When did you grow out of Enlightenment era values, Holla Forums?
When did you grow out of Enlightenment era values, Holla Forums?
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read a philosopher actually worth reading
I didn't
Such as?
huh? all philosophy is based on enlightenment, even stuff that goes in different direction eventually, it set the foundation for the modern world
When I was 14, I was a devout protestant christian and when I gave the Old Testament a read through, it made me into a cultural and racial supremacist.
Now I'm an Orthodox cultural and racial supremacist.
you sound like a nerd
you sound like a faggot
you sound like a cultural marxist tranny about to make her debut on twitter.
t. samefag
This one was me
This one was not me
Jesus Christ, you're autistic.
Play-doh and his republic of philosopher kings
Are jews racist?
Thank you my friend.
Jews can't be racist, because calling them racist is anti-semitic and anything you say loses it's validity as soon as someone else says its racist, anti-semitic, or racist. It's kinda like using a counterspell on a counterspell. You'll never win telling people that Jews will only marry and support other jews because jews are racist. The jews have been racist for so long that they are all considered one big "family". Jews are actually just a bunch of incest freaks.
Max Stirner. He managed to BTFO every single other philosophy and political position with one giant shitpost that included puns, destroying everyone's position, irony, and wrote the entire book because he could. In short, he's Holla Forums before Holla Forums was a thing.
Also, Evola got so incredibly assblasted by Stirner, he flew into an autistic frenzy and his only counterargument was "NOBODY COULD POSSIBLY DISAGREE WITH ME, STIRNER MUST BE A JEW!!!111!!" Holla Forumsfags ain't got SHIT on the Milkman.
read the entire thing here and despook yourself, niggers; theanarchistlibrary.org
He's the first redditor if anything
Evola is quite good actually, if you're fond of traditionalism and mysticism. If neither of those appeal to you than you'd probably be more into …
Stirner was a literal cuck and his entire ideology was created to give him peace of mind. Marx hated the guy by the way.
Have two of his books, honestly he's a bit retarded, just a larper. Unlike actual philosophers like pic related, evola is just a mystic weirdo who literally believes in pure feels>reals. still, I admire his edginess, probably the edgiest person I've read.
he didnt do any of that you fucking idiot 14 year old
hes a dumb communist fuck him
Well no, because many people don't realize that jews are the key proponents behind multiculturalism while choosing to abstain from it themselves. When confronted with that fact they plead muh phony holocaust.
I'll take "Why would they do a thing like that" for $500 Alex.
Because White people are the only thing that might possibly oppose their total domination of the Western world.
So your definition of an "actual philosopher" is someone whose worldview is confined to strict materialism? I guess you probably don't consider Plato, Aristotle or Socrates "actual philosophers" either. And Let's not forget about Pythagoras. Now Marx, there's a REAL philosopher am I right Holla Forums?
a cliched a reason as any: power. enlightenment ideals are part of white people's ethnic history. a cultural inheritance. something we don't have in common with our "refugee" friends from failed/stunted cultures. as you can probably tell from news, media, and your own government, the ruling establishment is tired of you and your rights. it gets in the way of more power. what do you think power is to the elite? freedom from consequences. they are totally immersed in corruption of every kind, and they don't like the possibility of "us" ever exacting some form of justice, so they're going to drown out your voice in a sea of 3rd world rabble, and you're gonna call it "progress" and praise them for it.
This is masturbation, all of this. Same as with politics.
Eventually you may come to realize the futility of trying to rationalize, and realize that focusing purely on the causes and effects in your own personal life is the only thing that matters.