
banter pedos posting instagram loli pics seems to be the biggest problem ever for many users here meanwhile in the real world this kind of shit keeps happening:

it took officers over a decade to find out and everybody just kept looking away because they were afraid of being labeled racists since the ring consisted mostly of pakistanis

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t. pedo scum

Its normal behaviour for shitskins. And people still say they're welcome in the EU!


so many of the UK child molesting rings consist of refugees

>inb4 99% of those (((children))) consented
fuck off anti-pedo kike

t. person who thinks he's acting against child abuse by having online shitpost wars with banter pedos

You usec (((it))) wrong, faggot

It's not a Muslim problem. It's a men problem. Fact: Most of the states in the US that still allow child marriage are non-diverse red states.

Don't blame Muhammad. Blame Joseph Smith.

t. degenerate feminist

I literally can't even.

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t. dumb millennial
You should consider suicide tbh

Fish in a barrel. Also, somewhat ironically, 'Fish' will be your nickname when you get thrown in Tyrone's playpen.

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Child abuse sn't new in Britbongistan, he mudslims are adapting to the local culture.
Jimmy Savil would be proud.

Keep in mind, those mudslims were pimps, some other dudes payes to fuck them

This surprises nobody everyone knows the police constantly cover up muslim crimes

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They do though.

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helo internet tough guy how are you

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based faggs

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