Immigrating to Canada

How do I immigrate from America to Canada?

I am female, 17 years old, and want to marry a Canadian.

I don't want to have to build up a career or any other nonsense like that as I would just quit that all as soon as I'm there and that would be a waste of time but Canada doesn't seem to want to let anyone who is white in unless they have money.

Video unrelated.

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bumping lame threads to keep them from being autopruned13

Trannies aren't women.

use jizz

If I was a tranny I'd have no trouble getting into Canada. I'm just a regular white girl of German descent.

Articles I can find on the subject so far but still want actual advice from anons.

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Would joining the Canadian Armed Forces be the quickest way to do it?

As a female I'd never see combat.

Would they rape me though? I am a virgin.


You don't. Canada literally does not want you.

You've got no chance of getting in unless you paint yourself brown and put on a hijab.

There has to be some way in though… fml for being born on the wrong side of a border. All white people should be able to marry and visit each other no matter where they are.

Deepstate can you get through for about 5 thousand dollars and a pledge.

you need at least a high school diploma

I already finished highschool and started college (at 17). I am advanced a few years.

well then maybe community college would teach you the difference between emigrate and immigrate. it'll help to know when you line up with the niggers for the paperwork

Also say 18, let's be real here 16+ is just 18, and after 18 it's 40+ and after 60 it's 100+, let's be real here, humans have 15 years of developments in their lives and the rest is spent doing nothing, we got more than we bargained for somehow adding more time to our life expectancy.
Now, what country are you coming from, because it's different for each one.

Sorry forgot pic related.

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You need to marry a Canadian citizen and then live in Canada for a certain period of time in order to qualify for citizenship.


Have a sponsor there (an employer) and also live there for a certain period of time in order to qualify for citizenship.

If you're one of the sacred brown people, you can basically just walk into Canada and live there for free.

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AOC in my country is 16. I can look, but you'll need to shut your eyes.

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Aoc in my state is 17, and like I said post 16 is basically adult tier, I have no qualms with it.

Lots of illiterate women graduating with various degrees all the time now.

I'm coming from US.

I don't like Canada or US at all, neither are the white ethnostate.

Only person I'll ever truly love is in Canada.

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Not even because of the Jews pushing them in, although that does help, just because nowadays college is the easiest fucking thing ever, I'm younger than op and every time I listen to college lectures I facepalm because it's a basic summary, if you ever want an actual education you need to be self educated, go to conservationist institutions like museums and libraries, and directly study from the original documents, and go to obscure minor institutions that are worth a fortune to get involved with if you want true education.

Then tell that specific person to move to the US, or both of you can just leave both nations and go into middle Eastern Europe and live a secluded life in the country.

While I hate the pedofucks that have entirely ruined imageboards, an attraction to teen girls is perfectly natural. If she's developed physically & mentally she's good to go. For some girls this might not be until 18 or later, others are already more sexually aware and active than I by 14.. The AOC laws are simply an attempt in trying to keep a lid on the pedocunts who'd be raping fucking toddlers if allowed of their leashes.

tl;dr not only did pedokikes ruin imageboards, they also ruined sex with lusty teen girls for everybody. Good job, faggots.

Nigger you do realize kids from birth can have sex too right, and most of them develop from 9-11, I speak from personal experience, that's not an excuse, just admit you're a pervert, at least pedos do and occasionally use the excuse of offering kids a good life, they're better than hebefags.

Like it or not, they maintained a moral border against normalfags

What moral border chans died entirely in 2015, they peaked and died all in the same year because it was popular enough to attract people deliberately going after obscurity, they were unironically good people but after 2016 any worth while left.

nah kill yourself m8

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Go back to Reddit son.

>no, you're a redditfag :-DD

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>doesn't even know that Harold is Holla Forums

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Canadian here, why would you move to this antiwhite Quasi-Marxist frozen shithole?

Just cross the fucking border. They won't stop shit with Judas Truedopehead in office.

Fuck going through the legal channels, they'll just obstruct you until you lose interest.

Basically this and because she has a boyfriend or some shit in Cuckada.

Harold's that song you can't get out of your head. You put something else on, try to hum it away. But he's in there, and he's not coming out again. You'll begin to see his face all around you, in crowds, in your reflection in a shop window. Slowly, but indeed surely, Harold will win. He'll get inside you.

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To be with my husband.

Not true. Canada has successfully stopped many whites from sneaking in. Also it's hard to cross the bridges and get over.

It seems so.

It's called a 'personal vacation'

Then do as shitskins do and don't leave.

Maybe for you but I'm not into gay sex with old men sorry.

Also this.
OP there are a dozen legal loopholes on Google alone you don't need this.

I swear to god this is the second time I've seen this thread, I recall telling some 16 yo chick to fuck off because the info she wanted was on Google and I was eating cookies too. Weird.
The Harold fag is new though.

Free healthcare. Your PM may be a shitty neolib like Obama, but he's not mentally ill. You'll be able to smoke marijuana legally soon. You legalized gay marriage long before our so called "liberal" democrats even considered the idea.

Stop replying you morons, this isn't half chan

Canadian here. The only free healthcare you're going to get is stuff you could easily fix on your own sewing yourself up or buying a drug from pharmacy or changing diet or such.

When you actually need healthcare you're going to be fucked.

Also I live in a heavily Amish area and even when I am very sick I don't go to hospital because that's just a thing we don't do.

Medicare is overburdened all the time though.

I would vote away the free healthcare in a heartbeat.

Trudeau is severely mentally ill btw if that word "mental illness" has any meaning to it at all.

Anything that is not two adults and at least one child isn't a marriage. Gays and straights who don't have a child should not be considered married and there should be no special legal provisions. So called "gay marriage" is just an attack on real marriage, it's bullshit, and many fags themselves will tell you this.

People smoke marijuana all over the place already for many years even in front of police. Literally nobody gives a fuck about our stupid laws. We also have rampant pedophilia in the open here. Again, the laws don't matter.


Really? i could definitely dig a 15yo Canadian qt.
I don't mean a Pajeet or a chink lady

You got me

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There's no such thing. It's single-payer health care, and if you're employed, you have to pay for it.
No, he's just terribly incompetent weasel who abused his father's name to get into position for which is completely unqualified. At least Trump won on his own merit - however good or bad you may think that merit is.
was rushed and a mistake. Give them all the institutional rights afforded by marriage for all I care, but don't call it marriage.

How do I immigrate from Canada to America?
I am female, 17 years old, and want to marry a Badass.
I don't want to have to build up a career or any other nonsense like that, I just want to just stay in the kitchen; that is, I would just quit that all as soon as I'm there and that would be a waste of time but America doesn't seem to want to let anyone who is mexicant or white liberal in unless they are deceased first.
Video better then OP.

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If there are, find me one, and marry her to me.

t. white nationalist male in Canada

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That's the joke user. Only more and more liberal women are flocking to Canada.

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What do you mean?

I'm not talking about liberal women coming to Canada.

I'm saying all the women that already live in and were born in Canada are all libtards.

Everyone knows this, what i'm saying is you will be having more going there. Prep for a Northern American wall to be built once they are all in the "Freeze" Zone.

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This is the new cuckchan

You're the third person now to request CP.

What a newfag. First of all, the pedos can't have ruined imageboards when they were always here. Secondly, 2015 is nearly a decade after the peak. Everything's been downhill since 2007 and everyone knows it. For about a week in 2014 when the initial gamergate exodus happened, there was hope that maybe Holla Forums could make things like they used to be, but those hopes were dashed when spineless newfags who didn't care enough to leave the first time left later after moot fucked with their containment board.

Yeah right. If anything, feminist hysteria against men is even more rampant here than in the US. If the mere allegation that a man might be heterosexual isn't enough to ruin his life (it always is), they'll just accuse him of being a pedo, and that will do it.

Several people already demanded it, dummy.

This thread makes me think.

Is it worth it as a Canadian to become an American citizen?

No real reason for me to do at present other than to try and get on the Trump train.

Who knows though I might get American citizenship just in time to see Trump's term over and get drafted into some stupid war by whatever abomination the left elects next or whatever controlled op piece of shit takes over the conservative party next.

Hotwheels I think has an American citizenship and lives in Thailand.

Only if you help drive out the liberal normiefags then sure. Also you wont have to fight a war by the time Trump becomes God Emperor.
Unless you want to.

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I am a hardcore white supremacist ultra fascist shitlord supreme. I've read most of the Holla Forums library and I've had these views for well over a decade. I am siege pilled too. I don't want to fight in any pointless war; but a war to remove libshits and race traitors is one I will fight whether I get paid or not.

lol 2007 is when I got onto imageboards. I remember people complaining about how the board was dying back then and how all the newfags were shitting it up but for some reason they never called me a newfag even though I was a 15 year old newfag back then. I only started getting called a newfag by (probably actual newfags) when I'd already been browsing imageboards for at least 5 years.

Yeah that's the legal and media reality.

Not the on the street reality.

t. sees pedophilia and a lot of other stuff being practiced openly every day and the police gives 0 fucks about it

I do live in the ghetto though in the part of my city that has the most crime.

Then befriend someone over here FBI/CIAcun and maybe they will hire you so that you can come back to where you belong. Or you can keep doing your job and report what the CommieLeafs are doing. Up to you, but when you retire then just come home whiteman.

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You could have lied about your age you dumb bitch.
Post em in a bra if you have to.
If not, I think you need to leave

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And by "em" I obviously mean your tits.

A long time ago chans had rules of "you can only post if youre 18 or older. This would allow mods to just delete the summerfags and posters saying they can't do shit because they are underagefags. I miss those old days.

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just vacation there and get married while you're here

then you're family and the process has begun, it's just some paperwork from there

That user isn't me also AoC is 18 in my state. I don't agree with it and I'm honestly just using the CP thing as an excuse not to post my tits but it's still a valid excuse so I'm going to use it.

Also regardless of what AoC is I'm pretty sure porn of anyone under 18 is illegal everywhere.

Then get out and go to Canadacuck Rostie
Like all 3DPD you wast everyones time.

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Yeah that, wtf are the mods doing?!

Why not just whore yourself?

There's no shortage of lonely leafags that would marry you even if they knew you'd divorce them a year later. All you have to do is rent out your pussy to one of these Canadabots for a bit and then you two can go your separate ways.

Just be upfront about your intentions instead of acting like a sneaky cunt; not everybody insists on a life partner and the separation will be easier if you plan ahead instead of springing it on some unsuspecting fellow.

Kill yourself you dumb whore !


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there is more common sense in the law than people give it credit for. Laymen like to think that it's all black and white, but it really isn't.

it's technically illegal for a 17 year old girl to post a photo of her tits, but that same woman can legally star in a facial abuse scene a day later on her 18th birthday. Is this retarded? Yes. Do lawyers and judges and police officers know that it's retarded? Yes.

with that in mind, it's very easy to get away with posting a pair of 17 year old titties on the internet, because nobody actually cares, as long as the poster doesn't flaunt the age of the titties while posting them… which you already have, in this thread, so it's a bit of a moot point.

Basically, post tits, but in a different thread without mentioning your age

No I actually am 17 years old.

I'm just saying I have no problem posting CP of myself.

Although I suppose I should charge bitcoins for it.

Why would I do that though? I don't want money I want love. I'm a virgin and I want a husband that I stay with for my whole life. Also, there is nobody in America I like.

Only reason I want to go to Canada is I found the love of my life there who is exactly like me.

just go there and marry him

the "they don't let white people in" meme is not real

I had to mention my gender and age because it's relevant to the thread.

I'm not here to whore myself. I am a pure virgin and would be betraying my fiance.

Also this is not me this is an impostor:

…but the border guard will question me and stop me also marrying someone doesn't make you an automatic citizen. This thread isn't even about going to Canada so much as it is about becoming a citizen.

This whole thread is shit now.
Some dude playing a 3DPD and if it IS a 3DPD it's to dumb to just GTFO my country.

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Maybe I should start a fund for me to be deported to Canada to Make America Great Again?

I'm a white nationalist girl btw.

tell the border guard you're going for a vacation

then marry him and the process has begun, it's just some paperwork from there

this is the correct answer, and if you argue with it you're not really interested in solutions, you're just trying to make it more difficult than it really is so you have an excuse to not do it

Sure you are kid.
Go to Canada to make them grate again. If i knew you IRL I would drive you myself to your new cuckboy.

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As a white American female your chances of finding a Canadian man stupid enough to go into a relationship with you, let alone marriage, is pretty slim. You would be better off in Mexico.

as a pants-on-head retarded Canadian man, I'd marry her sight unseen

Say hello to her divorce lawyer when you meet him. It won't be long.

sheeeeit, she gonna get half my plate of tendies…

Just store your poutine stash in a blind trust where it will be safe from the (((court))).

They always repeat the same thing over. Women always flock to the worst zones like when those UK women joined ISIS only to be rapped and asking for some one to save them. I don't know if i should feel bad or just lose all feeling now. I see so many older women alone because they chose the men who are in dept and cannot even support the kids they left. When single men as myself who have stability, wealth and health are rejected only to be looked at when older as "retirement catches".
Hope is lost to tot he ones who love fast. I say let them run to their waste and cry when they age and no one loves them. At least they will know what they have done in the end and that this will keep repeating because of women like them.

Not a good idea user since she's young and dumb

She will take them sadly… they wont even leave our tendies…

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No worries, it's a lolcow post, totally fake. But as far as the plight of women, keep in mind none of this happened in a cultural vacuum. Women voted en masse for liberal politicians and made decisions harmful to men on a daily basis. Avoid seeing women as innocent victims of circumstance and view them more accurately as idiots who smoked Camel no-filters for 50 years then got terminal lung cancer.

Ok I think I will do this but what I'll do is find some event happening somewhere and say I'm going to go see that and that's how I'll get in.

I'm not trying to find a man. If I was trying to find a man I'd look in America. I have found the absolute perfect man who is just like me and I am sure I will never meet someone else like him ever again as I am a very rare sort of person.

I see them as one thing…

Hope you have a Visa also they will want to see the tickets to the event.

sure you are because every on earth is as rare as you. I feel sorry for the guy you are tricking.

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there ya go

don't forget to delete your text messages before crossing the border. The asshole border guards read them

if he's exactly like you he uses Holla Forums and if he uses Holla Forums he would want you to post titty

just saiyan

ITT: Newfags drool over an user, LARPing as a female!

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I hate niggers, I'm very reclusive, I am edgy, I read political books and have a playlist of like a 1000+ politic videos, I am a virgin, I dislike feminists, I am a traditionalist, and a capitalist. How many women care about politics? How many women care about their race? How many women browse imageboards? How many join Generation Identity and protest against Marxism?

There are not many like me. When I say "I'm not like the other girls" I mean it.

immediately discarded, you imperialist whore

But you are, you are showing over emotion. Thus you are making a decision based on pure emotion "love". You have not considered how you will even live your life with him. You just want to run away and live with him thinking everything will work out someway because of who you are.
If you are a capitalist then you are like me and have wealth right? If not then the only thing you are doing is Role Playing like all women do. You think going out and marching solves things? They don't little girl.
You have no clue about this world and you only skim the top. Go to what you think will work and then try to come back when you make a mistake. This world will change where women cannot and will not be helped after they make a mistake. Men as myself are changing this since we are no longer part of your little ideal of a world.
Remember you are only a virgin because you have rejected men "good men most likely" because you think you are better then everyone just like every women dose.

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Visa meaning a credit card or Visa meaning some kind of document I have to get in order to visit Canada?

I don't have a phone and don't text but I do email. I guess I should get a phone and have it set to factory defaults and have only accounts that don't have any activity on them at all?

What's wrong with being a capitalist?

Yes! Give us all your shekels.

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I'm starting to think this is a 3DPD because of how dumb it's acting. Has zero clue of how shit works It just wants to go to its dick, suck it then cry how it raped it.

He's rich and he doesn't even want me to work. I want to work but he insists I don't and that I just be a mother and stay at home. He has a manor and lots of money. I don't care how rich someone is but I will be living in luxury with him.

I'm 17… I am in college right now.

I am surrounded by niggers and soyboys. Do you think I'm going to give up my virginity to a nigger or a male feminist?

I don't understand your post.

Aren't there things called work visas or green visas or whatever?

There is also a credit card called visa.

Which one are you referring to?

confirmed 3DPD tbh

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ah one of those, OK. Yah you will need to be working. Post photos of his "manor" I'm sure he has showed you and you are not just going in blind.
Having "one big house" and "money in the bank" is a massive mistake most young kids make. But whatever, let them slip up so I can grow. I'm sick of these kids thinking they understand the game because they "got lucky". It's like they only live 20 years at a time or at least only see that far ahead. Remember the "1%" of the world are the rich. That means you have met a 1%? I doubt that and it seems like he is egging you on. Tell me how long have you known him? Has he come out to visit you and also why wont he just come get you?
Listen, I'm a 1% and i don't care if you believe me or not. But If i found a girl like you then I would fly out to see you and even meet your family no matter how bad they are because it's about building a family to gather and trying to make your own better even if it fails on your side.
This is how I know he is just leading you on.

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Anyone not saging this garbage should be gassed

You're an autistic bitch at best, your failure to socialize, understand how the world works is nothing to be proud of.

Maybe you'll get smarter when you grow up.
you'll grow out of the phase where you thing being edgy=smart

Fuck of my board now.

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don't worry about what he means because he is retarded and wrong

well, kind of. If you lie and say you're going to an event they may ask to see tickets, but the event probably isn't sold out. It's better to just say you're going to see a thing that is always there but considered a tourist attraction just for existing. Or you can even say you're going to see your boyfriend, altho that might put them on the right track that you plan on getting married which you're right that they might not like, but as long as you don't have text messages talking about marriage it won't be a big deal. Going from america to Canada really isn't a big deal. It wasn't that long ago that you used to be able to drive across without even having a passport. Nowadays you need a passport tho, so make sure you have one of those.

He actually has two houses and he inherited them. He wants to sell them and get a more modest home in the countryside and I'm ok with that. He doesn't have to work at all but still does so anyways. I wouldn't call him at 1%. Having maybe a million dollars doesn't really make you part of the 1% does it?

I haven't told him where exactly I live. He has wanted to come over. I just know where he lives. I don't tell him because there are many niggers and antifa here and I don't want them to find out where I live or I'm dead.

I am an INFJ. I am like a lone wolf, I don't like to have any friends. I don't know why you hate me so much.

I would go to an event that doesn't cost tickets at all. In Canada there are many holidays and festivals they just happen. For example Oktoberfest I could go and I would not need any tickets, I'd just need to wear or bring along my traditional German clothing, though not even that would really be necessary. It would be entirely genuine and honest too, I really would be going there for that, I will just leave out that I plan to see my boyfriend as well.

I've heard about women being blocked because they wanted to see their boyfriend. It is a big deal to them. I have emails talking about marriage (also white nationalism and school shootings and memes and a ton of other stuff) but I can delete all my emails or factory reset things and use a brand new account with everything and let them see that I don't have any emails.

Btw I'm doing college at 17, I am several years advanced, and I speak proper English unlike the niggers around me. If that doesn't count for smart then how about the fact I use imageboards, am redpilled, am a virgin, and come from a well-off family? All very good credentials for me being intelligent. For a woman I am smart. I bet you don't know ANY 17 years old like me.

No, a million means shit in todays world. If he dose not have both houses payed off then he can be in serious shit if he dose not work, that's why he is working.
So you don't trust him?
So he is with antifa? Don't you call him on his cellphone? How will niggers find out hes coming out to see you? Holey shit you seem insane now. Also i thought you din't like soyboys because if he's runs from some niggers then hes a little soyboy.
If he is REAL he will come out to see you but seeing as he MAYBE owns two homes "most likely not payed off" then i see why he can't really. I could lie like him and say "I own 7 homes" but I would be ling because I only get those once they are handed to me to manage. For now I just have 2.2 million in the bank and two commercial buildings that will be added to the estate when merged.

My sister was just like you, sad what she has become. Here you say you are "redpilled" yet you still think college is the end all? Go and waste your time and pleas post here more about what happens because it would make for a good drama read.

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Do you have money? What's in your wallet? What are you willing to do with your budget? I believe that the investment you make is only doomed to fail if you deem it a failure; What things around you seem to unsatisfy you.

So if i invest into shit candies and i "believe" it will make it then it will? You are young, go learn about life more.
I also like shoving ice cream up my ass. Remember to report this Dataminer you will earn more shekels.

They're both paid off (I think, the second one might not be completely paid off but if it isn't, it almost is) but he can't hold onto them and doesn't want to anyways as he hated his parents and wants to sell all their art and statues and the houses and everything so he doesn't have to be haunted by any of it anymore.

No I trust him.

wtf why do you conclude that? I'm a white nationalist why would I want a boyfriend who is antifa? There are antifa and niggers in my area, where I live. If they find out and connect my real name and identity to my political views I'm dead.

We communicate by email or over Tor. He doesn't even have a cellphone.

No he has chased away and fought niggers before but I don't want him getting more hurt from fighting than he already is and also there are way niggers here than there are where he is and the niggers here have guns while the ones in Canada generally don't.

Oh wow. Why do you let 2.2 million sit in the bank? You should have that invested. Make sure your money is always working for you, if it's just sitting around it will depreciate in value.

He wants me to quit college as well :/.

How are these questions relevant to my thread?

If I can thread some shit candles; shit candles are NOT off the table. Anything worth while? What around your immediate area are you attached to; I understand that what you want is a fulfilling experience with more memories than you can imagine. I have that in the bin and am not opposed to negotiations. Just let me in on some info and we can get started.

Im done, you have convinced me you are a 3DPD because of how dumb you are. He dose not have a cell phone yet he is rich? He has to sell the houses because he cannot pay taxes on them yet he can support you? He has to sell ALL his parents shit because if not then he's fucked. Let me tell you about art, It's hard to sell because like most "rare things" you need a buyer for it. I have a statue worth $500k but can i sell it RIGHT NOW? nope because I have to ship it to a place where it WILL sell. It's not simple and takes work.
You talk over Tor? Why are you two planning something? Why is antifa watching you so closely?
Because you have no clue that you need that for leveraging lones. Thought you said you where smart?
Probably because he fears of losing you since his lies will fall apart if he cant control you. If you are "strong" then he wont care what you would do because he would trust you. But you have proven you are not making smart moves. Call him on a phone and talk to him, have him meet you "onside" your nigger zone.

You seem like a fag, I'm not into fags sorry. Hit up chad on this site he may like fags TBHfam.

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Nigger, everyone here is the 1% of the world. Everyone in Africa is poor, everyone save a few in China is poor, everyone in India is poor. That's most of the world population right there. Even in the US being in the 1% is nothing, you're there if you make 6 digits a year (maybe not 100k, but 300k for sure). The 0.01%, now we're talking, but 1% is just people who're well-off.

I hate this, All i want to do is be a NEET user. Now you are telling me i may be the 0.01%!? I don't wan't to deal with them.. Already people want to meet me and talk to me about investing into their shit. My dream is to be a redneck with mah gunzs! shooting stuff in my backyard. But I can't even have that now…

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Now, I know what it feels like to become a fag so I believe I know just how to satisfy you. That item, that is perfect for you right now, that gives you that "pleasant & innocent" distraction. You just say the word and I can make it happen. Are you interested in any narcotics or methamphetamemes? I'm going to need some data, recycle.

I'm not a fag satan, I own shit that makes stronger shit then meth that are "legal" sadly. Can't believe people take it all but they want to live forever, so whatever. You seem like a FBI/CIA user but I can tell you that no shekels for you. I'm not like any of those degenerates you are funding. Honestly if you are a linefag then get out now, you will be thrown to the crows.

Now don't mistake, I understand; we're a lot a like y'know I own loads & mountains of shit and I'm not all about the bull. You want that honesty and I believe I may have the solution for you. We can negotiate the terms and price won't be an issue. I just need you to read me everything off the front of your mail.

I remember you a while ago, times must be scarce since sells are low now because of all the crackdowns. But your way is not the way I want to go. I'm not like that and will never be.

Ah, now that's something that I can relate to, y'know I believe we can all relate to some wonderful cherished memories. That something we can connect with on the inside and make it stick. Anything you want you can get it; cement mixers. Anything about your bedroom that you feel could be dramatically improved? Someone such as yourself might be a man of fine suits or straight-edge attire. None of these are off the market, just let me know what you're looking for and we can start the transaction. What info do you have on your social media?

Male feminist detected.

Opinion discarded.
