Wonder Whore


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It's the way things are bowdlerized.

Think of how Mermaids are thought of as cute family friendly things for young girls.

Tricking someone into having sex is not rape user.

Nah, its more likely a bunch of nasty skanks got caught skanking it up, and just blamed the gods for her "predicament"


All sex is rape.®

It's a feminist movie; Zeus being a rapist is already implied from being a male.

I always forget that we are in the year+2 :/

Source: witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/15/piv-is-always-rape-ok/

How does she even survive being so utterly stupid?

regression was about false rape accusers

Wow, I am trying to read this shit, I just want to see the face of this writer.
OMG the comments are even more cancerous, what kind of echo-chamber is this?

Postmodernism is a hell of a drug.

I don't think she's ever actually had sex before; usually you wouldn't be putting all your weight on the girl, depending on the position you'd probably be supporting your weight with your arms, legs or knees. Even when you are in a position where you are putting weight on her, it's going to be on her hips, so it's not going to be uncomfortable for her, unless you're severely overweight or something. You don't have to finish inside her if you don't want to; plenty of other places you could finish instead. Some girls I know like it when we do that because it makes them feel special and close together.

You can also get sick if you eat the wrong food or drink contaminated water; does that mean you're going to swear off those too? Intercourse is essential for reproduction, the continuation of the human species, how could you honestly believe that is unnatural? It's literally one of the most natural things I could think of; it's one of the most basic traits that we share with all other living things; reproduction.

Why are you so surprised?


Funny you should say that.

This is why we have abortion.


Goddamn it, I come here to be with fellow losers. Guess I should try PUA or something and join the normies.

But seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if she's some ugly hamplanet that no sane man would touch with a five foot pole.


He had a movie named after him.

Actually the movie was named after the ship the crew rode on to the Engineer's planet, which was named after him.

also remember the fact about a paid secretary being compared to a slave despite the fact that there are apparently paid nannies on the amazon island?

what WW would say if she new that her dad kidnapped and later paid his very own slave boipussy


one the other hand you could call that movie "things the germans never did" but that's another story.


that's even better than my post here

saved. thanks.