Von Kühlmann, minister of foreign affairs, to the kaiser, December 3, 1917
Why did Germany support the Bolshevik revolution?
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I'd guess it was all of the Jews that Germany was infested with back then.
Well one of the big ones would be that during that time, Germany was at war with Russia and wanted in increase internal dissent. Even after the Czar abdicated, the democratic government that took over was still in the war.
I also suspect if you look at the names pushing the funding of Lenin you'll notice interesting coincidences
Wtf I hate Germany now!
This. Plus think of our current situation, with tonnes of whites brainwashed into supporting things that go against their own interests.
Jews have been jewing for a long time OP, it's not a new phenomena
Are you ignorant of history?
The Germans sent Lenin back to Russia because the Provisional Government, which was in power in Russia, wanted to continue the war and in fact mounted another offence, against the wishes of the people who wanted the war to end.
Lenin wanted to end the war with Germany so that Russia could focus on Revolution, if Lenin overthrew the Provisional Government, Germany could focus their resources on trying to fight the British, the French and now the Americans.
why didn't they just kill the guy?
Propably for the same reasons they don't kill the Don.
If you dont know they fought war with Russia.
Watch this. youtube.com/watch?v=oIuW-vNQsQI
They were literary given a faustian deal. And never read the fine print. Or the regular for that matter.
Why? Just to cause unrest so Russia drops out of the war since Germany was fighting on two fronts. Which is kinds very very bad. And they took every opportunity.
Unfortunately the Rothschilds had other plans. It wasn't just Lenin. (((They))) infiltrated over 50 000 jews and given them ungodly amountrs of money from all the major banks. Sums that would be today valued in billions. That's why they won the civil war.
It is in German nature to ruin everything.
They were at war with russia when it looked like the reds would win they started funding the white army.
Imperial Germany was at war with
Imperial Russia. The Bolsheviks were
the only party that wanted an end to
the war, because it was an 'Imperialist, capitalist
war, for the benefit of the rich'.
The Bolsheviks slogan was "Peace, Land,
and Bread". It was in the interests of
the Germans to support a party that
would sign peace with them, so that they
could then transfer troops to the Western and Italian fronts.
Which is what happened.
Germany helped the Bolsheviks come
to power in Russia. The Bolsheviks
then took Russia out of the war,
Germany got lots of territory in Russia, and the British
and French got hit by millions of fresh German troops
in the "Kaisers Battle" in march 1918.
The Bolshevik slogan, "Peace, Land,
and Bread", was of course a lie. Although
they did end Russian involvement in
the war, they had no interest in peace.
Lenin envisioned a new series of war
against the capitalist West, and he
also admitted that a Communist state
would have to engage in endless war
against it's own citizens. We see that
coming true with Stalin.
So that is why Germany financed the
Bolsheviks. That was the short term.
The medium term reason was that
Russia was Germany's largest
land rival, and Germany was delighted
to see the country damaged by a civil war.
The German bankers no doubt had other,
separate and long term reasons to finance the Bolsheviks.
The Bankers were, and are, interested
in Global Governance. It was in their
interests to finance communism because like them, communism was, and is, an internationalist ideology, laying
claim to the whole world, hostile to
nationalism and ethnic identity.
As for the claim that German jewish
bankers financed communism, I found
evidence for this in a book about Japan
I read recently called "From Foot Soldier
to Finance Minister: Takahashi Korekiyo, Japan's Keynes"
by Richard J. Smethurst.
It's a mainstream academic
work, published by Harvard in 2007.
Chapters 8, 9, and 10 cover the funding of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.
The author is the first person to research
the financing of the war using never before
seen documents such as the diary
of the Japanese minister for finance,
Takahashi Korekiyo.
For 18 months Takahashi tried to
get loans for the planned war
from international bankers, without much success. He only managed to get £5,000,000 in bonds issued, with
onerous terms. All that changed,
however, when he met Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb in New York.
Schiff was enthusiastic about a
war with Russia. He contacted
other jewish bankers including the
Warbourg banking family in
Germany and Ernest Cassel.
Cassel mobilized the Rothschild's
in London, as well as other jewish
businessmen such as Sir Marcus Samuel,
Head of Shell Oil, who arranged to
supply the Imperial Japanese Navy
with coal in the Far East.
Japan's eventually victorious war
with Russia eventually wound up
costing about £180,000,000, (in
today's money £18 billion).
Jacob Schiff managed to raise
almost half of that sum, or
£82,000,000 (over 8 billion
pounds). While previous historians
have claimed various motives
concerning Schiff's involvement
in financing the Russo-Japanese
War, Smethurst, the author of
this book, has found that the main
reason was simply jewish hatred of
the Tsar, though he doesn't state
it quite so bluntly:
"..but the evidence I have found supports the view that Schiff lent money
to the Japanese primarily out of his desire to help his co-religionists in Russia". (p. 152).
Now what does that mean for the theory
that German jewish bankers supported
the Bolshevik Revolution? Well, there is
lots of speculation about Jacob Schiff
giving money to the Bolsheviks, as well
as the Warburgs in Germany doing so.
However, evidence in the form
of primary documentation has been
hard to get. But if we know
now, for the first time, from Richard
Smethurst's work in the archives
that the jewish banker Jacob Schiff
financed almost single-handedly
the Japanese in their war with Russia,
and that Schiff's motives were
jewish revenge, then it is almost certainly
probably that he and his other jewish friends
did something similar
with the Russian Revolution.
Short biography of Jacob Schiff, from
"Men who are making America" (1917)
by B. C. Forbes. Includes comment
Schiff made that "…the Russian
Revolution is probably the most
important event in jewish history
since the race was brought out of