
back from hiatus, is dysnomia still a mod and if so what is his personal youtube account from 4-5~ years ago?

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Why not?

was it xaithas or xaemae?
I think his youtube was xaithais and his email used to be [email protected] but he changed it after the hack to [email protected]

I closed my Youtube account. Jewgle is my "yeah you're definitely not getting my real email" email.

You want me to send you some meyms?

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If you deleted your jewtube how do you watch videos on jewtube though!? That's a tough one, I'd say. I switched from google search years ago, but I still use gmail as my primary email. I need to fix that. What's a good alternative?

You know you don't need an account to watch videos, right? Also you can use a google account without signing up to youtube to subscribe to channels, you just can't comment or like which is only for autists anyway.

Something that claims it's encrypted. Hushmail is good but if you don't sign in for a week (without having premium) they'll lock you out, which can seriously fuck all your shit up if you use it as a main email.

t. former hushmail user that had to pay to get back into his account to confirm email switches

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t. autist who likes, comments and subscribes

That would definitely happen. In the Summer my internet goes down for days, sometimes weeks at a time so that would not be good. Ah well, not like I need to worry about them spying on the junkmail I get from bots anyways. I just hate jewgle on principle.

Oh! I forgot to mention… my Parole Officer and Sexual Disfunction Counsellor have both said I must limit my posting here, also.

i hear someone once hacked his webcam and managed to get a screencap of his actual face, but it was encrypted. i've spent hours trying to decrypt it but this is as far as i've got

Attached: dysnomia_face reveal.PNG (147x149, 44.5K)

No, that IS his actual face… that's what is so creepy about him… dys is actually an impressionistic painting of a person - he's not actually 'human'.

that's mean

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Infinitely worse than Weekend in America.

how does this make you feel

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how many hours you got on overwatch

Just 3

Dysnomia is uncle

Too many. 1400 on my main account.

So you know, all your efforts will be in vain, just like everyone that came before you. There is a dead end. You will hit the wall. I don't exist.

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why won't you add me on steam

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What was your Youtube handle? I used to be subscribed to someone called "Dysnomia" 5 years ago who made videos with anime (Lucky Star, Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji, some others I cant remember) and those stupid dancing letters. One video had Konata typing shit on her computer under the handle "Dys"

Attached: dancea.gif (200x200, 30.52K)

Yo yo yo, Dysnigga, mah nigga. Let's go grab a beer sometime, eh?

I'm not allowed to atm, as my Communty Restraining Order disables me from being able to do that.

Attached: Dysnomia on b.webm (1280x720, 12.88M)

I want some meyms tbh
is an interesting paper. it's a bit technical, but if you want to find dysnomia on other platforms via password similarity or language patterns, you'll need to google 'Jaro-Winkler string'
there's also this software

i think you'll be very disappointed by the quality of our bo's online personas. pure cow

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I don't think doxing dysnomia is even worth it at this point. dysnomia is a faggot weeb who works at home and spends literally (by his words) 16+ hours a day on the computer. Plus his opsec is relatively good.

Can hardly understand this cunt


Fuck off Nano.

dysnomia is basically a god now. he knows where we live. he knows what we post. he knows when we samefag.

I wish Dysnomia was more interesting. Can't he do something? Can't Holla Forums be exciting for once? Do something, god dammit. Can't be that hard. Wheres IHE's video when you need it

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I wish Dysnomia was more interesting. Can't he do something? Can't Holla Forums be exciting for once? Do something, god dammit. Can't be that hard. Wheres IHE's video when you need it

Attached: iagdi.jpg (1280x720, 73.8K)

That's why we love, adore and respect [him] so much xoxoxo

It's OK… as I'm in the middle of gender-reassignment treatment, even I'm not sureif I'm male or female at the moment

is this for real???

You're the poster it's your responsibility to be interesting.

Yes, apparently that's the main reason why dys is not around anymore.

woah… that is sure some serious shit right there

It's the best thing for [him], I reckon… rather than take out all his angst on the rest of us here.

i bet u would u ugly ass piece of shit
fuck you

Now now… don't be like that… I'm sure dys kept his removed man-bits in a box somewhere for you!

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The Gospel According to Poo Poo the Pony

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In the beginning a turnip created the heaven and the earth
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep
And the Spirit of Dysnomia moved upon the face of the waters
So the waters turned to shit and the electricity was cut off

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Only faggots use glasses

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Well, there IS that…