Have you ever met a girl that wasn't a complete whore, Holla Forums? I know they're out there
Have you ever met a girl that wasn't a complete whore, Holla Forums? I know they're out there
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Yes, but she would never talk to likes of me.
Why does it surprise you that girls like sex? Or that you'll never be her first?
Is your name Beta McBetarson?
If I'm not her first, I'm not her anything. No hymen no diamond.
Once, but she was eight years old.
nice way to stay a virgin forever
Why does it surprise you that men don't want to date or marry whores?
they aren't exactly out in the open.
he's a typical western cuck that thinks if jamal and jesus hasn't gang banged his qt 3.14 20 year old looking like a 40 year old "girlfriend" then she's lying/not real.
Yes. I met a kissless virgin and I married her.
Being a virgin is better than touching a whore tbhwyf
All women are selfish and all women are sluts, it's in their nature
You got to admit that, the virgin ones are probably the ugly ones as well. The good looking girls, lose their "V" card at a rather young age. Unless theur are some type of religious cucks. Those girls tend to assure their virgins until marriage.
Ah, you poor thing, fixated on your Mercer Box, never seeing the world you actually live in.
How do you test for something like that?
There is no hard rule to that really.
From my personal experience the most attractive girls tend to hold to it longer, they have high standards and expect high class Chad.
the average/ugly ones tend to be much easier.
I've been told by many that fucking after 40 is boring and unless you are into fetishes then it also becomes disgusting. Will all these women off themselves when they hit 40? Because they no longer have any say on the sex market.
I kinda feel like i dodged a bullet since i won't be ever having sex. Kinda makes me think about all the time i've wasted thinking about it but now i don't have to any more. Jut going to live life for myself now and do what i want. It's cheaper and I don't have to wait for anyone.
Past 40 if single, they become alcoholic and fuck anything that will pay them attention, I am not proud of it, but I have fugged a few of them. It's not pleasant memories, just drunken degeneracy with saggy tits and missing teeth/gum jobs.
My experience has been the complete opposite. All good looking girls that i know, have had their cherries popped around 14/15, and some even at 13. While the less good looking/ugly girls, many of them are still virgins, or claim to be, while beig well over their 20's.
That's disgusting, you would think they could at least get dental work. Also being drunk is one thing but also being a degenerate while drunk, that's just a new low.
I think women over 40 are one of the biggest drains on civilization. Wish chads would do something about their leftovers.
Nothing really changes, except that as your testosterone (rather naturally) drops as you age, you don't feel the urge quite as often, nor as strongly as you once did. Not claiming this is a good thing, just that it's a fact.
Her body isn't as great looking as it once was, but if you're not the type who trades out every few years, it's not as big of a deal as the porn you're saturated in would lead you to believe. I mean the best orgasms have nothing to do with her age or tightness or whatnot: it's everything to do with how you approach the situation metally, emotionally, and physically.
The person that insists on a certain age, or skin tone, or whatever wouldn't be able to honestly tell the difference between a human and a jar of mayo if they were blindfolded: it's the subtle psychological thrill they get from _knowing_ that makes it better, and if you can manipulate your own psyche you can accomplish the same thing without all the silliness of always trying to find the next new thing.
Dental work would cut into their vodka and cat food budget.
But men can work out to keep it high and be active. My grandfather was a badass up until he died.
As for women, I just see how weak they get past 40. Even if they work out they don't get gains like even a 70 year old man can.
I find they are becoming more and more small dog owners then cats.
Must be a cultural thing, over here the less attractive a girls the easier she is to pick up and fuck
Could buy a shitload of catfood-flavored-vodka for the price of even a basic set of dentures to be fair
Wait for your virgin AI robot sex womb waifu
Yeah, and she will never be interested in me.
Holla Forumsspermastudio hd
Unless you were a complete soyfag in your mid-twenties, or you had some dreadful medical condition, your testosterone level will never be what it was then. Well, I suppose you can stuff up on exogenous testosterone, but good luck with that.
I mean, seriously: do everything you can to keep your level up, but just realise that it is going to decline as you age.
Everything will decline. The point I'm trying to make is men over 40 have more value then women. So men need not be concerned about age. I know a guy who wont retire and hes 76, guy just keeps on working. Also If you save up you can afford testosterone so no big deal.
Even in America, that's how it is. Only occasionally will a hottie become a sloot. But normally it is the ugly ones, simply cuz they can't be picky, and therefore everyone can fuck.
Being a Frog has its perks.
dude my steroid bill is
So it's simple then, when i hit 40 I'll just do that. To bad women could no do the same but become more feminen.
I've asked myself the same question many times. They go and get boob jobs, but if they ran some estrogen, it'd do the same thing plus more, and in a far more organic (looking) fashion
Why wait?
For the dreamers.
I'm actually impressed that you could fit so much wrong into so little text.
No, there is no correlation between looks and virginity or promiscuity. The vast majority of women can get laid with extreme ease. The ugliest of women (1 or 2 in looks) just have to settle with less attractive options.
And religious girls are as likely to be massive sluts as normal girls. They are just more adamant about hiding or lying about it. Also, depending on the religion, it may also mean that her premarital sex was up the pooper. Whether that's better or worse than vaginal sex is up to you to decide.
Have you ever met a girl who isn't inflatable, 2D, or your mom?
Tip: no.
What is wrong with the education system in your country? No wonder you fags shoot up your schools.
Someone who X is more likely to Y
can mean:
X causes Y
Y causes X
some third factor causes X and Y
(women with low sex drive, fewer partners, less likely to divorce)
(women from small towns with few potential partners, fewer partners, less likely to divorce)
(motherfucking MUSLIMS, fewer partners, less likely to divorce)
Between you lot and the SJWs, bandying around selective half-understood statistics, it's no wonder nobody trusts evidence any more.
Sexual double standard doesn't work - if you want virgin brides and no-divorce marriages, you need to live righteous fundie anti-sex lives yourselves, so that you meet righteous fundie anti-sex women and they don't dismiss you as an evil modern devilspawn.
Whorish and chaddish Americans spend ridiculous amounts of money on plastic surgery, even though most Americans are homeless and starving. Also, unlike Europeans, most American men are PUAs or rapists, so the hot ones get raped early.
The Europeans just have a spermastudio party.
Europeans gave up on stupid fucking Calvinist sexual morality decades ago. Nobody cares if there's bukkake gangbangs.
right away you blame america. all 300,000,000 plus. we did this. because we're all rich and not at living in poverty.
But she wants you to feed her.
Yeah, and Europe is doing great now! Absolutely no problems there! It's so good they've thrown off the shackles of repressive religious and nationalistic ideologies. Goodness.
And evolution gave up on stupid cultural marxists years ago, fun fact, some nordic strains are already dead.
I agree with you, that's why I'll always be a sexless wizard. But whatever, chads will keep being chads and women will just age into useless bags that chads don't want to support.
Sweden asked for it… They let their women take over.
Why does it need to be a foal's body? I'm not into underage, unlike (((some of the users of this board))). Fap ruined tbh.
Another death denier, afraid of giving her the jizz she craves. A womans nature is to suck you dry, cum on her face and set yourself free.
Well obviously no girl is going to go on a date with you for free, user.
That's a gross over simplification imo. Yes, Feminism is one symptom of the problem; as is intersectionality, but the root is the Death of God as described by Nietzsche. Do you think for one second that the Christian Monarchies of old would have sold their people out like this? Do you think they would have opened the flood gates to the rapacious hoards of third world filth? Absolutely not. The decline of western civilization can be directly rooted back to the French revolution; when these ideas first began taking shape as people openly pursued ideologies based on atheistic humanistic enlightenment values.
I would have if i could have. But women don't want men like myself until they are older and want a retirement fund. By then since guys like me have been sexless for so long we don't even care anymore.
Men are logical, women are emotional. Sweden is more "emotional" now then ever before. Ask yourself why that is and also ask If those men who make decisions for Sweden may be pushed more by their GF or wife. Every guy that stopped thinking with his dick knows the answer to this.
Again, you are making an oversimplification. In general what you are saying about men and women is true, but not always. Women elected Hitler. If you really think men "not thinking with their dick" as you so elegantly put it is the reason for the decline of the west…
Get you a woman who's pure on the outside but willing to be your personal whore behind closed doors.
Yet he didn't win the war. Not saying it was a bad thing but it was not the right thing.
Women are whores they don't have to hide it anymore. Like a republican doesn't have to pretend to be straight, and democrats don't have to pretend to be moral.
Once i thought. it turned out to be OP's mom that wanted to suck my dick for cash….so no.
A disabled girl
No… Send that back to 4/b/ nigger…
Dude, there is literally nothing in this world more cock-hungry than a retard.
States an obviously cock hungry retard.
Causality is not necessarily required for a correlative model to have predictive validity.
Nobody except INTP autists has ever given a shit about hard, objective standards of evidence; the other 98% of the population will always be running on pure rhetoric.
It has never been explained to me why it is logically necessary for me to judge men and women by the same standard as it relates to their respective positions and functions within the sexual marketplace. Men and women are not the same, and our expectations of each other are often radically different, so why is it assumed that we should measure up to some universal, egalitarian set of standards?
in my experience, women don't really give a shit about the sexual exploits of their male partners (unless they're very religious), whereas many of the women I've been with often go to exhaustive lengths to cover up or distract from their own sexual promiscuity.
Causality is a myth and we'll have to make a wish for our dreams to come true!
It's more a question about environment than innate personality. There is a slut underneath the skin of every women, but some have thicker coating of respectability than others.
My mom.
Nice try there, dys quads
The evidence is right in front of your face, it's not hard to figure out what women are really about. Albeit, sexuality is highly detailed, the human dynamic is always dominance and drama. Most men have trouble accepting a womans true nature.
all women are fucking whores. but the pretty ones are the most.
my mother, in her youth, was a beautiful woman. not even fucking with ya'll. and guess what?…. she was a fucking whore all her life.
that is… until her looks went away and suddenly she has "regrets" and wishes she would have dont things "differently". lol. really… what about when you were 25 and would leave me with my grandparents to go party you stupid bitch!!??
anyways, the prettier the girl, the more oa whore she is. take that to your graves, as that will be my mothers epitaph on her tombstone.
This is the archetype, a deep animal instinct they can't control, women are slaves to their desires; and most men are too.
i remember being 10 and being left alone in the house while she went outside to make out with this stupid chad motherfucker (who was fucking married to top it off) in his car.
i was 10 so like a 10 year old faggot i was scared to be alone in the house at 11 at night so i begged her not to go outside and she told me to not cry and that she was going to "just be outside" and not to cry.
anyway, i try to watch tv but then i looked outside through the window and they are kissing and suddenly the seats go down and i cant see them no more and that fucking pissed the fuck out of me so i grabbed a ceramic doll-type decoration she had on a table and threw it at the fucking window and it broke the glass and then she came inside all pissed off and hit me for doing that shit, when she should have been inside protecting her fucking kid because he kid was fucking scared and not leave him inside to go fuck a married chad in his car.
seriously bros… women are shit human beings by default. and if they are pretty they are even bigger assholes than any man could ever be. god i fucking hate the cunts so fucking much i cant even put it into words.
stay away from them. they are worse than nazis.
Yes. She wasn't white.
Eventually you realize that framing a relationship in terms of the right or wrong mate is by itself a blind alley. Sooner or later, there comes a moment in all relationships when you lie in bed, roll over, look at the person next to you and think it's all a dreadful mistake. "It's an open secret of American culture that disillusionment exists. 'normal marital hatred.' Not one person has ever asked what I mean by that. It's extremely raw." What to do when the initial attraction sours? "I call it the first day of your real marriage," Real says. It's not a sign that you've chosen the wrong partner. It is the signal to grow as an individual—to take responsibility for your own frustrations. Invariably, we yearn for perfection but are stuck with an imperfect human being. We all fall in love with people we think will deliver us from life's wounds but who wind up knowing how to rub against us.
Good article but you have to go deeper into your self and especially female nature to get at and understand the driving force of the human drama.
Yes my gf. She was bullied all over her school life, shunned by their female friends, mocked by them for having a flat chest. The boys mocked her calling her ugly. Her only friend is her brother.
She never had a boyfriend before me.
i forgot to add. we are both 28
I had a similar childhood based on your posts.
I remember numerous times my mother (who was also very attractive) used to have an argument with her partner (who wasn't my dad) and storm out the house and I would follow her down the street as a 5-6 year old with no shoes. She'd end up going to a pub and as I was a kid I'd fall asleep. I'd then proceed to wake up in a random house with some strange man fucking my mum in the same room and then get yelled at for crying.
Now she is older she has tried a couple times to patch up her mistakes (I ran away when I was 7 and only saw her twice between then and my early 20's). It has forever altered how I view women.
jesus fuck user you triggered some feels. very very similar. my mother would just dump me with an aunt or grandparents and i wouldnt see her for days or weeks as she was busy being a party slut, and yes that forever changed my view on women too.
i despise attractive women. when all my friends are trying to fuck the hot girls, inside, my fucking blood is boiling over, over how much of dumb and stupid whores they are because of all the male attention.
and the ugly ones arent saints either. they just dont have the weapons to wage the wars they were pre-programmed to wage. so fuck those stupid whores too.
After I ran away I ended up living with my grandparents who were pretty much my parents from when I was born til about 4.
I developed an Oedipus complex (milf fetish) and that is quite obvious to me as to why, even though I have a hate thing with them as well.
I can't stand women around my age.. unless they are not white. I know that will get some people off side, especially the Holla Forumslack types and I'm not saying this to piss you off if you are from Holla Forums or share those views. I share many of them too.
Anyway. I have looked in to this a bit and there isn't much on the concept but I think because I am straight I still needed a woman but I "decided" (it wasn't exactly free will) to go for foreign women as they are the least representative of my mother or my mother figure.
I can look at a woman my age who is Caucasian and know that they are attractive but I feel very little whereas an Asian or African can give me that aroused feeling much, much easier and without having to be a 10/10.
Fuck hamsters instead
The problem is, women can lie so it's hard to know. You have to judge by their actions and general attitude towards sex. In this day and age and given her ease of access if she hasn't had sex there has to be a reason.
It has to be isolation, culture, upbringing, moral belief, mental or emotional problem or history of abuse (I say this as I still consider her a virgin if her only sexual contact was rape or molestation, but not everyone would.)
There are no guarantees with women. To me it's very important, so I have a number of tests. For instance, my biggest pet peeve is a girl who calls herself a virgin, but has sucked dick. I mean it's as annoying if it's anal or handjobs or whatever, but blowjobs are most common and it just especially pisses me off. Fuck you for pretending you're pure after guzzling cum. If virginity even mattered to you, based on biblical definitions what you've done is sodomy so you're even less pure. So while in general I don't like girls who have had previous partners, it's way easier for me to respect a girl who has slept with a couple guys, acknowledges it and is mature about it, than a girl who says "I'm still a pure, innocent virgin but I've sucked like fifty cocks. I didn't know most of their names, lol."
I work it into conversation at some point, whenever sex finally comes up I just ask them about previous partners. Like if they mention a specific act I just ask if they've done it before. If they say they are a virgin I find "What's the farthest you've gone?" tends to get the filthiest response, whereas saying "A complete and total 100% virgin?" tends to encourage them to lie, unless you add "Or are you just a technical virgin?" which usually they'll ask for a specific definition of "Someone who's had certain kinds of sex but asserts they don't count."
If she makes it passed this test, later during an argument you can justify an interrogation. This won't always work either though, which is where drugs that lower inhibitions come in. I don't partake in drugs, but most party drugs have an effect like this and work as effectively as sodium pentothol, but alcohol has the same effect, provided you haven't lead them to believe you would be upset if they weren't virgins. Now, I don't drink much, but I find my personality makes girls want very badly to see what I'm like drunk, which makes it very easy to get them drunk without asking. And once she's tipsy, she should be more forthcoming, especially if she thinks it might impress or arouse you.
Does she have any exes? See what kind of terms she's on with them, why they broke up. If they're on good terms ask to talk to him, if they're on bad terms offer to give him a talking to. Either way if she doesn't want you to talk to him, that could be a bad sign. If she's fine with it, then you can get the info right out of him. If he can brag about fucking your girl, you bet he will.
>keeps messaging me on chat client we both use b4 faceberg days
>graduation night bang her friend on the roof of her apartment complex after smoking copious amounts of dude
could have had 10/10 innocent spergy gf but ignored her in favor of slutty girls and cannabis. realized i fucked it years later.
My mother displays symptoms of borderline, narcissistic personality disorder and paranoid schizophrenia so anything she claims must be taken with a grain of salt, but she's probably a contributing factor to why I have such high standards for women. According to her, she had sex only with her two husbands. She claimed the first husband only wanted sex a couple times resulting in my older brother, and she felt embarrassed and jealous because her friends all had erotic stories about sex with their husbands, so she tried to entire her husband by greeting him wearing lingerie at dinner. He apparently laughed and said "You look like a slut." so she ran out of the room crying. They were divorced a short while later. Some time later she met my father, the stereotypical alpha. 6'2, blonde with blue eyes, deep voice, former military man with a dental practice. He thought she was pretty so every morning on the way to work he'd knock on a wall outside her apartment and smile and wave at her. After a couple months she invited him in for coffee, they were married three months later, I came to be a year after that. Much to me and my brother's constant embarrassment she always talks dreamily about how he was insatiable and the opposite of her first husband, always wanting it. The problem was she believed he was cheating on her, became insane with jealousy and divorced him expecting him to chase her. He didn't. He remarried. He said she was his fourth wife, but one of my own insane exes did a background check on him once and supposedly he's been married 12 times, though amusingly four of them were to the same woman.
However -and I'm venting this because I've never told this story- every chance she got my mother told me and my brother her rape story. The one other man she technically slept with. The event which seems to have driven her nuts. This was after the first divorce, some man approached her at a restaurant. She told him she didn't talk to men she wasn't introduced to by someone she knew, so he went and got a waiter to introduce him. She kept telling him no, but he was so persistent she eventually relented to dinner with him. She's thankfully vague on the details after that, but it sounds like she was at his house. She just says afterwards she was in the bathroom cleaning up and sobbing, and she gathered herself together, picked up some heavy marble object and walked out like nothing had happened, then when she was right in front of him she threw the object right at his head and started screaming at him "Do you know who my father is?! I'll have you killed!!" and the man went into the fetal position and started rocking back and forth saying "I'm sorry mommy" over and over so she just got out of his house. Where the story gets really suspect is apparently she told my grandmother and her response was "These things happen. Let it go." Apparently she was met with disbelief, though she asserts the man was charged for it later. We always wanted to get off the topic, so we've never asked her why she didn't go to the cops.
Didn't read it all but I read enough, you need to see a ucking psychiatrist.
I have. Several. Never helped, none of the meds either.
At least for me I found setting goals and acting more normal in itself fixed me. I got a dog, I got a job, I trained for work, I worked jobs, I went on dates. I'm still a reclusive weirdo, but the depression's gone, no more existential crisis and I get laid fairly often.
Do you know how long before meeting your dad this was?
Maybe that's why she wanted to get an alpha.
Her first husband seems shit
I didn't see anything in that post to make me think that
Go to another monkey and pay them to listen to your problems about human nature. Why is it so hard to understand that humans lie and will do anything to get what they want.
You're bad ;)
No homo.
my first love
we were both virgins
Reasonable women exist but are exceedingly rare today. Basically, they need a strong male figure in their lives to develop properly and that's simply not the case for most. You can go from kindergarten to university without ever interacting with a male teacher.
The fathers of today, if they aren't absent, are not strong characters who set down strict but reasonable rules. Mothers will just treat their girls like they would have wanted to be treated, not realizing that they are turning the kids into spoiled princesses (or future trannies in the case of boys).
They don't. Female sexuality and male sexuality are very very different mechanisms.
Actually, yes I have. She was so incredibly prude, shy and buttoned up. I mean, I do sort of like those kind of girls, but she was a little too prude for my liking.
And how old you were?
There's two kinds of women. Crazy anti-natalist celibates that will never ever show any passion, love, or sexual interest in you. Then total whores. There's nothing in-between. No woman that practices restraint but channels her sexuality in the proper channel rather than kill it out completely.
Energy can't be destroyed it's evolutionary, it's consolidating humans into a new form.
Maybe you should try little boys instead, like I do?
Many, but that kind of girls do not like relationships and shit
yes I have and I am glad she cured my general distrust towards women. She was good to me when she could have made my life hell if she wanted to. I am very thankful to her and I hope she will always have it good in life.
Farewell my angel
Well, Ill be damned. Dysnomia admitted to being a pedophile.
The FBI has been contacted.
Girls are weird. They think having sex young makes them more mature or something. I was eight and my next door neighbor was younger than me and she used to brag about sucking off and giving had jobs to older guys in the neighborhood. She also shaved her legs on her front porch in front of me, acting all cool and shit, like look how mature I am. She was all around white trash. When I think back about it, I laugh. But at the time, I thought she was cool. She is fucking mess now. Girls in junior high lost thier virginity and bragged about it. I think sex, or virginity, doesn't really have much meaning to most people now-a-days. women sleep with whoever they want and guys are so desperate they'll fuck anything. I've seen fat chick boink good looking guys. Lets be real. Virgin men and women are rare.
Yes, but don't are in my scope
They're not, lol.
but they never have sex with me
they're all whores in one way or another
I've never met a sexually-active adult woman who didn't consciously or subconsciously treat sex as a bargaining chip to get things that she wanted.
I've never met a non-sexually-active adult woman who wasn't a fucking neurotic basket case.
So the answer to your question is yes, but it isn't a trade up.
Yes, you have to see the other side of the coin
You have o keep in mind that women can't do shit by themselves.
If they were left alone they'd still be living in caves eating whatever they found on the ground.
They ar inherently useless at anything, sex is the only thing they can offer so they trade it with the long list of stuff they can't do themselves.
Some men (beta cucks) think its still a fair deal others realize that pussy alone isn't worth it and demand more.
for example?
A portuguese friend of mine is also chad. He is your typical iberian casanova and he enters the club with 20€ and drinks for 120€ as the bitches keep pouring liquor in him. Did you mean something like that?
No, its ok to take pussy when its freely thrown at you.
But if the bitch makes you work for it or as for a commitment, pussy alone isn't enough, its not worth it.
she has to bring something else on the table, something you value.
thx chad-sama
what would a woman have to offer for you to settle down with her?
A dick.
Virginity is non negotiable.
High quality genetic material, both physically and intellectually.
Have her priorities right, being a mother/wife is a duty she understands.
In that order.
In previous threads we've seen you whine about not liking boobs, admit you were a furry, and that you fap to dickgirls. You also whined you were fleeing low-t France because they were making the aoc 15. I'm sure there's a laundry list of other embarrassing shit you've admitted that make it clear you're just a beta doing a character.
A woman’s actions are not her true self. With respect to the number of sexual partners she has had: LET THAT SHIT GO. You will never be happy if you focus on her past. Judge her virtue based on her actions.
Fucking people is an action, so I'll take your advice and judge her as a slut with poor decision making skills.
Which is it?
t. soyboy
A fedora or a trilby?
This girl.
While not super hot she isn't ugly either. Despite that she remained a virgin until she was 21. Now at 33 she's only ever been with two guys.
But being uber prudish shouldn't be a virtue.
He has a very large cognitive dissonance
there's literally thousands of virgins on tinder hope you like benis :-DD
Nice try, dys
[citation needed]
That makes no sens.
Yes, hell even an the younger beta moralfag me from the past managed to nail one of them but that also depends on your definition of what a non whore, if your definition is someone who is monogamous woman who doesn't screw behind your back then you'll find one of those eventually if you look hard enough, however if you definition is some godly Aryan or Chink boyfriend free girl who's saving her virginity for some loser on Holla Forums in order to become your housewife then you might have some unrealistic expectations unless you get the favor of some rich Arabian monarch family who will reward you with as many virgin brides as you want, I guess you could convert to Mormonism too though.
Don't fall for the roastie meme, Vajoos start shrinking back to their original size after abstaining from sex for prolonged periods of time anyway. Just find yourself a girl who shares similar interests and hobbies that you can be yourself around who isn't a complete landwhale and wants to raise children with you unless you on of those retarded MGTOW's.
Sauce on the first track on the first webm?
We, the Portuguese are Master Race tbh
Yes, they exist. But they're fairly rare. And 99% or more of them already happily married.
Yes, I met one of those, short hair, pretty, and had good grades
I do not know about her for years
WTF is up with her vagina??
I'd still smash.
and the 2dcucks will ignore this as usual
tbh I think they just bash women because they want to feel like it's them that doesnt want em instead of them thats not wanted
Hopeless idealist detected…an actor on the shitpile of humanity.
This, if a girl tells you she's a virgin she's lying because she thinks oral and anal don't count and "I was a child so it doesn't count." Even in cultures where it seems so forced and traditional, do you really think she isn't sneaking in or out for Chad dick. "No hymen no diamond" bah she broke her fucking hymen when she was 11 baby wakeup. Go on YouTube and can see nine year olds talking about how they wish their bf's dick was so big and shit. I got felt up by 12 year old once I've known a 12 that got fcked all the time. All women are sluts if she's holding out on you you better believe it's cause she's fucking an ex or some chad cause she doesn't want you to hump and dump her. All women are sluts it's a fact
So you're saying we should still judge them by their actions, but only by their virtuous actions without regard to their vices?
Kudos if you seen that film :^) + :3 = ?
This is a result of women who are more likely to be normal and be in LTR than it has to do with being a prude.
Those women that are married with three or less partners? They are just with normal, non chad, guys their whole lives they aren't prudes.
The girl dates the same guy all through highschool, then she dates the same guy all through college. When their careers start changing she ends up marrying a guy she works with.
All these statics are saying is "If she stays in her relationships, she is more likely to stay in her marriage", to which I say, "No shit"
So I stand by my assertion that being uber prudish shouldn't be a virtue. If the girl stays a virgin into her 20's by choice, that is a bad sign.
How is it a bad sign in any way?
not that user but i think i know a reason
if you care about sex, she likely has an abnormally low sex drive if she made it that long with no sex. it's fine if you have an especially low sex drive, but i doubt that would be the case. Wouldn't you want a girl with a sex drive that matches yours?
just connect the dots. the christcucks that cry about wives not wanting sex or only doing it once a year. what the fuck did they expect?
so who do you think is doing the datamining? like specific organizations? give me some details. give me the datapill
that's actually pretty interesting.
Opening her legs is HER action.
This better be bait because your making me really fucking angry and actually just piss off and dont post again.
Think of it this way.
You have two women, both age 20 and single and the same level of attractiveness.
The first girl has fucked two guys, both were guys she dated for two or three years. The other girl is a virgin, the reason she is a virgin is she's a prude. She wanted to "wait till she's married". Because of that she can't reasonably expect a guy to stick around forever waiting. This may actually cause her to be MORE picky because sex isn't even on the table of things she wants.
My point is if she is a prude that doesn't mean she'll be loyal. Because this girl
is 33 and divorced.
Exactly one. Ive lost contact and now she's going to school in Edinborough (her family is loaded.) She's blue pilled, as all women are, on Muslims and their handlers and I'm slightly worried. I hope she hasn't been blacked.
There's probably like 2 black people in Edinburgh tbh but she definitely has taken a few cocks.
The only reason to have sex is to procreate, and the prudish women you marry can at least deliver on that end, past that there is no reason to have sex, you degenerate fucking hedonist.
nice bait mate. glad I came back literally as you made your retarded post.
Christcuck friendly: Sex is intimate and for a lot of people it can allow husband and wife to bond and enjoy themselves in a manner that is much less material than other means. You can have your shitty utilitarian and dead relationship with your sad old wife.
Yeah, that's what he's saying about you, you illiterate retard lol
I'm not the hedonist, he is. Sex is a biological utility designed for the sole purpose of procreation. Having many children to support your race is the only thing you should be doing with it, your pleasure is irrelevant. Jump in the bog if you wanted sex to make your peepee feel good.
I know but its disappointing considering she's a nice Catholic girl who seems devoted.
i think you're the selfish one for not showing your wife you love her or giving her enjoyable sex.
and if you're going down the route of utillity, you're gonna be sacrificing a lot more than sex for pleasure. it's time to spill the beer, throw your computer out the window, live in shitty ugly house, sleep on the floor, and eat nothing but rice and beans in misery. Wait holy shit you're actually doing it.
lol you actually made him spell it out for you
You don't want to play musical bungholes.
I'll post moar of her.
She's not pretty but her tits are 10/10 adorable
I'm already doing most of what you proposed, because I'm not a degenerate hedonist. I have a computer because I need to stay connected for my work.
My wife would be a fucking degenerate whore if she desired sex for any other reason than to make white children, and thus there is no selfishness involved with not having sex otherwise because a pure woman would not want it in the first place outside of making babies. Unless you have shitty sperm, you should never have less children than the times you have had sex in your life.
I found your wife when you aren't at home.
She a good cook.
Can't wait to kill all of you kikes on DOTR.
How can you kill anyone when you're already dead?
I thought about it and yes, I think one.
But she's obese and she smells like a dumpster full of tampons on a summer day so people usually try to avoid her. She's sweet though, one time I volunteered to help her with a project, when finished I patted her on the back, which turned into rubbing her back, and then me putting my hand between her thighs. I expected to get slapped and then le sexual harassment lawsuit but she just blushed and giggled.
I see her around town sometimes and she always smiles and waves at me, but I just nod and excuse myself. I came to my sense before things got too nasty.
You bring back terrible memories.
I knew a girl in hs who stinked fucking period, we had to open the windows everywhere she went too.
T'es con.
when grampa more racist than teens
tbh you sound like a negro thats salty cuz i appropriated woke
Pussylips are tugged to the side by her underwear, I guess.
I have no idea. It's not typical here for women to act like whores in public, and I am not close enough with any woman to know all she does in private.
I know a woman who is 50 years old and has never even been in a relationship. She's a 50 year old hikkiNEET who lives off of autism bucks and does nothing but read books all day. She's actually a cool person. In her old family pictures she's was actually kind of cute when she was younger.
Honestly I aspire to live like her. Being a hermit and doing what you like to do all day with no one to bother you is the dream life.
My aunt is almost 50, and is a virgin.
I'd love to fuck her.
So how do people find others to date
I don't have any pictures of her,
But here, have a picture of a character I made in honey select.
are you ugly or too socially awkward? you should at least try. start getting to know her and ready for the fucks. dont make any degenerate babies though.
your mom
just joking shes a complete whore
Hell yeah
that is a good woman. care for her and love her tenderly. I am sure both of you know have the means to live a pacific life. Go get her user-kun!