
If someone told you in 2013 that in 2018 imageboards were active but effectively dead and that you'd have to choose between pozzed normalfags and insane, black people-obsessed neo-nazis would you believe it?

I honestly don't know where else to go anymore.

Attached: 183_Getting_the_Boot.mp4_snapshot_03.47-1.jpg (1920x1080, 230.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: know.mp4 (1160x480, 158.79K)

More like a choice b/w trapfags on halfchan and pedofags here.

You just have to choose which one you can tolerate more atm

Yes, I would. That's already pretty much what it was like in 2013. In 2014 Holla Forums gave us a brief ray of hope, but by the second exodus that was dashed, when a bunch of newfag cowards who didn't care enough to leave at the earliest opportunity left only because moot fucked with them personally.

If you told me in 2007 maybe I'd be surprised.

Attached: download (1).jpg (960x879 240.36 KB, 206.13K)

Fuck off

Moar Jewish Hitler Pedos, please?

more like

I'm white reeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Pic source ?

You can post traps now.

I absolutely would not have believed it, which is why it's so disappointing.

you know i'm right though.



Yeah.. I'm a Holla Forumsack from way Holla Forumsack, but the racial purity spiralling is hilarious.

Attached: 1520880597465-b.jpg (1024x648, 64.53K)

Holla Forumsacks can't come from way back. Their containment board was created in like 2011.

Attached: Costanza Bonanza 2.jpg (985x519, 76.13K)

No you're not.
Ok now it's blatantly obvious you're a newfag.


Hey guys im Holla Forums! i hate racial purity spiraling! Those spaniards are white! Those brown italians with mostly north african admixture? they're white too! Iranians are BASED ARYANS as well guys.

Attached: holo5.gif (1500x2407 1.96 MB, 1.47M)
