He's drifting with god now.

Attached: stephen-hawking--124024832589618200.jpg (426x312, 25.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Well, considering that he insisted God doesn't exist, he's more likely drifting with Satan.

What if god exists but doesn't want you to think he exists and that's why he purposely left no evidence of his existence whatsoever? Then if you believe he exists he calls you an idiot and sends you to hell, but if you don't believe he exists he tells you he tricked you, but praises you for using the clues and brain he gave you, then lets you into heaven?

This man proved without a doubt, that God doesn't exist

he's in heck now

Attached: stephen.webm (352x288, 5.76M)

And that aliens will screw us up one of these days

Attached: 1167177523264487424_n.jpg (546x960, 90.32K)

That old pecker is in hell.

Attached: MAxqeaY.jpg (685x474, 87.6K)

Truly one of the brightest man of our time

biggle rig

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Good riddance.

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His last favorite toy

pic related

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Is that the Hadron Collider?


He didn't believe in the existence of souls. Therefore he ceased to exist. He was certainly smarter than you, so I prefer to believe his version.

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His version is probaly the correct one tbh. He actually provided solid arguments, for the non-existence of a deity.

claims that retard who couldn't even talk [wa|i]s smarter than me

But where's your empirical evidence for this claim?

If you feel the need to pick pn his disease to bring hi down, and make you feel better, thats enough proof that he was indded smarter than you, jackass.

i wonder if you aren't a bot designed to soften up Holla Forums for the november elections. you aim seems to be to interdict cogent discussion

He didn't believe anything user, same as this fine character

Attached: Jose.png (371x569, 139.69K)

Attached: 65D2912B-8EA7-47DA-958E-E38D276DD996.png (1536x2048, 807.51K)

And Christ-chan isn't an anime pic? The retard is you.

Nerve gas.

Now that he's dead, every Evangelical idiot is going to claim he repented on his death bed.

Joke's on them, though. He spoke through a computer and his last word are literally saved for all time and they were:


Attached: Trustworthy Gentleman.png (460x606 125.68 KB, 35.24K)

made me kek

Attached: no gods.jpg (648x960, 129.09K)


4… dead cripple threads on page one. 4 … That's FOUR, Nigger– ==FOUR== and you feel it necessary to bump one of them for no other reason then to bump it. Great. Fucking great. The only cripple we need to be discussing on 8ch is Hotwheels. Fight me irl faget.

I read it in a magic book that god gave me, therefore it's true.