Why doesn't she have any white kids yet?
26 years old
t. tradthots
White people don't breed
It's a big problem
Meh, there are too many humans already regardless of their color or quality. The REAL problem is there are too many brown people breeding too much.
Because she knows she will be getting replaced soon.
Yeap. The total population of whites globally is approx 500m, and has been stable for decades. If the other races could achieve a similar balance there'd be plenty enough of everything to go around, they wouldn't need to spill over into our countries - if they did come, it'd be for a genuine desire to embrace the culture, not just 'well my country is fucked, where to now?'. So we'd all get along a fucksight better, shit like owning a little farm wouldn't be a herculean undertaking to pay off.. Fuck them all to hell tbh.
Why do you like looking up her butt with scope-cams?
A woman's anal cavities are private.
White women age like milk.
Thats an Anglo/germanic thing, Mediterranean women tend to hold together quite nicely.
Asian women dont age at all
sage negated
Mediterraneans and southern europeans in general aren't white. They might as well be arab. Northwestern europe is the only place that ever made white people.
Like a Greek? because Greeks are whores.
Is that supposed to be Lauren Southern?
All women are whores m8
Nice OC. Can you send it to them and post their reaction?
that's called Vacation Nationalism user
Checked, goddamn, I hope he does it. That would be so funny.
I'm not a big fan of tradthots either, but the best answer is that she was redpilled relatively recently, and it takes a couple of years.
Same, He has to send it now.
already too old
even if you marry her, you can only have 1 or 2 children with her before the autism becomes a thing.
Autism isn't a real threat until the whore hits 40. She's got a decade of usable eggs until that's a problem. In the end, just like Southern and Ann Coulter, the answer is
Who is this and why should I care
White men no longer can get it done. white race will die because they can't white boi are all cucked.
this is how ((( ((( (((they))) ))) ))) )) win
Fuck being politically correct… i would willingly race-mix with that GODDESS!!!
she looks liek one that would be gangbanged by niggers
You make babies, you dont have to care about a woman to do that.
(refuse to check em because post is dumb af)
>doesn't know Kaylee
has she or has she not fucked niggers?
dont lie to urself cuck boi
Either you’re a newfag or a altright fag opposed with blacked pron
we expose whores that racemix
or are u a nigger?
kfc ran out again?
or i'm a logical person who understands that european traits are recessive and as such the white race is something to be cherished and protected and politics has nothing to do with it
or i'm also a nazi but politics still has nothing to do with it
or it does have to do with politics but even if it does i'm still correct for trying to preserve the most diversified form of human evolution, that being pure races + mutts, let's see which one ends up best
sorry but you faggots did it to yourselves
it was her white BF that lead her down the road of degeneracy
what degeneracy did she commit?
he forced her to smoke the pot and posted her lewds online.
Don't be racist kids or I'll slap you with my belt.
Nice one. Latinas age the worse. Second to them are black womento be fair they don't age really bad but they start off as shit tier already.
White women age really well if they take care of themselves.
ye they age really well
from 0-14
I think you're talking about another ethnicity.