You're sitting in the barn watching some kino when this guy sits in front of you while making this face. What do you do?

You're sitting in the barn watching some kino when this guy sits in front of you while making this face. What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Then the pig slowly makes a full rotation of 180 degrees and says:


make some bacon and eat it while watching the kino

The pig makes 4 steps backwards, violently sits down and gets up about 5 times, then he…

What drugs are you on?

Then the pig says


What do you do now?

I release him in a mosque

The pig enters the mosque right during the prayer time. He starts ramming a lot of muslims that sit in a praying position as he frantically runs from the bacon smell that this asshole is responsible from.

The imam of the mosque finally catches the pig and now a crowd of angry muslims look at the pig, wondering what to do. What does the pig do now?

It speaks to the Muslims and they acknowledge it as a profit.

The muslims think they can make a profit out of the pig to repair all the damage he has done to the mosque, so they start a plan to make bacon out of him, but they are simply disgusting by the idea of eating a pig or having their hands on cooked pig. They can't give the pig to a kuffar either, because they want to get revenge themselves. What do the muslims do now?

they fuck goats

The muslims start fucking goats for no reason all of a sudden, but now they remembered that they have a pig to make bacon off and to sell that bacon. They still don't have a clear plan, the mosque smells like goat ass and arab dick, and the pig is still there violently sitting up and down and the inmam looks angrily at him.

they go fuck a goat to clear their mind and think better

they blow themselves up out of shame of the state they left the mosque in

They can't fuck goats twice in a row , islam is woman friendly and they have to take good care of their goat wives not to exhaust them. The muslims have no idea what to do with the pig.

sorry, i didn't see the last posts

A straight white, vegetarian male enters the mosque and says


Then he yells


And he explodes. There's so much dust now that you can't see anything. 5 minutes pass and we see this pig sitting right near the dying imam. The pig makes this face while looking at the imam. The pig says…

You should go into comedy.


As the pig looks at the dying imam, whose face is covered in blood, the pig says.


Then this song starts playing:

It's because straight white males are literally Shitler, duh

I think this cowe has 'tism

Reported for homosexuality.

Ask him to join me. Pigs only get to watch a little kino, otherwise they become to fat.

island pigs are so weird. how did you get there, piggies?

Why not fatten the pigs with kino?

Are you some sort of commie who's planning on eating him? Just a bit of Tarkovsky for the guy to ponder when he gets comfy outside. Pig existentialism.

Ham is the worst tasting kind of meat out there. I can see why Jews and Muslims don't like it.

Only a jew or a muslim would say that.

Jew/Muslim spotted and globally reported.



Say hello.

It's no coincidence that "kino" is an anagram of "oink."

…I think we just stumbled onto something big, guys.


Why isn't anyone checking these quads?

Leaked Pammy vs Piggy video when?

Quads of truth.

Nice quads.


Turn roughly 2pi radians around and walk straight out of that shithole.


Don't you mean something pig, user?

Pigposting is the ultimate pleb-filter.

Niko is also an anagram of kino. Could this be the name of oink?

this thread is chan kino

Making pork ribs for 4th. No jokes, just tasty food.

Kill yourself, you disgusting necrovore. This is a vegan thread.


veganposting is the unfunniest meme of this whole board, go away in shame and never come back

Meatcucks will be abolished. The future is Vegan.

I wonder what the pig will be up to while you're gone.


Actually yes, unless you think having your penis fall off from stds isn't a bad thing

lmao, enjoy the colon cancer.
