
All bourgeoisie must die. Whether they are jew (a disproportionate amount of them are) or gentile, black or red, they must all die for the good of the white proletarian masses.

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posted from my room in my parents middle class house


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This AR-15 i am using to kill capitalists was manufactured in a capitalist facility too. So what?

FBI here. Are you the communist revolutionary we've been waiting for? Just know that we await your action very soon and will send reinforcements if necessary. Time to overthrow drumpf.

No FBI, everything ITT is a big old joke/goof. You should contact Jeremy down on 49th street. He's been talking a lot of shit about Americans.

Close enough, fire away.
t. one of the few enlightened Holla Forumsacks who sees the enemy is fundamentally the same

Pic related

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STFU with your comical retard bullshit you shameless ass fag!

Good insult. Try insulting my ideology instead, maybe.

Communists get lynched :^)

Mutualism is the way forwards. Proudhon was an anti-Jew free market socialist anarchist. Only possession, occupancy, and use! No property by scraps of paper granted by government! No corporations! No bourgeoisie! AND NO FUCKING JEWS!

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cognitive dissonance: the image

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Mutualism is too anarchistic to get the job done. The boujees gotta die at the hand of a totalitarian state.

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Nope Mutualism petit bourgeois.
Abolishment of Capitalism and the state is preferable.
Strasserism even tho it's not complete shit, it is plagued with Intersectionality in it's own ironic way, and it is authoritarian.
Libertarian Socialism is the way to go.

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Why abolish the state? It can be a powerful tool for the proletariat. I like to think of the state as the collective power of the people to smash anyone who tries to monopolize everything and return to concepts of private property and those who break laws.

What does NazBol gang think of NEETs? I hate the bourgeoisie as much as the next sensible person. I'm hardly a proletarian though, seeing as I've never had a job in my life. No way to get one … no way to do anything but stew in my own misery. I'm white I guess, blonde hair blue eyed… for what little that matters… I used to be redpilled.. now I am black pilled… Just curious.

I've been wanting to read Dugin's fourth political theory but it's just so damn expensive …

Nazbol gang, as with any socialist gang, wants you to work as much as you want to work. The average work day in the utopian socialist system has been estimated to be around 5 hours, so working won't feel like slavery anymore. I suggest reading Marx, Cockshott, Kropotkin's bread book, Qaddafi, Kim Il-Sung, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Strasser, Engels, and Zedong. Just basically read every leftist view of economics from Ancom to NazBol. Leftism says a lot about wageslavery.
Das Kapital, the Green Book, Germany Tomorrow, Towards a New Socialism, Guild Socialism Restated, etc. Are books you might be interested in.

100% based /ourguys/ frogpepe xd