Why don't you guys just use 4chan?
pic unrelated
Why don't you guys just use 4chan?
pic unrelated
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hiro let google cuck the site
Because I left back in 2014 after the mods went full hotpocket
Before that I had used 4chan since 2008. I watched the world wide web completely die right before my eyes and now I'm riding its corpse.
I remember when Holla Forums was still new and everyone was excited "This will overtake 4chan!" "We will have an infinite amount of boards with everyone using them!" we all told ourselves. God damn were we all wrong. Honestly, I WISH someone would kill the world wide web. All of it. At this point. I would not care in the slightest.
mobile fags caused the decline of the entire web. their cancer has infected this site too.
I started using it back in 2007, and I have the exact same fucking feeling. What's worse is that we'll never go back to those times, and the only way to get something like it is to dive into Usenet or BBS.
It was a combination of mobilefags and social media I think. Social Media brought a bunch of bottom-of-the-barrel retards onto the web and completely destroyed internet culture while mobilefags turned the world wide web from a platform of a self-sustaining culture into a culture of only consumption a la television 2.0
Because 4chan's Holla Forums is everything I hate about our Holla Forums x 100. I used to lurk hoping to catch a rare happening but It's not worth it anymore
I started lurking Holla Forums around the time Amanda todd killed herself because I heard about anonymous and thought it was so cool, then it turned me into cancer after that.
I thought I might come here, the website has less traffic and so far in the three days I've been browsing I haven't seen a shit thread about that pedo emo
which one of you faggots is this?
"banter" is one of the things that killed internet culture. It's literally "shitposting" with a different name. 5 years ago we all would've called this shit pure cancer but I guess things change
It was a combination of factors. Ultimately, it was normalfags doing to us what we did to the original netizens in the 90s.
Well, if you don't mind low traffic and hourly meta/"mods suck" threads you might like it better here.
lol that vid is how i found 4chan
What killed the internet was the increase of actual idiots online. Newfags will look at old screenshots and archives and say "But you guys had retarded memes and shitposters back then just like today!" And while that's true, it was how the average person responded to these things back then vs today that's different. The average IQ online has dropped at least 10 points since 2005 I guarantee you. It's not necessarily normalfags, it's actual, clinical retards in general. There was virtually no niggers using the internet back then either.
Because i wanted to stop using 4chan, so i just went on Holla Forums and made a thread using a picture of moot and i wrote the following:
which resulted in me getting permanent banned
Then i still couldn't get off image boards and i found this shithole. Close enough…
If you need to ask, then you haven't been here long. Lurk more or go back to cuckchan.
I still pop in there sometimes, but most threads are full/dead in 10 minutes, 90% of it is shit porn. It's cancer.
Why not just make everybody take an IQ test to post?
haha, neither were you.
this. shouldn't you also mention
I fuck 4chinners in the ass without lube
ha, gay
it's not gay if it's rape
I hate how Holla Forums is only porn threads
Other boards only have 'generals' now.
When the thread hits 310 posts ,or whatever the bump limit is set to, they rush to make a new thread just to post the same shit all over again.
I'm starting to hate parts of this place . Like why the fuck do you faggots love nigger threads so much, Are you niggerlovers?
I'm black, yes.
but why tho
Im a little disgusted that you post here and yet haven't relinquished 3dpd
do you enjoy us hating you or what?
Not defending 4cuck by a longshot, but do remember this is what the average users of 8ch look like
Mostly Holla Forumsirgins actually, but still one of the largest boards on this site.
Awful lot of females, are you sure this isn't Reddit?
The same fat jew and his girlfriend are in both pictures.
Are you blind nigger? Freddit is right there in the middle
when did you guys start calling hw this?
we started calling him that when lurk moar you insufferable newfag
not everyone spends every waking moment on Holla Forums you spaz
not everyone is cut out to be elite
do you always go spastic like that?
all to true
all to true
At this point it's probably misplaced pride.
I'd probably be happier if I went back, but I refuse. I came here in the first exodus and here I shall remain.
4chan has nasty javascript botnet captcha
Nigger I was less active when the events that caused that name to happen happened and I still know why. Lurk 4-8 years isn't a joke faggot.
(This comment requires current Holla Forums Premium Gold™ membership to view in full)
Please note: This poster is an officially verified "Holla Forums Premium Gold™ Member" since 2013.
To be fair that meet up was done in one of if not the worst multicultural shit hole in the united states.
i raperd your dad
Next level she has a neckbeard and browses with Lynx.
Bottom level is an unrecognizable, disheveled figure sitting in front of a CP/M computer connected to dialup BBS.
quit showing off your fancy account richfag
User was warned for this post
honestly because of the chink I left
what doesn't it say "cuck" anywhere on that image.
The captchas are too fucking annoying
Enjoy ur botnet browser interface to Intel ME + meltdown + spectre. If you're not plain ASCII by now, you're already pwned.
It does seem like pretty much every Meet up is in NYC, as there was that one, one for Holla Forums, HWNDU so on so forth
because it's from 4 chan years ago
trying this hard
Fuck you niggers are apathetic.
A good lot of faggots you are, oh hurrdee fucking DURRR.
"Let's not actually do anything about making something cool again let's just wank ourselves off to what we USED to be." do you know how fucking pathetic you oldfags sound? You're just fucking cockroaches, pathetic little mites who where leeching off of the good times. You never created them you stumbled upon them like the blind powerless butthurt fags you are and claim some kind of 1337ness because of it where in reality you're more pathetic than the average Facebook spurgo cuck. You guys got fucked over and didn't do anything about it, you're all fucking losers with no right to anything you claim to have been a part of.
Get fucked and fucking leave, this will be a better place without you whiny, apathetic bitches. You lost so you give up. What fucking losers.
we're just racist faggots guy
Get fucked nigger
Keep riding that dead horse, guy.
What's wrong with a little racism here and there?
point still stands.
i dont care, i dont even use the internet
Oh literally nothing and I don't understand your implications
So that makes you either unable to read or extrapolate information. And since you're talking to me…
Is that Cher the singer?
I'd rather fuck the dead horse (couldn't find my horse porn)
Maybe this will make it clearer
Nice fake blood there turbo tortoise.
Yeah, at least if you where fucking the horse it would actually be funny. Lightly fondling a dead horse occasionally doesn't count. I doubt you could even get your dick hard anyway.
2008 called
Not everyone who posts here is 12 years old that grew up on Wintel products. My first computer had ROM BASIC and could also boot CP/M 2.2 or 3.0 from floppy disk. The first computer I ever used was text-only with CP/M 2.2 on floppy (no ROM BASIC). Computers got better up until Commodore and Atari stopped making them, which left only PC/Windows and Mac for average users. After that shit just went downhill fast. The Web 2.0 and "normalization" of Internet is only a symptom, as the corruption and subversion of the entire computer industry was already well underway even in the late 90's. It only has snowballed since then.
trying this unbelievably hard
What do you propose people did about normalfags like you invading and bringing all of their friends to a completely anonymous forum without accounts, names, or any identifying information and without any real moderation or control, especially not in the hands people people who could make any change?
People are very rarely ever apathetic without proper reason. That reason being a lack of control.
Subhuman normalfags came onto 4chan and shat all over the walls, infested every aspect of the website including its already cancerous moderation. People leave the website behind for another, the normalfags follow, rinse and repeat. The user never has control over the situation because this is how the forums operate. So people feel sad, and reminisce about how things used to be because it's all they can do.
Well, you're likely to get what you want soon anyways. As kikes like you stomp out every facet of entertainment people have all the while actively mocking the same people they are fucking over, you are steadily pushing people to doing productive things like political activism. Idle hands are the devils plaything, day of the rope soon faggot.
You could easily be replaced with a broken record, pal. Or even a 1-line shell script.
trying this unbelievably hard
its all i have to say to trigger
Fuck off you CIA Nigger
Hmm… Lemme think of ONE thing that you (as individuals and as a collective) could have done over the many years you had in opportunity without going full nigger… Learn a fucking lesson or two, and plan.
Yeah but you didn't lack control, did you? You owned and harnessed this fucking wild power, got high off of it and let it blind you. Normal fags understand or get what that means as it's so counter cultural to their norm, exactly what they are. Benefit of the doubt, sure you didn't know what was coming but you began to let go of the one thing that truly made you an user. One thing, one thing you could have done is continue against the current, but you failed, and went with the flow. Making you somewhat of a normal nigger yourself.
I understand that feeling, if I where a part of those times I would reminisce and feel sad that those times have come and gone but half you niggers didn't realise that this idea is contagious. Normal niggers follow you, so be a fucking user and think about what you can do with that.
One can only hope the rope comes sooner than we expect.
You're not "triggering" anything, as I'm not getting angry. At some point, I'll just get bored and leave the thread though. Serves nothing to talk if you just get the same reply back constantly. Even Eliza isn't that dumb.
(User was banned for this lack of effort)
Fuck off retard
trying this unbelievably hard
I make the same one-liner while you comprise whole paragraphs for me
(User was banned for this lack of effort)
heres a history lesson for you
Never answered your inquiry sorry.
The implications are that the internet is way more less fun and creative than ever, nothing really happens for the lulz, internet culture in general dulls, also coordination of any sort is basically non-existent but that can be down to many things.
You forgot to take your own advice about not trying so hard. Be careful, it's dangerous out there.
People can be so stupid, ayylmao
shhh, hes triggered noa
Damn imma dumbass aye
I went to the 8/v/ meet-up back in 2015, it was the lamest party ever. Mark knocked out on the floor, it might be because he's stupid by personally I think it was for attention.
I refuse to use a homosexual website
Because 4chanfags banned my ip location, and 4chan jews wants me to buy a pass to masterbait to them.
you got ip range banned? that seems to be moot^2 main selling scheme
as shit as this place has become, somehow 4chan has gotten even worse
I bet I can make 4chan worse than you, can
See attached image
I have my freedumbs here + NT Technology is a great company ++ mods here are more "open" and shit, you can literally talk with them sometimes +++ no botnet (dont have to show my ayy pee pee to mods if i don't want to)
and you're different how? oh wait, you're not, other than showing your utter newfaggotness.
do u wanna be buds?
we are being over ran by 4chan migrants
>who are shilling hard AF why?
i can't believe i bought one of those pass tokens to avoid captcha
kys fucking faggt i want friend or i will fucking kill myself you fucking pice of fucking shit you need to fucking stop i don't fucking call you fucking names you fucking asshole eat my ass stupid bitch kys
Same reason I don't use mewch: I am not a faggot.
conspiracy theory
found this on a search engine, not sure what i was looking for but it's interesting
(obscure site btw)
This needs to be a banner
like this one
hey friends, come join me and roz on mewch.net !
why dont you guise just send your info directly to the fbi?
A scrolling marque would be great, but either works.
I got banned for posting this
i'll get back to you later then
Lack of webm support.
Threads don't live long.
The website gained popularity so now it's flooded with idiots and probably bots.
not exactly.
bots are not allowed since 2013.
And government officials in the moderation shutting down within seconds threads posting any kind of good material not CP you degenerate
same thing happens when you redpill people someone on something on Holla Forums too hard, thread gets killed instantly.
That's compromised corrupt mods on Holla Forums rather than gov officials, they are secretly trying to kill Holla Forums by making it a shouting echo chamber, and they are attempting to choke down the information transfer from oldfag to newfag.
Lack of webm support is a big one for me.
except halfchan supports webm on all boards (two are with sounds)
gif and wsg
why tho?
damn thats some fucked up shit, even for me
also, i got permabanned for posting pic related
mods on 4chan are cocksucking niggerfaggots
the pic that got me permed on halfchan wasnt even that salacious…
i am asking why only two are with sounds
Cause I only have to do captcha every 50 posts or every 12 hours, whichever comes first, as opposed to every single post after the first. You do know that captcha is a form of adsense, don't you? Yeah, people pay for 4chan passes to skip the captcha, which they shouldn't have to pay to bypass anyway. And 4chan didn't do away with captcha, because the adsense gives them $0.10 for every captcha completed. 4chan is one big scheme for adsense dollars.
Here I do a captcha every 50 posts on a day where I post a lot.
they mine buttcoins
I like Holla Forums on 4chan more then here, because I'm not insane, but here are other good boards. I also couldn' t post anywhere on halfchan.
Exactly what I was thinking. No thanks.
Raspberry PIs are safe from Meltdown and Spectre.
le oldfag meme
jesus christ! you shouldn't troll anyone this hard!
Just forget my shitty bait attempt, sorry
This. The cancer is real and we let it happen. We deserve this.
based pepe frog
It's not just one captcha per post though, because recaptcha often rejects correct answers. Allegedly it's more reliable if you're logged-in to your google account.
Yeah but it's still better to avoid javascript browser, especially since you don't know what your GPU is doing (I think RPI requires blobs for that). But even with 100% provably botnet-free hardware, I'd still avoid those browsers. They're bloated as hell and increase the security risk.
comfortable compromise between normies and degenerates, I would fit in I think
i left because hiroyuki started hosting ads that break 4chan if you have a script blocker on, that where hosted by a company that didnt exist until less than a year ago and apparently was hosted in the ukraine. the place got super fucky after the mandelay bay shooting photos were leaked there. any reason to not go back to 4chan is a good enough reason.