Run a company that works like cloudflare but end-to-end SSL and doesn't take down sites ever, just forwards the complaints to them and makes it "their responsibility" to contact the host. Rent a dedicated server in Sweden, service providers there are literally never responsible unless they "tamper" with the servers. We already have a VPN provider like that where you get a static IP and can forward whatever ports you want, they don't log you or anything so it's like hosting at home but abuse complaints go in the trash.
Law (2002:562) on electronic commerce and other the information society's [sic] services
2 § In the law is meant by
the services of the information society: services which are usually performed against a fee and provided over a distance, electronically and on the individual request of a service receiver,
service provider: legal or physical person which provides any of the services of the information society
[irrelevant marketing and contract related stuff omitted]
Freedom of responsibility for service providers in certain cases
16 § A service provider that transfers information which has been given by a service receiver in a communication network, or who provides access to such a network, shall not due to the information's content be compelled to replace damages or pay sanction fees, under the condition that the provider doesn't
1. initiate the transfer,
2. choose the receiver of the information, or
3. choose or change the information
The transfer and making available according to the first paragraph also regards such automatic, intermediate and temporary storage of information which only happens to provide the transfer, unter the condition that the information is not stored longer than what can reasonably be required for the transfer.
TN: This is about reverse proxies/ISPs who only transmit data from point A to point B. They are not responsible whatsoever for the content as long as someone else requested it. They have no responsibility to censor the content, the police provides an optional CP DNS blacklist for ISPs but that's it, TPB isn't blocked here
17 § A service provider that transfers information which has been given by a service receiver in a communication network shall, for such automatic, intermediate and temporary storage which occurs only to effectivize further transmission to other service receivers, not due to the information's content be compelled to replace damages or pay sanction fees, under the condition that the provider doesn't
17 § En tjänsteleverantör som överför information som har lämnats av en tjänstemottagare i ett kommunikationsnät skall, för sådan automatisk, mellanliggande och tillfällig lagring som sker endast för att effektivisera vidare överföring till andra tjänstemottagare, inte på grund av innehållet i informationen vara skyldig att ersätta skada eller betala sanktionsavgift, under förutsättning att leverantören
1. doesn't change the information
2. fullfills applicable conditions for access to the information
3. follows the within the sector commonly accepted rules for updating of the information
4. does not intervene in such within the sector commonly accepted technology which is used to receive information regarding the usage of the information, and
5. without duration prohibits further spread of the information, as soon as it comes to the provider's attention that the information which has originally been transmitted has been removed or made unavailable, or if a court or a [governmental] agency has decided that such is to occur.
TN: This is about cache used to speed up loading of pages but isn't essential. Cloudflare's "Always Online" would not be legal if it's used for illegal content. A court order can compel them to remove it from the cache but not to censor it if they're only proxying. Note that (5) only applies to cache, reverse proxying child porn is 100% legal even if you're completely aware of it. You're treated the same way as an ISP, you can even act as a VPN service with the option of blocking certain IPs on request and not as a regular reverse proxy
[irrelevant section about cloud storage omitted]
19 § A service provider that transmits or stores information for another [party] may be charged with responsibility for crime which regards the information's content only if the crime has been commited with intent.