What is the state of the left right now? Is there any chance we're going to succeed in this century or will we all just be purged by the next fascist regime that takes over the world?
See growing fascist movement
Other urls found in this thread:
you should throw tin cans and wear a shirt on your head too for that destructive creation
ded online, ded in the third world, kind of growing in a few western countries
No to every positive outcome.
When the stormfags become noticed by Dave Rubin, Milo, Chris Ray gun etc, they'll be shouted down like SJWs.
In a sense, we'll see a shit load of centrists.
There isn't any hope. The left is dead and capitalism is at the end of its rope. Fascism is the only outcome at this rate. Feels bad man.
maybe someday we'll get our shit together
enough to both fight back against fascism
and offer a viable alternative.
probobly not.
well at least ill to shoot
"anarchy smash the state" while they throw
me out of a helicopter.
There is no hope fam.
The "old" left is still slowly dying. It never quite got its shit back together in the Western world after the thrashing it got from the CIA.
socialism or extermination of useless proles automated out of a job
we can still be a pain in thes ass
for them, to last man
How is that bad?
Anemic, but growing everywhere. It's going to be a slow start because young people are being channeled into movements and institutions made defunct by capital in the 20th century (like the Democrats) or stillborn from the beginning like #BLM
But it's not like they're just going to give up when these things prove ineffective. Already new movements are starting. Anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 of people under 30 in the West have a negative view of capitalism or outright support socialism (or """""socialism"""""), and in the East we're starting to see the same. The Japanese Communist Party is making parliamentary gains (though I hear the Lib Dems just had a gigantic victory, but I haven't read anything about it yet), and there is growing labor unrest in China. Just recently Chinese WalMart workers staged the first ever coordinated strike against the company.
So, yeah, things look bad right now. They're probably going to get worse before they get better, but if you ask me we're at the beginning of a dramatic shift in social thought that is going to become more and more pronounced as time goes on.
Take heart, because we're comin', bucko.
There isn't one. Eurosceptics are not fascist, neither are Trump supporters. There is a lot more retarded kids spouting aut-right memes online (TFW YOU WILL NEVER LE DIE FOR BASED HITLER), but that is about the extent of it.
Whats more alarming is the growing support of capitalism despite it being more brazen and destructive in the recent decades.
I only agree with Zizek's statement here so I'll vote for him
You really need to get out more if you interpret the statement that there's a growing fascist movement as referring to Eurosceptics and Trumpians. I'm quiteconfused as to how someone could be blind to the rise of fascism, especially in Europe. It's the 30s all over again. I don't even know where to begin with examples, and the unfortunate thing about user image boards is I don't give a shit about saving face by bothering to offer more than one, so I'll just point you to the National Front in France.
As well, the idea that at least Trump himself doesn't have fascistic tendencies is crazy: the guy wanted to legislate media censorship criticising the president (when that president is him ofc). It's undeniable also that, despite there being legitimate reasons to vote Leave, the referendum was won on racism. And racism is a characteristic of Fascism (or rather the most useful and common manifestation of one).
Pretty spooky, comrade.
i know as a natcuck you have limited brainpower but come on
Is that why Hitler refused to shake with Owens? Oh wait, that was the socialist plant Roosevelt.
From what I've gathered fascism has nationalism at it's core and tries to convince people to stick to their own kind since it makes the most stable and efficient countries. The rest is Soviet and American propaganda.
Most countries in the world are homogeneous and suck.
America is pretty diverse and the number one country.
Your argument is invalid.
I wouldn't be too concerned about Fascism because, at this moment, there isn't a "Leftist threat" that elites must crush through force, which is a prerequisite for Fascism to ascend imo. This is the only circumstance in which the elites don't feel threatened by the idea of a strong government that can enforce their will over the elite's organized interests. I'm sure far-right movements will make isolated advancements here and there, but they will be structurally limited for now.
About the hopes for the Left, I think our hands are tied by the fact that any left-wing reform would be done through political frameworks that are pretty fucking powerless compared to global capitalism.
For example, what use is it to kill ourselves trying to push some left-wing candidate for president if, when elected, he'll either be forced to comply with capitalism or deal with capital flight, shitty trade agreements, shitty attitude from banks, hostility coming from the media, the financial system, the global market, the mainstream parties, etc etc?
There are too many institutions in place that will either have their way or burn the country down, and too many morons among the population that don't feel at all humiliated by the idea that you either comply with those interests or lose your security and comfort. Our countries are virtually hostage to their demands, and the average person too chickenshit to face the possible outcomes of a political revolution.
IMO, our only hope is Internationalism. We need to use the internet to connect with Lefties around the globe and organize together. And be serious for once: have a central command, funds, and a strategy that everyone will comply to. The first global political party. Anything else is a waste of time.
I honestly have no hope for us as a movement. All I see is economic collapse and potentially the rise of the far right - this will eventually destroy itself and lead to worse and worse scenarios.
Humanity had its ride, Ima play pokemon until we all die. Good luck to the new lifeform that tries to go to the stars
Hitler did not shake Owens' hand either, after being told he had to congratulate all the winners or none of them as the leader of the host nation. But he did snub Cornelius Johnson before instituting the blanket non-congratulation policy.
its not enough
unless your guy of a different race who just lives in the country the you get killed,
or if you disagre with the government you get thrown out of a helicopter. even if ignore facsisms xenophobia, you still have no freedom
in fascist society
The only successful form of socialism is Not Socialism
in 6 years, Hitler brought Germany up from massive poverty and misery to super power tier.
it took the entire world to defeat this brilliant success, and the kike servant warmongeres was desperate to defeat the only free people on the planet.
biology is not a social construct, be white, be proud, be a success.
there is no, and never have been, any cross-racial harmony and unity.
prove me wrong….
you're aryan utopia was BTFO by the russians after just 12 years.
it seems like people who are fascists always had to come from a more mainstream doctrine, just like us socialists. we can interrupt the process of becoming fascists with designed agitprop (but this is what we are already doing with meme wars)
But what I mean is we can focus on people who are jarred loose from the mainstream doctrines by current events, and explain to them our understanding of the matters at hand to win them over. But this specifically does NOT apply to liberals who are left-leaning because they are not yet fully detached from the neoliberal parties
It lasted even shorter than the Soviet Union. Italy was a massive disaster. Those are your two greatest examples. Congrats
The amount of times I need to say this to Holla Forumsacks, anarkiddies and tankies is driving me nuts
fucking kill yourself stormkike
The "hippy" symbol was the "chalice" rune you fucking retard.
humanity wasn't destined to become anything important anyway.
Wait for bonobos to evolve.
tbh sitting online wanking about "theory" and how you totes have the best "theory" for implementing socialism doesn't really do much if you never enact it. throwing tin cans stirs up some level of political discord which has always been part of the beginning of widespread change.
Not the user you were replying to, but I suppose white nationalists instead say we should deport and kill all the other races for being genetically superior? How do white nationalists feel about transnational corporations? Are they the international jew? lol
They're too closely genetically linked to us. They'll just become humanity 2.0 . Pic releted is the only thing that holds any promise, imo
Communists and capitalists came together to put it down. It didn't die of it's own accord, unlike the Soviet Union. Why do you think the Berlin Wall was built faggot?
And the whole point of Fascism is that it's supposed to be the strongest way to lead a country.
When it continually gets involved in military conflicts that it cannot win, this is obviously proven false. Fascism is weak and suicidal.
Superiority or otherwise is irrelevant. It's about the advantages of living in homogenous communities and having self-determination. Having millions of non-white people in white countries is bad for white people.
Broadly against, since transnational corporations are the foremost shills for mass immigration and destroying the white working class. Jews are obviously disproportionately in leadership positions of big corporations, but that's more a reason for excluding Jews than opposing corporations prima facie
Colonialism is in the past, we're talking about the present day.
I have some semen ration here to distribute, comrade.
Because they were fucking militaristic idiots with terrible military plans that got all their soldiers fucking killed, and a threat. You put down a rabid dog.
To be fair Mussolini and Hitler expected more from Britain and the US, Churchill was extremely two-faced, supporting communists one day and whining about the Iron Curtain the next. Just goes to show that the two forms of government realized they were about to be replaced by a superior hybrid and did everything they could to stop it from happening. Capitalism is the thesis, communism is the antithesis and natio.nal socialism is the synthesis.
Dumbest fucking thing I've heard all month
The American Far Right has been consistently opposed to interventionism
Remember that one of the reasons the soviet union fell was because it spent too much damn money on ICBMs instead of feeding it's people. Funny how you speak of rabid dogs and you're an anarchist.
More snark with no actual rebuttal. Weak.
Right and that makes Germany better how? Of the 4,000 U-Boat Sailors sent out to war, 3,000 died.
Nazi Germany was an ill planned aggressive failure of a state that ended in deserved suicide.
Yes it's funny you call me that when you fall for the bullshit of the American right.
What rebuttal?
exactly, you resort to snark when don't have one
What am I supposed to be rebutting against?
Capitalism is the thesis, communism is the antithesis and natio.nal socialism is the synthesis.
National Socialism is liberalistic state socialism and offers no real new ideas but only state endorsed economic populism. It is not inherently revolutionary or new. It's angry liberals doing what they do best.
Yeah we all saw how that turned out.
I thought the evil nazis were right-wing?
not socialism is capitalism. flag related
Actually you didn't, because it triggered too many people too quickly and it was put out. We did see how communism turned out though.
Nationalism and Keynesian economics weren't new, idiot.
Is that all you can do? Nothing intellectual about your response, just smugness.
You can easily be a liberal and a fascist and right wing.
That's not me.
There is no point in giving an intellectual response because you are not intelligent.
Ethnic-based nationalism combined with aspects of state socialism was innovative, it combined the best aspects of both capitalism and socialism, while focusing on something deeper than muh means of production.
I know faggot. Get thread IDs and you wouldn't make posts like this.
(heil hitler)
So then what the fuck do you think liberalism is?
tips fedora
It was talked of since the 19th century.
It's focus wasn't deep at all. It was angry liberals attaching themselves to hysteria. The deep thinkers of the right were never listened to.
Liberalism manifests itself in various ways.
Heh, are you sure you don't belong on this board after all?
I'm not talking about speculation but application.
Classic liberals are against socialism. Your definition of liberalism is so loose it has no meaning. Pic related.
It went beyond materialism which both communism and capitalism were never able to do. What you call racism goes far deeper than you think it does.
Communism was left to it's own devices, nationa.l socialism freaked out commies and capitalists so bad they fucking joined up.
Already existed to an extent in Prussian Socialism.
Do you mean Right Hegelians? Spengler?
Yeah declaring war on both of them might have freaked them out a little.
Right, because invading Poland was totes justified.
It wasn't new is my point. Your point was it was new.
Not reading.
No it doesn't. It's hysterical liberals all the way down.
Stop your bullshit, most nationalists are isolationalist/protectionist and hate Imperialism. At least 50% of nationalists are Anti-capitalist too.
Hitler and Mussolini never wanted or provoked war with Britain or the US, it was the other way around. Churchill refused every offer for peace.
Capitalism isn't just greed or consumerism, pal.
I thought you fucks were going to go out with a fight, but it seems you've gone out without even a whimper, I was hoping to get to fight you. I don't feel sorry for any of you, I hope that all of you end up tasting a jackboot or are stabbed in the back by your pet minorities.
As far as I'm concerned at this moment this is punishment enough although you deserve far worse for killing my country. Enjoy the time you have left, I know I will.
tfw the CIA doesn't real
Nationalists who are against imperialism are just useful idiots who are accidentally doing the right thing for the wrong reason.
culture is a spook
Why don't you think that the people of Danzig had the right to self-determination?
Stirner is a spook
Yes, you fucking goon.
It's what happen when goons take over.
Not an argument.
Oh yes it does.
Liberals aren't very fond of evil racist nazis, not that you seem to have a solid definition of liberalism for me to work with.
Liberals make up the entirety among them and always have.
I do. You.
Weak as fuck.
Second quote meant to be
It isn't snark and nothing your arguing is correct. You are relying on us to educate you on matters of complexity. That is not our job. Our job is to mock you for saying stupid shit that isn't accurate or historically true.
Within the Soviet Union communism was implemented, all the planks of the manifesto were enacted, and it turned out to be a terrible idea.
Funny how invading a country which has had its sovereignty guaranteed by another nation isn't considered provoking said nation in lala land.
At least 50% of nationalist are Anti-capitalist, it's true, but a retarted feminist who probably love French Theory can't understand.
stop it, my sides can't take any more
Why are commie women so ugly?
u niggas dum
Read more… Really.
It's pretentious smug, snark. It's 'I don't have to argue you because you are dumb' kind of responses that you see with John Oliver.
Wow, you're really convincing you know that. Your persuasion skills are out of this world.
You call something complex only when you can't explain it, which means you don't understand it.
More smugness as a substitution for not having anything of value to say. No wonder your losing.
I know, right? Just like the Czechs-oh wait.
I'm sure you've seen this image before.
Seems even commies don't understand communism. The ebil nazis understand your ideology better than you do! Soviet Union attained the means, but the end was never in sight. Utopia never makes for a very promising end, does it?
That doesn't sound very sovereign, does it?
None of those are communism you nigga. Communism has: no state, no money, no classes
Never listened to especially today.
Nobody here is like John Oliver quit memeing
I've tried telling you. You're not really seeing the point. You're not seeing the point because you're not bathed in material, you aren't read. To keep you up to speed on so much requires time, time I don't have.
If you want to be politically literate you must read what you do and do not agree with. If you did you'd see my point, and argue against it.
Incorrect. It's complex when it's multifaceted. The rise of populism in nationalism has never been one of a base of very politically literate or revolutionary people.
More deluded leaders influenced by work they misinterpreted.
You have Mussolini with Evola, etc.
Losing to what? You keep calling me smug that's your entire argument.
You tell me to do research because you're too damn retarded or just intellectually lazy to do it yourself. That's certainly not appealing to semi-literate plebs bucko.
the MOP was owned by the bourgeoisie, ergo it is capitalism.
The Soviet Union Didn't attain the means to make socialism, that's why it failed.
communism is explicitly anti-utopian.
You didn't post an attractive woman
If your base doesn't give a shit and never did it never mattered. Things like this never get support and die once they do for that reason alone.
That and they are easily subvertable.
My point is that you shouldn't be on this board if you don't have at least a basic understanding of the history and theory behind socialism. Saying that "communism was left to it's own devices" shows that you don't have that.
the best aspects
what aspects, give the corparations insane power
and have no liberty.
thats good
Is this an argument?
So now, Nationalists can be anti-capitalist ? You're so full of shit, Feminist-kun.
some of us will still fight not enough
Denial is the first stage to acceptance user.
More excuses for your inability to discuss. Pretentious bullshit to substitute an ability to speak plainly and frankly.
Then maybe you'd better keep away from imageboards?
Sorry, but I can read bullshit while retaining my ability to criticize it and not swallow it without chewing it.
So basically if the plebs weren't so fucking stupid and read the same bullshit about 'equality being the new religion' then we'd all join hands and sing kumbaya around a fire fueled by the dead bodies of innocent people who didn't feel like giving up their private property?
Yes. If your base doesn't thrive, it cannot succeed for the future and becomes subvertable to Capital.
Can something built to fail against its opponent be considered anti its opponent?
I would say no.
The inability to discuss is here.
Never suggested this.
Doesn't the argument about 'your base' apply equally to you, considering virtually no working class people care about Communism?
People in the Third Reich were perfectly happy with its separation from international finance, to give one example.
I have a much better understanding than you do, that's why I'm not fucking communist, because I actually understand it. If communism can't work in Cuba or Russia it certainly can't work on a larger scale.
The fact that you think communism was successfully implemented in Cuba or Russia proves you don't understand communism
No. Because the left is thriving philosophically and in other ways while the right has stagnated. It listens to Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes, not your direct philosophers in the past.
It's not a conspiracy it's moneyed interests. You've been spewing conspiracy this entire thread.
Not an argument cunt.
au contraire, mon frère
See OP
You're deluded m8
You haven't been making successful arguments.
Because you say so, and your appeal to knowledge automatically gives you authority on the matter? Communism either doesn't work or it's utopian bullshit, pick your flavor, it still stinks.
The right has stagnated because the people can say they apply the philosophy but that does not make the philosophy any less potential subversive from Capital nor does it make its followers any more read. In fact they are not.
but that's not an argument
Ironically this is also not an argument. How do people like you live knowing you have to rely on willful ignorance to keep up your worldview? Insane amounts of snark.
Ironically this is also not an argument
Actually that was an argument, and you just ignored it.
I'm not sure you know what irony is.
You said that the USSR failed. So have nationalist states.
There is more to it than this. You fail to see it because you're politically illiterate.
At least I can differentiate dreams from the waking world.
Ironically this is also not an argument
That's why you believe you can fight Capitalism with a base of people who love it, or don't know what it is, I'm sure.
Capitalism and communism have failed, it's time for the third way, the superior hybrid.
this. this is not an argument. You're asserting that communism doesn't work without giving any evidence or even defining what you think communism is.
What the fuck ? Stop your bullshit please, where did I "spew" conpiracy ?
You never read any anti-capitalist nationalists, right ?
The Third Reich was doing fine in peacetime and only collapsed because of military defeat, the USSR failed because of its own internal structure
I have. I find their arguments supporting their position they cannot be subverted insubstantial and weak. Not contemporary, especially in a post cold war period.
I did though. The Soviet Union didn't work, Castro said himself that communism doesn't work. Communism as defined by the manifesto.
Who did you read ?
Military defeat that was their own fault. This is the fault of having a base that supports mindlessness and aggression, it's what you get when you have identity focused on as politics.
You have people who are lemmings and not a further future society they do not make.
Benoit is a dumb paleocon, nothing anti-capitalist about it at all.
Mostly National-Anarchism
No, it was the fault of commies and capitalists holding hands.
And a further future society they do not make, I meant to say.
Why do Golden Dawn women look like cholas?
The Soviet Union wasn't communist and neither is Cuba.
the manifesto isn't supposed to be hard theory. It was a propaganda tract for the British communist party. There is much more to communism than just the manifesto.
pick one faggot
For their own sovereign interests as states. Are you seeing the problem here?
I pick both.
So then you're referring to utopian bullshit. Gotcha.
what the fuck
Stay pleb, m8.
You are referring as well to Utopian bullshit. Because it thinks the standard set for citizen is thought of always to be similar across time. It is not. It is very easily subverted by Capital.
Besides which Nationalism today is focused on "preserving culture" which is by nature impossible in its demand.
turd position political nonsense. National Bolshevism as well.
If britain or the soviet union ever gave a fuck about sovereignty they wouldn't have been empires.
Read Charles Robin's book "La gauche du Capital" if it exists in english.
This is not an argument over that.
Sounds as retarded as everything else on the left.
who dis
Problem is it's not on the left.
I find the problem of anticapitalist nationalism today multifaceted.
Even if you agree with its philosophies, its practice becomes impossible due to the multifaceted problems it faces in a post cold war world.
Yes it is. The Soviet Union would not have involved itself in WWII if it didn't have an interest in subjugating Germany.
New states do what new states do, shocking everyone.
What does that even mean? What new state are you talking about?
The Soviet Union
This is not an accurate representation of most of the Fascists I've seen online. Many of them do care about the poor, lower class whites of their nation but, like many Marxists and Communists they don't believe this problem of poverty can be solved through reform, but rather revolution (removal of the Jews, removal of the cosmopolitan communists ect).
Women with tattoos are disgusting.
i thin you right about the good guy ally and the bad guy nazi narrative is bulshit,
don't get me wrong the axis was horrible (espcially the japanese) but the allys weren't
so good
you cant stop us
turd position is growing
you cant stop us
By nature of your goals, you stop yourselves.
I've been thinking of getting black work done, floral. Mostly up my upper thighs that arcs upwards, maybe around the mons.
Leave it to the pollyp to erase story.
*combines the 2 most muderous
and opressive ideologies ever formed. into one.*
Why does Holla Forums always try to D&C his own community ?
Caus every group thinks it knows better than the other one.
Right wing is easier to follow leaders or compromise. After all, they don't want any real change.
The left needs an external obvious enemy to unite.
And this is why, , no, we will not be purged. We have suffered worse and we still survived. Previous generations have been shot, exiled, imprisoned, executed, for us to be able to say "muh ideology is better than yours". And if we have to go though the same for our children to be able, so be it.
The Anti-Capitalism of Benoist and other euro right-wingers is the most fake anti-capitalism one can come up with. It's basically Marxist anti-consumerist fashionable tidbits.
I was rolling my eyes when Bennie the dupe quotes Marx while he advocates neo-paganism in the same page. Really his only redeeming feature is that he is not really a nationalist so you lose on that point as well.
Read his books.
He, sometimes, quotes Marx but ADB isn't a Marxist. Hell, even Eric Zemmour quotes Marx (pic related) and he isn't a Marxist or an anti-capitalist, he is just antiliberalist.
Yep, sure, I never say he was one. But a lot of Nationalist likes him.
Because 99% of women who are attractive look worse after they get tattoos. You would like much better if you had never gotten all those ugly tattoos.
100% true.
Men are so funny
This is the daughter of the leader of golden dawn (also a high ranking member of golden dawn)
This is what happens when you leftycucks insist that race does not matter.
You know the saying, about watching out not to become a monster, when fighting monsters?
The last year I've relaxed. They are irrelevant, I don't have to see Kasidaris all over the local interwebs.. .. I WAS FINE!!!
This post gave me PTSD.
The progressive left is destroying the Traditional values which help liberal-capitalists to promote materialistic and consumerist society.
go take a look at any black or mexican on twitter. they are the perfect consumers (and wage slaves)
all the far left is doing is exterminate the white population out of hate.
Gotta love how lefties instantly get massively butthurt if you use the Soviet Union as an example for a socialist society but have no problem presenting monarchy, imperialism and racism as an example for capitalism.
Go read a book on economy before you spout this kind of bullshit.
Traditional values are a meme.
Chinese foot-binding is a traditional value, and if you go far enough so is having the feudal lord sleeping with your wife during your first wedding night.
Those who appeal to tradition in a fallacious and an uncritical manner as if it has all the answers for society are incapable of thinking politically or pragmatically and just appeal to the typical spook of the weak the ruling class serves them on a platter.
Read Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism by Lenin.
The progressive left promote degeneracy which help liberal-capitalists to create a materialistic and consumerist society.
Do you prefere like that ?
So are whites, and even more so , since Mexican Catholics and blacks are far more religious and in favor of traditional mores in society, so I don't see how your little racist point is made.
I didn't say men were pigs. I said "men are so funny"
Fam degeneracy and people fucking in ways you don't like has existed since the dawn of fucking time the only people getting ensnared are the people who give a solid shit
If the white population won't shut the honest to god fuck up about a genocide against them that doesn't exist I'll be glad when they're gone out of hate
To be a materialist is to be philosophically correct and not delusional, so yes I want that.
Also another buzzword of stop liking what I don't like because it doesn't confirm to your spooks.
What you rightists don't get (and why you are losing on every side of the hypothetical culture war in your minds) is that all culture is illegitimate. No one is at home fully in any culture, much less in a capitalist one. The fact that traditional values are helpful to Capitalism though doesn't matter, since every culture is usurped by something new, which more dynamic, immanent and inclusive.
But even then there is no "normal culture", what appears as normal includes the anomalies, cuts and distortions necessary for it to function. Everything can be criticized so everything can be replaced, this has been the gear of history since the dawn of mankind.
There is a difference between the existence of degeneracy and promoting degenerate lifestyles in tv and media.
I'm talking about stereotyping a sex.
Oh, well… hoping to have any sort of meaningfull conversation when all you want is have your fun.
Silly me.
..I am a man after all.
You mistake Neoliberalism for "left".
Define white.
Oh, you mean "the american nazis". Sorry. Silly me again.
Nobody gives a shit and it doesn't matter. Again the only person being ensnared by it is you.
So offended
What the fuck is with all the defeatism in this thread?
Over the past year, we've had a candidate in the US run under the label of "socialist" and he drew 45% of the vote in the party. Mainly from the younger generations. All while the Democratic party was rigging elections to stop him and the media was ignoring him. Plus a member of SAlt holds a publicly elected seat in Oregon. In the UK, Corbyn is farther left than Sanders is, and the capitalist MPs in the Labour party can't stop him.
People are forgetting the shit show that was the USSR. Yeah, they think Sweden is socialist, but that can be corrected. We have taken the word back from the McCarthyists. All we have to do is generate agitprop memes and spread the word. The boomers are getting old, and the economy will not recover much from 2008.
In 4-8 years, socialism in the West will be a movement to be reckoned with. I am super hyped for the future.
I mean white. If the whites are gone the stormfags are gone the Internet is all the more wiser.
They can't be gone fast enough
Again it helps liberal-capitalists to promote ultra-consumerism.
What the fuck does this even mean. If it wasn't this it would be something else. At least it's sex.
What bitching about degeneracy does is line the votes of America's next top fucking neoliberal
This, Bernie made his part, now it's time to move on.
yeah, but the whites are the only ones that could be more. rest just wants to consume.
are you serious?
there won't be any internet if the whites are gone. this is the hate I was talking about.
keep dreaming. Bernie just endorsed Hillary. he was there to prevent anything like Ron Paul of the left in 2016.
To what?
Am not offended. It's more of a desperate cry over the idiocy that consumes us all and the creative stagnation of the 21st century.
I just want more than "Men VS womyn" "Blacks VS White" and all these 'Murican BS!
Also, you are being racist. Did you let the abyss stare at you?
I am entirely serious. If all "the white race" is bitch about race until time is over why don't you hurry up and fucking leave so nobody can hear you complain on the internet over this shit. Doubly better if the Internet is gone forever.
Leave from where ? Non-whites invade the white countries, not the other way.
"Drugs and gay sex being shoved shoved by capitalists" > reaganite christian values getting shoved by capitalists
If you're going to live in this hell hole you might as well be entertained and pleased
Leave to the jaws of hell you whining shit
Kek, you are such a fucking retard.
There is not "white race".
Bitch about degeneracy some more I'm sure someone will hear you. If you say it enough times nobody will want to punch you in the jaw enough at all
I'm so sorry for being racist :(
Live in your capitalist wonderland, Feminist-kun.
Why bitch at me about degeneracy? I'm not the faggot, you are?
I don't bitch at you about degeneracy, I'm just saying it helps promoting massive consumerism. You are the butthurt one tbh, m8.
And how does it do that? What chance does the content matter if it would exist regardless. What makes the subject the problem
Degeneracy keeps the worker's mind busy.
Apparently so does fantasizing you're being persecuted in a genocide that doesn't exist. You entertain yourself by bitching. You please yourself by bitching.
Read "La gauche du Capital" like I said earlier, Charles Robin explains this very well.
I'd rather not waste my time
Call me crazy, but I think your literature is heavily biased.
It doesn't matter to me if you are racist or not. I cannot influence your life and you mine.
It "should" only matter to you, IF you want to be any better than those you fight.
Capitalism turns everything into a comodity.
"You feel oppressed woman? Here! Have articles talking about your "problems" right next to clothes adds".
"You want to revolt, young person? Here. Have a Che T-Shirt and a Guy Fawkes mask. No, no need to ask the history of either.. Just be edgy and consume".
If you cannot see those fundamental aspects of Capitalism and choose to only focus on "cis white males", then I THINK you don't belong here.
So? Read both sides and decide then!
Charles Robin is a really great guy, borned in a proletarian family, he is also an ex-member of the NPA (Trotskyte French Party), he left when he realises that the NPA's politics regarding migration and "degeneracy" (he doesn't use that word) indirectally helps liberal-capitalism.
But, heh, don't challenge your mind.
Anything can support capital the content doesn't matter
Anything can be commodified
What are you arguing with me about if I agree with what you're saying
So you're agree that the promotion of degeneracy is bad ?
hannah snowdon
Neo-Fascism will fail as fast as it gains power.
Degenerate whore. I would rape her.
Does not matter as long as the invaders are eliminated. Libertarianism can take over after.
So, you libertardians want free markets, but only white people. … You're a special kind of idiot.
I'm not against it in non-whites countries. But they should do it on their own. I don't care about them. Just stay the fuck away from the white population.
And how are you to keep them away, without a state, taxes and so on?
Also, so, the only criteria of merit is skin colour?
Not him but race isn't just skin colour.
If neo-fascists come to power even for a short period of time, it will take care of them.
But naturally, they won't be attracted to come when there would be no welfare. That, and private armies.
The only criteria is intelligence, hard work and order. Only whites and some asians are capable of that.
There is no white race then.
Is that what you call "good worker"? Or is that what you call "I have money, I am now king"?
Also, define white.
And yes. Chinese and Japanese make good robots.
Of course there is, you can say caucasian if you prefere, but:
Whites swims faster.
Blacks runs faster.
Asians are the best at Gymnastic and shit.
Polynesians are either fat or very muscular.
It was for
The money would be related to the work.
Without a nanny state to take care of the weak, the strong will unite against the weak and prevail.
White based more on location, culture, traditions, religion.. and not just race. We will see who is more superior when the always guilty for horrendous crimes whites will let the eternal victims survive on their own.
So, is Slav the same "race" as Central Europa?
It's about compatibility. So.. yes, consider it the same.
I personally think that yes they're the same race.
Nationalists against Capitalism is like shooting people with squirt guns lmfao. You support the same shit.
Or end up having your organizations subverted and supporting them religiously.
Not fucking true, do you even read the whole thread or are you just shitposting, feminist-kike ?
Like every communist entity ?
I was already nauseated do you mind if I burst through your computer screen and vomit all over your hair
I'm shit posting because you don't deserve to be treated fairly.
Yes. Like every state communist entity. States are very easily subverted.
no u
Any nation after the cold war designed to fight Capital is the first nation after the cold war to shoot itself in the skull or invite capitalist's up its ass.
Kek, because anarchy is not the easiest shit to subvert, right ?
Quit saying "alt left" right now
What is there to subvert?
You made a thread about this shit, trying to push it.
You're just a pollyp.
ITT: Hello fellow leftists
alt-left belong to Holla Forums!
Nationalist anti-capitalism NOW
Kill your self
You can't have anarchy except if the whole world have anarchy and you need an Internationalist bureaucracy to impose that.
This is why national syndicalism is way better, but you didn't read Georges Sorel, Edouard Berth and co…
I feel like there are more nazis on this board than genuine left wingers.
You're on Holla Forums, dude.
Not really.
Not really.
It's because you were spamming.
You're not too persuasive.
[spoiler]Cap this epic shit.[/apoiler]
Elaborate or get the fuck out, you're fucking useless.
He wasn't spamming, for fuck sake, mods already ban me just because I was talking of ADB few weaks ago, stop with your bullshit.
Ban evasion is also grounds for bans.
Sorry, I'm tired.
The only way Communism can occur is without a state, this is established. On top of not wanting that state to dissolve under patriotism and nationalism, you also generate a people very highly defensive of the party and anything they do. This makes them easily subvertible, on top of having their own culture stagnate.
Ok, you definitely didn't read Sorel or Berth. Holla Forums is just like Holla Forums you read your type of shit but never something that could challenge your minds.
You disgust me.
It isn't like Holla Forums because Holla Forums reads even less.
Ban evasion is grounds for a ban fam
If the left embraced the concept of white ethnostates, the right would die overnight. Desire to not have our countries flooded with foreigners is what's keeping the right not just alive, but growing. I'd sympathize with the left if not for the seemingly universal desire amongst leftists to let nonwhites into white countries.
Shit, they really deleted a lot of posts !
I will rewrite one of my post because it was delated: "The progressive left promotes degeneracy which help liberal-capitalists to create an ultra-consumerist society."
Yeah, thanks for the ideology.
Go ahead and renounce federal government and see how long you last as the nearest state swoops in to annex that now ownerless land.
I'm not saying to abolish the state, rather I should be clear here that a good portion of the left already "embraces" state structures. Cf: Lenin's The Right of Nations to Self-Determination.
The point I'm making about ideology can be expressed with another, more infamous, thing from Lenin: "Freedom, but freedom for who?"
But they don't embrace white ethnostates. They want to let more nonwhites in. As I said, support for nonwhite immigration into white countries appears to be ubiquitous.
If leftism staunchly opposed nonwhites entering white countries' I'd probably choose it over rightism to be honest, since I'm a manual labourer. Race is of paramount importance though so the left's love for nonwhites drove me into the arms of the right, and there I stay for now.
I'm curious as to what your definition of race even is. Who is considered white vs nonwhite? Why does it even matter?
When President Trump wins you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves and your irrational hatred for the existence of homogeneous white nations.
Not him, but for the definition of race:
Because everything is not a fucking spook. Our culture fucking matters.
The proletariat has no race, and the common interest of both "white" and "nonwhite" proles is, or should be rather, to displace the capitalist system and to realise the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all. Collapsing your nationalist tendencies into a faux-class oppression you're left with the problem of creating solidarity against the bourgeoisie among a segregated proletariat.
Think of it as humans vs. orcs
I've never understood the argument of keeping "white culture". That is, I understand wanting Irish culture, or British culture, etc. But "white people" aren't this homogeneous culture. And if you wanted to keep Irish or British cultures alive, skin color doesn't really matter, as long as the person follows the cultural norms.
What is white? Are Anadalusians white?
This is because 'Muricans have no culture of theirown so they have to make up cutlures, based on "race" or "skin colour".
See how they invented the "Hispanic" race?
Keep telling you that and watch the Right wins the heart of the white proletarian class. Also I'm french and I can tell you for sure, that immigration only damaged and divided the proletarian class of my country and made richer the capitalist hyperclass.
You don't understand, we're for the preservation of the regional culture, national culture and the european culture. Protecting the european culture is protecting our national and local culture.
Then again, I'm not an american.
I'm french not american.
What is white? White is a very pretty color. It represents purity and illumination in many cultures.
And this is why you cannot understand.
So, white people, are albinos?
It already has by telling you that identifying with your race, solidarity through blood will overthrow the capitalist order. It's a spook whose bearing on history brought with it even bigger global capital for consuming and reproducing other "cultures," for the partition and repartition of colonies and spheres of influence to be financed.
then, do you understand my "french" point of view ? (>>784390)
White people are more pink usually.
Protecting it from what? If you mean "other cultures", how does that have anything to do with whiteness? You can be a black european
Global capital is bad! National capital is good.
Never said I was an hitlerist or national capitalist, I'm a national-syndicalist (Sorel, Berth). Nationalism=/=imperialism.
You can and there is but imagine japan, if all asians were remplaced by blacks, it wouldn't be the same.
Fascism and monopolization is born out of such, dividing the home market among themselves (syndicates) and obtaining more or less complete possession of the industry of their own country. After capitalism in which free competition was predominant, transitioning to monopolization, we see precisely the struggle for the territorial division of the world becoming extraordinarily sharp. Colonial possession alone gives the monopolies complete guarantee against all contingencies in the struggle against competitors, including the case of the adversary wanting to be protected by a law establishing a state monopoly.
Fascism is born out of national-syndicalism like stalinism is born out marxism. Fascism=/=national syndicalism like stalinism=/=marxism.
If someone grows surrounded by a culture, it doesn't matter what color their skin is, they are a part of that culture. I can understand wanting to maintain a culture of your own, everyone should want that. But kicking someone out of it just because they have darker/lighter skin than you is stupid.
French national-syndicalism=/=italian national-syndicalism=/=spanish national-syndicalism
How very much like a special snowflake.
If they had the same culture, it essentially would be
You are fucking deluded.
Pretty much. Fascists/white nationalists have this weird idea of tying skin color to culture traits.
is this actually you?
Please use spoiler images for these things
Ought to be their board slogan. "It was the best of races, it was the worst of races".
There is nothing, by definition, beyond materialism. Anything else is merely a construct.
Retarded 19th century pseudo-science.
This gave me a shred of hope.
Rapists are degenerates. You are a degenerate.
go masturbate since that solves everything
lolno. You're not trying at all.
Nope, just a still shot from White Chicks.
and we've never been under more brainwashing
Yeah, it completely failed to establish worker control, privatized public services, destroyed unions, imprisoned socialists, blew all the social funds on the military and managed to get the whole fucking earth at war with it. What an outstanding success.
Pick one.
Fascism may not necessarily be white idpol, but it's certainly idpol.
fascism in the west is certainly white nationalistic
Not only did Hitler shake Owens' hand, he also sent him a commemorative photograph afterwards.
Meanwhile FDR didn't even so much as send Owens a congratulatory telegraph.
And yet, Fascism has killed far less than socialism.
Hitler, when told he would have to congratulate all the victors or none of them as the leader of the host nation chose the latter. So sowwy.
Okay? My point wasn't that no one has died but that far less have died than from socialism.
Get fucked, porky,
Both world wars were based on nationalist chauvinism and colonial interests. Pretty capitalist to me.
Hey now that's not real capitalism friendo.
I was just playing devils advocate. I'm just getting into Marxism and wanted to hear your defence. I'm watching the Unruhe video on the Black Book rn.
Don't watch Unruhe unironically.
Watch Harvey's lectures about Das Kapital.
Much better.
I'm reading Capital rn.
Do you agree with the black books estimates?
How do you people live with so many spooks?
The reason those are "wrong" is because you wouldn't want them done to you.
Dead and the bastard child of liberalism and social democracy called the New left is slowly being forced to suicide by the local school bully called Populism.
So I stop others doing them to me, no reason why I should not do them to others you silly spook-cuck.
Its a dank meme that came from the "Black Book of Communism", gained from attributing nearly every death that occurred in the Soviet Union in its 70 year history to "communism" and, even then, using "estimated deaths" well above any official sources.
japan is multiethnic
Well, the death of fags like the two fags and the alt-right no faggot of three by stormcucks will be pretty sweet
statistical data shows them as "Japanese" but that doesn't mean that they're genetically homogeneous and that there aren't a gradient of ethnic groups and mixes in Japan
Muslims are murdering European males and raping European females. People look to the Right and see a solution. People look to the Left and see no solution. This is why we are growing in power and influence while the Left is nowhere to be found. Socialist Marxist rhetoric concerning class struggle and exploitation is not effective in this situation, whereas encouraging racism, nationalism and xenophobia is. Like it or not a mass deportation of all Muslims would solve this problem. Wealth redistribution will not.
Do you people ever take a step back and read what you come out with?
'muh economic liberals are far right'
You people pick and choose the meaning of a word as it suits you, to the point you will use the same word to mean two different things in one thread.
Japs are inbred xenophobic hillbillies literally the most homogenous nation on the fucking planet. Both culturally and genetically.
What are you even talking about?
Newsflash: Marxists had linked liberalism to fascism since 1920s.
Fascists are liberals, especially in the early 20th century. How am I wrong?
Define liberal
define fascism
It should be clear from here.
If you need that to be defined for you, you need to leave right now.
If you need that to be defined for you, you need to leave right now.
You won't because you know to do so would would be BTFOing yourself.
"a concern among liberals about the relation of the citizen to the state"
"liberal views towards divorce"
Tell me at what point this becomes fascism.
Fascists attract previous liberals on one hand, on the other, nationalistic ideas appealign to liberal humanism are its mid 20th century cornerstone.
Whether its "leaders" weren't "liberal" is irrelevant, it's base largely was hysterical liberals. Though their self proclaimed leaders who did nothing usually are liberals.
Just like today. It's very similar.
This is 6000000 miles from you making a blanket statement
For all your knowledge of what you consider leftism you seem worryingly ignorant of anything else.
Fascists are worryingly politically ignorant and do not deserve to be taken seriously in their early 20th century form. In their modern form they should be outright eradicated.
And what constitutes 21st century fascism? A couple of examples would be nice.
The offspring of baby boomers who have reaped what they've sown.
Are you capable of answering a question directly?
So what, everyone aged 20 to 50 that isn't a special snowflake brand of leftist is a fascist?
Do you deserve those answers? Would you listen? No. No for both.
On the topic of "are you capable of", are you capable of reading. For understanding?
How about we both just admit you're talking shite and move on?
I'm talking shit about you and people like you, yes.
nope, nothing wrong with modern idpol feminism
What are you on about now lmao. Who the fuck are you, when did you suggest you were for any of those things.
Glad you added that because it really show how not mad you are.
Then what are you arguing about?
Differentiate yourself or have no reason to complain.
Oh now Im laffin.
Some of the modern leftists on this board check most of these boxes.
Wikipedia. You cited, wikipedia. Without even citing the sources it cited.
You do know that the guy who came up that term got kicked out of Nazi party by hitler, right?
Also Hitler supported big corporations and free market.
Well, actually like 5 or 6 of them.
But I'm already azn!
You're like some kind of masochist. I bet you're well kinky.
Not reading
Not reading.
Not reading
Sometimes I wish people would just read
ethnostates are fucking dead anyway.
Look at Russia, USA, Brazil and India. All huge powers none of them being ethnostates. Nationality today goes beyond ethnicity and race. I'm not in favor of allowing Islam ad hoc into Europe, but let's face it, nation states are quickly vanishing.
then fuck off m8
If it means you fucking complain less about muh genocieeeddee agggaiiinst muh whitieees then please import more non-white people.
Just get it fucking over with and get rid of whites. The internet would probably be 100% more palatable.
No you fuck off. You cited wikipedia first and then liberalist contemporary analysis of history. Why don't you go to the source and read what was written at the time or else don't post at all.
i'm not the guy you were talking to, you just can a shit attitude
I'm happy to see my OC is still going around.
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
This is now designated shitposting thread.
That is because niggers are the ones in homogeneous countries, they are an inferior race.
Biology tells us.
USA is great in spite of the niggers.
Bullshit. The only criteria is the connections you're born with
educate yourself archive.is
Left's hate of ideologies. Learn your shit, faggot.
In that case, refer to image
Brazilian here. Nigger, do you have any idea how fucked we are right now?
I disagree .
I disagree .