Baby Driver

How was it?

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Probably shit OP, I have great shitdar

Probably good for it's time, but it won't age well. Kind of like Zombieland.

I guess it's good because it's not a remake or adaptation.

It was great tbh

It looked like gimmicky crap. "Ooh I'm the greatest getaway driver ever but only when I'm listening to my music."

stopped watching there

Isn't this just Drive but instead of good music playing in the background it's autistic pop songs on his iPod?

that soundtrack looks like my black grandma's phone playlist

vile, soulless subhuman garbage.

hope the actors were provided with lots of coke off the set to wash away the self-hate they should have for participating in this

edgar wright should abort himself

Agreed, the "always listening to music" archetype is cringy as fuck.
It was cringy when that bitch from Blade 3 did it and its cringy now/

Doesn't loud music exacerbate tinnitus?

no, that's just Big Earplug propaganda

that's only because you're a skill-less virgin who will die alone, they are tons of people who do professions and competitive activities in which constantly listening to invigorating music is proven to improve your abilities.


Zombieland wasn't even good for its time just hogwash


The best car scene was in the beginning of the film.

Overall thew film was o.k., but I had a hard time with Kevin Spacey and Jon Hamm's character's in the last 3rd of the movie


spoilers I guess

The whole reason Baby is stuck in a life of crime is that Kevin Spacey threatens to kill everyone he loves, but in the end he is able to call on Kevin Spacey for help? Even after royally fucking up the job, and recording their conversations?

John Hamm is too nice to be the final boss of this movie. Why would they spend so much time establishing Jamie Foxx as the psychopath only to kill him and then have John Hamm's Character suddenly turn into a murderous lunatic

what a surprise

Yeah I agree it was okay. 7/10

Can't believe they botched that geodaddi song though and any of the car scenes were having botched camera shots. Some were good but like always movies tend to get car scenes zoomed up and not showing the full picture. Tired of this shit. Even though this had better car scenes than most movies how do you not end this movie with car chase and not a driving in circles in a damn parking building!

The girl looks like pic related though, only reason why I liked her.

Great. Edgar Wright knows how to make an entertaining movie.

>The whole reason Baby is stuck in a life of crime is that Kevin Spacey threatens to kill everyone he loves, but in the end he is able to call on Kevin Spacey for help? Even after royally fucking up the job, and recording their conversations?
I can think of a few reasons. A moment of weakness? Maybe he realizes that Baby actually cares for Deborah. Plus it wasn't that big of a deal to him at first. The kid was offering him a partially completed job in exchange for a tape and the kid would owe him, Spacey knew he could still call on the kid if he needed to. I'm pretty sure no one was expecting him to literally die for him.

>John Hamm is too nice to be the final boss of this movie. Why would they spend so much time establishing Jamie Foxx as the psychopath only to kill him and then have John Hamm's Character suddenly turn into a murderous lunatic
It's repeatedly set up though. Hamm's character was repeatedly said to outright kill people who look at his girl the wrong way. The second time they bring it up just before the heist I fucking called that he was going to be the only guy out of all of them to survive. And Jamie Fox was already obviously going to die. It's heavily implied that Kevin Spacey wants to kill him after the heist and Hamm's character said he would as well.

Those aren't plot holes.

I'll give you a plot hole.
How did he get the keys to the bronco?

I think it's because car chases are filmed on small sets now. Gone are the days of Ronin and Gone in 60 seconds.

I actually really liked it.

Could just be someone that left their keys in the car. Minor plot hole at best, but I'll give you that one.

It's a less-artsy, more-actiony version of Drive.

I fucking loved it.

I don't think that these points were plot holes-they were foreshadowed, I just thought they were kind of weak

How did this Brit get away with it?

That might have something to do with it, but the biggest reason is that it's hard to make it look fast if you show the whole shot.

t. reddit

That's why you show the cars moving in relation to something such as passing cars. Take Bullitt for example:

Dont some niggers leave their key or a spare in the dash or something?
I think if they just cut the scene with him taking the key and throwing it in the river, it wouldnt have been a problem.

I don't remember good music playing in the background in Drive m80, just hipster neo80's tunes

I think that was more there for lighthearted effect on a rather serious and depressing scene. I think it would have been easier to show him finding the keys to the bronco, but then that would've destroyed the tension of the final showdown scene.

All and all I can see exactly why they did what they did.

It wasn't great but it wasn't horrible. Pretty middle of the road as far as Edgar Wright movies go. Overall pretty forgettable 5/10