Fat Chicks Trying To Be Cute

Why do they think they can pull this shit off

Attached: FATASS (11)

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Because there has always been, and always will be, chubby chasers.

chubby girls are nice…none of those in the pictures are chubby tho, they're just fat and ugly.


Attached: FATASS (13)

Attached: FATASS (15)

Fat girls have their sex appeal.
I gather you never seen one do erotic ASMR on a lollipop?
Normal sized girls fail at the sensual stuff from lack of need to practice tbf.

Attached: NO (1)

lol OK but I wasn't talking about their bodies, I was talking about their mouth skills as applied to inanimate objects and candy.

because desperate robots will worship anything with a vagina

Seems like she could've looked ok if she stopped eating.

Is there more of her?

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Check "that-fatt-girl" !Chad

Attached: BBW Bethany (2)

Women have no perspective.

Is there a name for this fetish?
Viewing all the sides at once?

biggest I'll fuck is Adele

300 pounds isn't enough for you?

In this case, it is called "orbiting".

The problem with obese women is that you can't see their cunts, thats quite frustrating.
I just want to see what her cunt looks like

It's called casting

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That just makes it better. Also feels great on top of the pelvis ;3


Broken pelvis, you mean?

I've had a 300+ pound woman on top of me and she liked it rough. The broken pelvis thing is a myth. The fat evens out the weight distribution, so she feels like a really heavy pillow, but you know, even better.

Breathing is another matter though. Chest sitting doesn't work so well for that reason.

Forgot to mention the old meme about fat girls giving good fellatio seems true though from my experience. They really do love having things in their mouths.

a very small niche encourages them with shit like 'every man is into x'

Blowjobs from bulimic are a whole different experience

I dated a girl years ago who wouldn't trim her pubes. Her response was "well I'm a woman, if you don't like it maybe you're gay" or some other quasi-feminist one liner.. These fatties have the same shitty attitude. You're expected to embrace her 'femininity', but you can bet your ass she expects you to go to the gym.

What makes it all the more insulting, is there's only really one thing expected of women in society - don't be entirely fucking hideous. Men have dozens of expectations lumped on them, but all girls need to do, is not turn into a fetid pile of shit. Literally the only fucking thing they need to do to suceed in society. And they'll still try to excuse themselves from that single fucking expectation.

I'd bang the fuck out of that

These chicks are hot

wtf im gay now?

at least now you can freely enjoy boipusshi

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Sauce plox

Fat girls are fucking hot, like the ones OP posted. Post more like what OP posted, are there more of her?

I usually share things based on how hard it is to find them through reverse image search, but ==jesus christ, nigger, did you even try to look for it==?


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my sides


There are girls that look better with a few extra pounds on them. Not fat exactly, but the extra meat on them just works.

As a matter of fact I knew one girl who was like that, and she was determined to lose the weight, when she did she was just not as cute.

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chubby =/= fat

Because there's a society that's enabling them, starting right from the source of the matter, the clothing companies who make this kind of clothing that comes in size 32. Why should there be lingerie for cows? No one wants a cud chewing cow to dress sexy. Yet for some reason, there's someone fetishizing this shit.

And niggers come from the poorest/most destitute countries on the planet, so their society internalized the idea that fat = beautiful, because fat meant successful/rich. So that's where the idea that fat asses and fat women were appealing, which is disgusting. If it's not tight and perky, then it gets a failing grade, yet we have this niggered society which is being told that "no, even fat asses are beautiful" as if the flabby fake asses of the Kardashians or NIcki Menaj are actually hot. That shit's fucking nasty. Asses in and of themselves are not appealing, it's unsanitary, but if you want to go for a nice ass, go for a NICE ASS that looks as I said, tight and perky. If you can see stretch marks or cellulite, then it's a fail. Have some fucking decency.

I don't care what you say, pics posted by OP are sexy to me so I don't care what you think about them

no more

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got you covered, famaroon

Attached: Huge Bbw plays with belly and belly button.webm (272x480, 15.19M)

Not , but thanks for posting. Post moar!

Because even obese women still have the top percentile of men trying to fuck them. Top percentile meaning roughly the top ~30% of western men. Usually implying they are fit, with a decent enough job, and relatively sociable.

If you don't believe it then go make a catfish profile with one of these women on a dating site and look at the kind of men who message you. You'll get incredibly fit, tall, attractive guys begging to fuck you or even have the opportunity to take you out for a (free) dinner at an expensive restaurant.

Obviously the quantity of quality guys won't be stellar, but the sheer fact that these land whales could even garner the attention of a couple guys way above their league should be enough to put the average guy in awe once he realises his own situation.


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Most of us already realize our situation. Women won't come across because they refuse to put their emotions on the line, they require men to do so, the balance of power is completely unfair in that regard. And it's exactly because of this that men just aren't. I'm not gay, but I do have gay friends, and I've seen the way that gay guys initiate relationships (both physical type and emotional type), and even the bitchiest fag will be nice to a guy he's letting down. But then you look at women, and even fat cunt land whales act like their shit doesn't stink and they deserve only the best.

Women as a whole in our society have lost perspective, and esteem themselves way above where they stand in the social ladder. You get 4s expecting 10s, 5s expecting 10s, etc. Even your land whale 2s and 3s expect 10s. Well it's not going to happen.

Go eat some more chips and slop you fucking pigs.

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That isn't true. I just illustrated this with the dating website experiment. The point is that they haven't lost perspective, but have gained it. They can and do expect much more than they are objectively worth because they can obtain it. Women's inherent biological value automatically puts them above the worth of 50%+ of men.

It's important to understand how society operates and not just blame things on "those ebul dumb womens!!" Humans tend to naturally gravitate towards the 80:20 ratio. The idea behind humanities superiority as a species though is that we ignore appealing to nature in favor of societal and collective productivity. The closer a society is to a 50:50 relationship ratio the more productive and healthy it becomes because men have more incentive to contribute and women have more security to breed quality children.

Big difference between thicc and morbidly obese.

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Thick has two c's

stop it.

thx for the fap material!

That's not humanly possible

I puked for you. You can thank me later.

begone you filthy peasant

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