Does God want to deter Evil and he cannot?
Then he is not almighty.

He can but he does not want to?
Then he is bad.

Is he able to (deter Evil) and he also wants to?
Then where does Evil come from!

Lest he is not able to and does not want to either?
Then why do we call him God?


whatcha slidin' rabbi?

those paradoxes were destroyed by christian philosophers centuries ago.
Go put a banana up you ass you filthy kike

This paradox ignores two crucial things. One, the free will of man. God will not interfere with the free moral agency of man. So bad people do bad things and good people should stop them. Two, bad things just happen.

This first premise begs the question regarding the nature of "evil" and is ignorant of "Free will".

IFF 'evil' can be stopped by stopping free-will, then the action to stop free-will itself would be evil.

Also OP, both you and the Greek you cite neglect to define "Evil", which I will give now…

Evil = Injustice

All of this is trumped by the central Christian belief that God will judge those fairly upon their death.

You are God since the Universe is in you. Good/Evil are just two poles. Anything else is just useless mental masturbation

evil is probably the jew..

good and evil are outdated terms.
let the Jews have them!

there is only useful and useless.

if you always do what is useful then how can you wrong yourself?

its possible you wrong another, but this is how you should judge yourself:

if you do this, how can you wrong another?

this is how you must live because its useful.


If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, then He can interfere all He damn well pleases and still not affect man's free will. He'd be able to do things that seemingly violate man's free will without actually violating man's free will, because He's fucking God.
If you're going to believe in God, then at least have the balls to embrace the inability of mortal conceptions to define Him, instead of trying to use ill-founded "logical" excuses to assuage your doubts, oh ye of little faith.

God is no less omnipotent for being bound by logic.

God doesnt exist and humans have no free will

why do you believe in free will? it makes no sense.


Your faithless attachment to the desperate sophistry of Man blinds you to the simple eternal Truth. Abandon your burden and embrace that He Is what He Is, motherfucker.

God didn't create evil. You made it up. Now please stop fantasizing about morality and return to reality.

I know all religion threads on Holla Forums are basically shit posting but I find it funny that people here are so needy for a kike religion.

Evil is caused by satan using god's gifts against us. sage for shit thread.


Don't be so hard on Satan. Evil is caused by the Jews. Satan looks pretty damn nice compared to what these filthy kikes pulled of since the end of WWII.

Demons and Satan have no influence on humanity whatsoever.

How? They're helldwellers and God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent.
Demons also don't have free will, thus it's not "unjust" to keep them locked up.

What would be the point of "eternal damnation in hell" if anyone could just work towards getting promoted to demon and get to haunt the good people on the earth?

This is just a Kafkatrap. Any path forward disallows God from having power or goodness. 1/10 begging the question.

No, it is an enunciation of the argument that God had properties which are internally inconsistent and also at odds with reality

If that's the case, please explain how God could act in concordance with the "paragraph".

so called serious theologians have addressed this with free will, like for example John Haught. This is of course ridiculous. As a god you can create a creature that has free will but has no aptitude to cause harm to others.

You also have the game that if god is all powerful how can he create both an immovable object and an unstoppable force.

These philosophical mind games are interesting if you take the premise of a god to be true. However everything becomes easy without a god. Free will does not exist. You are the product of a quantum anomaly all deterministic and therefore pre-determined.

You have been lied to user, you are following a Semitic god that has enslaved your forefathers, break free from the chains and cull the living flower.

How can he "break free" if he has no free will?

He cannot.He does however have the illusion of free will.

Paraphrasing a Karl Marx quote, on fucking /pol of all places.

took a while before someone noticed

tbh smh fam

sage goes in all fields, reported for slide thread

Please report to the nearest gulag comrade.

Conscript reporting

Thank you for your cooperation Alexei. Here is your complimentary pick axe and burlap shirt.

Have Nice Day.


This eye bleach I got here might come in very handy.

It's Epicurus you fag.


God is not a person or single entity. "God" is the infinite mind we all exist in. All that is and will be is God by extension, if you want to follow a dogmatic approach to it. In actuality, God exists as the spirit in all things. Free will is real, but in this density, you cannot fully exert your free will. Those in higher densities follow similar core rules compared to us. As above, so below.
Your should still praise, or at least show respect to kek, he's a cool dude

And you ignored the statement

1. Free will in a totally controlled Universe is a scam
2. Evil is a scam

It's time to move on to adult morality

Then both you and Epikourus are wrong.

It's quite possible that God just doesn't give a shit. He may have created us, even directly, but he has a whole universe of things to pay attention to. Perhaps he gave us enough logic and morality that we were supposed to be able to take care of ourselves. Instead, we just do whatever the fuck we want to each other and hope that DEUS VULT will fix everything for us, while he's looking at another galaxy, growing mile-tall crystal trees or some shit. Maybe we're not special.

The idea of a good and just god that will smite those who do evil will only has power when there is a plaurality that believe in him.

But faith alone will not defeat the evil. "God helps those who help themselves"

We have been helping ourselves for quite some time now.. Doing our best to wake people up and expose those who are evil. And this year stands as a testament to the fruits of our struggle.. We have had victory after victory.. The majority of these victories have no explanation outside of divine intervention.

Praise Kek.


God does not wish to deter evil
this ignores the fact that God is the all even the evil that happens in this world is his will.
It's why Satan in all instances doesn't refer to the devil, but opposition to the goodness that God puts forward.
God is multi-faceted, he tried showing this to us with the trinity and nobody understood it, he's doing it again with the frogposting shit.

God is like Batman, he won't kill you but he can still hurt you a lot.

Checkmate, Christfags.

There have been generations upon generations of men before you that have considered and debated such topics before you. They could not reach a unanimous conclusion and neither will you. Continuing to waste your time and energy contemplating this worthless fucking drivel isn't going to help you gain anymore control over your life.
You niggers sound like the faggots on /a/ arguing Asuka vs. Rei.

Good and Evil are the same thing, just a different polarity.

Just change the word god to (you) and then read that again.


Do you want to deter Evil and cannot?
Then you are not almighty.

You can but you don't want to?
Then you is bad.

Are you able to (deter Evil) and do you want to?

Then where does Evil come from!

Lest you are not able to and does not want to either?

Then who are we?

Wanting to believe in your space Jew this badly

Nigger detected

There was a conclusion reached. It's called Epicurean and Stoic philosophy. And you Jew worshipers killed it

The answer is whatever keeps you paying your tithe, goy.

God allows horrible things to happen.
it is not His will.
He gave us free will.
He gave us possibilities.

it's up to us to walk a Godly path with eachother, or destroy eachother.
this is our choice.

that is implying that all men are of 'god'. the kikes are of moloch, and in turn since the kikes molded the muslims into what they are so are they.

If you get really autistic and read up on the origin of religions it seems that all religions of the northern hemisphere revolve around the concept of memetics whereas the religions of the southern hemisphere revolve around animalism, voodoo and human sacrifices.

If you follow moloch back to his origin you will find that all the way back to sumeria there are records of the same evil deity under different names. So from that one can trace the origin of kikery back to sumeria and since records end there one can look at their travel, they slowly traveled north and west… it is plausible that their journey started further south down in the southern hemisphere.

(the entire argument assumes the existence of an Abrahamic god)

Epicurus crushed all connotations of evil and good, not the existence of gods.

Yin and yang gentlemen.

Wew, this thread is great.

Gotta have that Jew god amirite?

Man couldn't possibly decide for himself his own mortality! How arrogant of you!! You must believe in this thing that we tell you to believe in for that, and thus alleviate ourselves from any responsibility in the way we conduct our morality.

It's not like good and evil are just concepts based on your current perspective of the world! They are set in stone for all time!!!

In Epistemology there's two concepts: the agent of Knowledge (Knower) and Knowledge itself (True Belief).

The Knower is someone we use as an authority on Knowledge, depending on their Justification.

The Knower becomes a source of Knowledge. That is, they become a source of useful information for adapting to the environment.

In order to properly take advantage of there being a Knower (someone who reliably provides Knowledge), you need to be able to reify them. That means, you have to have a singular and simplified but psychologically/mentally consistent concept of this person in order to identify them.

When you do identify them successfully (against your memory), their reputation comes alongside it. You formulate the Knower.

God, as a concept, is an extension of this faculty. One imagines (as a reader) God speaking to Apostles or the writers of the bible, as one would imagine any other author to be talking to the reader.

Of course, the concept of God existed before text. The concept of God relies on the concept of reputation. Jews will freak hearing this, because they need God-consciousness to justify their shitty behavior.

Atheists are useful idiots against Christians - notice they never or rarely attack Judaism.

I have a better idea: First, "evil" is the result of incomplete knowledge who see evil where there is none, and second, why should God remove obstacles for us to overcome?

If I were God - who I'm not - I'd put controllably so much evil into place and give my race I'm breeding to become ubermenschen ever so often a little gleam of hope.

I believe Earth is a test, and anybody can be a good little boy when nothing bad ever happens so for the test to succeed adversity must exist. Maybe God likes a good story, maybe He is lonely, maybe He is bored. He's beyond mortal comprehension so I choose to accept that He is what He is.

Christians are on the same tier, theologically, as communists and other leftist trash. They lie, doublethink, and obfuscate in order to keep their semitic faith without feeling the cognitive dissonance. It's no wonder Hitler tried to wipe the faith from his citizenry - the mongrel cult is just a failed Jewish experiment to co-opt Zoroastrianism, after all.

I'd rather have redpilled Catholics/Christians/Lutherans than a bunch of Atheist+ and (((seculars)))

As an atheist who hates actively religious people… I agree with you. There are tons of nonreligious christians who call themselves that as an identity, christian just meaning 'white,' but people who call themselves atheist are almost all marxist scum or jews. They like to say Atheism+ is gone, yet they hold all the same socjus ideas.

You are describing apologetics, not a logical rebuttal. OP's logic is sound and cannot be refuted, it can only be reframed by Christian apologia which amounts to logical pussyfooting.