/r9k/ user commits sudoku

/r9k/ user commits sudoku

mirror: streamable.com/qvz0p
2nd mirror: i.4cdn.org/r9k/1521082387419.webm
3rd mirror: forum.deathaddict.com/threads/teen-livestreams-his-suicide-on-youtube.16163/
Full version vod-share.com/video/NxToUDVpWy/3058.html
Full version 2: liveleak.com/view?t=9I9v8_1521084029

Attached: 1521082387419.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Holy fuck

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RIP in peace

He conquered the demiurge. Hope I'll be able to follow him soon.

looks pretty fucking violent…
but there is no sound.

the best part was when her mother found him. she freaked the fuck out.

he should have done it somewhere else.

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What a coward, I hope he rots in limbo.

if he is a christian and is suffering, i can only hope.

I don't know, seems like it take incredible courage to defeat your survival instinct and shoot your brains out.


nah, he did it for the memes.

limbo looks pretty good tbh.

Attached: limbo.png (701x489, 575.12K)

who was he talking to at the beginning?

yeah, I'm too much of a coward to kill myself. I wish I was brave as this user.


he streamed it on youtube live



crying at beginning i mean

make a webm of when his mom finds him

Why are you so mad? He went out like a champ and no suffering. Also if you commit suicide it's not a big sin "the big 10"


how is it fake, fag
i like how he put plastic on his windows, but his brains were still scattered all over the ceiling


Shut up, Smiley. How about you try it?

anyone have webm with sound?

btw, I saw this live and felt nothing. what's wrong with me.


Because it's not sad watching some one leave this shit world?

it's probably because it wasnt real

I know him, he was into loli anime. Fuck that degenerate pedophile fuck. He deserved to die more painfully.

You aren't real.



Prove it wasn't real. It's real to me.
Actually, changed my mind.

because youre a nice guy but also a twisted psychopath.

couldnt find pic tbh

t. fake suicide uploader on 5 websites and OP
im immune to your tricks.
t. polack

liveleak is taking down the video because his mom doxes him in the 911 call.

t. butthurtfag

judging by it's more like rest in pieces

so did he die or did they get there on time to save him?

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Are you retarded? How do you save someone without a head?

The top half of his head is missing, I think it's pretty fucking clear he died.

why didn't the window break?

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Should have shot up a mosque or a synagogue and then been killed by the popo.

well, if this is true then we may hear about it… maybe not because hes just another brick in the wall.

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OP on suicide watch. maybe this time he'll actually do it with real voices and a real gun.

Why don't you do it, edgelord? Where's your balls?


.t jew or hadji

full version has sound

Not going to kill myself because I'm not a faggot and have a future.

t. balless fuccboi


t. coward


full version, hurry before its taken down

Ya, I'd off myself also to stop her bitching.
Good on him.


I don't think he is going to make it

you have to be very brave to kill yourself, to overcome the primal fear of your consciousness being no more takes a lot of strength

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Reattach it. I've heard they can do it with hands and stuff, so why not with the head?

And where is it?

looks fake to me. CGI is getting better everyday.

A head that exploded?


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proof 8ch is filled with people under the age of 20.

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reminds me of garbage 9 years ago. shoop masters with less tech

It's just like putting a shattered vase back together.


You fake 49 minutes of it?

And yet you post on Holla Forums's Holla Forums.


No, you don't. You just have to pull a trigger.

Attached: heeheeehahaha.gif (229x176, 987.04K)


What a woman thing to do, wanting attention even to the last moment.


Obviously he was wearing a fake head on top of his real head for 40+ minutes and then only shot at the fake part.

I'm gonna do this with a big 8ch.net/b/ sign in the background.

this tbh

You are correct, now imagine all the people who cant even do something so basic and painless.

yet the only one's in the video that are making it a big deal are the women…

shit is fake as fuck
but thanks for the entertainment
for real fam



plz prove me wrong

I like how Holla Forums is full of children who are here to be edgemasters, but when confronted with someone blowing their brains out they can't take it and have to convince themselves it's just another whacky meme. Ya'll are pathetic.


You want him to stay @Holla Forums

totally a false flag tbh.

explain how is it fake

this was his youtube channel


big if true

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It's cool that he got his family to act like he committed suicide for /r9k/ cred. This is the prank of the year!

there is something primal in us to make us want to live, to overcome it, is to overcome instinct
listen to the 'mother' now, yea shit is fake

Some one should upload the last video he made TBH


dude is in this thread ATM

dude who?
the suicider man?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-15 05-10-08.png (870x426, 151.76K)

Heh. One more free parking space. Thanks dude.

Overcoming your instincts isn't hard. Maybe for a bunch of niggers like /r9k/ but for everyone else you literally just have to try.

He's with his waifu for eternity now. Not a single user ITT has the balls to achieve what this user has.

This. His mom and the police were also in on it. Best prank ever! XD

I like to imagine that they are just trying to bait replies because they want attention, but there are probably children here who fit your definition of them

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Heh.. nothin' personal kid

send me some herring you cunt

what the fuck do you consider instincts?

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he is subscribed to a lot of loli channels. a dead pedo. *shurg*

Here's your (you.)

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Why don't you prove how clearly superior you are to us that can't get over our measly survival instincts?


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And thus he lives on forever as a meme.

Le epic lolz for the win

An instinct in a behavioral pattern innate to any given species that is used when confronted with a certain situation. What else would it be? If your instinct is "something primal in us to make us want to live"(>>7823903) anybody with unhealthy habits overcomes their instincts. Along with people who cut themselves, and idiots who do retarded shit like drinking bleach for youtube views.

I like how his mouth is intact.

I like how Holla Forums is full of people who got pranked by a slav. Their brain is non capable of understanding complex situations, which is why they yell out "Aryan","Allahu Akbar" or "Amerifatt" whenever they have been found out. Ya'll are pathetic.

monogatari fag too

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It's also a bit fucked to do it in the house with your mom and infant siblings downstairs

So is there any reason as to why he did it? Something about some issue with his mom? I assume she called him out for having a shit waifu.

Maybe I will wince every once in awhile but I've never said "damn, poor guy." Even the video of this kid shooting himself, the casual wave before doing it gave me slight chills but I didn't care about the blood splat ofc

Until the mother came in. Within seconds I felt tears in my eyes. I found myself immediately praying for this woman and her family and if you are religious (I barely am) I ask you to do the same. No person on that lives, will live or ever has lived deserves to experience 1/100th of what she did today

Anyone who has considered suicide should be required to watch the aftermath of this video and see what it does to your loved ones. It will be enough to prevent everyone but the most selfish people from doing it

That is all, the kid was a selfish asshat but I doubt it was done to hurt his family. Probably should've gone innawoods. I am very sorry that he could not see that things would inevitably get better

Good night sweet prince

neet, beta, waifu, depression, etc

Holey shit, all these passive aggressive comments about him offing himself. nigga he dead he don't give a shit what you say about him. Also you think he would care even if he was alive? Why you so mad about some one offing themselves, it's not like it really effected you unless that is if you are an emotional bitch.

Weird, that's the point where I couldn't stop laughing. Maybe you're a bitch?

Fuck off, you little bitch.

Wow! you must be really edgy and cool! Can I add you of fb???

You understand that his mother drove him to his end don't you? Most women do this to men, It's common.

Why are you cuckstians so fucking deluded? Oh yeah, living years actually believing in fairy tales. Fucking lol

Same here.

What's the funny part?

That's hardwired shit. You've clearly never been in a position where you're about to take your own life, and want to. Your mind will start playing tricks on you. Autopilot will try and take over, it becomes a seperate entity in your head fighting for the steering wheel. I couldn't beat it obviously

Smelly, why hasn't you're mom XD driven you to it yet?

where is the cuckistan shit even coming from?
is this the shit you think about in real life?
are you 14?


Because she's not in control over my life anymore.

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Who is? Clearly not you.



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You forgot the part where Christians become productive members of society and get wives 9 times out of 10.

good post.
hell, the only reason I havent killed myself yet is exactly because of that….. that kid was extremely selfish little shit. should have just shot up a school full of spics instead

Any news article about suicide is full of comments calling the person a coward or selfish. People love saying that.

It was hilarious, or maybe im just fucked up

Anime kills.

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You know all real Christian men give their women to Muslims. How dare you be so unfeeling?

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isn't it selfish for the mother to want him to go on living just because of her feels?

i don't like it when people say suicides are selfish. some times things wont get better. for some people, life will never be good. you're selfish for thinking he has to live his horrible life.

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behavioral patterns that come from primitive parts of the brain that we have very little conscious control over, and they also apply to attitudes towards things and values, especially to things that are dangerous, and fundamental values that are necessity for survival. We have made ideologies that have centered death, and they have lasted for centuries, because humans have an innate fear of death, and those ideologies provide a small amount of comfort.
To deny your inborn programming is to deny millions of years of evolutionary success, and that takes strength.

I have too wanted to kill myself, but I also couldn't beat it, yet anyway

It makes people feel better about their own miserable existence to say to themselves that at least they are a better person than this guy that killed himself.

jews and edgyfags rejoice


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k fam-a-lama

It's because they want to direct attention to the people still living as the "victims" not the one who is dead lelz

Oh boy, here comes the Christians, sobbing over Muslim rights.

You're not fucked up, but you're probably trying too hard. The only laughter I can imagine someone doing at that is forced laughter.

I would pray to god for all that /g9y/ scum doing the same

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this tbh

t. anprim cuck

are you gonna defend that little shit? bofuckingho… couldnt deal with a little depression therefore he had to blow his brains out? fucking pathetic.

but why you so mad about it tho?

At 38:50 the cops start laughing at him

Probably because a bunch of niggers keep winging about how it was so poetic and brave

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not sure what the context is, but it wouldnt surprise me if they were laughing at the kid.

so the WWE NJPW

can you imagine how his mother felt when she saw his blown off head and brains splattered all over the room? There's not an hour of her life that she won't recall this image for the rest of her live, all because of some faggot with 1st world problems and made up depression for no reason

that shit is how you know it is fake tho

People with depression/mental illness shouldn't kill themselves because they are not in thier normal state of mind and isn't a rational choice. And can be treated.

If someone is makes a clear, rational choice to commit suicide, then I have no problem with it.

Who gives a fuck?

Whoah buddy, calm down on all that bait. You're using way too much.

I like to think it's about the anime posters

Whoah buddy, calm down on all that edge. You're using way too much.

apparently edgyfags like you

"Wait did he did he do it"
That guy sounded stoned af

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pretty sure i am being quad triple jewed


Not really, Just an user wanted to end it. Was his choice so it's no big deal.

The guy told his partner something about this not being more then a basic suicide because of the gun.

Ya because his whole life was about how he made her feel? I hope she felt like shit for being a shit mother TBH

I'm not, you sound kind of butthurt though.


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I am not a gun guy, but what exactly is wrong with that shotgun?

How do you know she was a shit mother? Not trying to sound like a feminist but maybe she did all she could.

straight r****

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Why blame the mother for this guys actions? What makes you think she was a shitty mother to him?

She could always kill herself, too.

Lurk back through this thread and click links. She was a shit mother.

lurk more newfag

Excuse my while I roll my eyes.



the kid was just your ordinary first world problems modern depressed kid… his mother probably thought nothing was wrong

In their profession laughing at all the fucked up shit is a defense mechanism to keep them from going too insane

Why did his mom put the phone on speaker mode when she ang the cops?

fake suicide OP. please just come on down!!!

Anprim would grant 95% of us what we wanted tho to be fair…

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you're right, I only pretend. I could never become a master at it like you have.

Because they saw the gun they thought it was a dispute.

to many g*rmans here

t. anprim cuck


Attached: olympic gook.jpg (1280x720, 152.65K)

(((Krautchan))) is down, that's why.


I'm having flashbacks of summerfag floods

t. pointy-finger cuck



t. anprim cuck


7edgy9me fren

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try cutting your wrists down the road next time

At least he has more brains in his head now then suicide user dose.

a picture of his grandpa. what is he?

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Where did you get this?
He's probably Arab?

nice try pajeet

Looks very hispanic

yeah I used to believe that too. i dont think he would have killed him>>7823968
self if he was born in a worse situation. but in this world you can be born a square peg in lifes circle hole. he got it done quick and killed himself, didnt take disabillity, didnt shill tumblr for an easier life, he just ended it.

he wasnt selfish because he didnt ask for shit from anyone. He just killed himself so society wouldnt have to deal with him anymore. that isnt selfish.

Attached: blackhole.webm (666x720, 2.9M)

the one on the right his his mother

May be getting old, but gore stuff like this just bums me out.

Makes seance now, he deported himself before ICE got him.

literally the only thing i dont have in common with poles. also do you cucks like stalker? those games sucks ass.


his reddit account reddit.com/user/shuaiby/posts/

You sound like you are high on that shit too, when is your stream coming?

Nobody is really an anarcho-primitivist outside of reddit where you should return immediately user.

He was by blowing his fucking head in family room

are you forgetting what his mother and family/friends had to go through? this kid apparently had friends and support group and everything

t. anprim cuck

proof reddit won

It's fine to not care but if you're mad that everyone's not hooting like a bunch of niggers you can fuck off

Yes because HIS life is not his but THEIRS… right?

Witcher 1 and 2 were great, the third was complete overrated crap.
and no, stalker series are extremely overrated crap games


well, color me surprised

You're life wasn't created by you, it was created by your parents. So actually, yes, his life doesn't belong to him.

He ruined their lives by taking his

You are missing the best part

i doubt he asked for the help faggot. at best it was an inconvience because of the mess.
should have gone innawoods to do it like this user said

they are many of them here too…. the normalfags are everywhere

2? made it to the second area and no more

nice bait? i dont swallow cum like you.

I believe it now. It's a fucking edgelord.

So you are telling me, he should have killed his parents.. then his life will have been his own?

lol, think that was his plan.

no he shouldnt have done it at all…. I cant fathom his "reasons". pathetic but sad

And nothing of value was lost

No, I'm saying he should have gotten his shit together.

It wasn't. I was simply trying to not make it sound too complicated for you


ah my trips of truth. normalfags like yourself cannot understand why he did it.
you never will.

Wait, so an Holla Forums faggot actually did livestream his suicide?

Holla Forums WINS

Was being retarded part of his master plan???

A cuck redditor robot from halfchan. Nothing of value was lost.

Much like his brains to that wall

holy fuckin NEW

[shakes an angry fist in your general direction]



I guess I just don't watch enough Rick and Morty, huh?

aka a shill. I'm positive he would have been part of the same crew spamming Holla Forums.
Fuck him, fuck his family, fuck everything about him and his shitty race.
For a second there I thought maybe a white kid killed himself.




Attached: im-pickle-riiiiick.jpg (1190x670, 27.25K)

you gonna blow your brains out too, famposting retard? Livestream it for us as well.

Everyone here is too busy virtue signaling by saying how much they don't care and how much a faggot this guy is to fit in with le hardcore 8/b/.


Glad some one like you can teach me

I bet he liked that show much like you seem to. Why where you not there to support him?

nah tbheh

Have you considered the fact that his sudoku vid will encourage more white people to kill themselves?


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t. duty faction cuck

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I actually liked Freedom more


No mention on our /r9k/, so it was likely from cuckchan, and so be it. If you lack the will power to move to a site without sjw mods trying to control the narrative, it is probably one of many suicides to come.

Also, what kind of shotgun is that? I thought it was a mass effect soy toy gun at first.

His mom killed him by raising him like shit. All the cancer is upset if you say this because most are cucks and or rosties.
I'm here for the fun~

Never in history. Spread this vid far and wide, I hope Shareblue's "nerd virgins" watch this on loop.

what he did was selfish and uncalled for… seriously stop defending this kid ffs

His mom killed him by giving him her shitty shitskin genes.

got to be a russian or an asshurt commie spic who larps

Explain how he would fake a HEAD on a LIVESTREAM while REACTING TO CHAT. Explain.

He's an example for all sub-humans, "tbh."

t. kike


it's fake

you dont need guns goyim


I hope to hear more third world shitskin wails in the future. Keep 'em coming, subhumans.

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This is not fake you dumbasses

I'm not blaming the gun ffs. I'm blaming promoting suicide

finally a decent stickied thread\


I think it should be a kike next. Any jews here on Holla Forums who want to step up? It'll be your only chance to do something productive!

get out of here stalker

Attached: freedom faction, baby.jpg (942x690, 360.93K)

All subhumans should kill themselves. This kid's a star.

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Ah all the edgy nu/pol/ kids come out of the woodwork


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So why haven't you?

Nah. They'll only promote suicide

If you can make it through r9k, nothing will make you off yourself. This user was to weak and removed himself.

how did russians convince people they could survive a radiation zone with just a gas mask?


:( he posted this

Attached: IFkcgPi.jpg (409x698, 35.1K)


lol, does it make your head explode in anger, fag? Stay mad, subhuman. You'll


Attached: bd47b9a42230901a14ba32872a2f0bb76e4ddb191f831328c5283f5c4eca7e06.jpg (720x757, 73.17K)

go back

its sad to think of too because most of Holla Forums are half white or spics/niggers themselves

I'm going to kill myself

I'll link the live stream once I set it up

is there any ruskies here? where is pics of skating loli?

nah, m8. don't

Copycats ALREADY?!
If you're a rostie you will make the news.

Get in the van, plenty ahoy

The only people who don't like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games are faggot Call of Duty players who expect everything to be easy.

We'll have to deterimine the reason through anime pictures he posted.

He was a lonely depressed pedophile.

Attached: 4WR2KPW.jpg (640x694, 56.49K)

You guys are going to look so stupid when he reveals HE'S ALIVE AND IN THIS VERY THREAD!

Attached: chrisdorner.jpg (488x581, 95.75K)

Attached: lPH3bUO.jpg (2220x1080, 117.88K)

most ruskies are asleep now

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Only if you're a kike or mud. If you're white go celebrate this dead shitskin's an heroing.

btw, any one not america, just want you to know i tried to save people but they wont listen because of where i live. so most people cant just die now.

Good riddance.

they are?

did they pass out drunk?

An astroturf by kushner underlings moderated by a turk and run like the ministry of truth from 1984.

Listen here, friend, do you know why 8/pol/ has NEVER had a single IRL meetup? Cause the mods won't allow ot because then everyone will realize its mostly hapas, mestizos, basement dwellers and assorted 56 percenters


I understand how you feel user…

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last one from his reddit

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this guy had a huge support group though….

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8/tv/ has a notorious one that spams Emma Watson


i've posted that pic a few time, but you know how prevelant mutt posting is so… eh…

How's he a kike for blaming kikes?


Then don't you fucking dare

you morons really think they wake up so early?

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That's funny and ironic coming from someone from the greatest zionist platform on Holla Forums

im drunk you alaskan cuck fuck you


Then you should go celebrate. This shitskin will never shitpost again.

Because no whites give a single fuck about you subhuman muds and kikes. Even the stupid SJWs are just pretending for social status points.
Asians are alright though (and not the paki "asian" like they call them in britbongistan)

It's 9am over there. Most'll be at work or in school
>inb4 russians don't go there they just sit in rooms and hack elections

Sorry, I can't hear you over your subhuman wailing.

there is no polish in here, is there?


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Because they're OUR based jewish allies

#MAGA #bombsyria #basedkushner #jewishgrandkids #iloveisrael

Ah so you're race traitor



Unheard-of levels of projection

The jew fears the samurai.

better stop or i'll flood this board with wailing wall politicians

he seems to really love being depressed and feeling sorry for himself… a pity, really. feel sorry for his mom and friends.

or they might be awake like me…. I mean come on do you really think we have to go to work and school haha we are losers, dude

I hope you're asian and not white Holla Forumsack with fetish for gooks

Not an argument and doesn't make Anything I said any less true.

god why do I still argue with these fags ive been here for a long time I know I should ignore all politics and just talk vidya and anime on this place

Activity has gone way up. Now we know that, to keep Holla Forums alive, suicides must happen.

see most of asia
it's called communism

Come on kike, don't you have a gun in your home? You should kill yourself in the name of multiculturalism. If you don't learn to make your brain spatter diversely across the ceiling, you will not survive.

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No one from here though, cuckchan suicides don't count, rather expected.

You can't just 'avoid politics' with these retards. They have to make everything they touch about their 'redpill philosophy xD'. Just like the furries have to make everything furry.

Come on, I want you jews to commit suicide. One little trigger pull, it's so easy, even a shitskin can do it!

Attached: 9ef530dd19d0592985a96c1ca439f2262f7252dc13fc90d46abb605263d7d9a0.png (250x170, 31.03K)

Sources say Hex drove him to it

You're the one who sounds like weeb promoting kike

just in case there is chinese here

i hope you manage to talk yourself out of it. but if you know your life wont get any better then good luck to you. may you see your waifu in the afterlife

Attached: bcda6ba0b3b34e5d885141dd0c05b2dbd8f739f6334b908c4641c69c3be3b16e.jpeg (762x960, 116.88K)

did he died???

Attached: feels-anger.gif (583x583, 560.29K)

No. It's fake

How will activity go up if our users kill themselves?
As long as redditors kill themselves and their shit is posted on Holla Forums, it's fine.


Or just like how jews can't just off themselves like nature intended? jews are a dying race.

r8 his take in anime: myanimelist.net/profile/Shuaiby




Attached: TBH.png (1784x884, 8.64K)

what a fucking faggot

holo was his waifu


The Aztecs sacrifices countless people to keep their board alive, before they were destroyed by newfags

Attached: p02kys7h.jpg (1280x640, 155.56K)

They promote race mixing and abortions in white countries while –banning– making them hard in Israel. Also, average jewish family I see has 3+ kids

always been on both
remember when 8ch had literally nothing

oh it's r9k alright. what a fucking faggot.

Attached: 1427077514534.jpg (174x200, 7.56K)

gonna hit the hay, guys.
wish me a good sleep, please

Attached: 56307adcab7916993ce4884b9c6bf841-imagejpeg.jpg (1080x1349, 189.6K)

fight me in real life

Genetic deterioration is irreversible, and no gene therapy can fix what you have. Either gas yourself or we'll gas you ourselves!

have a nice sleep, just like the user that killed himself.


what a great day, see you later, fags.

Attached: e88c4e6f019e56df98c5810431d471a769292c52f7f9f943814e5f293bfe6893.png (479x448, 380.08K)

always have for a while.

I read an article by that crazy hapa EurasianTiger where he said his dad was a prominent white nationalist who married his chinese mom because
And basically his mom browbeat his dad untill now and tiger mommmed him into insanity.

Also his dad raised him to be an ersatz ubermensch. A quote I'll always remember is his dad telling him to:

I'll bet you these nu/pol/ack trumpists are just very insecure mixed race kids with inbuilt racism like Eurasian Tiger

He'd probably want this.

Jews have the second lowest fertility rate of any demographic second only to atheists.


Attached: 3d5f4000c9f4a4b1b372dbdf16d560b63fd372ad7b6997ddaaab608ceba169b9.png (512x384, 147.19K)

Problem is there have been too many happenings on this site that are reasons for living. Everyone on our Holla Forums and /r9k/ know they are not Anthony Burch or Jake Rapp and they haven't paid 10 bux to shitpost on the internet. They didn't shill for Clinton and haven't become sjws. There is very little reason to kill yourself these days if you post here, even if you are mangled or hideous or post on Holla Forums unironically.

see this guy right here? 4chan filename. he gets no shit. literally half of 8ch posted pics have a 4chan file name.

fuck the fuck off


half of you are phone posters too

Are you retarded? UNIX was restored a long time ago.


Give me your address then faggot.

gotta be a russian since they're all pedos

like most jews are

damn, already banned

most active thread I've seen here in a long time

Kikes aren't Russian because kikes aren't white.

fuck pedo fags.

Attached: 8b68bf50cad7aabdeca33974c68425c36dd5992fd9e45b9cfce2124d49185120.png (2400x1005, 1.53M)

All kikes are pedos. This is known.

Killing ourselves will make Holla Forums active.

sheep in wolves clothing

Are you this much in denial? Go to Holla Forums right now and criticize trump's pandering to israel, recognition of jerusalm and strike on syria and I guarantee you will be banned

Calm the fuck down you autistic faggot, 4chan was around long before this place.

Delicious subhuman tears. Reminds me of that fat cunt in the video.



you should actually kill yourself my friend

more like

William the Conqueror should never have let you kikes into England. What a mistake.


spotted the an*lo

See, that's what happens when your entire brain just runs on primal fear. Man, being a jew like you must suck so hard and make you want to kill yourself all the time. Just Do It!


Bet the mods are happy this kid killed himself.

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Not being edgy but consider the following:

Nothing of value was lost.


*pulls out the KJV and cries everywhere*

1. Name them


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Kikes aren't British because kikes aren't white.


You brought this on yourselves, you know this, right?

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Jews look whiter than your average american and are smarter too, europeans are useless weaklings who like to put the blame of their own problems onto others like niggers do.

gotta be an aussie…

lol fag, I know that typing made you winded. How's that Tay Sachs, cuck?

Attached: 1488430646588.png (115x140, 20.76K)

He's not wrong though.

See, there's that jewish fear complex firing off again.

Attached: 1488232597795.png (206x369, 66.03K)

lol, you gonna spam CP again, cuck?

Attached: vlcsnap-2016-12-02-10h24m09s607.png (640x386, 128.52K)

came here from halfChan to point out to yall that momma bear doxxed herself on the 911 call and is probably pretty hungry by now for some RIPizzas…those robots certainly aren't going to feed her (and I'm sure with a good enough tip promised they might write messages with pepperoni)

Just drop the dox, you know you want to.

Post it, you won't get banned here.

Attached: Mmmm-Pizza-krusty-krab-pizza-33032819-512-384.jpg (512x384, 31.97K)

i watched the audio version, yes she did say full address

its not real, like freedom of expression in china

rewatch the vid (enjoy, money shot ~6min) and after senorita comes in she's on the phone with the boys and drops the address

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Where'd such a kid get his hands on an expensive short barreled shotgun?
ultimate beta move tbh

Attached: exasperation.PNG (319x223, 158.91K)

they stopped posting a while ago. it's pretty much just me, a bong of some religion and someone who shitposted once.

He failed even then. His brains were all over the place.

hey man i came bearing pizzas, now I'm gonna go drink and convince people on a certain online game to look up the leak. (_)(_)======D~~~

By pizzas i meant the address, let's take back pizza

this is where you all fail

literally le 56% of this int chat

You're literally retarded it was real.

shitposting long with you bro….

Attached: 1271768124616.jpg (359x450, 37.96K)

A lot of fucking effort for a trolling campaign.

being THIS upset!!!
poor babies…




dubs for dead jews



brown people intelligence



It was real LOL


US people linguistics

An example for all of /int*/.

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Reminder that if you are going to an hero, please be responsible and use nitrogen or helium asphyxiation. Cheap, painless, effective, and it doesn’t make responsible gun owners look bad.

star wars was also real too goyims


(((Aslan))) family, 5842 Dresden Way

It was all a hoax to take our guns.

Attached: no step on oats.jpg (592x348, 27.09K)

I am not sure if my crying is because I am sad or because it is so beautiful.



I don't know what to do guys;
We'll have to wish him back…


"im" makes it a plural

it was fake

Yes, it is a real movie franchise.



We can just wish him back, don't worry.

I don't want him back… It was his own choice to an hero and if that's what he wanted then so be it.

yes goys. he blew is brains out with an airsoft gun he bought online.

Wish granted

Don't you worry

Just when I thought I've seen it all on Holla Forums



Are you him?



Don't worry about it, it'll be okay; just relax

Is that your final answer?


Did he died?

Attached: 0d99778ea78a75ef890247ed9d9dc3eb0698444d56725332dc07ae33e4b1f828.jpg (515x600, 63.05K)

No he lives on in our hearts; Bless him you guys, it's what I want; what one wants

which /r9k/ here or cuckchan?

I think it counts if I know who I am; right now


it is ok everybody he is alive and right here in this thread.


This is a group setting you attention bitch!

You shouldn't throw those yellow arrows at people; It can confuse you

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No shit, his fucking head came off.

Yes and he lives on in YOU & & HE LIVES ON IN ETERNITY WE UNDERSTAND NOW YOU GUYS!!! The focus is over and misplaced distorted

It possible to not feel that way and don't you forgot it!


This ain't appropriate I don't believe in anything you tell me.


Anyone who thinks that anyone who has considered suicide should be required to watch the aftermath of this video and see what it does to your loved ones should be required to watch the beforemath of this video and see what his "loved ones" did to him.

That video blew my mind.

I have no family so I'm good

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Top kek sir

What are we going to do about this confusion?

Interesting way to celebrate the holiday xD

Attached: source.gif (500x278, 1.55M)

Idk, I'm going to go masturbate.

hue hue hue hue

just a reminder that niggers are not real people.

I can't find meaning in that


I don't believe in suicide!

There are a lot of weird things going on. Was he in a Skype call and streaming? Why was the volume so low of the kid. Was he streaming off his phone or a separate computer. The reaction for the mother was so weak. They way the sound in the room comes back in and the kids talking over Skype end. It's obviously edited some way. The way the mother speaks to the cop. Like she can describe what she sees but can't seem to figure out or at least tell her that he is dead and shot himself even though she came across that conclusion multiples times even saying it but can't say it to the cop. And the way she cries it's like she doesn't even care. Not saying it's fake I think it's one hundo. It just the way the mom cries pisses me off because it's like not genuine why did she stop crying when she was looking at the camera. You can tell the video is edited based off the audio.

top jej

Stay classy Holla Forums


fun fact: If you an hero you won't meet your waifu

I agree his mother seems like a bitch and you can hear the dudes 6 year old sister at the door and the mother doesn't take her away from the scene and has the phone on loud speaker.

Attached: images.jpg (1592x876, 329.51K)

I mean to be fair it's clear a good chunk of the thread is shitting on OP.

Le 56%

Attached: Capture.PNG (885x490, 377.09K)

I was just thinking of playing Russian roulette all night and eventually got up and then got on here and see this.

I'm going to shoot myself in the heart one day. Don't want to shoot myself in the head but want to shoot my heart so I have maybe a few seconds to experience dying.

Get a go pro and use that to livestream the whole thing. That's my plan. I'm also going to take out some normies at random first too.

I'm sorry for your anguish but can't really be my sight is missing, I guess that can be funny.

I think I would pay to see someone go on a rampage with a go pro on, getting chased by cops etc. You dont have to kill anyone though just start shooting in the air maybe rob a few banks and the cops will shoot you dead. At least this way its not suicide and you'll go to heaven hopefully if its real of course.

t. coward who doesn't have the balls to kill himself

Oh yeah?! I'll show you who's a coward.

What shotgun did he use? Asking for a friend.

Also if you get away with it you could be rich and not want to kill yourself anymore.

He used a ksg

I shit in my trash can & leave it there and I'm certain you both are afraid to do that, lul I'm split scared of "trends"

Smiley doesn't give a fuck about pain.

How to obtain a KSG in Canada?

More lolis for the rest of us.

Your whole innerworld is lost, simply forgotten & full of pain. Breathe with me as smiley don't give a fuck about inner-you, like I do. Finger focus giggle

Idk, why would you want one?

If it's so cowardly then kill yourself.

People chicken out of suicide all the time because it takes courage.

He should have gone and killed some of his enemies first though.

One is never an answer

To make my life voluntary.

I'm not a killer; I couldn't even think about killing anybody else aaand I remember with an out of place focus that I'm strapped & keep going.

Put it up on mega so I can download it.

Assuming awareness; what a guess. Rather allow a gamble to not cross lines. Where else can you assume with a lost operation?

Downloaded the full video with sound from vimeo, my heart rate for some reason is sky high while I listen to them cry and scream.

Why does he wear the mask.meme.jpg

Did you even watch the full version? You sound like one of those incredible retards who thinks john f kennedy was assassinated by someone other than lee harvey oswald.

Made a better painting than fucking Ricardo Lopez


I wonder how much a KSG costs.

This alone should tell you just who they are. What cowards. Last time I checked, /r9k/ was not a political board.

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Apparently being subscribed to MDE makes you alt-right now. Then again, these are the people who think everything is muh fascis, so I'm not exactly surprised.

It feels weird that the guy lived sort of close to me though. I guess my town can be famous for something other than gang violence and the misery index for once.

fucking retard.
should have offed himself with something else, now there will be a few more more anti gun faggots in the world.

MSRP on their site says $990.

Attached: phos.gif (354x417, 906.53K)

I am uploading the video with sound to mega right now.

So that's the price of voluntary living eh? Damn and I guess that's USD too. Can I obtain it in Canada?

fuck off kutteth

Re-up of the full video with sound: mega.nz/#!KgQy0ZSQ!Pzc34c6kNrrV1IRaADQNMiJrSnmiI4WitP0aVM4yBE0

If I have have a daughter I'm browsing gore threads on Holla Forums with her tbh.

I'm the kind of guy who'd write a "fuck you all, I hate you all, kill yourselves as well you stupid bitches" note for my family and try make as big and traumatic of a mess for them to clean up. I still have not a single loved one in my life. I will change my mentality around completely when there is one single fucking person I love and that loves me in this world. Until then, fuck you all.

lmao fuck off kutteth you live in a fucking mansion and your family buys you $4000 computers to play with

It makes sense to me to show newfags how it's done.

One day if I get a shotgun I should intentionally go into a thread, wait for someone to inevitably tell me to kill myself, then immediately post a livestream link and do it in front of the user that just asked me to do that. I think it would be funny.

lmao kutteth pls

If you think that makes life better then feel free to kill yourself with envy.

You should do it in public to a large audience and in 4k resolution if possible.

your family hasn't kicked you out.
you aren't living in a dingy apartment
you have enough money that you will never be homeless

yes, that objectively makes life better.

anyone got another link to full video/archive of death addict thread? i wanna know more

He anheroed. Sudoku is done with a blade.

Autism speaks, it’s time to listen

does sudoku means he died?

At least he was brown.

Attached: 702bb5fa6b6e3441df4e355b50d60f26e45d860dc81dc23cd1cb0739421cb5ce.png (454x800, 162.67K)

yeah, he was probalby the 10th shotgun suicide side they had to visit this month


In the US that is like shimmering porcelain.

Gotta save up and get one of these but they might not sell it to me since I have no license. However they might make an exception since it's for a good cause (fighting overpopulation).

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-15 07-47-38.png (1264x1980, 523.25K)

dont believe you fag

It's a play on words with seppuku. Google it.

no he's fine, he built up an immunity with smaller bullets, this is a publicity stunt / jewish conspiracy

Don't believe what? Also why should I care what you believe?

kutteth, they don't sell guns to mental patients.


Do you have Alzheimer's?

I'm in the same boat with you on everything but the prayers.

Attached: ForMotherVolcanoBakeMeat.png (639x358, 54.87K)

he has schizophrenia and cuts himself lmao

Good for him. If he was unhappy with his life and wanted to end it, nobody has the right to stop him. If you don't own your own life and have control over being able to end it, you don't own anything.

Attached: 1427866212747.png (536x546, 217.38K)

property is a spook

I would tell you to kill yourself for being a commie fuck, but you can't even do that because the state owns your life.

nice spooks you've got there.


so whats situation here boys? do we have a fully working vid with sound, the links are fucked


if it was real why cover his face?

Fucking THIS.

Maybe because people would recognise him and send the po po 50 to his door before he blew his brains out.

THIS as well.

The man (he's 18 years old, why do we not acknowledge him as a man?) is le 56% face incarnate. That's good enough reason to kill yourself.

She'll get over it quick, she just mad about the mess.

What makes suicide a rational choice?

Also I want to die happy.

I've been miserable and depressed all my life.

I want to get happy… then make sure that before I can become miserable again I kill myself.

I agree,if you want to off yourself go for it,we've got 7 billion too many meatbags on this planet.

Attached: 3604921_13_o.jpg (1813x1360 338.92 KB, 391.17K)

Says the retard who sees his fellow countrymen as the competition, not as brother/sister. You fags really must be shipped to die in the gulag. No society can thrive while carrying so many useless faggots like you….and there's literally millions of you.

She shouldn't have raised a loser,it's her own fault.

He put the tarp up so that it would fall over his exploded head so that the first people to enter the room wouldn't see the result.

Real life is limbo

RIP m8, hope your waifu was there to greet you

This also it doesn't really matter all that much where in this world you're born it matters if you have the right genetics and good health. If there is something wrong with you, life will be a fucking drag, and it is better for everyone to just end it.

Not with a shotgun to the head,when you know it's gonna be a instakill he felt no pain at all.

Maybe if you do it like the japanese and fucking gut yourself, you have to be pretty brave to do that.

Letting his mom find the body was super douchy,what a retarded faggot,too bad hell doesn't exist because he deserves at least a little of it.

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If I had a child and he blew his brains out I'd blame myself not him.

I instantly though about Ricardo and his failure to show the "best" of him.

Being a NEET parasite is selfish though.

is there audio of the mom finding him??

all the video sources cut out as soon as he kills himself

Attached: 62409678_psx_20180123_191557.jpg (720x1280, 206.1K)

Bro I got to go the market today, hold off on that until tomorrow, and also what method you using and are you going to take anyone out first, and if you're in my area you should meet with me so we can do a livestream together.

You can get a job(a fate worse than death lol) but you can't unkill yourself.

Attached: 876D52F.jpg (2592x3872, 2.35M)

They are competition as long as you live in a capitalist society

Yes, the full verslons have them and the Vimeo link that was posted here

there was a reup to vimeo which i still have loaded but the page is already down now

Attached: byer9k.png (1015x538, 433.74K)

His mom deserved to see all of it + more, it's her fault for clearly being such a shit parent.

You get the rope too then. So many fucking chinks in my area and you're a liability, might go apeshit and kill me, when I'm trying to purge the slants.

everything is gone got fresh mirrors? Did she say anything or just screaming?

Attached: 1518340920001.jpeg (500x583, 124.27K)

That makes him a hero.

Where do you want me to reupload bb

So was he a proper KHV or just a failed normalnigger?

Attached: 1400829851976.png (344x533, 12.85K)

I don't know where ever you can


inb4 redditors and goons use this to browbeat cuckchanners even further

"Having flashbacks of them in the yard playing"

"Wishing they were still that way"

"Things are getting worse day by day"

"Wishing they would go outside to play"

"Finally things are at boiling point"

"Jimmy has had enough of this"

"He has wrote a list"

"Of the things he wants done after he's gone"

"A note saying sorry for how he acted when he'd grown"

"A text his mother sent goes unread"

"He lifts the gun and puts it to his head"

"Thinking about all the things he said"

"About the posts that he read"

"People telling him to take the lead"

"He pulls the trigger and now he is dead"

"A life gone in an instant"

"His mom panics and rushes home with a sense of dread"

"As she walks to his bedroom door she knows"

"She enters the room and see him on his bed"

"Blood everywhere and a hole in his forehead"

"Crying uncontrollably and her heart drops"

"She dials 911 and calls the cops"

"How could have thing s gotten so bad?"

"She's thinking about all the good time they had"

"Thinking of good memories but she's still sad"

"Cops try to comfort her but it doesn't help"

"Forever she'll have a sense of guilt"

"One life destroyed and another gone that she'd built"

when you hit the dab too dab too hard

fuck off dirty virgin theres no demiurge, only your dirty face

I'll an hero whatever the fuck way I want to. You can't dictate the terms of me leaving this world.


Why would I care about the lives of others or some nonsense about hell?

Dumb fucker.

Attached: 26ftln.jpg (480x275, 39.23K)

I just noticed you said… "like I do".

I can't understand your posts as they seem like word salad but that part I understood.

Now I'm feeling feels, fuck.

don't bother it's on theync

Attached: 059d98e23efe87f40c5aa4d5e05afedad5dde5d71fbc61e8a784d445066a2401.png (1280x1868, 2.26M)

…but I am severely sick. Who cares if you're working and whatever else is going on as long as your body doesn't feel like this thing you want to tranquilize and throw off all the time.

Makes brain stew on Pi day. smh…

Say that to the CIA. They do that all the time.

Gun blazing

Attached: 26fuza.jpg (500x675, 112.21K)

I don't know about you but i find it very hard to give a damn.
In the end of the day it was his choice, i feel nothing watching this.

La creatura !

Why are you such a fucking pussy when it comes to pain that a painless suicide seems easy to you?

Why don't more people (like myself) in chronic pain kill themselves?

Hell exists its a place called Earth.

>Re-up of the full video with sound: mega.nz/#!KgQy0ZSQ!Pzc34c6kNrrV1IRaADQNMiJrSnmiI4WitP0aVM4yBE0
Thank you!

Was I ever dead? Was there ever a time I was not? Yet I am here. Unkilled tbh.

He didn't have a hole in his forehead.

His head exploded. There was nothing left of it but maybe the lower jaw.

Everyone is a pussy when is comes to pain,that's the point of being able to feel pain ,so you can avoid it.

Because you fear death more than the amount of pain you are suffering. Or you have something to live for that is worth enduring the pain living causes you.

Anyway you've mentioned you are in pain several times itt what specifically is wrong with you?

Attached: 9fpj7z72-1387485796.jpg (668x623, 118.07K)

I find his tone of voice and expressions to be exactly the same in this video as when I tried to kill myself. Only difference is he had a shotgun and I just had a depressingly dull hunter's knife.

I didn't really write it 100% off this just made a few adjustments.

thanks user,you're the best

Jesus, you are an attention seeking faggot.

Most people have a will to live because they arent fucking losers in a room filled with anime girl pictures and a gay as fuck rainbow on their face.

Attached: 3821b4ab8c9ebd9c848b3bacfefd55b55f4ea5dc.jpg (563x400, 23.72K)

Hahaha !!

GOOD !!!…… the human race had no need for him. Fuck him.

And fuck YOU…

all of you

By the way, Stephen Hawking died on Albert Einstein's birthday

Fuck you guys…. You're all homosexuals

I literally give 0 fucks about pain.

Tell me a way to inflict lots of pain on myself in a way I can heal up from in about a week without too much leaving a mark or impairing my body further.

I'll do it for fun and show you.

No. Because my life is based around and motivated by hate and I haven't got everything together I need to carry out my plans. I ain't ready yet to make my exit by reason of not being properly prepared.

Do you even anhedonia btw? I don't feel much pain. I feel emptiness. Misery. Drudgery. Deadness. I am barely alive.

Who fucking knows. Canadian doctors don't know shit. I have injuries everywhere, hips are fucked, right elbow is fucked, shoulders and neck are always hurting, general soreness and pain all the time, and can't sleep. Last night I got maybe an hour of "sleep" that felt like it didn't rest me at all and I just had vague boring kind of disturbing dream. I will probably never find out exactly what is wrong with me, it's probably a lot of things wrong all at once. A lot of it probably the pain of total isolation, no meaningful human contact, and no love.

Like here's a good idea actually. I got some moles still left on me. I cut them out with a nailclipper on my own. I can cut a few more out and show you. It makes 0 difference to me, I'm always in pain anyways.

Leave user alone, at least he's trying to entertain people.

I'll end that pain for you if you want.
Stfu and get on with it like a man you pussy and stop containing about it and bringing it up every two seconds.

Are you one of those guys with the tons of CP?

I sent them 10 pizza's and 100 free Qurans to help them through this bad time in life. Thanks for the full upload user!

Do you have a gun?

None of your business, officer.

Guys if I stab myself through the webbed part of the fingers that will just heal up fine right and not be a big deal but a good way to demonstrate my not giving fucks about pain right? Hopefully people understand there's a very large concentration of nerves in the hands and so it's objectively one of the places you can inflict the most pain.

I want you to sell me one. I can give you a hundred dollars. That's all though.

I despise people who think pain and pleasure is all that matters in life.

I'm more than that feeling.

Fuck that you can get one from someone else.

Do it faggot.

timestamp or gtfo

I've been trying to get a gun for a long time but nobody wants to sell. So don't blame me for being an annoyance and a burden when it's so fucking hard to get a gun.

FACT : nobody gives a fuck if you live

nobody gives a fuck if you die

nobody acknowledges your existence
and nobody will mourn your passing
if you spend your life
wishing you were dead
then please go right ahead
and put yourself out of our misery
nobody gives a shit

we are all bacterium

FACT: If you can find just ONE person who genuinely loves you, who takes an actual interest in you, who actually fucking cares about you; then all the rest is irrelevant.


Post a picture here showing your face.

Attached: 1518270357001.png (371x333, 147.45K)

All I'm saying is that you keep going on about it, everyone has problems man but they dont keep going on about it.

That's right my good goy.
People shouldn't kill themselves they should go on living their shitty terrible lives to generate profits for me. Bwahahaha.

Attached: TheChosed.jpg (600x600, 38.19K)

the head was in the way

Attached: stocktoncel tribute.png (736x527, 31.09K)

fresh oc

why did he do it???,I don't the reason posted anywhere

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Depression & he had a fight with his mom


how old was he?

I wasn't talking about ME

I'm completely happy, loved by many, and absolutely content with my life, having played a vital role in the happiness of many others

I was talking ABOUT YOU GUYS

…and when I responded to you, I wasn't talking about you talking about yourself, I was talking about ME.

I have no love at all in my life.

Who gives a fuck 'why' he did it….

One down, Seven Billion to go

Funny thing is I dress like him every day.

You should give me a gun so I can take out more. My objective is to reach the highscore. I want to outdo Anders Behring Breivik and that guy from Las Vegas.

For what purpose?

"If I gotta tell that bitch to go downstairs one more time I'll blow her brains out with the dead kids shottie!"

I can't even think clearly and have no release. All I can do is helplessly shitpost on these boards. I am not sure why I'm talking about what I am right now.

RE: no love in your life-

honestly ?….. that's a decision you've made

that's a choice…………………………..

it's the result of certain PERSPECTIVES and BEHAVIORS… if you modify your perspective and your behavior, you can have whatever the fuck you want

This is the most boring episode of CSI: "Special" Victims Unit ever

NEET was going to be kicked out of his house and end up homeless / forced to work … so he ended it.

He was just one of those anime faggot retards.
Good fucking riddance.

Yeah because I totally chose my parents right and I chose my cucked society that hates me for being a fascist right?

Shut up slave master.

All your kind just promote the "blame yourself" narrative to keep the dredges blaming themselves.

Our lives are partially our fault but largely a matter of genetics and parenting.

Those posters on the wall are worth twice as much now. True collectors items

AGAIN: perspective and behavior


you can say what you want, but your actions tell the true story

So far, THIS is what you've wanted, and you've invested your time & energy into

You're basically telling me I have to go out and rape someone.

…because guess what faggot?

I've been turned down hundreds of times.

Nobody wants to be around a dredge like me.

Nobody is ever going to love me.

At this point you'd be getting a beat down if I was in person with you. Shut the fuck up bitch. You're so full of shit.

Well, she wanted him out now he's out.

Just want to see what you look like.

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uh oh. internet tough guy alert!

I did not choose my parents.

I did not choose becoming sick.

I did not choose injury.

I did not choose being screamed at all my life.

I did not choose insomnia.

I did not choose alienation.

I did not choose being a fucking mess.

The things I have control over are:
1. My room.
2. I have a certain capacity to exercise.

As such my room is fucking clean and nice and organized and I work out as much as I can every day and am strong.

I've gone out and got jobs and tried to work. I always lose the job in a month. I am crippled with depression and insomnia that fucks me up INVOLUNTARILY.


Lol @ you thinking the "I didn't ask to be born" bullshit is original

Fuck off, crybaby

(Hint: I'm not here to cater to your incessant self-absorbed pity seeking)

In case you're unaware, I think you should be the next to pull the trigger

Oh and I didn't choose to be rejected either.


I've beaten my own mother. You think I won't beat you if I am in person? I'll beat you unconscious and kick your head when you're down like a savage nigger.

Awwwwww…… Poor baby…..


Sell me a gun faggot. Everything is supposedly in my control right? THEN SELL ME A FUCKING GUN. I AM NOT TO BLAME FOR NOT HAVING A FUCKING GUN!

Don't kill yourself, instead, agree to come to my place, so I can kill you and post your corpse here on Holla Forums.

I want the satisfaction of destroying your normie fucking life.

Lol @ beaten your own mother

May I suggest that you consider a murder suicide ? Anyone who spit YOU out of their flawed womb might reproduce similarly again

Lol. Thinks hitting a woman makes him tough. For real crybaby. kys next and livestream please

Cowardly excuse making blame shifter

FACT: if you truly wanted to kill yourself badly enough, you could do it with a hard boiled egg… You don't need a gun… Shut the fuck up and get back on your little video game and play Zelda some more… Little boy…

Just picture a lean soyboy cuck looking young man with a deformed jaw and a bunch of acne and oily skin and dark circles under the eyes and a patchy beard that can't grow in properly and looks more like pubic hair on the face than proper beard hair and you've got me.

This is actually a great idea Johnny

It makes me a person who doesn't give a fucking about your normie values. It doesn't matter if I'm tough. At least I beat women. How many women have you beaten? None. Oh and I've beat up men too. People know to NOT fuck with me. You're lucky you are safe behind your computers typing this shit to me.

Oh and she's old as fuck too so that makes it all the better. My mother is old, fat, and useless. So she is easy to knock over. That's what the bitch gets for creating me.

heehee, you're fun. I needed this today especially after the "terrible loss" of the robot

God damn my heart is pumping so fucking hard right now. It's a tragedy I'll never get to post any of your corpses on here and gloat about it. The cucked nation I live in doesn't even have the death penalty too, I got nothing to fear. They only way they could possibly hurt me is by showing me compassion and love until I start to become an actual fucking human with feelings.

35:28 "you smell that dude?"
35:36 "dude it's everywhere"

I tried killing myself three times already with methods that supposedly work. Knife, strangulation, gassing. None of them worked. I'm not fucking it up again. I need a gun. Plus I got to take out some fucking NORMALFAGS before I go too.

careful user, you might have a heart attack and deprive us of the joy of watching you an hero. We wouldn't want that!


I'm the farthest thing from a badass
I have never claimed to be tough
I don't lift weights
I don't work out
I don't need to

Once, I walked up and saw a guy
punching my ex-wife in the face
He was half my age
He was twice my size
I put him in the hospital

I was convicted for
Aggravated Assault

In Georgia, Aggravated Assault is the
equivalent of an Attempted Murder charge

After I approached him, he didn't
punch her again……. Case Closed

Get a log of this guy!

Apparently, you need to try harder next time

like I said, if you had real determination, you could be dead in the next 45 seconds using nothing more than a banana

If at first you don't succeed……..

That's right, Bozo

39:21 Cop teabags our hero

This is dubs of truth. My stepdad killed himself using only a banana (peel on of course) and a paperclip.

go vidya yourself kicking your stupid bitch moms ass and upload here.

I drew these shitty doodles yesterday in my Narcotics Anonymous meeting…

they suck

Attached: IMG_20180314_192606.jpg (1080x1920 546.1 KB, 346.71K)

Good. Then you have no reason to fear a sickly NEET like me. It's a win-win situation. I get my chance to prove my honor and either kill you or die (both good outcomes) and you get the same.

They do suck. Also, you are a quitter.

I'm old as shit….

I'm really, really old…..

But I used to be young, too…..

so pay attention: you'll be amazed at what's right around the corner. when it seems as if all hope is lost, you've got stellar events approaching you…

If you're lonely, it's temporary

the person you await is actually out there, looking for YOU….

more than one of them…..

you'll see….

Attached: wendy dec. 2nd 2017.png (960x1280, 1.08M)

Is it a girl?

There's nothing stellar about being homeless and unemployable like our hero was just about to be you fucking retard.
Just because things worked out for you doesn't mean it'll work out for everybody else too.
Fuck off, old fart.

t. someone who isn't an ugly sperg loser genetic abomination talking about how someone is out there for them

You all created this mess by not practicing eugenics.

Now you have to see that there lots of miserable, angry, burnt out men in this world can never have happiness.

Lol @ you missing the entire point

She isn't around anymore user so I can't do that.

I give ya shit online Jimmy Neutron but you def won at life with that whore of a wife you wrangled.

Thats the spirit user! Give up like a real man!

lol @ you being too delusional to understand and appreciate that you probably had loving parents and good genetics and that is the only reason you even had a chance at all. A CHANCE.

fuck I'm burning


Didja kill her?! Please tell me you finally killed that useless sack of shit