Alternatives to 8ch (outside of 4ch)?

I want to get out of this canceric hole.

Where did everyone go?

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Other urls found in this thread:

the whole internet is cancer now, just like you

t. tumor op!

Jews will find you there too. There is no escape. You need to get them first.

4ch isn't an alternative, that's a step back
>cancer (4/b/ isn't even actual Holla Forums any more, all of its content fits into other boards and therefore are in the wrong place, tl;dr 4/b/ is full of porn and LOL YU LAFF U LUSE XDDDD)
Atleast the way 8/b/ died was a respectable death malnutrition, 4/b/ literally basically died from cancer.

Endchan is pretty good I hear, but I'm willing to bet the Holla Forums is pretty damn slow. Everyone basically went to Mewch and Endchan.

A minor note about endchan
8/b/ right now as a whole is more alive than the whole end website, there's about 11 pph. I mean, we could make an effort to get posters there, but I'm not sure if anyone is really willing to make an effort

only good board is /librejp/ (7 pph), but the barrier to entry is too high.

I went everywhere. It's the exact same shit with minor variations. Just be the best poster around and good places will be wherever you post.

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The promised chan will feature self-moderation and OP sovereignty. It's taking a little bit longer than expected, but it's well worth waiting for. Projected exodus in ber, Septem, Octo or Novem.

Hiya trips. Have you tried Facebook, or even Reddit? I've heard they are good.

So go.
Deepweb, mostly.
Some to Holla Forums, some to endchan, some back to 4 and reddshit.
At this point endchan is now actually a viable option, as it is not a whole lot less active than here, and hasn't got nearly the cancer level. Especially in the mod department. So that is a step up, and I have been hanging out there a lot more in recent weeks as this place is obviously being actively abandoned now.
It is a temporary step though, as chans as a medium are dying, which is why most anons who left here just went straight to Onionland.
The fact that it is Tor naturally keeps out a tremendous amount of cancer, especially the school-aged cancer. It is a different environment with a different dynamic though, so it does require a lot of lurking before you figure out how to get where you want to go. There are no maps, so you need to rely on others for directions. You won't get far with bad social skills or an impatient and arrogant attitude.
If you can muster those and spend enough time lurking, you can find some really cool places which are functionally the same as chans even though the format is different, and which are virtually cancer-free.

Reddit tbh

Well, I now know where the normies who cant handle bantz went.

it's not called that, it's the underground internet, by the way torchan is breached because it's literally choc full with anons asking for CP "discreetly"


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dont worry. they'll be back soon once they smell that pedo activity has returned

tor land is just flagging yourself to be on all lists, there is no point in using tor if it's not so popular in your area

do wat

I was referring to the fact that fbi and cianiggers are basically the ones who browse torchan

what of the rabid anti-gun threads on here? im no dicksuck of endchan but I don't think that's a valid complaint about endchan. sure, endchan is slow, but so was Holla Forums at first. can you honestly tell me their Holla Forums is somehow worse than this hellhole?

Holla Forums was definitely faster in the beginning than it was now.

Trips confirm: Exodus in the fall

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What's the state of lainchain and other meme-boards like it?

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So far we have :

Anything else?

both dead thanks to halfchan jews


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I've only just started posting on 8/b/, what's causing people to leave?

Nice cherry picking faggot

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Just a general lack of interest to keep the board going. There were several things that contributed to it, all in waves. When less people post, less people stay interested which leads to even less people posting. Hell, it was only a couple of months ago that the board was very active, now we get about 30 pph on average.


Endchan is shilled every now and then.

How unfortunate that the board had to suffer the way it did. And yes, I'm ask too familiar with the downward spiral effect, or whatever its proper name is.

I thought the Nips were more than happy to replace Hiroshima Nagasaki as the owner of 2chan?

But that's just splitting what little community is left even further. Is there no good solution?
Perhaps I'm a biased source, but I'd at least like to think that by threads have been a good break from the monotony of all the threads about race and CP.

Is that not good enough?

endchan is currently being invaded by 8/b/ refugees, but once they figure out that their shit isn't tolerated there, they will leave quickly enough.
There is a reason that 4fags came here rather than went there, after all.
The other thing I like about endchan is that there is no "Sunshine" tier datamining that goes on like there is here. I still don't go there without a VPN, but you could legitimately post there without one in relative comfort. In contrast, I wouldn't even lurk here without one.

Holla Forums but better boards

We are only here because there was/is no place to go in a massive scale

Honestly, no there isn't. There are only alternatives. If there was s good solution there would be one place where anons were relocating to. There is no such place, and anons are scatteing to which ever alternative place they find most comfortable for whatever it is that they enjoy doing. Many, like myself are frequenting a few different places depending on my mood. Right now I feel like shitposting retarded stuff to trigger autistic teenagers, so I came here. (This thread is a rare legit thread, so I am posting in it with straight answers while I am here.) But I also post on endchan and Tor sites. Mostly the latter.

mewshit is so desperate

theyve been trying to advertize for months
still no users lol

Holla Forums has good features and servers that work. Freedom of speech is better tolerated on 8ch than elsewhere.
this is pretty much the last chance saloon. it's 8ch or outside

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old fags know where the next exodus will be to. anyone who doesnt know is part of the cancer.

t. started browsing in 2017

I'd go to Mewch if they had Kelly nudes. But they don't so I won't. I'm simple, never said I was smart.

If I have one advice for you OP it's this: stop trying to find good places. Try to find good people. That way you realize you're wasting your time, sooner.

Only newfags use the words newfag and oldfag

People are still working on that?

Have you tried maybe going to a different board? Because Holla Forums will always inevitably be the worst board no matter what site you go on.

I'll look into those chans.

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I'd rather everything's be centralized than having to browse 3+ different Holla Forums boards for good content.

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I mean a completely different board-universe. I want nothing to do with yoga pig. The only reason I came here back when was because of hotwheelz, felt like something to get behind. But now? NAHH!

That is the biggest piece of bullshit on the entire site, right there! How new are you that you still believe that?
This isn't the last chance saloon, it is the day room at Retards, Inc.

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There is no "free speech" anywhere on the web, basically.
Try commenting with nigger somewhere. Most likely it will result in a perma ban.
Jim doesn't have to give you a forum for free speech.
Like it or not.

The only true free speech is in congress

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Sorry user but other USA Chan's other than 4Cuck and Infinity Chan are pretty much dead most of the time. Your only hope is to learn a different language well enough such as Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, or Russian. Yeah you can use Jewoogle translate to read and communicate with the anons but you'll look like a robot with poor grammar to them.

I warn you though their meme's are a lot less developed.
Give Diochan, 55chan, Brchan a chance.

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Reporting from mewch :
mewch, not even once

Sorry, but even the thought of communicating with russians I find revolting.

I can't even begin to fathom the level of discussion, I can barely tolerate what I see here as it is.

It will be glorious

Ok retard basically what your asking for is a site like 8ch but different people…couse that's who makes those boards. Just saiyan

No, I'm asking for a site without :

Such a place simply no onger exists.
Cancer is web-wide.

He doesn't give a forum for free speech. So stop claiming that he does.

420 chan

Publishing board stats publicly was a mistake. It just gets faggots crying about how board is dying.

Kc of course. Although it's dead atm.

where will we go L:

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Every alternative obscure imageboard are filled with dad posters, trannies, and generally effeminate retards who design their lives to revolve around avoiding any and all confrontation. Most of them have rules around "not being mean!!" to others so that if you call out anyone for being a fucking retard you get banned.

Holla Forums boards are about as "alternative" as you're going to get without compromising on the inherent brazen culture of imageboards. All that's left outside of that are shit like endchan which sees maybe a few posts a week, most not even in english.

4poop is unironically better than 8poop tbh

i'm not ready to go outside user
irl sucks, it's literally just endless grinding
and the npcs.. their scripting is terrible

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yeah, that's the sad reality.

except for cucked tickets

notice how the entire kelly picture is bubble framed? that's because she's fully fucking clothed and it takes that much red to cover it up. i don't understand how these retarded bubble pics are so popular


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you literal retard, this is false, how do you explain my 2 permabans here? meanwhile they only last a day on halfchan
8/pol/ is no less a safe space than reddit

Although it hurts, halfchan has more quality than this

Honestly this. Mods need to stop banning people for anything other than breaking the law. Especially on Holla Forums, if there's one place on the net you should be able to spam & post random nonsense, it should be here. I pretty much post out of spite half the time, but eventually I'll get sick of changing ips and move along, like everyone else slowly has.


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Well there's your problem.

Yeah it's marginally more cancerous than this place.

I still go on 4/b/ from time to time… Here's my most recent findings.

That's about it. Did I miss anything?

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Sounds like an absolute shithole. And I thought this place was bad

go and stay go

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It's a good way to remind yourself how bad it can get.

Ohhooo you got me good

Seriously, you are the cancer that is killing this board. Even more than the pedo/anti-pedo fags, which is really saying something

quality post right here gentlemen, identifying three separate groups that are killing Holla Forums, none of which include him

das rite

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We're not fucking stupid like the 1/4/b/ you congregate from

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So is the wew lad face you dumbass

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yeah, thats why i posted it. you would know since you go there.

You would know it's a pre-exodus meme if you weren't such a newfag

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Everybody is from 4chan ya spergy cunts. I was a Newgrounds/SomethingAwful faggot before that, and even dabbled in reddit when it was new & seemed to be the future of imageborts. You're 'all faggots.
Except me, of course.

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That's because you shitted everything up nanotech.

The mods are chill as fuck.

Those digits don't lie

/ b / it was always cancer, there is still some other plank quality

It was always cancer, but it wasn't always filled with bot spam. The problem with cuckchan is that over half of all the posts you see are bots or paid shills who's only purpose is to derail and topic or conversation they think is problematic.

The minute anything fruitful comes along suddenly 20 retarded 1 liner new threads are made. The people on cuckchan are too fucking retarded to notice.

Hey, shut the fuck up.
Fuck you, faggot.

the whole website is run by goons, shills, agents, and the same fuckers that run Holla Forums Holla Forums /polk/ and wizchan Holla Forums and /a/

ALL the same fuckers. any post you make on endchan pol too close to the truth ends in it getting censored and and you get banned for "MUH META THREAD" doesn't matter if your post was meta or not.

This is the only decent answer so far.

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Truth hurts, doesn't it

No thanks weeb

I posted there and they said im gonna get ban hammer

this . free speech is protected there

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So cute :3

every pedo should go there and never come back

children are ugly


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If you're blind, maybe.

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she looks like a fucking mongoloid

You're trying way too hard to deny your feelings. It's okay, user. It's only natural. We're all friends here.

methinks he doth protest too much

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Oh but it is when I have hide post button

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-4ch (It has a little more quality than here)


There are none, after 8ch is a bunch of fed honeypots, pedo islands or unstable shitty self written boards with le 500mb uploads that will kill the site if more than 5 people post a day

undercover reddit Datamiming thread do not reply

The fuck is this shit?

it's really as simple as this.

Possibly underrated post??

I found some Dark Web chans a few months ago, but they were not used at all. Like one post per month.

I'd give you the address if I could recall it, but unfortunately it was just a jumble of shit.

worse, jews won

too bad jews won

because jews won

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