
When's the last time cp was posted in mass and not just one pic?

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**akshually, some guy was posting links to a russian (((forum))) filled with the shit)))

hey Ox! What up?

been a while. Which is good. mostly pedos are gone. wish they were dead though.

Attached: finish3.jpg (1592x2250, 577.23K)

These bait threads are getting more pathetic by the day, mods

That's not a very subtle request, user

Attached: pedsden flag.png (1280x853, 102.75K)

Anyone remember the Green House on The Left threads back in the beginning? Anyone have those saved?

Holla Forums would rather be gay than see child qts

Reported tbh

There was that guy spamming that link for a while. Other than that it's been clean

Hopefully not anytime soon, some retard thinks he is funny ruining the board for everyone else.

Speak for yourself, normalfag. I for one, would very much enjoy a midget thread, once in a while.

I have nothing against pictures that don't depict nudity.

You insult ancaps

It isn't very literate, either.


Last I remember that guy with the Argentina flag was spamming it.

I have some of the pics. The board should still be up too.

I have them but they are shitty phone saves. He had a board at one time.
