Dan Senor is her husband and Paul Ryan's top aide who leaked the Trump video coordinating with the cuckservatives and lugenpresse to destroy Trump
You just know he defecated on her.
Dan Senor is her husband and Paul Ryan's top aide who leaked the Trump video coordinating with the cuckservatives and lugenpresse to destroy Trump
You just know he defecated on her.
Was she "sleeping" with the Saudi prince while she was married to Dan Senor?
It seems like she would take breaks as his wife and travel to Saudi Arabia to suck shit of the ambassador's asshole.
The key to a happy marriage, indeed.
Hope a nigger takes her.
~der wite wimmin
Since we know the leakers name,shouldn't he be destroyed?
She's just trying to paint this as a Saudi conspiracy to take the blame off her co-racialists.
This is 100% kikery. Just read Dan Senor's wikipedia page.
He probably keeps a copy of the Protocols on his nightstand.
nice try kike
Most likely, but who cares? This is perfect to smear Senor and Brown with, put those two on the defensive.
Smearing them with it is pointless. We have to stress the fact that they're both kikes, and that if this ends up killing Trump's campaign (which is unlikely), the jews are to blame.
But user, Brown has already been smeared repeatedly with Saudi Ambassador shit all over her face and body.
Id drop a deuce on her
So Dan Senor is a confirmed cuckold? LOL
Is he even the father of her son?
fuck off MGTOW loser
Holy shit haha
Don't forget to remind the cuckold on twatter that his wife was, and probably still is, the Saudi's official seamen receptacle.
Well well well.
Damn this shit is getting crazy. Everything is starting to unravel. Wonder what will come out next.
This is a false dichotomy. The Saudi royals are Jews, everyone not FOB from cuckchan or r/the_donald knows that.
I'd grab her pussy
Of course, but the jewish elite are fine with throwing them under the bus if they have to (ex: 9/11), and this was obviously rooted in Senor's direct ties to the Neocons who have been vocally anti-Trump, not Brown's past association with a Saudi ambassador.
And other than Schlussel, Pam Gellar is probably the loudest voice when it comes to connecting Brown to the Saudis. That should tell you something.
Again, if Trump loses, it needs to be very clear that the jews as a collective are to blame. We can't let them pass it onto their Saudi brothers.
Wew. The ride never ends.
I hope you all understand why morality laws are a good thing now
why the hell do we let these subhumans take over everything we've worked for again?
100 years of indoctrination and gaslighting
Which began with the subversion of the modern Christian Church. I could go into details but it's hard to talk about this around here without kike on a stick maymays and Pagan LARPers shitting up a good thread so I won't
It was rhetorical. What I meant to say was why the hell don't we gas these subhumans?
Yeah fuck them all. Shitting up every second thread with "LE DAYOOOSS VOOOLT" and acting like christians are all 110% hwite warriors itching for a ben garrison style race war.
Like I said, you can't even mention it around here without shitting up a good thread. Which is a shame because it's a great study in Jewish subversion and long-cons.
It's not, as destroyed lives tend to discourage others, if the (((media))) can act as a guide.
This won't destroy their lives, it'll just make it seem like this was something other than a jewish attack on Trump - which hurts us.
Gas yourself.
(((white))) women*
Gas yourself. Each thread about these people gets derailed by fucks that want to take the focus off of them.
whiteknight faggot detected
too bad, she has some nice titties
God damn those are nice milkers
Looks like she's leaving Twitter for a while:
"Kurt Vonnegut - "A sane person to an insane society must appear insane." Later Trumpkins. Wishing the sane an easy and meaningful fast."
@campbell_brown "Is being the concubine of a Saudi camel jockey insane or sane?"
@campbell_brown "Sleeping With Adel Al-Jubeir? WOW that's Great judgement! LOL"
I swear these people are stupidest creatures on earth. Even animals have a greater sense of self-preservation. I'm still expecting to hear her and her family end up dead somewhere.
They fill out her sweater quite well
Filter this genetic reject.
it's only a matter of time until their women become mind-broken whores under the 4th Reich's Right Wing Sex Squads
user, that was never a meme. Cuckoldry is a left-wing phenomenon.
nice job shifting the blame
She's got quite a rack on her. She was probably a nice piece of ass 15-20 years ago. The Saudis probably plowed her with a mile of mud cock and gave her a baker's dozen of STDsā¦
Even hardcore sluts struggle getting excited about being pissed on
pick one.
code brown
naw, this shit is actually interesting, unlike that crappy book that wouldn't even get nommed for a Nebula.
Not to mention it nicely ties into how (((they've))) constantly gaslit Germany as a whole for that same amount of time.
turkroach-descent heebs get'em massive for some bizarre reason. Unfortunately due to their shitty lifestyle, dietary habits, and lack of hygiene they drag across the ground by the time they're 40.
Happens even if they look moderately white-ish.
I remember discovering this yuge-chested broad, bleach-blonde commiefornian, Daphne Rosen, when I was 11. Fast forwards about 15 years and I recall the name during a big boob thread in /s/ and decide to look it up. Them genes just exploded all over, still did porn, still did modeling, but the face was turning into Yentl, and had acquired a bubbly jiggly niggerbutt. She's only gotten worse since.
Campbell Stupid up there looks like she's only about 3 or 4 years out from the slide.
No amount of plastic surgery will save you from it, either. Probably one of the only pr0n stars that started getting boob jobs just to keep them up
and yes, she's on that blacked thing people keep sliding with
that alison fapp edit.
It's the thinking man's fetish! and libtards do nothing but waste away their lives thinking of new bullshit to get triggered over anyway
kill yourself MGTOW loser
The Ming-Tau dynasty have ruined another thread. Thanks, cucks.
Testing. Please excuse.