CNN Wants Trump to Stop Inciting Hatred at the Media
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Maybe if the dropped their across the board endorsement of Hillary
more of their "do as I say, not as I do" approach
They don't seem to care when they incite niggers to attack police or white people.
more like fifth column
I'm laughing a lot harder than I should.
They are so desperate they are just begging now.
Trump ought to see to it that CNN loses all its public funding when he's elected.
Crocodile tears.
Maybe they should do a respectable job with integrity if they want to be treated with respect. Everyone knows you're corrupt.
So touching… Since they begged, we'll go easy on them a little and just give them a quick, painless death. Might even offer them exit bags so they feel a little more in charge of their own executions.
Someone should really tell the lugenpresse that now is not the time for fear. That comes later.
That's bullshit, but now it will happen.
To the gallows.
I cant wait until Trump wins
These fucks seriously believe the are out masters.
fuck 'em
I hope something does happen
For their next trick, they'll hire a bunch of race traitor faggots to get in a slap fight with CNN reporters. Get ready for it.
I wish their nightmare would come true. They are all shameless and proud of their corruption.
I want CNN to stop inciting hatred at whites run and tell that
If they rig the election it has more than a 50% of happening.
Maybe they should turn the camera then.
Did CNN ever acknowledge they were caught coaching "undecided voter" responses?
I for one pray that "nightmare scenario" happens nation-wide and we get to slaughter media kikes and put their heads on spikes
This just getting pathetic.
easy solution lugenpresse, just tell the truth and you won't get your throats slit
How is that phrase again? "The Jew will strike you while crying from pain" or something like that?
I find situations like this interesting because you can see how the media truly sees "the people".
They do not see the average human being as an agent. "The people" are instead a bubbling volatile concoction that need constant pruning and placation lest it all boil over and destroy everything. They don't see how the genuine emotions that lead to the people's discontent could ever be legitimate, and that someone would speak to them directly, and want to address the true heart of their dissatisfaction, such a person is "irresponsible". The media puppets are superlative cowards. They "control" us, but the irony is that "we" are really a chained tiger, and they're a bunch of incompetent keeps who throw bananas at us from a safe distance. "Why won't it stop growling, even though we're giving it food?!" The chain rusts day by day, and now you're seeing their reaction as a red capped billionaire walks over and starts swiping at the chain with an axe.
What was it again, 80~90% of Americans don't trust the lügenpresse.
knock on some wood because I think we are finally winning after having lost so much ground..
The stuff dreams are made of.
their nightmares are what helps us sleep at night
I keep hearing less than 10% trust the media.
For reference 14% believe in bigfoot.
Nah, get lynched, cunts.
the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
old polish proverb
That was on CN
meme magika knows no bounds
fukken saved
Isn't it also that about 10% of Americans approve of congress and think congress is doing a good job?
Fuck the two-faced lying (((journalists))) with rusty chainsaws.
They brought this along. If they had been honest and balanced, they wouldn't have polarized everyone. They wouldn't have sowed the wind, and now the storm is coming to reap them.
Thanks. Isn't funny how the left operates exactly like this?
The mainstream press only wants the freedom to manipulate and fuck over individuals.
They will suffer greatly on earth and in the afterlife. This is just the start.
>press starts kvetching at the prospect of incitement targeting them instead of police & whites
You have thoroughly earned the distrust & anger of the American people you fraudulently claim to serve.
Your manipulative existence is antithetical to democracy not crucial to it as you falsely claim.
During yesterday's Trump rally he talked about CNN getting caught rigging the post debate response. As soon as he mentioned it CNN cut the feed and Trump noticed it. He pointed at them and said, "Look, they cut the camera." Crowd erupted.
I'm looking for the exact part in the rally right now. Ill post it if i find it.
Trump doesn't need to do jack shit to incite hatred on faggots like them
Shit, dude, if the media says it's fake, aren't you supposed to believe in it?
I'm honestly impressed Congress could fake 10% of the respondents, even leftists hate them.
Makes you wonder why they show up at all, constantly storming out of rallies if anything goes well.
I beat it is themselves and lobbyists that approve of congress and that is about it.
Maybe their family members but I doubt it.
American as apple pies and baseball.
Since when does CNN have public funding? They aren't PBS.
no, let them suffer.
perspective defines experience. remember this.
praise kek
This. We should make them suffer horribly because that's what they're willing to do to us. No more mercy, they should feel our righteous wrath.
Do we have a webm of that scene for easy sharing somewhere?
Holla Forums I'm torn
Do I join Trump's deportation force
Do I join Trump's media correction force
may a thousand dank memes and epic gets bless this board
Render on to kek what is kek's
Said every protagonist before a shitty sequel is released.
Hindsight 2020: The election again
That's a funny way to spell 'wet dream'
Yes, it's quite the coincidence. :^)
Let me break it down for you user. One of these is a Right Wing Deportation Squad. The other is a Right Wing Death Squad. There, the choice is now easy.
media correction now, then apply for RWDS
it's funny how many huge , world destroying scenarios would be avoided if a protagonist would just gut the motherfucker.
Underrated post, your imagery is grand, user.
rope rope rope
You can't have as feminists wish. Have your cake, and eat it too.
using alcohol to influence and lubricate opinions huh
I don't know how to make webms but I can download short youtube videos.
CNN will be purged.
This is true, we should stop calling them "the media".
And instead call them individually by name, and keep all these traitor names on a list for the big day
that, or lugenpresse will do just fine
pure gold
Hope CNN doesn't get any suspicious packages after this attack against the common man…
They aren't the fourth estate. They're just another corrupt wing of the leftist political machine. A tool of the establishment. A true fourth estate wouldn't deal exclusively in half trues and lying by omission.
it's not an incitement of violence, they just fucking despise you the same way you despise them
and all i can think is:
These intellectual prostitutes ought to learn their place, before they find themselves on the wrong side of history.
I'll leave it in your capable hands then.
and Trump wants the media to interrupt Hillary when she goes an entire minute over time at the debates. You just can't win.
The audacity of these people is unreal.
how new are u
Get ready lads it's time for the third wave of Hildabitch Hysteria, don't get caught with your suit pants down, keep Pepe on alert.
The executives of CNN should be thrown in jail for putting Trump's life in jeopardy this whole year and a half by calling him Hitler nonstop. If anything happens to Trump these people will hang
vid related
there isn't a single entity in this nation besides the middle class that is not subsidized by tax dollars.
You know what is endangering reporters lives? Their complete lack of integrity and their treacherous lies.
Way to blame the victim, CNN.
Hitler really did nothing wrong, and now we are seeing what he meant in real time.
No shit, that's the plan. All the traitors need to hang before we can anything else done.
Stop being cunts if you want people to stop hating you.
o-oy vey
The media's view of the people is that of East European Jews (for obvious reasons): subhuman violence-prone peasants bearing pitchforks and torches. It is the task of authorities (who are not Jewish, hence illegitimate) to see to it that Jews/media don't come to harm. Hitler to them was the final proof of their analysis.
Private media organizations have access to mechanisms such as tax relief or even direct subsidies, this includes news outlets and hollywood. These institutions operate at a loss to push their message on the backs of the tax payer.
the rope just got 10 feet longer holy shit
The hatred has just started.
Well they got one thing right at least.
I can't wait to see Dave Weigel or some other swarmy shitlib beaten to death on livestream.
Hitler did plenty wrong:
Don't idolize Hitler. He might have had a great vision, but his execution of it was pretty shit. Germany could have easily won WWII if Hitler had been less retarded.
Still my favorite Holla Forums OC of all time. I kek harder each time I see it.
And even with all of that "retardation", he still would have been in Moscow by Summer 1942 if it weren't for (((Lendlease))).
Too late for them, they already picked their side. MSM has to end, MSM has to cease to exist, MSM and every single person involved with it has to be annihilated.
STOP you're giving me a boner
Did they ever report on reporters ACTUALLY getting attacked by BLM?
If it wasn't for Lend-Lease, there wouldn't have even been a war. Germany could have just strolled in just about anywhere but Russia.
They feel the heat around the corner, the fire rises
It got swept under the rug.
Really phoning in their next false flag attempt
There wasn't a war until they did go into Russia. France and Britain totally imploded on the Western front, despite superior numbers and equipment. The Germans won so easily there because of Hitler by the way, since he supported the Manstein Plan over attempting to fight another conventional war like they did when going into Poland.
That was fast. Nice trips
Another more vintage one
Yes, yeeeeeesssss, tremble with fear from the implicated wrath of the masses - your could sweat sooths my mind, and fills my heart with joy.
With time you will kneel unto him and beg him to spare your miserable lives.
And when that happens he will glance out to the crowd with a gaze and the masses will shant "NO!"
Now where have we heard such sentiments before? I believe a certain 20th century German Minister of Information had a salient observation on these matters.
Absolutely laughable.
An effeminate Jew in the media?
Noooooooooo. Impossible.
nope, and I'm loving every second of it. maybe if these wastes of life played nice and didn't have a non-stop stream of anti-trump shit to say, he and his supporters would be a bit nicer. but that's simply not in their nature
Take a look at the three articles above it, its just one big pile of cancer
Yes Donald destroy their long term credibility. Make the non cucks realize that TV is a blackhole and that the luegenpresse cannot and should not ever be trusted.
check out 1:05:30, he says the cameras never show the crowd, asks them to show the crowd, and the screen shows the crowd AND all the other reporters not showing the crowd
honestly this was bound to happen, with or without trump
God I wish. If the Talmudvision actually died, not only would you see a much better quality of media but the politically active part of the population would both skyrocket in size and be much more malleable intellectually, which could only be good for us.
This is why Stalingrad was so important, or rather, controlling the Volga River, since that's where half the supplies from the Western Allies came (Persian Gulf - TransIranian railroad - Caspian Sea - Volga). When Paulus capitulated, Germany lost WW2.
They are scared. Peeps waking up and seeing the real enemies.
a new smug trump from when CNN turned off the camera
This has been the best presidential campaign in probably a few hundred years.
If not ever.
lugenpresse.webm is the only thing we should be saying to these people at this point
The CNN sucks chant was icing on the cake
Remember that scene in the First STNG where Q was talking about how all the lawyers were put to death? I don't think it was the lawyers.
Good song. Is that your OC?
I can guarantee that something doesn't include actual reporting
No, I would face bodily harm charges if I were to sing anything.
The source is this here:
Breaking news, the sky is blue.
Trump has little to do with it. The lying media is doing it to themselves every single day. This is the jewish psyche manifest, the "chutzpah" of these rats.
I think he did it on purpose.
she is such a qt
It's more like Right Wing Death Squad or the Bureau of Memetic Warfare. Those are both my dream jobs but personally, meme warfare is more long-term job security than nigger-lynching, which is admittedly a young man's game.
Great snippet, thanks for the upload.
well they're not wrong
they will hang :)
was probably talking about her dad
Why was trust in the press so high among democrats during the Bush years?
It doesn't feel too safe outside the ivory tower, does it?
Well that's it.
We are all literally living in a Matrix dream world and we have corrupted the system.
anyone have Trump's katy tur bantz?
It's finally dawning on them that they aren't considered beloved celebrities. Frankly I'm surprised they haven't already been physically attacked.
Reminds me of Maddox's site before he turned into a literal cuck.
Oh, I know. They know it too and are now, in some cucktastic way, repenting by bitching and moaning.
When the press ceases to be impartial it becomes the enemy of the people.
Really fuck with them start calling news personalities Heinrich Himmler whenever you see them in public. I know I know not really an insult but to them it'll be the equivalent to being hung from street lights.
Which one? He's shitted on her so many times.
Fuck you, they suffer.
burgers fed up with the lugenpresse
and then the media will cave to us just like they caved to Islam
I just busted a nut
It's not enough that they lie to our faces, is it?
Why do I get the feeling they haven't actually watched Gran Tarino?
Can someone tell me how to add threads to my watchlist? I sometimes do it by accident…
Heard live via stream. Thanks Holla Forums.
Right? It's not like their favored candidate takes ungodly amounts money from the same people who fund journalist-decapitating savages.
I'm glad they are fucking scared. Thy realize they fucked up and their jew masters played them for fools. The media will be the first on everyone's kill list if Hillary wins, along with traitors. They realize they now face getting fired or getting killed depending on who wins.
Hmmm…. Have you tried killing yourself?
What's your problem?
It's not in the FAQ
Can someone tweet this OC to CNN PLZ.
How about you make it legible first.
They really think a politician should tell people what to think and not work for the people.
That explains so much.
What the email ID for this one?
Not him. Kill yourself newfag. You type like you're not from here, you can't figure out basic shit for yourself or even bother to ask in the appropriate thread, or have even been around long enough to not know we don't approve of spoonfeeding. If you can't lurk 2 years before posting, fuck off.
They are not laughing anymore.
Is only jokes my friend.
I don't know tbh. I've never found watching threads to be useful.
neither are we
Found it, it's right after all the response numbers in the OP.
I have a few javascript blockers and stuff and thought I might not be seeing something obvious, but the other guy's response said it was obvious.
I don't think newfags usually use semi-advanced features like watchlists for several months
I bet these fuckers would rather receive a punch in the face then lose their jobs, but it's the latter that will happen.
Search attachments for 'memo' last one on the list.
weak tbh fam
It's almost myth like, they came so close.
I had quite the giggle on this one
It's not a script. That's a real article.
Dat byline doe…
She manages to hit every offensive stereotype about her own kind.
Gallows on the front lawn ought to do the trick. Ah who am I kidding? This cringing cuckquean lives in a grubby apartment in a 'vibrant' part of town. The only time she sees a lawn is when she visits her parents at Thanksgiving, seething in resentment all the way through.
Dumb fucking cunt
oy vey G*d forbid the American people hang their masters by their own puppet strings
I cant wait lads, I cant wait
Liz Lee is a pseudonym it seems.
Her about is under Holly E Lee.
because the media was anti bush
Hanging every last journalist would be a dream come true
Seems I was correct.
Her "official facebook"
which links to
Her personal Facebook
Past employer american news x, so she got shitcanned from there.
Owns and was nice enough to register it under her own name with her own address and phone number.
HAHAHHA get rekt you fucking bitch
hahah holy shit, how deluded are these people?
Nuremberg trials set the international precedent that journalists can be tried by a tribunal and executed for disseminating propaganda.
Went ahead and signed her up for the Trump newsletter.
Also her email [email protected]/* */ is listed on
I'm so looking forward to get Whornalists punished by any mean necessary, that I'm willing to do some time to help it along.
Her other websites.
All of these domains were registered this year around march and april.
Who is this woman?
Yes, and when "I was ordered to" is no valid defense, "my boss told me to do it" is not valid against a genocide charge either.
That's a sweet red pilled pro-Trump ad.
Didn't see anyone post the actual video.
... 2016-04-15 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2016-05-19 NAME.COM, INC. 2016-04-15 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2014-07-15 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2014-06-28 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2016-04-15 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2016-04-15 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2016-04-15 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2016-01-06 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2015-12-12 HOSTING CONCEPTS B.V. D/B/A OPENPROVIDER 2016-04-15 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2016-05-20 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2015-05-29 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2016-03-30 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2016-04-15 GODADDY.COM, LLC
Thank you user.
It's all going into the dox folder.
DOB submitted by her once is, 1987-09-10
She used an ip on Charter in, Flowery Branch, GA once.
you're a fucking kike
There was inventions in the Balkans which stopped it. Also the wet season in Russia was much longer than usual and if they had waited until 1942 the russians would have been too mobilized.
You have history channel tier grasp of the conflict, burger
They're jews. What did you expect?
Business associated with her home address.
Her husband
Full name Jimmy Tyler Lee
Found my answer.
Going through their friends lists I've found she knows many people that claim to work for the clinton campaign.
idk man, personally they've been keeping me up fapping all night
I didn't see you make a webm or mp4 either, its not that hard. Sad!
It only pretended to be. They all took part in the 'drumbeat for war', cheerleading 'shock & awe' on a country's civilians that had nothing to do with 9/11 and were protecting us from the Muslim horde, etc.. The media's always been zog, Dems are just easier to fool.
Yep, I remember the mindless cheer-leading and accepting of the fake weapons of mass destruction bullshit. That was my antidote for the lying media.
Can ya feel it, anons? They know they're running out of time
By all means, let's start a White chimp out. You could not believe the strength and alacrity of the fast twitch muscles in my arms when holding a bat and seeing a world-manipulator before my feet, feeling s/he is able to do what s/he is doing without consequence.
Remember Ukraine? The police standdown and relinquishment of support for the Russian puppet president? Well, if our law enforcement wises up, and if things get real enough, they may find themselves enacting a similar policy. And the lugenpresse, who thought themselves safe bystandards in the winds of history, will suddenly find themselves being held to account for what they've been responsible for. The price they will pay will not be in blood.
Try, "247590" as her password everywhere. Also, "Holly" probably good to append a, '1' as cunts are stupid like that.
Crack this… not sure hash type and salt for another.
There might be another domain. She isn't using that gmail with fagbook but, [email protected]/* */*****.com
It's, Holly Osburn Lee
2603 N Forrest St, Valdosta, GA 31602
[email protected]/* */ might be her as there's a flickr that links to other shit.
Sometimes useful for background on security questions and to phish a cunt with.
open but only 2 nothing pics. The username is another tidbit though.
Other usernames:
I'm off, have fun.
Looking at things like these, I have to say this
I am Pajeet. N one I know understands why I support someone like Trump. Everyone is so hooked to the jewish media, its like they are operating in some alternate universe.
are you in burgerland? If so, you and your family may be spared, but you still have to go back.
Dont be retarded, natsoc is not about race
I'm just here to study user. No intentions of settling here.
Maybe you can take poo in loo technology back to your people.
India has a shit ton of all kinds of people. Some of them poo outside the loo.
I'll bet they do.
Militia of One.
People were fooled by this?
They dug their own grave.
Best case they all get deported.
Deported to hell.
nice b8 m8
Fucking kill yourself.
I can't believe they put something this aesthetic on TV and thought it would hurt Trump.
Brought a tear to my eye fam
No true Trump supporter would ever turn on CNN. They change the channel as soon as they see it.
Trump himself could tell me directly to stop hating the media, and I wouldn't.
Day of the rope soon. They've well earned the terror that awaits them. They worked really hard to earn the ire of the common man. Well, now they've got it.
It's going to be biblical.
Hey look, a CNN journalist telling the truth for once.
the Jew screams in pain as he hits you.
They wish so badly to provoke us to turn on them.
Joke's on them. We're waiting until AFTER the election.
Remember - first you win, then you fight.
Is the media going to stop collaborating with the Clintons in an attempt to save itself?
It will be too little, too late, of course, but I think some are now starting to think it might be a good idea.
It JUST might be starting to change a little, outside the US at least. Within the US… They'll double-down and keep digging their own graves.
Oops, forgot pic. DeNiro on the left.
She casually denigrates her own people (neighbors, relatives, coworkers, people she knows from HS/college) & reinforces negative stereotypes about them, in order to validate herself to cosmopolitan urbanites who really don't give a shit about her. Pathetic. I live in the south(eastern U.S.), these people disgust me.
I'm fucking enlisting if Trump gets elected.
Good, they deserve it.
Goddamn: the irony, that CNN attacks Trump for calling media crooked: even as they crookedly edit Trump's specific indictment of CNN.
I bet the crowds are going to flat out chant "lying press" at this rate.
Long day and getting it down to
And I just realized I dun goofed the aspect ratio.
Think about it, if Trump is killed, every one of those slimy fuckers in the media has blood on their hands. He has to wear a bullet proof vest because of how the media has painted him for a year straight.
When will (((Cuomo))) be gassed?
The journalists deserved to be hanged for their crimes. This whole entire election cycle was them making excuses for criminal Clinton, which makes them an accessory to numerous crimes.
Max filesize is 12 MB
No, fuck the MSM. They are corrupt.
Why didn't they announce the increase? Do you know it's 12MB through trial and error or is it stated somewhere?
I need to update my webm scripts now.
It's the future you chose, you traitorous, anti-white fucks.
Click the >Show post options & limits on the top of the page post reply box
motherfuckin checked
"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."
She makes up for the lack of niggerdom in her last name by an excess of niggerdom in her first name.
Fucking Codemonkey.
Trump needs to see that the owners and higher ups of the lyingpress are publicly executed and that the jewish systems of media and government are dissolved.
Imagine how much power you would have if you would also choose to not fap and instead sharpen all the bayonets?
They thought they were boiling the Frog.
What they really were doing was boiling the anger and discontent of generations of disaffected people. It's time to get burned.
Thanks. I always use the quick reply box so I didn't even consider looking there.
You're a literal retard, thug life is just a meme, nobody here condones nigger music.
They deserve what's coming. They created this atmosphere by serving as propagandists and people are tired of their shit. Frankly they're the first people to be targeted by any RWDS if Hillary wins.
Hey FBI it's not a threat, it's a legitimate observation and I'm sure you reached the same conclusion, seeing how the hostility is brewing against the media. You're going to have you work cut out for you assigning protective detail for "journalists" if Hillary wins.
Honestly if you're F.B.I. you should be using your investigative skills to nail Comey instead of browsing a Singaporean wakeboarding forum discussion of power-fantasy roleplaying; Comey's disgraced the organization and undermined rule of law in this country.
Nah, I'm just an Australian shitposter just stating the obvious. Besides if you imagine it more as a civil war scenario, the media would be the first target regardless (as first priority in any uprising is to disrupt/seize control of the communication networks first). Not that there would need to be any coordinated effort by rebels though, people will be naturally pissed at the media if Hillary wins.
Right, there's no such thing as 'the media'. There's only Jewish press.
Speaking of which, lügenpresse really needs to become a frequent chant in audiences against the media in the U.S.
Nah, americans are not known to yell shit in german. I can't come up with anything catchy myself, but keep exposing these people and something should emerge naturally.
Us Burgers are finally assuming our final form.
A shame though, it's such a good word.
"Lying media" can work in English.
It's been "lyingpress" for ages newfigs.
I knew what the German word means, but I just like how the German version of it sounds.
CNN is not a news network, it is solely and completely a propaganda network.
They do not report news. They scour the country for incidents that forward whatever agenda they're pushing then they harp on it incessantly while ignoring everything else.
The fact that most of the ringleaders are form a certain persuasion, is once again, a coincidence.
Samples of CNN headlines from the last few years.
Incident: Black guy gets shot trying to steal cops gun
CNN: "White officer shoots unarmed black man"
Incident: cop shoots armed black guy threatening him
CNN: "White police officer shoots black man"
Incident: black cop shoots black guy
CNN: "Police officer shoots black man"
Incident: 20,000,000 people victimized by black crime every year
CNN ""
"Lying press" doesn't have the rhythm that "lügenpresse" does.
[While looping video of rural whites shown with guns]
In one video they're chanting "tell the truth", which has a good sound and the right meaning, but really lacks the feeling of "you are no longer people to us, and in fact you might not walk out of here".
I will send $1,000 (((dollars))) in bitcoin to the first person that punches the face in of a CNN reporter.
Just because I think it would be fucking hilarious.
I'm serious.
Incident: insane jewish man rapes 50 children
CNN: "Deranged white pedophile arrested for victimizing children, all white men are child rapists"
I hope you're behind 6 million proxies goy.
Ill do it only if theres a way i can get away with it
Planning and executing it is all up to you. But if you can pull it off, $1,000 in bitcoin for you.
I came
Nigga pls, we are about to enter a world war, and Holla Forums will be over after the german cuck minister blocks the free speech for good in march of next year.
Stop being a a coward.
Poor girl, the exact moment she took a picture trump was looking the other way
This is supposed to be a negative ad? God damn, it's beautiful. I was out of my chair Sieg Heiling along
Fourth Estate has become the Fifth Column
Citizen Super PAC is like kikestarter, basically some master memesters tricked goys into paying them to make a Trump Hitler advertisement.
Please tell me you aren't kidding.
As far as I know anyone can create a project.
They used to laugh at 'banned in Boston' when it may go back your that.
There's a few of us in Hillary's Campaign staff sabotaging her efforts with stuff that only sounds brilliant to unaware idiots. That Ad is an example.
ey guys, i've seen a few people on normiebook talking about "Trump being outed as a predator" proofs??
dont know if this is in reference to the 'pussy grabbing' thing, but either way, even if they're firing blanks, there's a BANG
Wew. Their graves just got 10 feet deeper.
FUCK, screwed up that redtext
"'Republicans who say they have trust in the media has plummeted to 14 percent from 32% a year ago. This is easily the lowest confidence among Republicans in 20 years,' the analyst noted.
Among Democrats, the number is 51 percent, among independents, it is 30 percent."
Fucking figures the majority of liberals trust the (((MSM))) oy fucking vey
They've been endangering their own lives for a while now.
The kikes must want us to revolt, it just doesn't make sense how they keep radicalizing us with this bullshit and moreover radicalizing normalfags.
How do they think this will end?
Do they honestly believe that after this election the release valve malarkey will work, that anons and other dissidents will just forget what they've done?
They must've forgotten user's old credo…
Take comfort in the arms of your fellow kikes while you can lugenpresse. You have but a few months left on this earth.
I WEBM'd the call-out of CNN at the rally, subtitled it, & included the clip in which CNN were coaching the focus group.
Just in case their 8ch monitoring representative didn't catch it the first time:
CNN is not a news network, it is solely and completely a propaganda network.
They do not report news. They scour the country for incidents that forward whatever agenda they're pushing then they harp on it incessantly while ignoring everything else.
The fact that most of the ringleaders are form a certain persuasion, is once again, a coincidence.
Samples of CNN headlines from the last few years.
Incident: Black guy gets shot trying to steal cops gun
CNN: "White officer shoots unarmed black man"
Incident: Cop shoots armed black guy threatening him
CNN: "White police officer shoots black man"
Incident: Black cop shoots black guy
CNN: "Police officer shoots black man"
Incident: 20,000,000 people victimized by black crime every year
CNN ""
Its one thing to use this network to manipulate international affairs, its another to use it to betray the people that built this country and made it what it is today.
What if there were, hypothetically physical attacks on reporters? Wouldn't these cucks shut their mouths pretty quickly if it became consistent?
they are quite subhuman. babbling about dumb shit that no one cares about in a dialect vaguely recognizable as human, attracted to cameras as a Narcissus to a mirror. The average IQ of those pavement apes has to be on par with an 8th grade tard-class
Like that reporter who was almost burned alive during that nigger riot a few weeks ago?
I'm still waiting for a safe opportunity toc all them the Jewish press.
I hope reporters start getting harassed all over the place
You reap what you sow fucking cia Marxist cunts.
Still working for the moon landing photos. People won't even look.
When he called them out they turned the camera back on and claimed he lied.
They are denying everything as you'd expect.
My guess is somewhere in the podesta emails is straight-up confirmation of the collusion between the campaign and the press (which we already know about).
I recorded the clip off youtube, but it had a lot of screen tearing for some reason so I took the source from youtube & used that. Here's a webm without screen tearing.
Yes it's a pretty funny coincidence but I don't think there's anything to worry about. :^)
Did this one too.
I think the next goal should be to get the crowd chanting "SHUT THEIR LYING MOUTHS" instead of something like "CNN SUCKS". The crowd probably wouldn't even know where its from and would enjoy some high energy aggressive chants.
Imagine the fucking kvetching. Uncle Adolf would pull some strings in the afterlife to get kek to reward us with something great I'm sure of it.
That doesn't roll off the tongue fam. "Lying press" would be the most suitable crowd bantz.
This is the manifestation of
I was thinking of putting shut their lying mouths to this rhythm
so it would be
Lying press is good enough for me but I want to get some meme magic in the air
Lying press is Lugenpresse in German and was heavily used by the NSDAP leaders. So I believe there's enough meme magic.
Nice dubs though
must be a sign lad
Plebs and their cable news.
For anyone who can't make out the chant: Tell the truth!
thank you user
The jew will push you down the staircase and then sell you bandages at the bottom.
See the cartoon Pogo it was set in Georgia.
Was about life in the swamps through the eyes of the critters.
I remember back 4 years when i thought gtkrwn and RWDS was irony… Man time passes by so fast.
Time to institute a safe space/press box for all our good friends in the fourth estate. They are, after all, the guardians and framers of the public discourse (and not just a bunch of town criers with delusions of grandeur).
You will live to see Don Lemon face off against Wolf Blitzer in the Thunderdome in a duel to the death where the victor survives another day
The Lügenpresse are finally exposed for what they are.
Dr. Pavel, I'm CSA.
It does if its said in the right cadence.
Be afraid.
Besides niggers don't have any music anyway.
She looks like a fish.
Shut up cucks!, Shut up cucks! would be better, as that would push our memes.
Fucking retarded leftists putting the cart before the horse yet again.
Trump's popularity in spite of the concerted combined efforts of the entire mainstream media for the better part of a year to stump him is BECAUSE of the American people's hatred of the media.
The American people's hatred of the media is inciting Trump, not the other way around.
What did you expect? You honestly expect the media to say "yeah, you got us. we're a bunch of lying shills"
this is new.
was trying to figure out what the R stands for, google knows
Go home uni-bomber, you're drunk.
it's a hard word to chant coherently tbh
OK, so Holla Forums style book when?
Common Holla Forums grammar/litfags, lets give these scribblers a standard to live by, and just maybe they will survive DOTR, and if not, then dissidents will be easy to find
Guys, is it happening? Is Trump about to officially declare war on the lugenpresse?
you understand!
Or else what?
They'll call him "journoist" besides sexist and racist?
So they fucked up then blamed Trump for not cleaning the shit they all smeared themselves with?
Muh fear mongering, muh persecution complex, muh victimhood
Why would he waste his breath defending cultist who have done nothing but slander him?
How about worrying about the First and Second Amendments instead
And whose fault is that?
i laff errytime
A bet in this election for Trump is now easy money, too good to pass up.
fuck YRYL material right there
One of you faggots who's better with editing needs to make the lyrics "It's the motha-stumpin' T-R-U-M-P" and "You know I'm runnin' with the Pence VP."
Unless you chant it like the Icelanders. It can be pretty nerve-wracking if used with the many against the few.
It's afraid.
Have another version that I like a bit more.
Well, it's entirely run by Jews, and the Whites involved adopted a Jewish mindset. It's why SJWs act exactly like Jews, too. As Jews have taken over more and more, there's more and more groups that just act exactly like them.
God damn it, I want Holla Forums media so much.
We need to fire up the rope factories.
Using the jew's own rules to beat them in their own game… I like it. I can already hear the kvetching about the shoah.
No, that would validate their narrative. We wait quietly for dotr and solve the problem in one long night, for good.
You were warned.
You didn't listen.
They deserve far worse than a noose. They aren't even one of us anymore. From the way they talk it's almost as if they're referring to lesser people who need to be subjugated for their own good. Gas them all in front of their children.
Normally I wouldn't say sins of the father, but race reality is that certain traits like being a degenerate cuck shitlib kike/crypto/apologist are genetic. Solving the problem for good means removing all copies of these flawed genes.
I voted for Penguin ♥
Before his dementia and cuckening, Noam Chomsky wrote a book on this subject, describing in no unclear terms what everybody already knew about the "respectable press".
That's a French cartoon with German dub.
T-The Fourth Estate, goy :^^^)
very aptly chosen pic.
Really? Those of us who are worth something know about our native tongue despite the best efforts of the ZOG. Lugenpresse is an awesome word tbh.
I've been saying that for some time. The Bundes government in Germany is 6,000,000 percent guilty of trying to genocide the Germans. They should all hang directly under Nuremberg. We should also refuse to present any evidence and charge anyone that defends them, just like those faggots with the Holohoax.
Then, I would personally like to see every last kike wiped off the face of the Earth. I can't wait to do Normady 2.0 with the entire fucking military on the shores of kikeland. There's plenty of hard evidence on their terrorism, compared to jack shit for all the other places the US military levelled. 14/88, you're gonna get what you wished for, Schlomo.
always knew the basedness had to run in the family.
bewbs turn off brains.
They figgered that out pretty early.
Why else are they always naked or barechested in all these "execution photos?"
>red cap
so glad to have kept with this. Great to see Burton's idea revisited.
Penguin dindu nuffin wrong. It was all on Max (((Shreck)))
That's one Shrek not at all about love!
should be noted for tv-only Batfags that the nose is a legit birth defect. Parents 100% non-heeb. Resulted in some pretty gr8 /r9k/ tier sidestories.
They're helpful enough to make these lists for us :^]
meme it!
Here for you, blessed user!
This golden oldie comes from the ancient days of yore when webm first started making waves. And they were even thoughtful enough to have a sound option!
(while the program is really small, I kept running into niggers blocking exes, so threw a bunch of nip mp4s to fuck around with in too)
don't bother following directions on the trimming part as it malfunctions on some formats using the hour/minute/second formatting, just put the raw seconds to rip from/to. Might be slightly annoying converting a literal movie clip, chop the part out you want into its own file first otherwise you have to put something like 5148 to 5195 which is annoying to figure out when making a bunch.
As ridiculously corrupt as South America is they maintain that line pretty well, for some reason. You can tell the gommies, the actual muckrakers, and the state propaganda arm pretty easily after only a few papers. (strangely, Israel as well too. Jpost has a direct line to the gubmint instead of being owned by (((global interests))) which has been putting them at odds as of late)
It wasn't his decision, remember who started Kosovo
It's notable that he's the only one amongst his circle that cucked out. William Blum, Glen Ford, Stephen Cohen, all aboard. Though they didn't get to him over this, it's probably related to the South American coups. Shillary knew he's the biggest name to most barely-woke libcucks and went after him first.
Why else ya think the only altmedia that's gotten off the ground lately is Democracy Now? Though the funniest part is Dana (((Frank))) received massive amounts of seed money for that from you-know-who, only to immediately turn on his (((unChosen Successor)))
A lot of your papers are (((owned by the same people))) thanks to the limeys. India Times will sometimes just blatantly copy a BBC sharticle and call it theirs.
to be fair on most of the internal war stuff, he got kinda fucked up by the gas attack. Nobody knew 'shellshock' lingered back then like that.
Between that and the Parkinson's he got shrekt pretty hard after halftime.
noice quads.
Unfortunately the fawker one is fake. JLo was the only time they ever pulled that shit because of her intimate connections to (((them)))
Olivia Muun and Maggie Hart (deleted now but the NYC jewess their list of gun owners got beaten by her ex-boyfriend) received no such defense.
Teddy R received similar opposition, unfortunately the next time around he and Taft split on how best to handle the (((bankers))) and cost each other their respective elections. Hopefully doesn't happen with Trump/Pence since they're wildly different on some things.
this is better for faceberg because normies will pass it around for ages without knowing what it means.
Also check out that dank filesize!!!
top wew
also someone that knows how to do file extensions, throw a companion together to Coincidence Detector that puts this next to every leftist's name.
If you can somehow get ahold of the info of everyone that voted Dem this year, go4it!
It was probably a newly converted Berner. The degeneracy shall leave his soul soon enough!
it's not just that
they're totally fucking clueless about memes too!
although the weird thing in this instance is Rambo is actually saving Russia!
There's a pretty funny response to that factcheck one.
And for a more critically serious one
kek that whomever said that tape would win him the black vote called it
Damn, she even has a stereotypical ghetto name on top of that.
"How do you prove the media is truly lying to a 100% bluepill"
"ask who he thinks Team Bush is stumping for"
Cat's outta da bag! And then proving it by willing to sac li'l billy at the altar of Moloch by having Yeb and Ryan toss it out there.
There's only two major neocons on the Train, Cheney who's willing to stab and betray anyone to stay on the winning side, and Rumsfeld who seems to want to hop along just to become a meme again. (remember the "Kung Fu Donald speech may mays? Here's a refresher if anyone wasn't around back then. It started cuz some Japs noticed it looked like it said could be saying "The Dragon" behind him instead of "The Pentagon")
what is with white broads trying to make nigger lips