Trey and Matt have bent the knee
(that salt though ^)
Trey and Matt have bent the knee
(that salt though ^)
To be fair, politics is already so much of a joke that not even South Park at its peak could outdo it.
they're setting up a backstab. typical Jewish behavior.
I really do wish Matt and Trey would just finish South Park up, and just make films and plays. They've been kinda vague and flip floppy with their messages and they're way better at straight up absurdist shit, I'm tired of their political crap. You'd think cocksuckers who have had their show censored because of pissed off muslim hordes calling for blood might give his policies a bit more consideration. Viacom's ass-slaves is what they are at this point.
Yeah, politics should be boring.
Yay another season of wishy-washy, boring, non-plots.
Im not saying they gotta love trump, feel free to mock and hate him but I had been disapointed with South park for a while now. Nothing can convince me they don't do it for a paycheck.
Translation: "We're washed up and we're so #literallyshaking right now that we can't come up with good jokes"
I mean, it's not like you could actually investigate and research what he's been doing and find that the real comedy is coming from the people against him. The South Park of 10 years ago would have gladly done an episode about 'peaceful' antifa protesters who just riot and attack people indiscriminately.
"Y-yeah! Take that Trump! We'll just ignore you! That means WE win!"
Never forget The Last Gentlemam
They meant as in they actually had a "Hillary Clinton" on the show
First they made a Canadian stand in for him that gets fucked in the ass by Garrison before Garrison becomes the intended stand in for Trump. Did they ever even make fun of the fly or Hillary's Chai Latte seizure?
How pathetic to reveal how much you loathe the guy while pretending you were trying to stay neutral.
I could see how they meant it that way, but it really comes off as "they were accurate to the real person's behaviors and characteristics"
Unless they had her seizing out during conversations or being dragged into her emergency ambulance SUV after any speech, or selling off political favors for donations from Saudis, there's no reason to call their portrayal "accurate"
its not enough. they haven't yet paid the price for forcing DrawnTogether out of the air.
they need to suffer more.
It was an OK show man. Its not their responsibility to be welfare for all animated shows.
they pushed CC to cancel it because it was taking off their viewership.
they hated the show because it outdid them in their own field.
Explains all the jokes about DT being in South Park's shadow on the show
Calling it now, next season will be mocking Trump and antifa so Matt and Trey can portray centrism as the only logical choice.
Thats real awful if there was any evidence for it. Im asking this genuinely.
Kind of feels like South Park got weaker over time. Which is a shame since I usually love Matt and Trey's work. It feels like their balls got snipped off.
Oh God I would love for them to do that. They had balls back then.
Agreed I think they should just do more movies and plays instead. I remember hearing they were doing a movie on kaiju where some american kaiju fan goes to Japan to see the studio where they made the kaiju movies only to learn that the movies were meant to be instructional warnings on kaiju since kaiju attacks on Japan are real.
They're autistic, not stupid. The people who voted for Trump are also the kind of people who enjoy watching a half-hour of dick jokes, fart jokes, and jokes about the kind of sensitive faggots who need trigger-warnings.
Also (probably) confirmed for Holla Forumsacks. There have been various hints over the years that the guys are imageboard shitposters.
hey Holla Forums
(nice trips)
Actually, I've never been on Holla Forums. Is it any good?
Hopefully their new found cuck status doesn't interfere with the quality of the Fractured but Whole.
Ratings for that show were below a million at best
I'd have to go back through the last 10 seasons, I'm afraid. The only one I can recall at the moment was the conspicuous ball in purple and green during Gamergate. There have been other things, but I'd have to get back to you or get some help from the crowd.
hmm ok then. Never figured them for shitposters just thought they were edgy for the sake of it.
Drawn Together was terribly unfunny though.
Sounds like shitposters to me.
CC still replaces its "other animated show" every few months, they can't have a full-fledged block like Fox or Adult Swim
No it doesn't. When they had a 'real' Hillary Clinton and just a Garrison stand-in for Trump, it's clear what was meant by 'accurate'
user is retarded.
his ass
Here's an older bit that perfectly explains you user.
The burden of proof is on you to explain why you're not a retard who, apparently, doesn't understand how television works
That's not what shitpost means, you fucking newfag.
And that's what happens when you hedge your bets and start investing all of your creativity into the fickle form of social commentary. Lazy hacks.
Too bad they took the pisstake version of the show as far as it can go
The Garrison-as-Trump thing started as an absurd joke that went way too far. I think they expected Trump to win the primaries because the rest of the Republican candidates were a gaggle of useless hobgoblins, but well, everyone was surprised by the general.
Only the coastal liberals and the global media
People were calling his victory as far back as him announcing his candidacy, and the rest of the sane people knew it after the primaries.
That's not what "bending the knee" means.
If anything, going against the grain will benefit them in the long run, because if you're jumping on a trend everyone else is doing your jokes will be seen as less funny.
Has South Park ever really made fun of the president before? Maybe my memory's going, but I can't really think of any solid examples of them making fun of Clinton, Bush, or Obama when they were in office.
Not especially.
That's My Bush was a thing
It's not South Park though, is it?
I always thought they turned Mr. Garrison into Trump because Trump himself had nothing truly bad or despicable to make fun about like the other real people featured in their show, so the had to relate Trump to Mr. Garrison, who's one of the most vile, selfish, ignorant, fickle and harmful charaters in the show so as to push people to associate Trump with that character and those traits.
I'm half expecting both of them to go full transsexual soon like those guys that did the Matrix movies.
They did one or two jokes on Bush. The one I remember, is that in one episode Kenny was dead and the boys won a contest, but Kenny had the tickets to prove that they won. The boys, then start building a literal stairway to heaven to meet Kenny and ask where the tickets are, the parents and all the other adults misinterpret it and think that they just want to meet their dead friend, so they help with the building. Later the government comes in and does some surveillance photos of the clouds and find what might look like a nuclear facility operated by Sadam Hussein. When Bush presents the "evidence" to the UN and also explains how Sadam went from hell to heaven(it was the synopsis of a previous episode), one of the leaders asks him if he is high or retarded, to which Bush replies with: "I can guarantee that I am NOT high."
There's a lot of virtue signalling in this answer, but I think the real motivation for dropping the Trump jokes is the same reason they gave up on Bush jokes.
Too many other people are doing them.
And they're not doing a very good job at it.
Incorrect, you're the one making accusations of retardation to some user on the internet, therefore the burden of proof is on YOU! don't try and pull them jedi mind tricks on me nigga and how about you give an actual argument to instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks like the gibbering dolt that we all know your are.
That's EXACTLY what a shitposter is.
did they ever make fun of Obama. If not, then they are sold out hacks like everyone else in the liberal media.
They did a couple of Bush jokes I think. Nothing on Obama unless you consider him being a diamond thief making fun of him. Personally, I was glad they didn't make fun of Bush as much. I don't like Bush but during his presidency the jokes about him were so overdone to the point it was obnoxious. That and all the comparisons to him being a nazi were annoying. Funny enough when Obama became it was the conservatives that compared him to a nazi and were silent on Bush.
South Park was never good and was always degenerate, crude trash.
Clinton was a sex addicted, Bush was a retard, and that one episode where America was so shitty thanks to Obama that all the Mexicans tried to escape and return back to Mexico.
Also I think that duck that spews shit was mocking him as well. But I think it was just absurd humour more than anything.
Also Matt and Trey regret killing Pip off, as the UK keeps doing retarded shit everyday in their own words.
Honestly, ever since both of them are married, their show has turned to shit. I really do reckon their wives tell them to cut out jokes that are offensive and crude out from their scripts.
Any source on that?
Why is it always women? I sweart to god, the world is gonna end cause of pussy.
I would agree with that, except that Brexit seems to be some of that retarded shit in their eyes
I am not doubting you, but do you have any source on that?
Women tend to be killjoys most of the time.
Satire should exist especially for political figures but it should at least be or strive to be funny before it is political and if you are gonna pick sides and be partisan about it either be damn sure you read the zeitgeist correctly and picked the winning side or at least be man enough to admit you lost because you were wrong if you don't ; their problem was and still is that they are taking sides whilst attempting to do it and commiting the same mistake every celebrity that threw their hat in the arena this past year or so did : hubris .They thought they were actually more than just actors and their job of pretending to be someone else was for more than entertainment ; they thought their opinion mattered more than the opinions of joe blow's of america that are the consumers of their content because they were part of the content creation process forgetting that the cornerstone rule of showbiz was ,is and always will be bums on seats
You are nothing in showbiz without an audience ,it's them that need us not the other way around
bit l8 there m80's
All the stuff about Saddam Hussein and the war in the middle east, and that one episode with the goat could all be considered mockery of Bush era politics.
Deliciously salty, but tbh while their last season finale was rushed and pretty bad, they did make several good points, that Trump as a president exists because of obnoxious liberal shits like PC principal and whiny feminists, and that the new Star Wars sucked balls.
Indeed. Look at KOTH. It ended on a good note and before it could get worse. Its best to do just finish things up before they show gets any worse. I mean ffs they had PewDiePie of all people on SP.
According to interviews, difficulties filming Team America basically killed any motivation they still had to make movies. Besides, they know SouthPark is just gonna keep making money till they drive it into the ground, why work harder?
To me, based on the episodes they made, it just looks like the outcome of the election was not what they were expecting, and they don't understand what happened, so they had a hard time writing jokes about it.
Did they seriously try passing that off as comedy I didn't watch much of last season.
Red carpet 99
They had Obama and McCain doing an Ocean's 11 spoof, where they were both running for president as way to pull a huge heist.
Hillary had a terrorist bomb up her withered flaps in "The Snuke."
She's not the President, though
She was a woman in power at the highest levels. Let's not be pedantic.
See you say that but the jokes they do for those people feel held back and weak. Almost like they did them just to keep up appearances while really mocking the right harder.
user asked if they ever mocked the President. Not the President's wife
All their Presidential jokes felt weak, even for Bush. Ironically the Simpsons had better jokes for Clinton and Bush Sr
Pedantic it is, then.
I didn't say it was funny, I just said they did stuff with Obongo. I imagine they voted for him but that episode was really about the election. The episode was set up so they could slip McCain in as the winner if he took office, instead. It ran the day after, I believe.
Not my fault you can't read
Well why don't they just go "fuck continuity" and bring him back. It wouldn't be the first time they retconned something. They are missing so many british jokes without him.
I'd rather not have a whole show of Brexit jokes. My family's bitching is bad enough
yeah but I liked Pip. He was cute, annoying as hell but cute. Shame he got killed because Butters filled his character of annoying cute blonde punching bag.
Yes it is, Dad!
But I really like Butters. I think Butters might be my favourite character
Turn off the computer and go to bed, son. I want some alone time with your mother
It would be SO easy, too. Just have Kenny get a nosebleed over Pip's grave and his Mysterion immortality would heal and jumpstart Pip's body. Easy peasy George and Weezy.
Can I watch from the closet, again?
I'd rather they did another Lovecraft episode along those lines
Only if you're good
so basically they are backing down because they wrote themselves into a corner and didn't actually expect trump to win and have no idea what to do next…?
I just want Pip back for more porn with Damian. But it'd suck because the show would just have him constantly be the punching bag of Brexit jokes. Seeing as how left leaning they've gotten, it'll be potrayed as a completely negative thing and no positives whatsoever. Hell they did it for a few seconds towards the end of last season.
Yeah, that annoys me. You can't even buy the censored versions of the episodes '200' and '201' on DVD over here, that's how bad the censorship and Muslim pandering is over here.
Our country does a lot of stupid shit but deciding we want less Muslims and less European immigrants was not one of them.
Also, they really can't have Garrison pretending to be Trump for at least the rest of his term.
They probably would never had made this episode when she was running for President. The backlash against her would have been far worse than the backlash against PC culture and PC Director.
Pardon my fagginess but Pip was one of the best shotas in South Park tbh. Shame he had to go like that.
Exactly. They even killed him off in the episodes you can't watch anymore. So if you had gone and watch old seasons up till now you'd be wondering what the hell even happened to him. They've really been making some seriously stupid moves for these last few years.
He's in hell with Damian, so he's in a better place now.
They probably felt it was too easy
How come the simpsons never mocked Bush Jr.? You think a bunch of left wingers would mocked to oblivion, but nope the only reference to him was in the Wiggum ep where all the republican Memebers were figuring out what good he has done through his term of office.
They were oddly restrained. The only instance I can remember is when Homer showed somebody the family photos and he said 'Here's a picture of me punching former President George Bush' and he shows a picture from that episode, and then he says 'And here's a picture of me punching current President George Bush' and it's a picture of Homer in the White House punching Dubya
Didn't remember the Simpsons being that restrained on it. I remember Family Guy and Robot Chicken bashing them regularly.
They were. It was weird. Nowadays you'd at least expect a Lisa episode where she goes on a crusade against the Iraq War or some shit. But while they mocked Republicans during that period they said fucking nothing about Dubya at all.
A lot of people actually think Trump did do some wide variety of awful things since places like CNN were batshit insane with their reporting. Like there are still people that think he insulted all Mexicans, that he made fun of a man's disability, and that he sexually assaulted someone.
Matt and Trey likely believe the most hyperbolic and insane things about Trump which makes it difficult for them to think of a way of lampooning it. Since if you're already starting out at some insane caricature of a person then where do you go from there?
I thought he married a Japanese woman. Or was that Matt Stone? I know they are both huge fans of Japanese culture.
Shitpost comes from shittalk, as in talking shit, or taking the piss. In other words, it means to simply talk non-seriously. To be cracking wise, you dumb motherfucker.
I think they might both be married to black women. But only Stone's kids are all his own
Explain how being an edgelord is not talking shit?
They both are oil-drillers
Didn't know that. From what I've heard having kids made them a bit softer over the years.
Marriage really takes a toll.
shitposts were literally posts that were shit. bad posts. hence the "ironic shitposting is still shitposting".
They went full PC retard a while ago. OF course they shill for hillary and never mention anything bad about her. They do not even mention any of those "peaceful" protests that all those rioters did with all the celebrities defending them. They also defended Trayvon.
Also this. They constantly suck off muslim cock.
Nigger Dindu Nuffin.
lolno. the show had been steadily becoming more and more sterile after the movie. I think that manbearpig one solidified it's statues as nothing but one character screaming a catchphrase over and over while pushing some overtly political or pop culture related skeleton plot.
You people do realise they drew Muhammad twice? They even got away with it the first time
And then Viacom pussed out and banned all episodes with Muhammad.
Which isn't Trey and Matt's fault
All three are guilty.
you are terribly unfunny
Drawing Muhhamad is not pushing any kind of envelope whatsoever.
Well it got a reaction out of some muslim college group. Ironically the muslim college group were recent converts.
Tell it to Charlie Hebdo.
The many people who have been killed because of it would disagree
Yeah, they drew Muhammad and they got dozens of fucking death threats from religious nuts OVER A FUCKING CARTOON, and now they want to placate that same fucking demographic that threatened to kill them OVER A FUCKING CARTOON.
They should've went with the Weekend At Bernie's gag on expense of Hillary. Imagine her being rolled out on stage, while dead by some security guys with strings and all. Talking about feminism and all the major tripes of "her" politics.
All while Bill is getting his dick sucked by some democratic-party intern.
South Park 10 years ago would've done that. But more importantly, they wouldn't extend a season to telling the same joke and story. It's way too boring.
I really miss the stand alone episode format.
Funny thing is Matt and Trey used to hate her with a passion, and her butt was literally the butt of all jokes through the earlier season.
But in their defence I think if she had won she would became the villain, mined all of mankind for their semen and realised the snuke
There was also the episode where it was revealed the 9/11 inside job conspiracy was made up by the government to get the dumbest Americans to believe the government was actually competent.
South Park and Simpsons have the same deal going here; absolutely everyone else, their dog and their dog's fleas are going to be mocking the President with wildly varying (but mostly low) levels of skill. There's rarely anything left they can say or do that the audience won't already be sick to death of.
I think it's fair to say that everyone was blindsided by just how incompetent Hillary Clinton and her campaign were. Everyone expected Trump to get the protest vote, no one expected Hillary literally wouldn't show up in swing states.
Simpsons became worse
There was that episode about the muslim kid that Butters befriends and Cartman thinking he's a terrorist but the kid is just some normal guy.
Dunno man, yes they're both shit but in all honesty I've gotten more laughs from this current season of The Simpsons than season 20 of South Park.
That was before they drew Muhammad
Wasn't that like a one-off episode and the muslim kid never shows up again?
God that would've been awesome. Surprised they didn't do anything with Bernie Sanders if they wanted to do a Weekend at Bernie's gag. Hell, maybe they could do one where the Bernie supporters feel swindled and desperate so they go to Bernies new lake house to demand their money back only to find him dead as part of some conspiracy or something.
It's the same episode where they made fun of Hillary Clinton. Yeah, the Muslim family are so offended by how Cartman treated them that they vow to leave America, and Cartman's proud that he got rid of the Muslims.
Get out
Yeah, when they actually admit the season sucked, you know it's gotta be bad.
There was actually a children's book about a duck president being shopped around hollywood at the time. They never directly made Obama look bad or foolish that I can recall. But then again, I can hardly recall any of those shitty seasons during the Obama years.
What good libertarians. lol
Hey truthseeker