this place is reddit in denial
This place is reddit in denial
pretty much
u made it to the front page XD
stephhen hawking DIED today upvote to pay respects
EDIT: Thanks for the gold stranger!
He was the OG crippled kike tbh
r/degenerateMiddleAgedMen of course
Retard, lazy milennial, of course
That may be true, but just because you're a moderator at r/LetMeFuckMyDaughtersFriends doesn't give you purchase to insult my compounding terrible life choices.
it's 8ch in denial that 8ch is not 4chan.
as for reddit, i dont fucking know. ask dys, hotwheels, pedomod, moot, hiro, jim,
WHOM the fuck ever. i dont care dont care anymore. Our internet is dead. it's literally the nu-age.
is the internet dead?
My internet, the internet before that Berners-Lee faggot fucked it all up, is dead. Yes.
t. oldfag. Like in very old man
My fellow BASED MAGApede
not even close.
dial up we had java chatrooms.
high speed became more prevelant, we had some chatrooms but now vid chat.
then myspace blew the fuck up. and then it died.
smartphones started, then facebook, etc tc etc etc.
you should know the rest.
it becomes a bit less reddit once you leave :^)
Next thing I knew, we were jacked in. We were the internet now. Except this time, there was no logging off..
Well, sort of, I suppose. But I think it is more like reddit with half its brain removed, the other half in backwards, with diarrheal incontinence, and overdosing on Ambien.
no, we're just overrun with edgy redditors and need someplace to go where they can't follow
and no lag
Since the 2016 election it's full reddit with no shame at all.
who else ironically goes to reddit to shitpost at redditors ironically
take your ironybro shit outta here
those applets were just shitty front-ends for irc
4meta8meĀ³ tbh