I'm the world's shittiest Disney Princess, Holla Forums

I'm the world's shittiest Disney Princess, Holla Forums

Attached: IMG_20180312_121118.jpg (3840x2160, 5.49M)

Here are the fuckers actually following me

Attached: VID_20180312_121127.mp4 (1920x1080, 3M)

Where is this


Attached: VID_20180312_121152.mp4 (1920x1080, 2.38M)

What campus is near a geese castle?

Literally any campus by the water
Also, not just a geese castle, a geese shit castle, these fuckers shit everywhere

Attached: VID_20180312_121431.mp4 (1920x1080, 9.36M)

I tried feeding the little bastards some banana, they wanted none of it.
I want to be a better Disney Princess, how can I get these geese to like me?

Attached: VID_20180312_121300.mp4 (1920x1080, 6.93M)

geek are fucking faggots tbh and need shot on the spot

Feed bread or corn

Fuck geese.

Attached: double fuck geese.jpg (720x844 160.89 KB, 466.7K)

I'm surprised you had such niche images saved. Do you have any more?

Attached: fuck geese 4.jpg (712x394 208.6 KB, 228.18K)

Dinner is solved for today, user!

Yeah, you've got geese. A couple anti-biotics and you'll be in shape soon.


Hello yes if you're an alum please hire me


Mmmm…. roast goose!

You've got time, make sure you cadet ship

I cadet shipped in the winter, I couldn't do the summer unfortunately, going on 1st class cruise this year

We should get in touch lol

Stop bumping this to the front page you retard
Are you on campus?

yeah, I'm in the mens bathroom. Just tap your foot under the stall twice and then come in. And don't bring condoms.

They're not particularly tasty. I'd throw them in the back of the car for dog food but some crazy bitch started chasing me, & riling up all the other welfare broodmothers on fuckbook. Joke's on them, they're classified as a pest here and you can legally kill them any which way you please geese, not welfare mothers, unfortunately. Long story short, I dindu nuffin.

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Good one