Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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We're living amazing times =^_^=

Way I see it, they should be honored their crappy musical instrument got any kind of attention at all.

Abo culture and heritage.

are news boards ded?
reminder >>>/aus/

What do digeridoos sound like?
I imagine a lower pitched vuvuzela.

this is Holla Forums and film related because its about a gay porn film

Exactly like nigger farts


abos btfo



Spoiler that next time.

Didnt they also turn the continent into the hellish wasteland it is today by setting fire to the whole place because thats the way they hunted?

pretty much this!

It is perhaps difficult for some of us to imagine that a single species, Homo sapiens, can affect the Earth’s climate system. But a cursory view of satellite images of the Earth emphasises the scale of the environmental changes that we have brought about. Most of us are aware of our contribution to the pollution of the Earth’s atmosphere, rivers and oceans; to severe land degradation, salinity, and so on.

During the last few decades, human-induced climate change has been a pervasive theme in the scientific literature. Central to the concept is the role of greenhouse gas added to the atmosphere during the industrial era.

>using Holla Forums arguments as a shield to shill (((climate change)))

So they are complaining about someone using an instrument as a sex toy? Why? Cultural appropriation? Didn't have the appropriate thumbs up from an Aboriginal nodding in the corner to make sure we know he's approving of it?

It was the first link on Jewgle.

aborigine ass-hurt poster posted

Alyson Hannigan you're still the one to me =^_^=

how does it feel to be a contrarian just for the sake of being a contrarian?

Epitome of intelligent deduction.

if we can just somehow make you pay more taxes then the world will be saved
also open borders so that third worlders can move here and multiply the size of their carbon footprint

Epitome of intelligent deduction.

It is also said that because they never domesticated any animals, they never figured out that having sex might result in making the woman pregnant. They thought that a woman became pregnant, because of some mountain spirit, and if the woman looked towards the mountain she would become pregnant.

There is a difference between, accepting climate change, and thinking that it's man-made. Most of the climate change is because of the sun and you can't tax the sun to stabilize the climate.

The gay porn studio of course. Thank god some white people decided to get upset on behalf of the abos since they're too busy getting dead drunk and eating their own children.

Truth be told, as an actual ausfag, that sounds like bullshit.

Aboriginals are kind of retarded, but they aren't that retarded. And honestly, I'll take them over the fucking niggers we've got coming in now, anyday.

Climate change is a stupid fucking name, anyway. Of course the climate fucking changes, that's how the seasons work you morons.

you must be new here

so that's where Patrick Rothfuss got the idea

Truth be told, it's not obvious that having sex correlates to having children. You could theoretically, have a couple that has sex once per week for 10 years and never have a bay, while the neighbors had just once after they got married, didn't like it and after 9 months had a new-born son. However with animals such as sheep(143 days) or dogs(63 days) you can more easily make the correlation. On the other hand, this is just something that I heard from someone, so at best it's just something plausible.

Also, trying to make sense of the world with an IQ of 65 is not obvious.


Too bad we're not at a solar maximum, nor are we any closer to the sun compared to hundreds of years ago to account for your dumb hypothesis, not to mention the fact that we have tons of energy output sensors trained on the sun.

This is why you need to force retards to learn about the carbon cycle, environmental science shouldn't be optional.

Honestly from all of the videos you auscunts have shown me of abbos they really don't seem like that much of a problem when compared to niggers and mexicans.
They're more akin to our natives in the sense that they're a bunch of loud, drunk junkies that do their best to exploit the gibs system.
Really the only difference I've seen is abbos aren't capable of establishing casinos.

Climate change is real.

Whats stupid is cap and trade.

The fuck is the point of environmental regulations, if you just allow the same shit to smog out in chinkland or streetshitter land? None.

None. Absolutely none.

>on one hand, faggots could rightly get their shit kicked in metaphorically this time


The faggots

Top Tard.


Yeah we have arrays of sensors monitoring the solar wind too, dumbass. It's called a geomagnetic storm, and worst case scenario the ionosphere is disturbed, your power goes out, and you see pretty lights in the sky.
Sunspots are part of the solar maximum/minimum cycle, roughly a decade long cycle of more activity less activity, and we have hundreds of years of data on sunspots and ice cores to check the temperatures, the sun has had little to no changed effect in this time.

I'm not watching your meme generator video. Is the science settled on how massive your mum is?


Here will this thumbnail not trigger you? I can see you are already in throes of cognitive dissonance because you weren't expecting anyone to call you out on your unquestioning belief in theoretical concepts masquerading as scientific methodology.

Yeah, that doesn't even pass the laughter test. The odds of that happening are less than the Sun spontaneously blowing up.

u r smart

In the end I managed to find an article on this subject.

It was just a theoretical scenario, improbable yes, impossible no.