Two terms. Deal with it, cucks

Two terms. Deal with it, cucks

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Good point

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So fucking based ami rite?

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If he keeps up this dumb 2A shit who is going to be his voting base for the 2nd term? he's literally alienating the entire country at this point. I don't think you want to admit you got conned and trump never cared about anything but being on the list of presidents, 1 term is enough for him.

Not protecting and defending the constitution, in particular the 2A makes him one term guaranteed.

God I hope not. He's a fucking idiot with ties to large corporations. I mean, don't get me wrong, I dislike the Democrat party for various reasons and hope Hillary has to pay ghe piper for the sleezeball politics she's been involved with since the late 80s, but Trump isn't the answer. He will ruin this country and get us in an war we have no shot if he keeps up with the general incompetence.

>Trump guaranteed two terms.

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My boyfriend voted for Trump. I am in desperate need of advice!

We were talking and I mentioned Trump's presidency (we really don't talk a lot of politics very much but I did this time) and how much of a disaster it is. I was just kind of fed up with this orange fascist's regime and I unloaded and vented on him. He cuddled with me and told me America will survive. He then said something about how the election of 1876 was a lot worse, I felt very marginalized when he said this. I told him how I felt and he apologized and worked out a half assed self-crit and I questioned him wanting to know how he could be so fucking out of touch and he said "Well I don't pay a lot of attention to the news right now, all this Trump shit is stressful." something felt very very wrong, I asked him what he meant, he said "Just the constant hate." I said "I hope you don't mean against him…." he said "Well it's nearly all against him isn't it?" I was fucking stunned by his lack of engagement, ignoring the marginalized communities that have been harassed and attacked by Trump's legions of racist white brownshirts, it occurred to me that he never told me who he voted for. So I asked him and he was silent. He tried to change the subject and I couldn't help it, I cried. I cried and I bawled and I demanded he tell me immediately, he was hurtng me. He told me he FUCKING VOTED FOR HIM!!!!!!
The man that I love helped elect the worst fascist dictator America has ever seen. I was heartbroken, I felt like I didn't know who he was. I started having a massive anxiety attack. He tried to calm me and I had to throw a lamp at him to get him away. I am currently locked in my bathroom, I think I can hear him cleaning up the lamp. I am shocked, I am horrified, I am broken. My daddy always said a black beauty like me shouldn't have bothered with whites and I have put myself on the line with my family for 6 years dating him. He knows how much of a comfort zone adjustment it was to date a white man, and I feel like all the tears and prayers my family has given for me over these 6 years is erased. I don't know what to do. What he's done is done, he's shattered my faith in whites and in men, and he doesn't seem to even be aware of the damage he's caused.
His white ignorance is really getting in the way, of course it would, but it's particularly bad on this issue. How do I talk to him about this, how can I express to him what he's done to me? I want so bad to talk to my family about this but if they knew they'd drive over and pick me up themselves to get me away from him. I'm not telling my family about this now because they would never let it continue, I'd lose my family. This is the position he has out me in, this is what he's done to me. This is textbook abuse, he raped me of my ability to trust him despite his whiteness, and yet I still love him so dearly.
How do I talk to him about this?

how can america be ruined even further? we're in the gutter and have never NOT been in a war.

you should dump him and be with your black bull

Two terms. Deal with it, cucks

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That's every politician today, they are all in it for themselves. if you think any of them actually care for the common people you are retarded.

cool story, go back to reddit out tumblr where someone will pretend to care.

this thread

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Why does he sound so full of shit, like he's just saying shit that the chick right next to him just wants to hear.

But then again could be true, could be not. Maybe thats what he wants us to think. To not know what he's thinking. Maybe, (judging by his experience)he's a master shitposter.

Now I never voted for Trump but on the bright side I never voted for hillary either.

Sadly this. Politics is a financial beauty pageant, nothing more.

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redpill delivery squad from megu/pol/

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Impeachment coming soon.

Half of Trump staff literally left.

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Staff members leaving is a fact, it's all over the news, but I guess you derive your opinions from meme boards.

His golf caddy is literally the last remaining member of his original WH staff. Everyone else has left him.

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Son that's what we call pasta. If you're going to keep posting on imageboards you're going to have to learn to identify, and not respond to, pasta.

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Do liberals get tired of loosing?

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Trump is a 1 term boi!

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So when is Trump changing the National Anthem to mirror Israel's? Is that before or after he marries Barron to a Jewess?

maybe the same day! who knows? That stupid ginger fuck, is a lose cannon.

How's that /zenpol/ working out for you?
Controlling the opposition yet?

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And nu/pol/ is still falling below 2000. What's your point? What do you think you're arguing? Trump is still a Zionist and you still sold out your standards for Israel.

See, that's why you don't control the opposition. But keep trying.

awww sheeet, op is laying down the hurt. op you my hero man. two terms motherfucker! all dem hillary voters be like aw fuck we screwed now like trump be like you going to jail, bitch.

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You a dumb motherfucker you think anyone gonna read that wall of text?

you fucked up like your bitch Hillary. Trump tear her a new asshole. Two terms, motherfucker!

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You don't know what you're talking about. You can't just spew random words and expect people to take you seriously.

Congrats on having porn of Hillary saved on your computer. I'm sure Hitler would love it.

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Made my day user. Should my sides return from the cosmos some day I hope they do not fall on your head.

Kekistan shit is liberalist faggots

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Republicans have had a hate boner for the Clintons for 30 years. If there was a shred of evidence of illegal activity, Bill never would have become President.

she has a way bigger ass. So big I would actually fuck her, for the ass. In the vag but from behind, forming against all that cushion, ooooooooweee