I Let My Power Level Slip With My Girlfriend Over Anime

So I've made gradual strides with my girlfriend over the last year, but I've always tiptoed around politics with her. The reality is, she wants me to watch some stuff I know I'll hate, and for the most part I haven't come out and said it but with increasing frequency I've been telling her "No, I don't like this." Lots of Disney films that boil down to "brave, intelligent, powerful girl travels with scoundrel thief male and saves his ass, he's redeemed through begging her forgiveness and submitting to her." She wanted me to watch MLP and Steven Universe with her. Every time it would come up basically the following sort of conversation would come up. "Why don't you want to watch Steven Universe?" "It's about a fat crying retard being raised by three super powerful lesbians." "What's wrong with boys crying?" "REALLY?" "Okay, I don't want to have this conversation right now."

So she knows the one holdover from my childhood is One Piece. I still wait every week for a new chapter to come out, I've been reading it since I was like 12, so I told her it would be something I'd want to share with her. So she trashed it and I was like "But you haven't seen anything of it, what don't you like about it?" She said she didn't like the art style, that the stuff I liked was too old, that the humor didn't appeal to her and she was threw her anime phase. And I mean, if she didn't like anime that would be one thing but I sat there and looked at her and said "…You're obsessed with Disney cartoons and stuff on Cartoon Network." she replied "Those are good." and I said "They're made for eight year olds." "No, they're made for everyone. That's what I like. Stuff made for everyone." "No, these days they're only made for a specific audience. Look, sweetheart the general rule let me tell you right now is if it's popular on tumblr, no one else likes it. Anywhere."

At first I was quoting her facts, statistics. She said my views were old, my statistics must be faulty, my facts outdated. Every new reply dragged forth a new vomit of information. "What's wrong with feminists?" "What's wrong with diversity?"

Three hours later I had vomited every story, statistic and term in my head. I went through Women's Suffrage, Valerie Solanas and the problems with #MeToo and how rape statistics are calculated to specifically exclude men, how women are favored in the court system, in schools, in college, how the pay gap doesn't exist, how feminists are silent on the treatment of women in the middle east and China. Cultural marxism, the foundation of NOW, SCUM, BLM, the Harvard study showing cops are more likely to shoot whites than blacks, asked her repeatedly why she demands diversity in the media only of white countries but not in China, India, Japan, Africa or all of South America. White genocide, I even appealed with the "Take all these arguments about how evil men and white people are, replace the word with Jew, tell me what it sounds like" since she'd railed a bit against Nazis. There would be pauses in the conversation -as she was mostly silent the whole night- but then I'd just keep word vomiting. I couldn't fucking stop. I guess because it had been so long since I'd talked about these things with anyone and I'd been avoiding politics with her for so long. The floodgates were open, but nothing got through to her.


By the end I was just naming random youtubers hoping I could find someone, anyone that she might accept hearing from. She used to like GameGrumps so I mentioned JonTron, Christina Hoff Sommers thinking if I gave her her claim of there being one good feminist it would be enough, I even named Sargon and Shoe0nHead because someone on Holla Forums told me Shoe was a good entry point for girls who are still indoctrinated with SJW shit.

I never raised my voice or got angry at her, though I did get annoyed when at one point she called me a bigot, but it was because even though I asked her a dozen different ways she couldn't tell me what about what I was saying was bigoted -for the record it was in response to me pointing out we used to mock the diversity stuff as clear marketing pandering with shit like the Burger King Kid's Club. She suggested it was antiquated to think it ridiculous that a group of friends would just happen to have one of every single group in it. I pointed out my first friends growing up were black trying to say "I'm not saying we can't be friends, I'm just saying it's less common and forced diversity leads to dramatic self-segregation." and she told me this was "like saying it was okay for you to say nigger because you have a black friend."

After three hours she said she needed to go to sleep and we stopped the conversation. I let it go. I told her I loved her and kissed her on the forehead and wished her pleasant dreams and said I was sorry if I rambled. She apologized a hundred times, said she was a mess and was sorry I had to deal with her and she couldn't stand arguing, but while I didn't comment on it, she did specifically avoid tossing back an I love you during that conversation. I wrote it off as her still being mad and let it go.

Maybe you should't have avoided talking about these things for so long. Doesn't/didn't it feel weird being together with someone who does't know who you are and what you believe in?

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As expected from from your kind

don't expect women to understand you user. they are irrational emotional creatures and bombarding them with facts and statistics is never going to work. one thing you must realize about being a man is that we are truly alone in this universe. you can talk politics with IRL male friends and us on here but don't bring that same force to bear onto your female. women are natural conformists, driven by social cues, they will adopt the political views of whoever is giving them that good dick. so be a man: be strong, stoic but kind while you drop those tiny red seeds. regulate your speech -increasing the value of your words- so that when you do call something gay, she will listen. state your opinion once or twice during the course of whatever pozzed netflix garbage she puts on and try to learn from her tastes a bit too. some of the disney stuff can have good messaging if you interpret it in our ways. turn the jewish powers of critical interpretation against their own creations; even MLP can be national socialist if you try.

it ain't easy, if she's too far gone you may have to cut your losses and allow her to become the cat lady she was always meant to be. I myself broke up with a girlfriend after refusing to reconcile a fight i started by telling her women's suffrage was a mistake. you're in a better place now, the cat's out of the bag and she knows she's in bed with a vile racist nazi. its likely she'll start shit-testing you more. where want you go from here is that stoic kind route. don't hammer on her with the infographics, state your unqualified position when relevant, don't rise to her bait, and let her come to you. don't expect her to shuck off the brainwashing overnight but do this right and you could have her cracking holocaust jokes within a few months. best of luck noble faggot

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Ya blew it OP. All you had to do was pretend to be someone you weren't; let your weltenschauung be determined by orthodox group think and act like you like things you really don't like. Compromise man. You had a girlfriend, she's gonna leave you now that she knows you're a bigoted alt-right neo-nazi fascist, no doubt. You've got one chance to prove you're a decent, tolerant western male- and this is the only thing that will work! You gotta prep the bull, surprise her with that big black cock and she'll know you're the one. You'll be married before you know it and be raising Tyrone's kid.

Happily ever after!

Also One Piece does have a shit art style tbh famalamadingo Still better than Steven Universe tho fuckin hell mate

Its Usopp's nose, when people see it, they get reluctant to give One Piece a proper chance.

I honestly can't even remember the last time I saw Usopp, there's like 30 different Straw hats now and I can't keep up with them, it's just filler at this point.

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The art style in general gives me the creeps. I used to watch toonami with my mom in the old days; and she said as much the few times she saw it. It and Naruto are bottom of the barrel mainstream tier tbqhwyf

Ten and a million allies. Usopp had his moment to shine in the last arc, this arc is focusing on the half of the crew that wasn't there last arc.

But that's poor pacing and story structure, I can't be bothered to keep reading the candyland arc knowing it'll keep going like that.

Honestly, you're missing out on a series with an incredibly pro-masculinity and brotherhood message.

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Dump her unless you think you can get to wake up to what is going on, sounds like she is too asleep through.

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This. Don't avoid topics. Maybe limit yourself a little, but don't completely hold back, or else when the floodgates open, you get a tidal wave of spaghetti.

Converting these people can be done, especially if you're dicking them. My advice would be to get emotional over it. Not angry, but sad. Talk about how you have had your life ruined by feminism. Divorced parents are a good avenue for that. Or if you've been to college, just talk about what a hellhole it is to have to go to a place that so openly and proudly demonizes and discriminates against men.

Simply point out the hypocrisy when you see it. When something claims to be for equality, but you see it is actually advocating for discrimination against males or whites, point that out. Or for things that at least get a little symbolic with it, point out cliches in modern media that clearly have a political motivation, like your description of modern Disney movies, or how like 50% of films and video games now are about an older man sacrificing himself to protect a young girl.

whats the problem anyway? If its gonna fall apart, at least uve fucked her, right?
ask her if she thought bout what u said. That will make u think if shes worth talking to

Nigger, that's a keeper. You keep that qt3.14 and you make her wear a saddle in bed.

So … it's Neon Genesis Evangelion? Neat.

Jesus, I know browsing Holla Forums scrambles your mind but I never thought it could ruin a human this badly.

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Really living up to that stereotype about being bad at math and detached from reality leftypol.

Force her to watch Akira, End of Evangelion, and Serial Experiments Lain.


I bet you're drowning in pussy dude. Don't forget to make your monthly donation to Israel you hopelessly deluded corporate tool.