The laid off campaign manager for Virginia talks to Mike Chernovich.
He admits that RNC is not acting on trump's interests.
I know this was happening, but here's more proof.
https :// /Cernovich /1OyJAOPgRqbKb
The laid off campaign manager for Virginia talks to Mike Chernovich.
He admits that RNC is not acting on trump's interests.
I know this was happening, but here's more proof.
https :// /Cernovich /1OyJAOPgRqbKb
I'm new to this board, and I don't know how to archive, and this won't be up for long.
I would appreciate if someone archived this.
lurk moar dumbass
what are you 12? just google it
He doesn't know where to upload a 1 hour long video, to be honest there aren't many places to put something like that online for long term archive.
Best to keep it on a local harddrive, and upload to mega and youtube on occasion as it is taken down.
As for a local download, there is a program called youtube-dl which inspite of the name can grab videos from most sites… it doesn't work for periscope though.
I notice they're serving a
m3u8 is a format for sending .ts chucks. If you use ffmpeg, you can use that link as input and pass them through to an mp4, without even re-encoding.
Doesn't matter. There is no reason to watch this
The devil speaks. Yeah it is easier to just distribute whatever news article results from the interview.
It's on Youtube
He also interviewed Sam Hyde last night.
This is huge. Spread it like fire.
Consider stickying this for a while…
They're too busy stickying threads about Obongo's dick.
Post the webm of the interview you filthy fucking kike or fuck off back to breitbart.
Forgot muh sage
Why don't you fucking kill yourself?
Here's his interview with Sam Hyde, for anyone who gives a shit
Funny how this thread is being completely ignored.
My sides
top kek sam
If it isn't us, someone else will break the story.
Infowars, breitbart, possibly Fox news too will report on this at some point.
Great stuff. Sam is fucking based.
isn't Cernovich a kike?
Report the thread but add "sticky" as the reason.
Autism is a terrible, terrible thing.