4chan is literally worthless, so I'll ask this here.
If she took a shit, and sold it, how much would it go for Holla Forums?
4chan is literally worthless, so I'll ask this here.
If she took a shit, and sold it, how much would it go for Holla Forums?
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Nothing, because the pedophiles on this site only care about little kid shit, not Tay Swift's.
probably around $300,000. wouldnt be surprised if it went higher though.
Hmm, I would have suspected lower, around $3,000 say, because I think maybe anyone degenerate enough to purchase it would not have that kind of money. You think there are some rich bastards out there obsessing over her shit?
are you new on the internet? also money gets you access to higher forms of perversion.
If it was pre pubescent tswift shit I still wouldn't buy it.
t. pedo
I never thought about it like that. Honestly the most fucked up shit I can think of is basically shit.
shitty thread op
why do you think rich people are degenerates? you could pay midgets to fist each other while snorting top of the line benzos off an iPad and eating shark fin soup.
1/10 kek, no offense tho
I'd rather snort a fart out of a celebrities ass tbh
I do sometimes see worthwhile threads on 4chan. I've seen only one on here in the last year, and I can't even now remember what it was.
Well, to be honest, what I meant was you can talk to people here like there real human beings.
I swear to god, I asked this question over there and the responses are always so incredibly, 7th/8th grade atheist-y all the fucking time. Literally you cannot even have a conversation whilst on here it at least seems like I'm talking to normal human beings.
I will say tho in terms of response rate 4chan gets a lot more activity per thread, which is the only reason I still go there.
what's so special about a celebrity's fart? rich diet?
Too much for me to afford
How about if it came in a special presentation box?
This is more the 4chan flavor I was talking about. No real conversation just, hurr durr retarded. Thanks for not contributing.
I am convinced that I would get an instant boner if a girl of a certain caliber of hotness farted near me, say on an elevator or something. Sure, it'd be gross, but damn hot at the same time, and not like it would kill you. Celebs tend to be that caliber, but wouldn't have to be one necessarily.
oy vei! That might bump up the price a bit!
Want to go into business together? I'm the visionary, you're clearly the marketing. Acquisitions is going to be key here, so going to take someone with a special type of talent. Got anyone in mind?
What about those Russian Loli Models?
A children's book, perhaps?
i would buy her socks
Why? TSwift is the goddess.
Go home Taylor Swift, you're drunk.
I know she browses the chans but would she come here?
y'know, this is a really good question op
probably around $1k, but i really have no idea how to price it
As far as I recall, she was only confirmed to have gone on 4/b/. I don't really remember though. Anyone got the caps?
entrepreneurial datamining thread
Really, her socks? Not a thong or something?
thanks old chum.
I thought maybe if we more or less did a bidding here we could come to a ball park figure.
Now, I'm not saying I would buy it (I would consider it), only that I'm 100% certain that if it were being sold that it would be bought, and in high demand, and for damn good prices. I really want this to be a thing because I'm dying to know how much it'd go for.
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The problem here is not with 4chan. Its with you, OP. You're a scatfag and therefore nobody likes you.
Am OP.
Both of these statements are equal in their veracity.
At least I'm not the worst thing here though.
you didn't think I'd let this die, did you?
need more opinions on this please
It's gonna be worth 0$ cause no one is gonna believe it's her poo. If you happen to have irrefutable evidence that it's hers then it will be 0$ cause no one wants to buy literal shit except you, you disgusting filthbag.
ill pay a dollar just so i can say "yeah i bought taylor swifts new shit, it's awful"
no, the problem is jews like you
to the oven kike
Im not into that stuff so nothing. Now, if she sold her worn panties on the other hand. Probably about 1000$ maybe even more. But no more than 3000$
Taylor OP asked how much it would sell for, not how much YOU would pay for it. As for the panties, if unwashed, I think they would go for much, much higher than $3000, especially if a bidding war is involved.
If she took a shit in front of me and sold the viewing with the turd? 100's of millions.
Just the shit? I would pay 5k with my savings totaling 30k so make of that what you will