How is your family in terms of politics?
How is your family in terms of politics?
just kill me
Berniecrat mother
Rethuglican father
Ayncrap brother
I'm more or less pretty okay with my family. My dad needs to get with it though.
My family read The Sun,The Daily Mail and The Express.
They all vote UKIP.
Socdems/social fascists
I'm the only radical in my family
Mother and sister are both SocDems, but I am luring them slowly towards more RadSoc.
Father is centrist I.e. not worth mentioning.
Both grandparents are slightly left leaning but nothing substantial, so is my brother and sister in law.
Wow that sucks
All in all, not a bad lot.
Lower middle-class former Worker's Party (PT) voters that got mad about high taxes and corruption and started shifting to the Right despite enjoying the benefits of the center-left a lot more than they would enjoy whatever the center-right has to offer.
Sister is a very generic SJW who will probably follow the same trajectory as my parents did, which is sad because back when I was 13 it was her introducing me to bands like Gang of Four that started shifting me towards the Left.
The rest of the family is either catholic reactionary scum who likes to think of themselves as "europeans in spirit" or just simple apolitical people.
Everyone is an apolitcal protestant but my brother is an Richard dawkins loving Atheist.
Politically ignorant, center-left progressive.
Politically ignorant, agrees with everything he sees on Facebook. Center-right, told me Donald Trump would be a good president.
Ayncrap slime.
Don't know, actually.
Conservative racist socdem dad.
Somewhat less conservative socdem mom.
Two socdem brothers, youngest one almost lured into libtardism by "socialist" GF but my deep red influence seem to rub off on him.
Non-caring sister.
I hate my life
Everyone else is some flavor of centrist with a few mild neocons and mild liberals sprinkled in. Politics has never been something that has gone heavily discussed in my family.
Europoor here, both of my parents were socialists in their past but became centrist greenies. My grandparents from my fathers side were left-oriented social democrats while from my mothers side were staunch right wingers.
It actually terrifies me that many socialists of their generation became centrists and I might end up like that.
My father is a socialist protestant who reads adorno and Nietzsche, for some reason he's a big fan of Putin.
Mother is a boring centrist.
sister is apolitical
rest of the family are protestant supremacists, I suspect some of them vote Wilders because they don't like Muslims.
Fellow swampgerman I presume.
how the fuck did that combination happen?
Mom-Social Democrat with some conservative tendencies
Dad- Left leaning libertarian with a lot of conservative values and some nationalist values (Palestinian and Arabic nationalism).
Sister-Before she got her 4 year degree she was just a fairly reasonable social democrat like my mother. Now she's a liberal idpoler that goes to BLM rallies in downtown. She called me a Republican after explaining Marxism to here. I've stopped discussioning politics with her.
They were probably all Trotskys in their youth.
Berniecrat mother, Berniecrat father, super feminist sjw Berniecrat sister.
Typical politically ignorant spooked negro idpol af. Grew up in Chicago whole life so you know he's on that neoliberal dick blaming white people for everything.Even police violence but still votes democrat even when its clear that they are both corrupt
apolitical so she is my favourite is even critical of Obama sometimes
apolitical but heard some gate bullshit from his mouth about cultural Marxism
He thought about joining the police and i quote "To change from the inside". But is it wrong at that moment i came the terms. I would have no problem killing him if revolution came to the city of chicago
Same as my dad spooked as fuck.Some of them are even police officers.
But every time i talk shit about Obama or Hillary they come running like the minded slaves they are to defend them. Even calling me an "uncle tom" or "republican"
I can have political discussions with them as long as I don't mention revolution otherwise they will get spooked.
Ex-military Rockefeller republican who hates the repubican party because they got killed his friend in Iraq. I have pushed him pretty far left in recent months though.
Social Democrat who is trying to get her fellow teachers to strike over austerity even though it is illegal to strike as a teacher in my state
Apolitical shithead that spends all day playing fifa
Champagne ''socialist' who is voting for Hillary
spooked alcoholic porky
All various flavours of far-left. Growing up in an industrial shithole town helps.
Hell if I know.
Pretty sure my brother is just trying to go as edgy as possible.
Berniecrat leftist, feminist leaning
Pro-immigration feminist
Islamist with possible ISIS ties
Hey user he sounds really interesting! What are his interests and place of residence
Hey, at least the guy that replaced your crazy bio father wasn't some equally crazy ayncrap
What nationality is she?
What are justifications for violence? (I'm new here)
Most of my family would be best desribed as berniecrats. however
top kek, what
my sister is a Bernie supporter and everyone else is a soft republican with a hateboner for Bill Clinton.
Kill me
I'm a British Indian (it's relevant to the answers)
All Labour supporters even though maybe 2/4 could actually read English. Paternal grandfather supposedly campaigned for Labour.
Labour supporter who thinks the Conservative Party secretly desire to kick all brown people out.
Politically aware and 'clued up' but for some bizarre reason has only voted twice in his life. Big Nick Clegg fan, voted for him in 2010. Said he probably would never vote Tory.
I have no idea what I am, I just come here cos it's interesting. Probably centre-left.
When other means fail.
Hillary Supporter
Staunch catholic, sent large checks to the IRA monthly.
Crazy libertarian conspiracy theorist who believes he was molested by aliens.
liberal intersectional feminist knee-deep in idpol, called me class reductionist once.
Apolitical, liberal-leaning
Your grandmother is a cunt, I hope she's dead by now?
Meh, could be worse i guess.
As for my cousins, they live too far away and I dont meet them enough to know what they think, but they really aren't the types to care for politics.
She died years ago. Also whats wrong with the IRA?
They killed hundreds of innocent civilians.
Also, I watched a child (maybe about 3 or 4) get blown to fucking pieces only a few meters in front of me, I'm lucky to be alive right now.
Your grandmother could have paid for that bomb.
I know the 1/128th 'irish-americans' love to glorify the IRA but if you weren't in london or Ireland during the troubles, you can fuck off.
Socdem mom
Illuminati conspiracist dad
Gommie brother
hippie mother
hippie father
neo lib grandparents
Che and EZLN supporter.
White a little bit racists politically ignorant lefty.
Bureaucrat pro establishment statist.
Politically Ignorant Lefty.
Never voted and never gave a fuck about politics.
Authoritarian catholic corporatist.
So did every other insurgent group in existance, its a very unfortunate inevitability. Also your ignoring the Ulster paramilitaries and security forces who killed civilians, albeit not as many
(X) doubt
My grandmother was pure Irish and I have relatives who lived in Ireland during that period, and while they aren't die hard Republicans they agree with unification and when we've discussed the matter they talk far worse about the Loyalists and security forces than the IRA.
Urgh fuck off you fat yank cunt, I'm aware the loyalist groups were equally as scummy but we're not talking about them, are we?
I would have died from shrapnel.
I'm the only English person in my family, and we all support republicanism but the IRA were really just a bunch of religious maniacs
Mormon, highly conservative, American libertarian
Racist as fuck conspiracy theorist. Literally told me and my sisters when we were kids that Obama was part of a commmunist conspiracy that was controlled by Satan
Liberal millenial
Liberal millenial
All in all pretty good. They have always treated me like an adult, so I understood the basics of left wing politics even as a young kid. Their struggles made me the way I am politically.
Some kind of green anarchist/tinfoiler. Doesn't believe anything she sees on tv yet believes everything she reads on facebook. She's interested in Rojava which is cool though.
Always was a "socialist", but since he's unemployed he is becoming more right-wing even though he's leeching off welfare. When I say something socialist he's the first to say >muh human nature.
Politically ignorant yet left wing because we're dirt poor. Believes everything the media say until my mom says she read on facebook it's not true.
Just wants money to buy video games
There were only an estimated 130 religious-based secretarian killings by the PIRA, this was about 7% of all of their attacks. Also as im sure you know a large number of Republican organizations outside of the PIRA were secular and marxist.
What the hell are you talking about??
The troubles was simply just religious violence, catholics vs protestants
Feminist Social Democrat. Thinks anyone who criticises multiculturalism is hitler
Pretty much the same. Accuses me of being a "rightist" for not liking Affirmative Action. Despite the fact that he's a Keynesian who supports Hillary.
Actually thinks Bernie is a Socialist. Tumblr user.
Needless to say, I never visit.
My mom is "apolitical" (yes I know this doesn't actually mean anything but you know what I'm saying) but has voted Democrat in the last several elections
My dad is a Christian Liberal who has swung a bit towards Socialism after talking with me about it but really I'd say he's just a SocDem at this point. He thinks co-ops are good and that unions should be a law though and he hates the Religious Right since they never talk about what Jesus said except to mold it to their fascist agenda so he's further Left than a lot of Christians in my area, even the more Liberal ones. He hasn't gone to church on a regular basis in years
My sister is a borderline SJW but she supported Bernie over Clinton in the primaries even though she's probably gonna vote for Clinton now. I still have hope for her though, since she agreed with me that Clinton isn't really much better than voting for a Neocon the last time we talked about it
My brother is a huge lolbert who believes in a lot of the Right wing conspiracies about the government (like Obama being a Muslim) and used to listen to Alex Jones before Jones become a TOTAL joke (not that he was ever a good pundit but he at least used to not just pander hardcore to the Alt-Right and AnCaps)
My Parents and most of my Family are basically SJWs. Pro-Feminism, Affirmative Action, "Peace and Love", Multiculturalism, Welfare Statism, "Protecting Democracy", Democratic Party, Abortion, Unitarian-tier Religious Liberalism.
And Anti-Criticizing Wahhabi/Khomeinist/Ikhwani/ Deobandi Migrants and Actual Leftism.
also my uncle emigrated from chile when pinochet took over but i don't really know his specific beliefs
I'm a nightwatchman state conservative but my family goes like this:
1. Mother : Politically ambigous/cynic.
2. Father : Eternal pragmatist/minarchist
Mother's side:
1. Grandfather : Solidarity activist/Still hates communists to this day but also doesn't like liberalism and capitalism.
2. Grandmother : Conservative
Father's side
1. Grandfather : Communist lawyer/State enterprise manager/Ex-Senator of Poland/Was a PZPR Party member/Met with Gorbachev once on one of his visits/Has lots of communist memorabilia.
2. Grandmother : Politically cynical/Care-bear about everything.
1. AnCap KNP candidate for local elections.
2. Soc Dem mayor of a small town.
3. Ex-Commie local celebrity who used his contacts in Austria and Germany to make mad business in Poland selling western stuff during the early post-communist era. Lives in a mansion, foging Borgisi.
That would be so cool.
My mom told me that when 911 happened my grandma got exited and said something like "yes, finally, they deserve it"
I am from uruguay and we have some family members that fought for national liberation and were political prisoners so the hatred for usa is understandable.
My gf has it worse
I wonder why she did turn up anarchist, gee.
It's ultimately in the class interest of the workers to use violence as a mean to over throw the ruling class.
The inverse is true, that the ruling class uses viole e to supress the working class from becoming the ruling class.
So peaceful referendum can only advance socialist ideas and goals so far.
If you had killed her sister she would've turned out fine tbh
Oh fuck off.
There's never been a war in history where people didn't die. There's nothing more sickening than when people suddenly more about the casualties of war when they're faced with it.
It wasn't, that's an extremely simplistic view.
It was more like ethnic violence, with the oppressed Irish minority who happen to be Catholic against the muh privileged British majority who happen to be protestant.
I have nothing in common with them, except for my dad
parents - run of the mill liberals mom leans soc-dem, dad neo-con. I can't blame dad for being fucked up though my paternal grandfather and uncle both fought for Mussolini in ww2, my uncle rode his dick til he died in the 90s. I've seen my father's schoolbooks from then full of fascist images and such…
This triggers me.
pic related
It seems a lot of your sisters are wrapped up in identity
You're worse than the rest of your family. Kill yourself.
How do you people even know this stuff?
So basically dumpster fires?
Nah I'd rather kill you
Shove you in a gulag and force you to have group sex with your fellow inmate
Apolitical but considers himself Republican because our parents feed him propoganda.
Eleven year old who doesnt know what politics is
Best part is my state is not even in the south or anything. It's in fucking New England, the most 'liberal' in the country
The struggle for Irish liberation was typically an anti-imperialist movement attempting to bring together all Christian denominations until the Unionist movement, particularily under the leaders directly prior to the Rising, with the aid of the British government, began to push a heavy doctrine appealing to protestant ulster scots and the like. As for the UVF and similar subsequent organizations, they may have had religion as a primary agenda, but most IRA activity was secular and largely Marxist.
[citation needed]
Could be much worse based on this thread
For citations on the divisiveness of the Unionists and shit feel free to look at information on and the numerous memoirs, diaries, and books by Roger Casement, a protestant republican (albeit a 1916 one). The IRA always kept up rhetoric on creating a worker's republic throughout all of ireland until it split up into numerous factions. Catholic-Protestant just happens to be an easy way to divide people with identities, since the boundary between ulster-scot and Irishmen were a bit difficult to define. If you can find a major proclamation by the IRA citing Catholicism as their main reason for fighting I would be happy to retract my statements.
As for it being an entirely anti-imperialist cause it should be easy to find info on the 1798 united irishmen uprising (being called united for a reason) and the numerous failed rebellions afterwards, including the 1848 uprising led largely by the fenians. In addition, much of Sinn Féin's rhetoric during the land war after the Easter Rising was largely influenced by the likes of Connolly and several female figures of the time, which were unfortunately ignored by the Irish state under the very conservative De Valera.
I'm not talking about the civil war, I'm talking about the troubles.
You [citation needed]'ed the whole post, but feel free to single out the parts I wrote about the IRA, particularily
I am simply using historical context to try to counter your unbacked assertion that
So was I.
What now?
Everyone else:
Pretty nutty fam.
How is that good?
My immediate family is left-liberal as fuck. Both my parents think the usual "capitalism is the best system we have" schtick, but don't actually want to stop socialists from building socialism.
My dad's family are very centrist by American standards – they all generally oppose Trump but think our society is just.
Northeastern college-educated suburban Jews, I bet
Used to be a radical in his 20's and 30's, even attended an International Socialist conference in NYC during the 80's. Encouraged me to read theory, even gave me his copies of Capital, 10 Days that Shook the World, and Conquest of Bread. He's a neoliberal who supports clinton "cause shes not as bad as trump" now. It makes me sad to see how far he's fallen.
Apolitical, leans to the liberal left
Just starting to give a shit now.
My dad's side of the family is full of Massachusetts hippies who vote for whoever the Democrat is, and my mom's side is the same, but Republican.
I love this
Mother: Concerned mother who makes polyps seem like skeptics. Pretty much everything Orwell said about women that could be taken as vaguely soggy knees. Buys into moral panics very easily. Easily emontionally-manipulated by mass media and believes what she feels like regardless of reality. no I won't go back to r9k and you can't make me! Probable Cunton voter, also expect at least one attempt to shill for her, followed by petulance that I don't care about Shillery's Magic Vagina, followed by >imblications either right then or within the next few years that I have soggy knees.
Father: Former hippie who's gotten a mild case of old man-y rightardery through social osmosis at work. Not a Trumpy at least. Doesn't vote.
What's true of them is mostly true of their respective sides of the family from their generation back. One aunt is even more wretched politically than mom, and one Repub grandfather might be a Trumpy. Cousins are either mostly-apolitical non-hackers like me who are just trying to get by in life and wish the system would lead, follow or get out of the way, or in two tragic cases the lobotomized Chads from Disturbing Behavior.
I'm the only commie in the family.
Also my Uncle who I used to live with when I was 18-20 and still visit now is very class conscious. But every time I mention anything leftist he says that I'm a weak idealistic kid that doesn't know anything.
At first I thought he was an Anarchist but he thinks "the rich will never be brought down". He hates the Soviets and Mao and thinks they "just ended up being the ruling class".
He reluctantly thinks that free market is the only thing that works in the real world.
Politically he's very interesting. As a person, I want to feed him rat poison.
What are your thoughts about everything?
He didn't touch you, or anything, did he?
No. He didn't
He did threaten to beat me up a couple times though and got pretty close. He drank/drinks a lot. And he put me down all the time.
I stay quiet about my beliefs for the most part. Most people prolly just think I'm a liberal. Sometimes I try to quietly convert people, but I find being loud about radical politics really tends to piss people off. I got a couple friends who have facebook accounts dedicated to "socialism" (only one of them is an actual socialist, the rest just want welfare) and a couple BLM "kill whitey" types. The louder they are the less receptive people get so I figure I should be a bit more subtle.
fuck I should have proofread. Please ignore my dumfaggery