I wish I was a jew tbh

I wish I was a jew tbh

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kill yourself

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jews live forever fool

Then go to your local synagoge and ask the rabbi you're interested in jewish faith.
What? you think jews are an race? no my friend. You see anyone can be a jew…even ethiopian niggers can be jew and live in Israel.

Actually.. Jews may not consider themselves a race but they do consider themselves an ethnicity. I'm not sure what it would take to get into the Jew club outside of marriage.
or why the fuck you would want to be a Jew instead of killing a bunch of them

yeah but they sterilize them

also, if you are uncut well, consider that step 1 to being a future-gonna-get-gassed religion.

Greater than he wants to be a jew

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Ethiopians are beta-niggers, Ethiopians look like freaks, I'm sure everyone from South Africa to Libya makes fun of their looks.

The only way to become a Jew is to get extremely rich, then marry into being a Jew.

Remember, Jews are

So you need to get the money first, then marry one. Like Ivanka did.

it would be much easier to just live without having to worry about jews trying to steal and corrupt everything.

being a jew must be much easier than being a gentile in a world with jews.

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i'm jew

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based jews

The only way to become a jew is to be born a jew.

Moar specifically:
your mom, grandmother, and great grandmother has to be jews before you get your Israeli passport.

Well, looks like the father of all Jews confirmed it.

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Perhaps the most famous Jewish rabbi in America, Rabbi Stephen Wise, put it even more clearly in a quotation in the New York Herald Tribune, June 13, 1938: "I am not an American citizen of Jewish faith. I am a JE\V. I am an American. I have been an American for sixty-three sixty-fourths of my life, but I have been a Jew for 4,000 years. Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race, and we are a race." From the New York "Herald-Tribune," June 13, 1938. The Jew also has different "skins" into and out of which he can crawl as the occasion demands, much like the snake. The Jew is merely a "religious" group, whenever you begin to notice the devilish number of Jews who are selling us out to communism. "These people, like the Rosenbergs", - are not "Jews anymore", explains the clever AntiDefamation League Jew, slyly, "because a Jew believes in God, while Commies are atheists. Therefore, the Rosenbergs were NOT Jews!" But when it comes to Jewish crooks from all over the world escaping into Israel, they have a thing called the "law of the return", under which any person with a Jewish MOTHER is a JEW, - by their own definition. Thus, when convicted communist spy Robert Soblen jumped $100,000 bail put up by Jewess Buttonweiser, and slipped into Israel, he would have been welcomed, and indeed WAS welcomed by a vast segment of the population, until there was such a hue and cry over his being sheltered by Israel that it was hurting Jewish "public relations" and they reluctantly turned him over to the USA. However, this produced a near civil war; because most plain Israelis felt that the government had betrayed the "law of return", for this COMMUNIST Jew spy. Then there is the third Jewish "skin" of nationality. The Jews are the chief promoters of the doctrine of the separation of Church and State, agitating successfully all over America to have Christian prayers banned from schools, Christmas celebrations stopped, etc. BUT THEY RUN THE ONLY RELIGIOUS STATE IN THE WORLD, ISRAEL! Even while damning the idea of any connection between religion and statehood for others, they run the most intolerant, fanatic religious state yet seen on the planet. You can't even get married in Israel, - unless you are a JEW. But whenever this Jewish religion is called into account, they quickly slip into the "Zionist" skin, and become innocent, patriotic "nationalists"! >From the racial "skin" to the religious "skin" to the nationalist "skin" is but the work of a few moments to Jews around the world, and they change back and forth, depending on whether they are in America, where they are a religious group, or Russia, where they are a race, - or Israel, where they instantly become fanatic "nationalists". Whenever you try to pin one of these Jews down on just what they ARE, - you will find the argument very much like trying to grab up a handful of slime, - as fast as you close your fist around it, - it oozes out between your fingers and is right back where it was. Attack them as a race - they are a religion. Attack them as a religion, -they are a "people," - and a "holy" people at that. Attack them as a people, and they are a religion again, until that becomes impossible or uncomfortable, in which case they take refuge as a persecuted race. Call them a race, (as they do themselves), and they will accuse you of being a "bigot". Call them only a "religion", and therefore deny them nationhood, and hear them holler how they are the "people of the book" with the "right" to seize Israel from the Arabs for their "nation". Call them a nation and therefore susceptible to the same responsibilities as any other nation, - and right away they are a religion again and you are persecuting them.

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Lmfao, Top Kek

Thats a good one user


Running over protestors with tanks and mowing down barefoot children with SMGs is totally benevolent. It's not like the gaza strip is an open care concentration camp. I mean, sure, they don't let the red cross in; but everyone knows the red cross are actually nazis anyways.

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I WAS Jewish, but I was cured… now I am a faithful practising member of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints.


you can. collect foreskins, build a statue of Moloch out of them and follow the Talmud.

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What does that make you?

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Even after switching to a religion of polygamy, you still find a way to be a virgin.

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t. paranoiac


I hope you keep swallowing that cum bitchboy.

i hope you know that claiming that you were "unjustly persecuted" or "made scapegoats" for hundreds of years requires actual evidence for that claim. you jews are the ones making that claim thus, the burden of proof resides on you.

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you two can't read very well

Nice try jew.

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