Dose this cutie have some nice tits?
You mean (((Jewnette)))
That is 100% a tranny.
this is a boy
Real talk now how about those boob's?
10/10 Would hold hands
How about her thighs?
Fucking kek
its a he
but what if he begged u to suck ur cock?
I'd punch it in the face and walk away.
i dont believe u
i think i would rape it by accident
Thank god I avoided developing ideals, that sounds like a shit deal to me.
My hand is better than going to hell if its real.
That is honestly what I'd do if I knew it was a guy, if I didn't know I'd probably do the same.
Hoo boy, have fun with that.
I shall, it would be funny if it was real wouldn't it
It would, since nobody could live up to the expectations of avoiding it. See ya there.
punch face
do a 360
walk away
(bash my bishop, beat it til its red and raw)
But seriously now those thighs!
The correct question would be:
Looks like boie thighs.
That's actually a girl tho is this what happens when you od on traps?
That ain't no girl faggot.
You die happily and hetero.
What dose a Real girl look like? someone enlighten me
she lost every ounce of appeal to me
But was their appeal before tho? Lol
now that I think about it, she had no appeal but her cosplaying made her even less attractive than she already was
Not even the thighs? Eh?
If I had to guess id say op is the transfag in the pictures.
what thighs?
These thighs
So are you going to show us the feminine benis or what
You heard satan
I can't show you the feminine benis because that is a girl
prove it
Proofs in the pics
You know this gets me thinking. Even if she is a real woman, we will never know unless s/he shows us the goods.
But how low humanity has fallen, to always have to 2nd guess if the supposed female is a trap or not. We can't just let women be women and men be men.
Now men want to be women and women have to be men in order to support themselves. Now with trannies becoming more and more tolerated, men will always have to be in the look out if a woman is a dude or not.
Goddamn faggots and trannies ruined humanity. It's not fair to blame everything on the faggots, for they were enabled by the (((sexual revolution))) of the (((feminists))) and liberalism.
How I long for the days of men being men, women going back to the kitchen, and the faggots staying in their closet.
Normally I'd say that these sodomite need help…but that time has passed. They can't be helped because they don't want help. They only that can cure them now is Leviticus 20:13
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