation?
Yes, reported.
Take it with a grain of salt, of course.
Maybe Wikileaks will post the actual Polls
When did Assange's wizard transformation into Gandalf begin?
Something about the white hair on people in their 40-50's makes me really think.
I have a theory they're all clones.
I really want to see those internal polls. If the media is this rabid and Trump is staying the course they must be fatal for the dems.
supposedly when he was working on creating wikileaks, he was so stressed out and sleeping and eating little that his hair turned white.
You can literally have any kind of dinner you want, it's a fasting holiday.
looks like GOPe cucks have been sabotaging trump since before the tape
This is real talk, Trump needs to straight up stop bothering to raise money for the GOP.
He needs to crack open that piggy-bank and start putting down serious money to self fund what's left…
There is this spectre that the media has cast that Trump is done for, we have to show that everything slips off the Teflon Don…
If the campaign can't give the impression that it isn't over at all, then normies (never underestimate the stupidity of normies) will not bother to show up to the polls.
We need the big guns. I have faith in Trump but we could very well be Ron Pauled out of the election.
Trump will disavow the GOP.
I must add:
bonus point for the first Mars colony being named after Trump
There's a very good reason for using Celsius for temperature. 0 degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water, 100 degrees Celsius is the boiling point of water. Moron.
I get that they're equating Trump to Hitler, but I don't think Hitler ever stuck a giant portrait of himself on the side of a building.
Giant portraits are more of a communist thing.
Portraits are a fascist thing.
See: Italy
I prefer Celsius because 0 is about the point you can expect shit to start freezing outside.
I call -17 a slightly brisk day.
I really hope they do see the video rather than just read quotes from it, because if they do they can hear his tone of voice, the way he said things, and realise it's LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING!
I'm willing to put money on all three being jews.
it's true, 0 to 100 Fahrenheit represents the range of temperatures most people living in a temperate environment will experience.
0-100 Celsius is more useful in science, but for day-to-day use Fahrenheit is more useful (at least if you're accustomed to it).
Canadians and Brits still use Fahrenheit for the weather, especially older people.
But few of them would admit it.
Sometimes British TV will only talk about weather in Fahrenheit and not even attempt to display it in Celsius.
I see the UK use it a lot. Around here it's only the older people, yeah. I've always had a science boner so I've always been way more familiar with Celsius than Fahrenheit, and nowadays I can't even get a grip on what a temp in F means anymore and I'm not exactly the youngest person. It doesn't come up very often, though, maybe once every few months. If asked what the temp is over here by an F person, I sometimes just say, "Uh, it's around 10C. I dunno what that is in American off-hand, sorry."
Most people only read the headlines, they feel the news was already digested for them by "experts"…
Despite being a huge kike, Amy Goodman from Democracy Now! In her book Static said that in the 250 years of American journalism, it has always been tabloid garbage. Always.
There were only 2 waves of somewhat coherent epochs in recent times where journalism meant something, the original New York Times "all the news that's fit to print" boom at the turn of the century and a nostalgia to that era in the 70s… and the current day media just tries to ride the coattails of that cultural memory to disguise their slime.
That's the British system you fucker, I bet you really enjoy using that Frog system (unless you're Quebecois, then I apologize)…
You've got that backwards. I'm English, in England and on our TV they always use Celsius for at least the weather. (We used to use Centigrade but then it changed to Celsius in the 90s for some reason.)
Kike Pence really is a piece of shit.
Here's their Yom Kippur prayer.
proof that the oathbreaker forced meme is jewish propaganda.
Hahaha how easy that was to turn around into a weapon.
I dunno man, it seems like what user said, that you guys oddly like to hide it. Like Argies like to hide that they're a lot more mestizo than they let on…
I've seen Britcoms even in modern pieces express temperature in Fahrenheit, the most recent one I've seen was the Inbetweeners in which I distinctly remember the temperature expressed as such in at least one episode.
A bizarre thing to hide, especially when it's obvious to anyone that you still use "stone" as weight for people.
left is syrian orthodox christian
I've never seen The Inbetweeners or most British sitcoms as just judging by clips most seem to be cultural marxist bullshit. In fact so much of our TV is, so really I was mainly going by TV weather forecasts.