Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
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team america : trump sequel when
You know where you both got these posts, go back to r/the_donald
make me
click this link or I'll suck your dad's dick:
t. leftykike
that's you on the left.
americans, everybody
b-but Holla Forums told me he will bring muh jobs back
serves them right. Who would have guessed that reality tv show stars who run scam universities aren't the most trustworthy people around?
He's actually in the process of doing that right now. It might surprise you but you can't just snap your fingers and create jobs if you aren't living under gommunism. The stuff he's doing right now will create a lot of jobs if he wins the trade wars against China, American citizens will produce what the yellow jews are now selling.
Makenna is cute but she has a bf/husband
The other slut has protected her account, seems she was getting the heat, I am wondering why =^_^=
I hate to break it to you, pal, but mercantilism was debunked centuries ago
At least he can walk to a car without multiple aides holding him up.
Once American industries start using American steel instead of Chinese jobs will be created. Once the wall starts being built it will create jobs. Once illegals are taken of the job market citizens will have more jobs. Once Trump has made America more attractive and the alternatives less so there will be more jobs. Now it is a though business but if he succeeds America will truly be great again.
reddit in a nutshell. They might as well just make this their new logo.
someone should just jackhammer it out who would honestly care besides this one person
They should litter the star with dildos, and then the qt girl would have to pick them up with her clenched asshold and pussy in order to pick them up.
Damn why do blacks get the best white women?
I was for Trump when it was funny, but now he's shown what he is it's not as funny anymore.
It's still pretty funny how much ass pain he causes and will cause for the next 20 years.