Need tips

any composite material specialist over here?

i'm currently building a small aircraft, nothing too fancy, just for the lulz

i can't chose between aluminum 7075 t6 and carbon fiber.

on one side, i'm used to aluminum, structure, rivets, etc…

the aircraft will flex, and expand and shrink with heat, like any regular aircraft.

i'm pretty familiar with its physical property.

the downside it will require many part and internal structures the aircraft will be heavy, over 550kg (1200lb) with full fuel tank. (not counting my ass in)

on the other hand there is carbon fiber, ridiculously strong and light.

no internal structure but in order to have any weight and structural strength advantage over the aluminum built i need to cut down the parts the the bare minimum.

which means, i'll have to make the hull in a single piece of carbon fiber if i want it to be strong enough to sustain 5G.

as you can see in the pic, this is gonna be tricky.

its 6 meters (~20ft) long, i'll have to build a mold that can be removed trough the canopy opening also an oven to fit it there.

the aircraft should weight around 450kg using CB

pic related is what the carbon fiber hull should look like.

install gentoo

that won't help

What's with all the screenshots of Microsoft Windows? You're embarrassing yourself. Have some self-respect. Dump that abusive proprietary asshole of an operating system and learn to use GNU/Linux.

there is no SolidWorks for linux.

You're subjecting yourself into a life of helplessness and social division with your choice of Solidworks.

Where's the wing?

wings are unsafe

thats the only cad with a decent FEA toolbox.

their in a different file.
this one is just the fuselage (carbon fiber model) no holes or internal structures.


1) stop being a tripfaggot.
2) carbon fiber costs a fortune, consult your actual technical boss and ask him is he willing to pay up just for a shit prototype. If you don't have one - run away from such a job, don't take unnecessary risks!
3) if not, stick with aluminium and try to 'cut' all the 'unnecessary' parts.
4) check your prototype, cry a river over your mistakes, make a new model (preferably from scratch).

That is how it is done usually. You will NEVER get the desired result at first try; at least consult other technicians/engineers.
t, not 3d modeler, just a passerby who also has some contacts with such people.

You don't belong here moshie

More like the opposite. Most mechanical engineering shops use Solidworks. If I want a job and not to be a FOSS shut in NEET like yourself I need to use Solidworks.
I know this is difficult to understand but the FOSS alternative to Solidworks is actual garbage and not useable in a professional setting where actual work needs to get done.

Pilot here. What kind of propulsion are you going for? Why do you expect this to experience 5g forces? What is this plane for, racing?

Also, basic wing layout pls.

seedbombing nigger ghettos with japanese kudzu vine

fuck, I forgot this was the Holla Forums division of Holla Forums

Can you show us what you have so far? I mean with parts assembled together.

Did you know that demanding to use solidworks because your job demands it doesn't make you any less abused. It just makes you an abused user who is paid to use abusive software.


touch my genitals.
this is literally the first time i post here about this.

last time i asked which CAD software was the best.

you're fuckin fibbing m8 i've seen your threads here before as well

why are you even asking a bunch of linux autists how to engineer a fucking experimental aircraft?

has it occur to you that maybe some other dudes out there are interested in that too?.

why would i ask about aircraft engineering here anyway?!
this is a very specific and advanced field, there is 0% chance someone with that knowledge would lurk here

because you're retarded

you're right about that at least

Take off your trip and I might help.