Notices SJWism exploded at the same time as Le fake geek cultural is cool which the Big Bang theory made popular? Which encourage being beta and weak as something cool and to be proud of. Now we see a increase of sexual deviant behavior. Which is now ok and cool. There a reason why SJWs are men children and adult babies. It's now socially acceptable.
for society to grow up from liberal degeneracy
they must learn to put away childish things
Notices SJWism exploded at the same time as Le fake geek cultural is cool which the Big Bang theory made popular...
I'd take that all back if it meant SJWs would get the fuck out of my hobby.
I second this
Pretty much. Gamergate still a leftists boogeyman even though the movement is dead at this point
Why does toys R us allow adults to film a toy store? Sounds pretty pedo to me.
2007, user. It all started really moving in 2007.
If you think back, you'll likely recall that hyperbolic feminists have always been a thing. Only the previous generation that held control of TV stations and newspapers laughed at the gaggle of hysterical broads who treated everything as rape and constantly cried over the dumbest shit. These people are not a new invention. They are centuries old. What happened was 1) The internet became truly widespread in use, giving normalfags and idiots a platform to reach other normalfags and idiots, and 2) SJW infiltration began happening as a generation raised on social media activism and bad TV slipped out of college and took jobs all over the place. Their nepotism and shameless agenda pushing helped them to replace the writing staffs and HR managers for these companies and businesses.
Look what happened to Cartoon Network. Beta faggots like Pendleton Ward got so many cunty feminists hired that they kicked him off his own show so they could write lesbian shipping fanfiction instead.
But it wasn't just business. Some of these idiots went back into colleges and universities and became professors who used the footholds created by the civil rights movement and first and second wave feminism to carve out more power for themselves. They're the ones that turned academia into a brainwashing cult and also the ones who helped enforce the overgrown manchild mentality that's so common amongst SJWs. Why do you think their safe spaces are full of coloring books and plush toys? Why do you think they have the emotional capacity and intellectual tolerance of toddlers?
I don't think any of us were entirely shielded from it, but there was enough latent sense, or perhaps it's just a side-effect of being on imageboards, that allowed us to overcome and recognize the unapologetic cringe that comes from adult men and women who aren't only willing to engage in baby-ish behavior, but utterly revel in it, as if they were somehow revolutionizing society by being obsessed with children's cartoons and treating comics as if they were an important part of the political machine.
Daily reminder.
Yes, yes. We've all seen your chart. Very nice.
Go salt up some other thread, Holla Forums.
wrong board, motherfucker
Yeah fam, so triggered you made me write two entire sentences! Another victory for Holla Forums.
He's responding to a shitty meme with a meme, this really isn't very hard.
that's where you're wrong, kiddo
try again
/bane/ made a better chart
And here we go with surface level strawmanning and ad hominem combined with "lol u mad" and "my fallacies are truth" as the totally not overused and tiresome thread derailing tactic so favored by everyone on Holla Forums since Trump announced his campaign for POTUS.
The difference is that the neo Nazi movement is dying and the leftists control media
please continue, this is amusing
Why do people think this
So the only difference is that SJWs are successful? Ahahahahahaha
You're a genius that is doing things literally nobody has ever done before.
In all seriousness does this not get tiresome to you?
This day in and day out repetitive posting of shitty strawman comics and charts that agree with your particular opinions and give you perceived trolling cred when other anons call you a faggot?
I can't think of anything more maddening than being so obsessed with a board you don't like or even visit to the point that you stir shit up about it constantly.
Why? How can you live like this?
Because Holla Forums might as well be one person, since they ban anyone who doesn't think exactly like them. Check >>>/polmeta/ to get an idea of how Holla Forums works.
I'll stop making fun of you nazis when you stop trying to infiltrate every board. So, never. Get used to it.
It's vilification, it's easier to understand for the simple leftist mind if all your enemies are the exact same. It fit's in with their delusion that they like diversity.
Probably still just salty Trump won.
Yeah fight the good fight buddy, really making a difference.
Look at your post.
I identified your strawmanning and you immediately assume I'm a nazi larper from Holla Forums.
This has been going on in nearly every thread since Trump announced his presidency.
Whether someone calls out a b8 post or expresses anything slightly right of west, you and yours are there to jump into the thread and start shitposting about Holla Forums.
You are very clearly obsessed. How have you not gone insane yet?
Do you think your shitposting convinces anybody to hate Holla Forums?
Do you think you're accomplishing anything besides the ruination of any and all conversation?
Is the ruination of any and all conversation your end goal?
Why do things you disagree with fill you with so much spite and hatred?
Just knowing that my posts make you so butthurt and there's nothing you can do about it is enough to make me happy.
Y'know, I just realized he actually admits to being butthurt about Holla Forums values being standard on a lot of other boards.
It must be pretty terrifying if you're a leftist on Holla Forums these days.
Poor guy, this must be the only way he knows how to vent.
Oh yeah, real butthurt, you're being the real king of the trolls here with your sick tech of smug girls and constantly feeling the need to repeat you're enjoying yourself.
Your attempts at seeming smug is legitimately making me chuckle here bud, good job.
I just realized this fag is doing the Holla Forums thing and derailing a shitty off topic thread with low energy political b8ing.
This user is a hero and you should all be thanking him by reporting this shit thread and hiding it.
But user, embracing "childish things" doesn't mean your politics need to be childish as well. Mine certainly aren't.
What I find amazing is how often the people on here fall for the b8ing every single time
If that's what you wanna call it.
I'm guilty of falling for it ITT.
I don't usually reply at all, but sometimes they get under my skin and I can't help myself despite not really giving a shit most of the time.
It must be autism or some shit. I need to work on hiding my power level.
If it's just legitimately a retarded leftist, is it really bait?
Yet another of the ways Holla Forums are identical in behaviour to SJWs is the complete inability to not fall for the most obvious trolling.
fuck off
kill yourself
aww did we hurt your feelings?
you illiterate beta
How else do dads having to buy toys for their kids?
Well this thread went to shit.
Politics, man. They ruin everything.
Don't take this the wrong way, but OP is a fag
Why is Todd Howard protesting?
wait a minute, that shit is from the Bible.
God is ENEMY of Imagination, putting away the childish things is to KILL Imagination, a gift SATAn gave us!