I heard that this show will blow my fucking mind

I heard that this show will blow my fucking mind

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It's probably shit fam. Go watch Devilman or Vampire Hunter D or something from at least 30 years ago if you want your mind blown tbh.

lainfag you're the worst tbh

Maybe if you are like 13 or something, mongrel.

it sucks donkey dick, shut up

It's unironically bad.

Silly OP, you know exactly what anime to watch.

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no u

I am not the OP. I watch good anime, or watched, rather. I don't really bother anymore.

Well, now you're just letting everyone down.

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Then why reply, fagolas?

Why would I when there hasn't been a good anime since Code Geass? That was at least 10 years ago. It's all garbage now, all of it. Prove me wrong

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I'm encouraging OP to watch actual good anime from the old days before it went to shit. It's a service done at no extra cost. No, don't thank me.

im a mentally retarded homosexual that likes to shove chopsticks up my ass no need for the help

I didn't know people unironically liked this. I enjoyed the shitposting, but you just can't recreate that moment over a decade after it happened.

Suggest good anime.

You probably liked Death Note, huh fag?


i dont watch anime im not a fucking nerd

death note is trash, holy moly

Death Note was campy fun until that faggot detective died. It was just crap afterwards.

Code Geass was also entertaining, in the same way as it's fascinating to watch train wrecks happen in slow motion.

I can't prove anything to some one who dose not care to begin with. But to others here I can.

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Makes sense now

Lainfag is based tbh. Anime went seriously downhill after the 2000s. There is some anime that I enjoyed in the 2000s though. Initial d, spice and wolf, aria, etc. It still doesn't change the fact that animes quality and it's lowest denominator has been lowered.

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I would rather recommend Monster than Death Note.

If you haven't watched Kara no Kyoukai yet, OP, then you are a faggot as expected. From relatively recent anime Parasyte isn't a waste of time, if you ignore its hamfisted environmentalism.

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What a cunning argument.

I've got a 2gb folder of just anime pics/gifs but the only anime I've ever watched to completion was pic related. I thought it was good until the crying scene, at which point I swore to never watch anime ever again.

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Besides the whole Shinigami and magic book thing, it's a silly premise. The show purposely ignores politics so it can focus on the drama between two autistic virgins. In reality Kira's city would be overrun with top-level spooks and paramilitary, ready to torture and kill for information. Now that would've been a fun show, but I guess keeping the rating pg-13 was more important.

did you watch the dub or sub?
try and watch it U.S dubbed…
you can almost feel the fucking brainwashing, censorship and idiocy
i couldnt watch past episode 13… i legitimately felt like i was getting dumber the more i watched and listened, ive never felt like that before.
if youre feeling a bit extra try and compare U.S dub and raw subs. the overall difference, specifically quality of writing and vocabulary… its like comparing heaven to hell.


Watch parasyt faggot its one of the best horror anime


I saw that in theaters.
I still have the Mew card somewhere.


I watched it during its first air. Stop at episode 14 and its a fantastic series. Do not continue beyond that point.

It's alright until they beat the dungeon. Then it becomes really bad.

Just try this, you fucking gay

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First season is pretty entertaining. 2nd season sucked in comparison.

Log Horizon was better

This is unironically the worst fucking shonen