The slippery slope once again penetrated time and space and ended up in our reality.
The slippery slope once again penetrated time and space and ended up in our reality.
Other urls found in this thread:
Time to have a nigger tax.
The men will just shop somewhere else. Who was stupid enough to think this would work and not kill a lot of their business?
Our memes are so powerful they can cause other people to self-destruct
And suddenly, no male shoppers go near that shithole. Only cucks.
Too bad it won't last for long, we're literally a month away from being great again.
I'll laugh my ass off when they go out of business.
Remember this is 100% illegal due to the Civil Rights Act and they can and WILL be sued into bankruptcy
Let’s start the suit now.
Walk in, purchase something. Flip the fuck out when they "misgender" you.
This will be shut down real quick, there are plenty anti-discrimination laws on the books. Someone stupid enough to do this, didn't consult an attorney.
Niggers pay taxes?
Women (and/or cuck men) always think they're clever when they do stupid shit like this. It's annoying.
Anyway, inb4 they go out of business and get sued into oblivion.
And this is supposed to make people want to vote for Hillary? Everybody knows this gender based income inequality is bullshit. Modern day America is a fucking disgusting joke. I don't recognize that country anymore.
This myth was recently promoted in a major TELEVISION COMMERCIAL by (((Amy Schumer))) and (((Seth Rogen)))
This pleases the lard golem.
Just call yourselves a pharmacy, you fucking snowflakes.
Can you even imagine how badly their children would smell?
even if trump doesn't win, what man would be so stupid to go and shop there?
except cucks so far gone, they go there to pay their man tithe and "support" the cause, that is.
Lawsuit incoming in 3…2…1.
That's a big buckle.
Reminder that you can and should voice your concerns on their website.
Pretty sure this is illegal
alright, i get it, they may eventually get bankrupt, but what happens if other shops stores jump on the band wagon and men are forced to buy from them because they can't evade?
I think this is serious shit.
Silly boyim, only protected classes are protected from discrimination.
It doesn’t matter; this is illegal. The Civil Rights Act that these cocksuckers fellate so hard is the reason it’s illegal.
As they say, "vote with your wallet."
Other than lawsuit risk and business loss it may become a greater target of crime too. Because any savvy thief or mugger will know this means women will primarily go there (with purses) and it'll be easy pickings. Hard to say though, depends on the street itself actually.
The state of things.
looking at what is considered illegal is not a strong argument considering what shit other people get away with. Shillary, libcucks, chimps chimping without being jailed.
Burn it to the fucking ground, all owners and employees inside.
All it would take is one thief or mugger
Small local business /= big league political establishment
This pharmacy is setting themselves up to be sued and anyone looking to follow suit is also looking to get sued. This is the stupidest shit anyone could have thought to pull.
Nigger, please.
This is illegal, you know.
For you.
Sweet, I guess all those Christian bakeries can just charge a 6,000,000% faggot tax instead of saying no, and now they can't be sued anymore for discrimination!
Win-win for everyone! Thanks shitlibs!
Trips confirm, but I must insist that all employees be interviewed ahead of time to find out if they actually support this retardation or not.
I want this to happen so badly, you can't even imagine the grin on my face.
Gentlemen, please, we can’t resort to arson!
On an entirely unrelated note, a mosquito coil can be used as a fuse and gives you an hour to vacate its location. A cigarette in a pack of matches does the same, but for five minutes.
Where is this? I live in Manhattan and will swing by. I have long hair so I can say they are misgendering me. I'll also video record it
You forgot
I asked where it is. Can i get a location?
Come on mate, the name is in the photo
Well, I could understand when they say 'women pay more for cars' because average woman tends to be worse at negotiating than average men. For same reason they get 'paid less'. But shampoo, wtf? Shampoo is sold by stores at large quantities, no one negotiates about price of shampoo, how are they forced to pay more? They are choosing to buy more expensive brands than men do!
Since that commentor is too much of a faggot to help you out:
132 Thompson St
Soho little italy
Company is called Thompson Chemists
I've lived in Jew York City my whole life and I've never shopped at that place. Now it looks like I never will.
Maybe the way she worded it will bring down some U.S. style legal hell, but a "man tax" isn't really what she's doing.
Yes, that's exactly why. But feminists consider it to be just another piece of evidence supporting their "muh soggy knee" narrative.
Exactly. They choose to buy shampoo marketed towards women which feature ingredients such as oils and scents not commonly found in "men's shampoo", which in turn increase the price.
there's laws against misgendering people in ny too. so not only do you get cheap pharmaceuticals but you can sue them for calling you male
Buy online.
It's still discrimination. If the pharmacy were offering a 7% discount for whites, any number of minority advocacy groups would fall on them like a tree
This entire ad campaign is absolute cancer and all Anheuser–Busch products should be boycotted as a result.
That is perfect.
assuming that stuff at that store is not overpriced
hitler dubs agree
Do you do other peoples google work too? The name is in the fucking picture.
They fucking wanted the snarky aggresive ad, they said men were getting taxed, all they needed was a male tears mug.
Shut them down.
this is why I don't drink that nasty beer flavored water
The fact that those two are both mega kikes makes these ads all the more triggering.
I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that a private entity has no legal authority to levy taxes. Fees, maybe, but not taxes. But a fee based on the inherent qualities of a person is illegal anyway, as many anons already said.
Good to know!
For, uh, reasons completely unrelated to arson.
I'm never buying budlight again
i fucking hate those ads
bud light is bullshit ass water beer with "caramel coloring" and "corn syrup"
just the fact that they have to put all these bullshit ingredients in it show that the actual quality of the brew is non existent.
look at how they subliminally trash the founding fathers with their disgusting post industrial waste product in pic related
I agree, but I don't know if it's a discount in fact or if a court would rule it discriminatory per se because the cunt is just paying a government added tax and not altering the prices. Really, how would a Jew York judge handle this case?
It sounds like typical feminist bullshit: make a splash twisting weaselly words like a kike while being a complete coward about the legal definition of what you're doing.
this is the resultant hypocrisy that stems from the buttered enemy.
It took this for you to drop a bottle of nigger-piss from your shopping list?
Seniors get discounts all the time and it's perfectly legal.
Abosh v. New York Yankees, No. CPS-25284, Appeal No. 1194 (N.Y. State Human Rights Appeal 13d., July 19, 1972), reprinted in BABCOCK, supra note 7, at 1070 (sex-based discount violated New York human relations law)
But goy, whites need to become minorities within every white country. How else would you enjoy ethnic food?
This is what I was looking for, thanks user.
Now as to whether a pozzed-as-fuck NY judge would apply it to a brave feminist tryin' to help teh wimminz….
The problem is then you're giving the business your money
yeah obviously not because the founders would have kicked these kikes out in an instant
I smell bullshit. The case to sue them would be like taking candy from a baby and jew york lawyers would have been all over it
literally discrimination
Don't fall into that trap. They want the insurance money. Get their insurance policy cancelled before someone inevitably burns the place down.
wow wtf! so progressive :O they really make me want to vote for hillary!
Don't forget products of (((Sweden)))
Your age isn't on trial. Giving a discount to one gender is pure discrimination. Only ones who can get away with it are bars and restaurants. Pharmacies can't do that unless they want to be sued to hell
Everybody gets old. What people don't do is magically turn into minorities and (despite what they'd have you believe) women
They don't. It's banned in many states.
I can't tell. Is that a parody video. I can't tell anymore.
He should still be saying "install Gentoo"
This is so forced it hurts, it's a fucking propaganda piece veiled as a commercial for vodka.
That car bit is fucking retarded, people just think that because women don't know sticker price isn't actual price. this may also affect retards, nu-males, and spergs that get jew'd by car salesmen
have you ever been in a woman's shower? there's like ninety bottles of god-knows-what in there, no shit it's gonna cost more than than the one bottle of shampoo + conditioner and one bottle of body + face wash we use.
Fun fact, Bud Light's sales actually went down after this marketing campaign launched.
You only need water and scrubbing to clean yourself. Shampoo removes your hair's natural oils, and conditioner puts in artificial oils. It's all a scam.
But you still need deodorant.
So i took a trip over. Signs are gone. Quite a few people walked by to see if it was still going on. It isn't. Store is empty.
I had a video of the outside but it's not uploading. Here's a still from the video.
I bet, it's a fucking retarded campaign. Budweiser's needs to cut out all the light for cucks beer and stop pandering to faggots.
Thank god, at least there's some sanity in the world
This looks like the kind of store that sells "legal highs"
top kek, go in there and see if they're selling that kinda shit then report them if they are.
Then how about buy men's shampoo instead?
How about you just wash your hair with soap instead of taking in xenoestrogens? Unless you wanna look gay, that is.
How the fuck do you do that? Like with a bar of fucking soap?
Unless you live somewhere like the EU where it's law that stickier price is actual price, tax included.
I just use soap on my hair as well
yes, it works fine
been doing it for almost ten years
Why don't they just go back to using the frogs? Or is that racist now, to use frogs?
Fug you.
I like my expensive shampoo. Makes my hair look all golden and smooth.
Works better than you'd think.
If you think it's hard, then just get out a cheese-grater and shred the soap up.
Yes. Andy Rooney would use soap, because cheaper than shampoo. Would only use shampoo when staying at a hotel.
You spelled 'bitch' wrong user.
Good post by the user. wonder how long it was up before it got deleted.
To the Kikebartmobile!
They need to go bankrupt, all businesses that push degenerate shit like this need to.
I bet they didn't have much business to begin with, and that this is a retarded PR stunt.
That's Drew Carey. Make sure it is spayed or neutered.
apparently by eye-witness user it already ended
Do private companies even have the right to levy their own taxes? This surely must open them up to sooo many lawsuits and even criminal prosecution for racketeering, unless i'm mistaken.
Well, that didn't last long.
Um…excuse me, I think you meant Artisanal Apothecary
That's such a sad image.
Quality email.
Someone must do this
I'm already cringing and haven't even seen the thing. Let's hear what liberal horseshit he wans to spread now.
Who is their insurance company? Good question.
No forgiveness. Businesses need to understand that cultural Marxist policies mean bankruptcy.
I did. The promotion is over. See
Oh fuck, and he's with landwhale Schumer.
It's almost like the ad execs had a bet as to who could make the most repugnant commercial.
That'll put butts in seats.
so wait does that mean its illegal to haggle in EU countries?
Stand behind them! Businesses have the right to be run how the owner sees fit!!!
Make up your mind. Are businesses allowed to be run as the owner sees fit or not?
Here are the (((owners))) blogging about a trip to Israel:
Anyone the least bit surprised?
Her name is Jolie Alony.
If they have something you really want just slap on some lipstick. Same with female restrooms, just slap on some lipstick and carry wet wipes to wipe it off. Just tell people you are gender fluid
your nose is showing.
general trends faggot. The government is selective in its enforcement of the law. It attacks you. The time to be "principled" is over. Now is the time to fight.
this tbh. Just tell people to boycot the shop. If this was a national or state policy that would be a way different thing
Oh I'm sure enough men will boycott versus the hoards of feminists that will be making road trips nationwide to support the owner. I wouldn't even be surprised if Hillary makes a visit before the election.
Muh fucking principles, this isn't gamergate you fucking queer it's an ideological war. There are no unilateral ceasefires, and they are kikes.
just imagine trannies doing this and flips the fuck out on cuccbook
Cherry picking. Gotcha.
People tend to remember this shit though so even if it was a retarded PR stunt (which no doubt it was) they're still most probably going to see a decline in business.
Fucking disasterous "PR", no doubt a WOMAN came up with the idea. >__> lololololol
I know for a fact that I'd never shop there if I was a burger.
Cherry picking what? These kikes are testing the waters to see what the Goyim will do, if these aren't put out of business it's bad news for whites.
Based on rough estimates of their social, economic, and crime costs I estimate that comes out to roughly +5000% on all sales.
NYC just passed a law about being able to be fined 250k for calling someone by the wrong pronouns. Any NY user want to get that case going for their own financial gains?
lol that's illegal as fuck.
Can't wait for someone to sue them and ruin their business.
Might I be of service.
Someone please sue the fuck out of them.
This is the reality we live in now.
Of course they know this is illegal, they are just looking for publicity.
They need to be sued & boycotted.
Ask the cunt who picked up the tab for the beers?
The kikes have subverted 2000 years of roman law so many times already, its hardly a surprise.
Yeah! Take that, Donald Trump! That'll show him!
Please, user, I need a source for that song.
Maybe they think they're being funny by declaring bankrupcy
This. If we have any basement-dwelling fatties on Holla Forums living in NY, please do this.
But women, ironically enough, have the power to get alcohol for free fairly easily.
Sorry to disappoint but
Also I'm not fat.
Sounds like Mari Iijima.
Why do americans place those five pointed red stars everywhere? Red star is symbol of communism!
look at the posters on the store front
how many guys do you think will see that turn 360 degrees and walk away
Dont serve gays
Male tax
So does this mean were entering the age of arbitrary taxes? The average store owner can just tax for gender? what about color or sexuality? How about dress style or even just a cash tax if you use cash instead of a card?
Do you really need to ask?
if you turn 360 youll still go into the store but i know you meant 180 dude
Ive been seeing these for weeks on tv, glad an user made the webm. Thanks
Sitting sewing in her shop one day with her girls around her, several gentlemen entered. She recognized one of these as the uncle of her deceased husband, Col. GEORGE ROSS, a delegate from Pennsylvania to Congress. She also knew the handsome form and features of the dignified, yet graceful and polite Commander in Chief, who, while he was yet COLONEL WASHINGTON had visited her shop both professionally and socially many times, (a friendship caused by her connection with the Ross family). They announced themselves as a committee of congress, and stated that they had been appointed to prepare a flag, and asked her if she thought she could make one, to which she replied, with her usual modesty and self reliance, that "she did not know but she could try; she had never made one but if the pattern were shown to her she had not doubt of her ability to do it." The committee were shown into her back parlor, the room back of the shop, and Col. Ross produced a drawing, roughly made, of the proposed flag. It was defective to the clever eye of Mrs Ross and unsymmetrical, and she offered suggestions which Washington and the committee readily approved. What all these suggestions were we cannot definitely determine, but they were of sufficient importance to involve an alteration and re-drawing of the design, which was then and there done by Colonel (General) George Washington, in pencil, in her back parlor. One of the alterations had reference to the shape of the stars. In the drawing they were made with six points. Mrs Ross at once said that this was wrong; the stars should be five pointed; they were aware of that, but thought there would be some difficulty in making a five pointed star. "Nothing easier" was her prompt reply and folding a piece of paper in the proper manner, with one clip of her ready scissors she quickly displayed to their astonished vision the five-pointed star; which accordingly took its place in the national standard. Colonel (General) Washington was the active one in making the design, the others having little or nothing to do with it. When it was completed, it was given to William Barrett, painter, to paint. ... The gentleman drew out of a chest an old ship's color, which he loaned her to show her how the sewing was done, and also the drawing painted by Barrett. Other designs had been prepared by the committee and one or two of them were placed in the hands of other seamstresses to be made. Betsy Ross went diligently to work upon her flag, carefully examining the peculiar stitch in the old ship's color, which had been given her as a specimen, and recognizing, with the eye of a good mechanic, its important characteristics, strength and elasticity. The flag was soon finished, and Betsy returned it, the first 'Star Spangled Banner' that ever floated upon the breeze, to her employer. It was run up to the peak of one of his ships lying at the wharf, and received the unanimous approval of the committee and of a little group of bystanders looking on, and the same day was carried into the State House and laid before Congress, with a report from the committee. The next day Col. Ross called upon Betsy, and informed her that her work had been approved and her flag adopted; and he now requested her to turn her whole attention to the manufacture of flags, and gave her an unlimited order for as many as she could make. ... Mrs Ross was now effectively set up in the business of flag and color making for the government; through all her after life, which was a long, useful and eventful one, she "never knew what it was," to use her own expression, "to want employment," this business (flag-making for the government) remaining with her and in her family for many years.
just identify as female on a certain day of the week.
Genius, eliminate 50% of your customer base. Also pretty sure what they're doing is illegal. Just fucking firebomb the place. This faggotry needs to be stomped out.
how new r u
A cuck sjw that has never worked a real job or ran a business, these are the same kind of people that want socialism user. They're retarded r selected betas, all of them.
i've been doing this since i learned about estrogens in the shampoos hair is just as soft so here's a tip or twelve
some other useful shit
the disappearing male doc
And shut it down
That's right… yeah, that would be fun to fuck with them that way. Plus, no tax! So hold up on the firebombing and banktrupt them that way. Warning to other sicko faggots.
It's owned by Jews… Of fucking course. Also hiding being an Anglo name.
212.598.9790 ask if they have Battletoads.
I mock the shit out of everyone who drinks that piss water. If their douches. Normal people I'll usually offer a real beer.
Thing is, they stomp out themselves.
MJ moonwalker was a great game for brief periods of time
Because they buy shitty brand-products which makes the hair "silky" or "shiny".
Basically, women are retards.
Holy shit, how new are you?
No, but in serious car-dealer shops you might get thrown out.
When it comes to the food, it's a croc of shit. Your body can't turn the estrogen in the food into estrogen in your body. It doesn't work that way.
You were so right, and I found it, user. Thanks a bunch!
I tried look for it under the name "やさしさSAYONARA" (as it showed up in a video of a little girl dancing to it) and "Yasashisa Sayonara" (as it showed up on a lyrics page) and "Goodbye Tenderness" (from the same lyrics page) and I finally found a video of it under the name "Farewell to Tenderness" (as it showed up in an OST pack for Macross).
Here you go, for anyone else that also wanted it:
Here is her twitter.
and the pharmacy's
Fuckery to stop the influx of negative comments?
OR is this a kike scheme to get free advertisement for a reopening?
Use their own bullshit against them.
What a mistake it was bringing them here because white people from 300 years ago didn't want to pick cotton.
Irish kept dying under the heat, and debtors kind of stopped…debting. Among other issues.
you should have mentioned that the soundbite that women are paid less than men is a lie
this number only appears when you calculate the average men and women salaries without taking actual occupation into account
and it makes a lot of facts disappear, like the 10 times higher workplace accidents and deaths for men, the much higher part-time employment for women and their considerably softer and more comfortable work environments, the longer hours worked by men, the more frequent work interruptions for women…
at similar post and experience, women actually earn a little bit more than men
mostly because of whoring with the bosses
I believe the US Government already did a study into exactly this hypothetical and managed to approximate the odor with a concoction they like to refer to as US Government Standard Bathroom Malodor
Every US Government owned bathroom does indeed seem to conform to this standard odor, which Pentagon commissioned scientist Pam Dalton, from the Monell Chemical Senses Centre in Philadelphia, when asked about said
Wikipedia lists the exact chemical composition of US Government Standard Bathroom Malodor, in case you'd like to whip up a batch for the next BLM riot/Shillary rally/SJW meeting/inhaling the fragrant aroma of (((Seth Rogen))) and (((Amy Schumer's))) love-child in your area. Pic related.
Is this even legal? In any case, I will have a good laugh when a bunch of guys go in there, claim to identify as a woman, and then claim the store is transphobic for not believing them.
I'd never shop (((there))) again if I were them.
I expect to see them go bankrupt in a couple months.
They'll go worse than bankrupt. Manhattan is a jewish lawyer hive. They'll end up paying even their personal assets in lawsuits.
Careful lads, this might be 3 dimensional shekel grabbing.
Posting the disgusting jewy edit, not the Moonman original. Shamefur!
Fuck that my phone doesn't support that plugg in…
Hey! I was just calling to ask if you guys sell battle toads?
Wait how does that work? They are keeping a arbitrarily made up tax for themselves? Isn't that illegal?
I think white people wanted to pick cotton very much, but there was a bigger profit for kikes to buy and sell niggers to work for free there.
Any guy with a dick drinking budlite needs to be called out for being a straight up numale fag
The press is calling it a man tax.
What they're doing is raising prices and giving women a discount.
So, yeah, the press is basically right.
My first impression was that this was a comedy skit; like I legitimately thought they were going for absurdity humor by mocking "equal pay" retards.
Then I read the comments and realized (((who))) was involved. I still find it hard to believe this could be anything but a joke.
Hello FBI, I don't even fucking care anymore
You can report a business as closed in Google maps and their automated scripts will just believe you. They probably got pranked.
Ok as a 29 year old who spent the majority of his adult career as a car salesman (inb4 degenerate, I know, that's why I left the business) I just would like to point out the fact that I NEVER ONCE MET A WOMAN WHO WAS A GOOD NEGOTIATOR.
Learn to haggle you useless fucks.
No they don't. Not when it's repeated over and over by kikes on tv on beer commercials. Ask a young woman if it's bullshit and she will say say it isn't. She will honestly believe women make less then men even if she personally doesn't. You know why? Because some kike on tv and a presidential candidate said so.
I have sisters and friends who I've had to correct in person over this stupid myth. I point out that it's no man's fault that a woman decided to go to school to become a Teacher or Nurse instead of a Engineer or Doctor. Especially today when STEM industries are hungry for women to join because of muh equality. There is no excuse not to be making as much as a man.
The gender income gap is turning into another lie just like the 6 Million. Repeat it enough times and it becomes "common knowledge". It's up to each and every one of us to smash through the programming with normalfags.
Beat me to it. This commercial makes my blood boil.
Implying we can't use their own tactics against them.
If anyone is wondering what the vid is at the beginning for w/e reason, it's
Yes, I reverse searched a screen cap of it.
They've made a serious blunder, the practical reality is that they'll be raising prices for male Jews.
i wash my hair with coal tar
Wtf I love Gary Johnson now
http:// www. thompsonchemists . com/ contacts
coal tar is cancer
So glad I stopped watching the electric jew
Kikes make up 2% of the population yet 100% of these type of stories.
(((Pure Cohencidence)))
They're going to regret that.
What kind of judge will rule that there's been discrimination against white males?
I can't stand how people think respect is a right.
It has to be EARNED.
Yes, this surely makes me want to vote for Hillary now that I see how good she is for me. These types of laws are definitely what us men need.
Why do you think corner store prices in the city are so expensive?
I like how the dude that made the photo couldn't think of anything "deep" enough, so he just threw two pics of bad shit happening and filled the rest with space and called it a day. He also made it shorter than the woman one.
Yet he clearly has strong opinions regarding what women think about and has no problems thinking of that.
There was an arsonist somewhere in scandinavia that used to put a long candle in a roll of toilet paper as a fuse, how horrific!
Fucking hell. I drink to escape this kind of bullshit, not spread it further.
I guess that's one kind of vodka I'm never buying again.
only if you ingest it
They support it by working there. QED.
That's a funny way of saying "you will be hung from the neck until dead."
What, because some tree bushels were in the way?
No m8.
Time to yell muh 14th amendment even though it is not relevant to the topic. Gays use it when bakers don't bake for them.