So I've made gradual strides with my girlfriend over the last year, but I've always tiptoed around politics with her. The reality is, she wants me to watch some stuff I know I'll hate, and for the most part I haven't come out and said it but with increasing frequency I've been telling her "No, I don't like this." Lots of Disney films that boil down to "brave, intelligent, powerful girl travels with scoundrel thief male and saves his ass, he's redeemed through begging her forgiveness and submitting to her." She wanted me to watch MLP and Steven Universe with her. Every time it would come up basically the following sort of conversation would come up. "Why don't you want to watch Steven Universe?" "It's about a fat crying retard being raised by three super powerful lesbians." "What's wrong with boys crying?" "REALLY?" "Okay, I don't want to have this conversation right now."
So she knows the one holdover from my childhood is One Piece. I still wait every week for a new chapter to come out, I've been reading it since I was like 12, so I told her it would be something I'd want to share with her. So she trashed it and I was like "But you haven't seen anything of it, what don't you like about it?" She said she didn't like the art style, that the stuff I liked was too old, that the humor didn't appeal to her and she was threw her anime phase. And I mean, if she didn't like anime that would be one thing but I sat there and looked at her and said "…You're obsessed with Disney cartoons and stuff on Cartoon Network." she replied "Those are good." and I said "They're made for eight year olds." "No, they're made for everyone. That's what I like. Stuff made for everyone." "No, these days they're only made for a specific audience. Look, sweetheart the general rule let me tell you right now is if it's popular on tumblr, no one else likes it. Anywhere."
At first I was quoting her facts, statistics. She said my views were old, my statistics must be faulty, my facts outdated. Every new reply dragged forth a new vomit of information. "What's wrong with feminists?" "What's wrong with diversity?"
Three hours later I had vomited every story, statistic and term in my head. I went through Women's Suffrage, Valerie Solanas and the problems with #MeToo and how rape statistics are calculated to specifically exclude men, how women are favored in the court system, in schools, in college, how the pay gap doesn't exist, how feminists are silent on the treatment of women in the middle east and China. Cultural marxism, the foundation of NOW, SCUM, BLM, the Harvard study showing cops are more likely to shoot whites than blacks, asked her repeatedly why she demands diversity in the media only of white countries but not in China, India, Japan, Africa or all of South America. White genocide, I even appealed with the "Take all these arguments about how evil men and white people are, replace the word with Jew, tell me what it sounds like" since she'd railed a bit against Nazis. There would be pauses in the conversation -as she was mostly silent the whole night- but then I'd just keep word vomiting. I couldn't fucking stop. I guess because it had been so long since I'd talked about these things with anyone and I'd been avoiding politics with her for so long. The floodgates were open, but nothing got through to her.